- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~'W. ci ,iSl9blccei(s 5 Usee~ eV. 14,IIP MAPE OOE ARSELD. LE T19Ar el Sa «del THE EXPROPRIATION ACT Io tne atepayers ai the 9EAL STATEcollI F(s Me'ey SE COcarere r eesso9311Whe 1Mt Notice of Application for Appronal to ExpropriateTaniMltnada Reuie in hiwigSon arageents wîth u.N IffT A adthe Ratepayers ai Reurete oloig L9 RatO.8784129 IVI I I IJf . N 1H19 MAlTER 0F an application by 91e HALTON Eeeni'tg87 431. 4it act 1973 REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORi1Y for appracai te Esquesing Tawnship SECRETARY - M NEY >rpilth olwnladfoth uosofSem MAPLE Leaf Mb lsResearch anONeleiiatei9199folodt9ot ied or epeeetsrand h ono Dicta typteg and able te serk sitheet soprnisten. Centre regeiren tell) te eele bnetatrt )9 cnrI a h ana en the p'eiteeeunit saili 877 (a) Pari et Lots 1, 2, 3 (te), 4 (17), b and 7, Biock 7, (1eetaei Oaktiîîe wha art awners PURCHASINO 7515 fr ,'terees LewstcI2'td trergagos Srece, inth1e Twntef Milter in9the Ceertiyetf Haton, OReit es . btqht ets,tanttforee.rs1, cinletnand Prchas el,,tetee aeoftged q e r.-99elbueteMI TtLhl leecesolckeltteiSfereeyl riVetin .tg of ematert o r i 1ere. ca,ttcmtc ot, ilty pyeS't55t5 3 0 nd qrsTe DI, I tîta e r 20et ye s (c)îar t of Lts ,,9li and(ci10,ttBloc ,(etze tof property abuttrng setrpary Applat sthed have soerepreelees bsies ornlRecorde e leesteîfor Prime reeteers tclethlLesseettleeeokflMileSton.tl tlS, eeperîstse. rtesba'tîall't irlined and the e 55'181t11 tttocm ui es cartrirs inetoter e, Fret raesTeswn et Mlton 't the Ceety et Hate,,th o n fMitn eat etesteet s119 iat 314 gecrt atti't eeld lke toecarisnnee CeteOpleteir 3open (d) Part et Lt , Seeu th aki Stret, (TeetzeetSrveyt, an'dt moneperscettapp59742dPartefLots12antd 13, Concession 2,NewsSereey, Towntet GENERAL HELP pdt.'ec aiRa ii peet ae n Mttchta9receetsetHlxe fEgg Grading station. Hersia.tn 9e5.30P.ns SER V ICE STAT ION Che tebtts,'e îdde hage OIE(S09991 IEN994 ppicit a be erEeperiettted reierred S1p aree't d 14cotmpare :rmadetrnereaiioeePrPtiatette aferttcitii'edtlands 9e'tts EsseServieStatieon, csis, 91999 cailleor an, ,,,sheeetetpepsedcxprpriatin'Pans C.DEa9dFdatedthe TRUCK DRIVERS Ma,,, and Bnrett Streris merdiate appeittentti'tyeer 399dye a, 1.antd pre,59r9d b't Fred G. Cunn'inghamt, OTAIO, Eeperiettsed for 'tîgt ptek-up ot (tee peatr't. Steady entptey- -4m2 83 he.tr.a'td 'tes 'arlceiarty described in'th9e Sciedete herete ra eO te 'tent 411d tep sates. Wl)) cesider trainitng sutabie appicacis FP97T IME and0e))ultl teme, JOBBAC' Anyowne1r etf99landsinrespect oet s19l5notielis sgtvee't he O'taroMuniciipaBoard St te- Tracter Traiter Drlei1g. drTvers. Mst e be'tdabic, JE A T1929366 desires arnî'tqiry 'nteeshether the taki'tg etfssuh lantd stair, (N THE MAlTER 0F Scellneo 113at naserercees. er7t12et. aller heers Sounda'td roase'tahy'ccessaryin'thecachievee'ent01th eetTtb.ncig c TRUCK DRIVERS eqi)t'3 taslit9.1)7 e~cîe t99 erpit1eateiyca)s 1tt 1e(.00. 