St. Nick visits DUTCH FA'rHER 0F CHRISTMAS, St. Nicholas and bis helper but granted him a reprieve a short time later. St. Nicholas Black Peter paid a visit ta the Dutch Canada Club Christmas ibottomn right) called upon Betty Van Helvoirt to lead the party at the Legion Sunday afternoon. Children greeted St. Nick audience in the aong 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". with a chorus of "Jingle Bells" (top) followed by the old gen- Marilyn Tielemans is holding St. Niek's staff. tleman reviewing the had children. Black Peter <hottom left) (Photos by D. Pink) 3000 prepared to sack one of the wrongdoers for a trip to Spain Exhibit champion steer $y A.Mac Armnstrong TorontonSînekyardsjiorchampin sieee. Ion i)aye Moiter ni R.R 3 show and sale. This sicer was Appieyaed, R. i Mîssîsa uga, Peel (.ooniy, a aino lte champion Angus aod G7eorgetown won lthe memher of ste liaison 4-H sold toc $77. per coit. Dase champion Doiey Seet Cias Seet Cati Cloub, rniited a also picited op ,$200 peize wth a iloistein-Angas cati Gand Champon Seiai te mone fo xiig th teod fore$52.50pereoi Ket McKînnon, aihoagit ntpaing th is cals, a nimusn-Stoeitoen Cross safo r $34 per clvi and wegh 1,390 posodo. Beeni 6 ~ ~ 5 C sni o R.R. 2 Milton, cls.Neit Couison aiso C ehbtdan Angos cati itut di o lace, S imaiy, James indsay i vould liko ftoits ail me ieends and negnsoes A VERS' ME$RS' CHRIST- MAS AND A HAPPY' NEWS YE AR. Violet MoMililen Bill, Marjorie and Penny Hîlson Wouid lise to wsh nas.h and A VERS' MERS' CHRIST MAS AND A HAPPY NEWS YEAR i w0010 lisie toi mssh ail me tre ndOs ancd ne ihors A VERS' MCRS' CHRIST- MAS AND A HAPPY' NEW YEAR Robert Robb ie iovsSal[ ose tesends. and A VERS' MtRRY CHRIST MAS AND A HAPPY' NEW TEAR Jack, Lois, John and Jess Wood DENNIS aod KATH- LEEN KELLY and BOYS Wisit Everyone a Very Happy and Prosperoos Christmas and New Year. Pete and Millit Thomas and Family OSould like noi misit ail ltele reItiioes, iciends and neigh A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPS' NEW YEAR Freîda & Fred Reitmaier OSISO TO EXTENO CHRIST- MAS GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Tofteirmanyleiends and nesgihboes, and aiso woshito1 ithank th08e vito have 13000 so insdto Fremda dveing itsr sines, espessaiiy De. MtacEai a0d lte nurses and staff aI Msilton District Hospitli. MERRY'CHRISTMAS AND3 A SAPPS'NEWY EAR To ail my friands, neigititus and ceionises. Szarny Milis Inlieof coeds adonation is Msing meade to te Cancer MERRS' CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY' NEW VEAR to ail Our fresd and FIORElTO and tu"d ST. DAVI1D'S and NASSAGAWEYA PRES BYT E RIAN CHU RC HE S Reo. Douglas Lowry Suniday, Dec. t6, 1973 Semon Tsf le "TheenissofGoct' tua ni. Woeshsp Serove and Citoci Ssitml CAM PRE LLV ILL E 11.15an..Woesis Servise and Litoci Scitool MAY ARPABOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYTE RIAN 'ilmc esndoacond CHURCHES n Mnistee. Re. W. R. Lewis,$BA., 0.D. RT CHRISTMAS AND 811$ 4428 OS' HOLIDAYS. Sonday, Deëc. t6, 1973i WitetoI Ssndae S. Robert Reid Sossanesnt Of apnisni 11liOntariooSt. N 0.30 a.m. Wosiipservissc 0and Chuecs svtoei (Nursery facslities) .30 9.30. Candlelisght Serce Il our nieces and OMAGH i ems of Mitto tem o ry Citristmas lappy Hem Yî Monio and Ami Gris Sud & Edie Scs Wouid liksfto sito relatives, frsendsan AVER' MERRT CHRISTS AND A HAPPT NEW S' In lieu of cards a don bei ng ma0de foi ltse M Sisîcopte Associaso Tc ail oseleisndsins $EST OISHES F MEROS' CHRISTMA A HAPPY' NEW YEd Ms. & Mss. C. L. 111 Ontarso Sf., Apt TMilton,. Ontari. NORMA AND Bh KELMAN Wishi ail 00ren A MERRT CHRI ANS A PROSPERDO YEAR