1970, C 349, ter delieery et 9oo4 proutss Ms e eeer 22 years for Insee JUREN I stret'rs'teededl FENAMO9E 9.1. Ltd. approvi't atherityin(rritii'g.-adP aneepcsfoyet.epaayiri Chtiqed Etr MetrberO.M.9.A. a)in,'thescaseeofa regtsteredes'ter sereed pers'aiiyeor by OF an c redre er s eecr, le regsier'tdtrait sithi' tihirty deys aller e s srreed eth 91e (N THE MATTE9 0 h Appt't Te. Ca, Mrs noetisr,99ttceorer,1199he issereed 19e peblisation, ihi' t tiriy duys applicatiin Ay 119e Cer. 6712 jj j .jalert;htirStpblicsationcofthernotice; pratio oftheîeToneoMilton f Mapte Lodge Farens Ltd. t4e2M111151191,9inthesaseta't ecrwrhe snta regisicrcdoer, ew1i'tis appresat of is 9estr(cted biLtenccetratpe'tWnser , I Cerdesb cdselr teaapitethe rstypicatonof'trnoiceps. Cherchill Oted, tand'etii rerhouratrrd wi' pe thereîcar11et-,Thc e isro neat Netratyi es es pant etr ern 42n9a29 sertieetempoerd 5 major e aret,,desdre's Pcc,.Quee's Park, THE ONTARIO MUNICiPAL ' se'tpa'te 'eshes te.ssa'tee ,clt 79eee8, Trente. BOARD 1errby appoints and wor& teePhese 911ce5ert 51105_55 2 277THE HALTON REGION CONSERVATION Tesday, 91e 19919day of CANADA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fe PhonEeit3iE114 tre 51113reand whtrirte073cai 1pahee CAAAWR AL IIE 3255 essieeecd tete, ,AUTHOITP e 91ectesi li73,eittre) (9r MINTENANCE r Ja'ittes1 el elesd,le.stedeof .cet, ftitetok(oaltm )i rtquires a ceri t,,ormature maner Mitonee PeI. eeett aareorard BOttossHARRIS, CHAIRMAN 9the trecoeth 1e Coencit 4bsta,'tet 91387 201E'ttre am oI Chmrbers in t91e Tewn Hall te MAITtrNCEeLCeeîeA 9124m2930 e p..r 827teetr 5 Pet tTHE 1EX P9OFIATIONS ACT presîdes that, 919 be etMioentfor 9the reetee96c (ae lehre antt'teerytisreiteested. ilshatt beserndued by anther.ng cd It parties ite AI TENNC ELCTICIN ILU de typirqo emty hoecMLsGetdcr.eee.5 rersetsr:pii b 1eMtîire estand414AI9-tresed rsepoi( or Aaipita'ts sheld hase Jereytrans icence or, e yatpers 878 4451 erct.ceen Lbsdo,tr an1111. try o'ter api epçthssnstrofJstri rq 19e ppiaton. etpereretin lice t f.SnerIndesrieeec cperte9tce 3t9'e pnkroese ei,'tscelier,e4tc pIort tesessary, Ths psiioenreeres shtttsrk padtapretittttMeA'tUE reli,3sieetema' s,î cr11e ad Leser eas'tere b) theî'tqiryofe't.,I edo'latnd34ar rate Oet's9e4.3derherictectettetrbettt. de ecsoteal sabysttirs 1 lcaec ceti ater O Pet 1119 iltshaltgîeeeery party te 9the î1qery an epport'ity te 'tl represenied ,a ilihs Apl.deseroreeetons. 