eeoe l e OsCia. rea and read the Ci Line membership for Mrs. MéLaren. The assagaweya Pesty- Aid teld ter Chrita leesan W.M O and Ladies' meeting aitheihome ofMs. M. Fraser, in Mottai, on eshitied a eeossiteeed cati Thuesday Dec. O. A detictoos btdid not placeteecei'ed meai ofcasseroles, cod culn, 155.00perecot foritisecait saiads and eiishes was set laison 4-H memiters pier-ot ointhe dong roomîable ioemed exceedingty sei in andtilmemtees and gess iis competision. Many ciecied ste tbte and eepaieed people leomn Saison aîiended 10 ste liing eoom wîith oeil and shoved sapportsand iied platesA seconditrp interetnii4-11 Thtissitowvas topped off lthe meat vîti [etd Saiurday, Dec. O. dessert and tea. Thte W.M.S meeig van opened vîith a Citeisîmas itymn and payee. Mes.C McLaren as cnsenee eead b ioo "Thte Geates is Lov'e" a bookt whicit translates the Bîie mis simple es'eeyday langoage. easîty aonder- siandaitie hy cildeen CHURCH 0F CHRIST Mes. Lowry vas guesi No. 5Sideroad and anus Lin. speakter and hec soitject van Trfa od ;alin Titeee Fessons sthe Tealisr Faihee. the Son and sthe Hl$oy Aroid $osseii 878605 Spirit. Site iltusteaicl with a Sunday, Dec. i6, 1973 10.00 a.mi-Bsible Suitool. Classns foc ail ages. Il a.01.-Moening Woesip $.t0mpos.-Preaohing of lte Gospel. H$GHWAY GOSPE CHU RCH A local assem hie of Te Peniesostal Assembis ofCanada Wakefield Rd. aund Hmy 25 Pasine: Res. M. Christonsen Tel. 811$ 20064 Tite Lord's Doe Sunday, Dec. 16, 1973 n14 a anI. Snl$ae Soiool. 1i.00 am -Mornsng Woship.1 0.00 P.m.-Famiiy Prayeri O300 p.m. Eoenjng Evange-1 Wednesday $ P.m.-Praern and Bible Siode. "Wtosoeoer shahl sali upon the nrame of te Lord shahf he saoed $030. 10.13 n. We 11.00 a.-0 -Wositseroice ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Pot Luck lunchand Ciste an m" Concert. o cno ordial inoitation is ex- THE UNITED for te.cded to ail. CHURCH 0F CANADA Maso Sf. aI James si. eliaHERe Minisîser THE ev.C. A. Hoasne,, PRESBYTERIAN RýA.,M. Do., CHURCH Organissfand ChoireLeadser iveo NCNADA Mes. Horoli Mages KNOX CHURCH Sooday, Dec. t6, 1973 Il these MILTON itenii Milvofer. 11:00 a.m.-Soseosenf 0 00v. John M. Murray tocBcsniMscb i MAS 1Organisi Mes. L. VtOsbiom CioyBtsoîm. ui y Sonday, Dec. 16, 1973,. 113 a.Cituesit Schitmi EAR Bsie Sondas Nuresy lassilstes. ato s1il 0.30.-Divien Service .ussuiae Sermson fisll e h ie ie MILTON GOSPEL n. Sfoenne Weaîthee' HALL 9.45 a..Sensor CithuS. .07c22 1 School 306 OOOntarioStN.8822 Alifm & 1.0, .m0 -Junso Chuesit 1 Chitîans gaftheed in lte Svtooi! nonne of lthe Lord Jesus Chit. 7:30 m. -Chitsmas OR A Festvual Of musics he chonirs Lord's as S AND and senior siturcit siool. SUndIsDc1697 .0! lSponsoed by lthe Yon0 ca, 1. 6 17 People's Society. 13 3 eaig$ed PoCoCk Nvesey tavililses prousded. i0.30pu SundBrakinoBea. Let Us Worsis God. 12.15 pomu Goups Secusse 202, Wednesday, $ 9.30.-Plaise and Bsble reding. GRACE ANGLICAN Ail Are Weisomeý To Titose CHURCH ISercs Be noldeclsed Gossss not RUCE ReclorRso. R. W.Fosfee 3okd or wsatsoeuvea Organso Rob eel F. Argai rp.G.6.. ds and Sunday, DeC. 16, 1973 EMMANUEL Adnt 111 , BPTS STMAS '800 a.m.-Sole Communion CHURCHT S NEW 19.00m Si Matin,,s CoMalins lOiow0 hy a preensîloiou Cnmesiai Street, Milton. Tht Reason foc Chitsmas" $78-$606 0 7$-,i542 hi lte paus of lte Citurchint eesm PasIor, De. W;.iiam Sstoil. Fosîse. Ontario Bible Csollsge. .on0 1 I .30 3.Si Eucitaeisl saiion 00d Sermon, Sunday, DeC. 16, 1973 Thursdoey Sesembi' 13th 10 9.45 a m ~Bibis Scitmi. 030., Soir Communion, ut 00e,. -Moeîing Wrhp SiSnday, Sssembser17t6, 7:30 6.00 p.m.-Song Sei. P .30 A.C.W. mostieg, 7.00 p.m.