8785759130 70 presettede'e adarguetan'd toexamineea'tdross-.tearirt.ithe9Boardtray pre- PERSONNEL DFPA9TMENT43M293015 m9 299 examie w_ es. c, ither perse'tallc et S is see'tset or ed in ycer absence and yoe T ýage tl)a9391 be entited 90 311 170 GZOWSK I2M L(iJ)Um IEiLULU11n'd tthe ppreir aettterityithatearPrtytehr'oieo91ere PERGUS. ONTARO ATQUdhnaCbnes2teiqur earfxdsappoetfoa cs theinqtraytrits ng W-9300 0t4PEsretterectedetntertrete Lirger eaheoe'tetcyc i to eceerp00adtheedatre'iterahtsseistttseit'ter.sd'g. 42ntg29 aistol cu eteevlced ie teCrre'tttseesanere crsdsr'ttsterder teeepreterialîng astheriiy tepayrscctcosts I1.loeent therdescion i cretra. rocs and field, tabetes7814517 trthih. 'resereed persors iaking part besling, sprts, siehs1-,ai cnte c a nfieharn m yrqus t.B carnLrie et e 1erve thet 2.., Oscer and rrgister'des'er' aedeirettesa 'ce.errtatgri PBrcarenC imi. dree s oneepeîc 3115 le tevàl fIiesWssey oeth91e decsite't r311the1 Brick Ceen riMiteore rtc B'weor'tledes eatrertgegee, tentant, eeestiie'tsredtter, a preidîrn toard oeber. REGUIRES EXPRIENCED j O ri,'tt',eaclepes LAKELOCK CARTAGE persnetsiited te a lîtrîted estair et isierestin'tlad1 Sech desîsOn st. e te lce"tereehm't titeeofthte etate o entally inetcescetent erseseore atuyeeshen aaitebtr. Kilo Operator teerio Sprcerce and aiso AINNERS Of th.eLions15 CleOf Brick Hacker W yne Cssenr$0, a Appty Thetras Si Pant9. Streeltsitle, h 61m930 (416) 277-4111- or (416) 526-4111 4220 AcE ta e n re for Hoe-eOfice -Apertre'tt prse'tetao S 1'toint sag ' ctai rs.eandeîa ardianh, Meees eoeceieor.adntin1strtrrtrstei'tshotriland iseed. reg stredosrer" entes an'tes'ereoftladhose i1ierectiC forsîighi1tsdestial tCelnd isdeied andshose11aeros syrciied isant't or Cemmercial Oliverirs struetitth9e reper regstry. la'td ttien er sherifis otfice, eand ittcides a prse'tshew s1eat'teatteftlandeonthectasi for PianoeMoeusg and reesed sssstr'rtreoll Disnotlisg .Te r'eprepratrq etherity, ech osror she noCifies9the for Caerieets Service a'd ppreeint'totherttct hetdsresa el'ttt'glinrespecitofthe Los ates ladseintieded to e'tpreprtotedeandettyos'tet addedas a party Sy the s9ciry etticer are petes tote'tVr qery. Caîl 878-5222 l Thi fi4stce trsi pclîshcd os Wedr'tsdey the 791 th fNecber, <5S.~ Lincaîn-Mercary Dealer ,631109O284e reqire 9ABt'SIT't' wncd 0749 OOWNHIPO S SNG 160 ACCOU NT ING Claso "A" or Cass "'C" tecro ed boyi h om,83 ender POSITION tePie Capit iae on yer 'idn 6 CHNle 2mr29 290 F00 P nos)aedge and expet ce iSnowplowing scoetinrgandseost accee'ti Frteullor parthte epioe cas t iloin p ine Accept resperstbility and mlrtt halengesithhistmedum -nt....fnyaecpes eek ...eSES M 1de,0 ý1ý Se ý1de ýr Wý199 r teaotpay as yetebecorte -aboeeaerage bencîlts $ceearont.Cl 88 e y Wn e ino)eed is autphacec ot book -highec fat ate sage 6m2S94 eimrFec . eeping, cSos19g. tireciat gerante Georeton . 