-Eosning Wo0e bsosîeing msith -oy Com- siti- muininIthe Ohuesi. Wednessday, 7.30 p.m. Tou are aimais mieîsns Prayee and Bible Slody. tom lte lims Op IGease "LI useeis$ot805Hoase C lle.Mies ltis Citristmas lte Lord mifth $banksgtoing a Happy oee, by alîendisg land Int00 Mis Courts wi$6 shusit ltis mont . . praise." j! diagram anI sec expIanaion dsd much to clarify the subject. As weii, she Il ol J s eseperiences in lier lite I asa Chrisian and ait - 1aad des vas instructive and inieresting. .iresnessbee HAVE PLENTY 0F COKE The cling eate s the ~' ON HAND FOR m8mm5u.A V lb pkg peesentation of a lie snis CHRISTMA *UNhflUf 5 l kgj ershsp t0 Mrs C, McLaren__________________________ wos bas been a valuaitie Fez re 1 a memter oftihe W.M. viocs e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ comsngterom Westersn Canada Co a Cola MAI C FEE 12 to makebhebomse hee Mevs. MXM CFFE 12 and Mrs Lowvry presented ~ c _ _ _ _ _ _ the pin. Aitbough taiten .0 bo.e 4n 9c coi ae y u prsM. MANZANILLA OLIVES 490 propriate reply. Food land o o 1 soz.ja Mev. Kennedy thanited the note r- hostess and tiose taking part 40o. 9ciinTBTTR5 in tse pengramr and al] ageeed ru u BTE tht it hitdeen anenjyatie 57 linne.iko Le30nn îî oz l' Tbnnb$Sar Ooap Pnsdens$ 5b. psg. LIQ ID FOR DISHES SOAP CINDY 3 OS PADOS 29eb DETEnuENT 990 Change lanes ______ 37______ Lanssa-Bons Pak oue4rllpg -colide -8oz. Fenegesol A'69 Vaushail Visa dessen j " KLEENEXNaji Bntss AfK hy James Ednacd unîlmes , MACR O~Ul Napsn Wnodstos.itand a '73Monteo 75 nnckg.2 pyinH O SaulSen coclie SPAGHETTI Fassai Tissunek nlio 200's 3c TSU 2pkq 99g KLEENEX 839199 The accident occucccd-- ^ien the Steen %ehicle al- isqasd Bleans onsso Pinon Peeled tempted tii change lares, 128 oz.aa 520 Mitosn poisce said I gai 1.TMTOS 4" iM--lu 0I %sestimated ai $50 svhîle UnsMsafda tasFoidacb nft% sthe Vism ceceis cd $211 fnc aiae z asFo1adP cbi, 0 ARTICHOKE HEARTS 2 ',89' MARGARINE 3 g 90 $1,000 damnage WE SELL ONLY GOVERNMENT GRADID MEATS Ont. St. crash .. Mapie Leaf Coil Fenoon Mapn Leal lbc pkq. A '73 ltldsm,bite deiven hy ilt Teomsnd 33 damg PLISH SAUSAGE 99c1 .BREADED SAUSAGE 890 agecFciday atternoon when it FehLean MeatY FreshLean Meaty Frebhean Meaty coitided sîth a '68 Volvo dciv- h y Acchîbatd Lyn, 653 BLDE BRAISING STEWING Jovce Slnd 'on lOntario St. nrWioodwsard Ave. Lynsws rcedngfon OAST 951b.RIBS 991b BEEF 1.1l8 b a stop sit, tise stre ie the accident happened, Mit FrebhastyTender Fobh eanMeaty Fnb "Loin" Lean Fnesh LeanMay ton Ponlice ceport. TI.e 'silvo eeceivecd $730 damage. Thece PORK PGRK PGRK PORK wrnoinjuries. hLIVER HOCKS CHGPS SHOULDER Parked car Oat is involved 69b 55b 95 Ili 75lb. in ccientENJOY FRUSR PRODUCE WITH ANY MEML '73Ford Capihennging FoiaPde RUIT F99C CLEMorniaJiSiz 11's r49c to ttonald Berry, Mîississ auga, wiii recuoire $1300oth GR P F UT 10L M N ni cepaies ailter an accident Sun o nd' 57 oycdd eh / ic Omee Caliona OSie 210 _1 nRd" CALIFORNIA Slnd. ,Satocday at 7 pnsm. The b 9 Car 570prkdo Boces T NGERINES 3 'I 99cI GRAPES 3 99 Si nea MarySt. ai the tme Thte ltoeiand vehicie ce- No. U.S.A. Fs nsp Nn.1Ont.Green Not0USAWitestFim eads cciveed $201 dianage police reprt LETTUCE CABBAGE CAULIFLOWERS 'LaOdE é Lacq B The childeen cnjoycd the 2 Heoad I 4 c îgs39p2 9 ssote's frs e al snofall Heoads 3 SuCa, u otrssaintda Waxed eles OSceets were stonhy and i -- sel, oeueur 9UR IP BANANAS 9 ib -Fient somen of te OE N DIL 8 e.T 0P.. ST R 8 AM O6FM 0i se8888 appeared ibis weeh. To o Mat11 ME R SAPI To a nepit misit Mer H- Eotend yous Holiday Greeti$gs in this conveie t coIumn Dial 878.2~4~$~1 cali by Friday d p.m. Cor next Issue. - ----------- - ----------- quuý