3u 0 .atetro1ts adrecerciiiatier -etrerey sei eqe lppad ocljjj*onljon da ofaccoterts aller tria) --perceraied atnoseeNýme 9 93 taas 93 ) Oc hcat a~ MOLLIEMacGREGOR gae 00hW eowrmn KE2n ETPUNCH 999O3pto at 1 SCHOOL 0F DANCING o.yraestee 29 a1d 120 toperiorse. Galiager Mtars Ltd. operar. fuel 3114 peatri Seeraittrnedtatee'terings Modrn Jaaz oss. An1aelo5e ofeee teaitabte I'qere r ght MILTON Ftaaa Chidren &L Adeit Classes otr par day si3rdIby itre ssey, (M.0.263) ait-283aor Ballet -Tep -Hghlan1d sîil c trade t ces e3' $135 STNC, RAHRt7 orioffdays. Cenrac iretrt 135STNOGAPER Tronto9OU ront Deetber 15V. 1913, ecetary 90 9the Gerera i 2rag29 Inia. 878-9788 ntît Mars19 159h.1974ei. LosestS Manger crrepodeneSTUDIO, MILTON LEGiON or a'ty terder 'tot 'ecessaricy teiarager cOrrtspe'tdlotseo aceepted.F op tenyrîcadetesnoc et Mechanlic , Thrs. afternernc C. E. 590W5 ipprt11iy otadta'ceand Esenînts IOAOSUPERINTENDEN' 'tent. IT srk 99 arm a394Ile TOSNSHIFO N appoi'ttntns necsccarc dstial rnipmnt ,tracter .ESOU ESING. oerhaesetc.steadyseork. G ISE oeur chld a latnetsîetaeo MRS. STEWART 900494 iettseiattiay. CCt",mas 3fttf et i Appty Enroiliw11s ,tC C.ee e Sardey HALTON CENTENNIAL a ea5 2)16 Hrb.qostfor accoree'oness 345 Lak es here Rd. E Yooeg's Farte 878o5e4es 6m3e 297 MA00 Catrber et Commtterce Eqeipmenet etre-e ENE Oavle t.aîg ' s, sCrners 9111 05PtLE't'Stdeo et Oakit),019 ~ .apISnsDa'tceeaithie MitLegio't Sealed te'tders for a 42mr29t t S ea ,12rd3r.eeeStt 110000909 Cas sisntp. ttardb1319 iaVA 429930 Cetrere 'erree, sc 1 974VA setIl19e recoeed tp teo4:0 Sales Clerk TRUCK DRIVER 4,193 tcfcaiNs a e S1reire an energeicsaies REGUIRES obi3î th 1e ofie oeV clerc k tth good percerahity Mst have Chaottfer's Admni1israirTnderstrmust tsrr tteepoiion. Ex ceneNEdsae 19in e addressed te. Peretceetnsaes anassetbte usss adatNrEigW CttiteoM'og1e mit esseriat Id.FI'ItonrienieSte tValMa Wrt Bc20. Serior propane LtR '0and c11. Ottared Tne Canadîte Champion, îherpserardMattSt. adstrytekd'cte 19) Ma't Stret. Miton, Ont. sf and 2td for Vn' Mlt', Ottarc Lesesteore11ytndr'nt 4m9 Phaone 8782318 MORTOGAGES ,ecessarityesscepted. 42ttag29 Servies 7Wt negriiy S. A.ALLEN OM t.Mihr ASMINISTRATOR GENERAL FITTER -WELDER 10% ONHPFEUSG OFFICE HELP ýaIeeýea tee abricaterTWNHFFEUSG This s a part lire postier ai Good s ages and sarktng --Contbne tsi and 2e4. TENDERS prest, sorktrg 990t e))ull serditions. Fay ait yor bis. e inte lter e 1on ndsrii -Comrbin1e 'o Deu'tiscde iyplnlin îtne. y' e îtduti dhees phe etic. ' eIding -Add a rerer. SAMNDO TRUCKS KILBRIDE 294 Morgages ren13 seaied tendersswiti btreserv RICHARDSON CHBV- percet. 94by 9the towship crk. Del LS 8782241 ANYIME CALL. 'te Frensh, R.., George OLSJOB REYNOLDS ticn 9e9t..12:0ec)c PVneeac LICENSED Plrenter. yetr ,- ci-r rrModr Nenbe 0 for atoentmntni 2999 7e P ig Milton, 878 INCOME Muniotncoc for1't73,1ert rucks G.V.W. 4m21242o 2ntga2e 22%2 t 25.UOOriunttttnte1 sheeolriy I , SERVICES bsisi he V oeru r in PERSON 90 dc 'a' "t ee, i stde operaote)at i - etedeîtrntetef or large 6391043 <Eeings) ar operaingcss.A a<sas Qakettit S.M. Seaterchip. of oe heer pe day siaedby CARRIERS bnis. Orlay rle pesny 527-4557 Hamitan in:-fottbentdescniptrat shudapy aiGare LecE.slk, ay.Sers Wanted 8_ 320't (9,29911 a.m..5p.m.t tinte front Decentber sî, 42m29 2959tcm î173to Mach 1tit197r Fr th Troto Srday Sger .VttEest t'tat5ncessarely acceptai apers te 19e deiteered Ront a't nethae/ttaetI5 OcsscelgetàderieC.5 Sseda etreegsoey icence, oooepas. flood OP 90 cialet RAS CE.TEDN Cati eoretucete AcitrBecker 0Mill, te ChatepionesaSRA UP INEDT Co.2'S' oeltE ., sctse bu 94 rte Oed dt "..eCost 10745100F 8273914 Phoet83-01260. and the respeesae. Diai ti8.2341 ESQISNGe ,2m929 4aoatrgtt Mat M place peur ad. 7tnta2t S CH EDUL E Prs1,.2, 3te,5se,7 , rc.9,10e.1il 12, 31, O1e erd 11MirePOed etan eceprpitionerC Parts 1, 2,t3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8O Prtsl1,2,3,4, 5,côardî7 Parts t.,c., 1 4, S, 6, teand8 The prepoed expreprieli Che Ottîc't et tht Helter AafStreetMeltnOn Drparlmnttoe teends ers tC SEALES 11990190 drc sse d te. the Ce F etorsia i.ere Admietr2 Servîces, OntarioeRec Depetrt t oet PF Serks, Canada, 25 Stý Ae1 Eest, (0919 Tororte, Orterte, MeT aend esdesed 11919 F00 POOJECT NO. CLEANISO, POST 0FF CAMFOE LLVI LL E. unsfi 1ee,0 cnt.(19 TUE SDAS', DECEMBE ebterce and may ey se the te 0 et eg Ottecter. Ortartoci R, Peublic Werks5 Cea4,, Cleir Avenue'tEast, 0919F Tereste, Ontarie MeT To e ee sdercd ech f tees)tee sebettied oi tertressptîied tet Seyortet'to us occetpre'd by thecse spesced 'nthe1te Th9e Isrst et sly testE 'tecrssettty accepted. Ch'tt, Pttectalad mii;a Servcs Aucti Antques and c( Let 13, Con. 6, Erusîswp.. 240 SATURD. Ce'sstg etftary o)d pieu appie pelr. dresser-,; hed scdeMoard, 194 Pniac Pt peesc100 yers e)d. PA DATES ai Trente ihis 17919 iday et Octer, 1973. SECRETARI I THE CORPORATION1 0F THE 1 TOWN 0F MILTON By-aw Na. 9-73 EXPLANATORY NOTE This Oytas sil atrend 9the rotsti'tg Resrird Area Be- tas efth91e MilterPlann1ingy Aca. bigithe Z3rtrg 9y tas otihe Tosn of Milton, By tes Ne. 31 69 as atre1ded, Auction Sole tee 1H19 ENTATE OF THE LATE C.W. TAYLOR PLUS ADDED CONSIGNMENTS IN THc AGeICSLTUOAL HALL FA IRG9OUNDS, MILTON SAT, NOV 1791,et 129009N (STIITuESI Cek detîce ceemsuicete, bufet i sthc dss t dresers & mtirter,cextentsion tatbleeand 6'tether tt'aied chairs, Cherryeensrionrtabe agod e;ak ee nsiotntble9& 4 'tatchitie oek chatrs;,1/. brasc bed sI9F. spriegs & ntattrecs, 4 Craser Ash dresser, 3 draser As9 dresser, Mapte 4 draser nsw trent dresser si19 brasc pellst 3 pince Watnet bedretrn ellte, 4 draser dresser, 5Odraser chesl s(919 )eselery boe, drtessing table and sf999, geed oe;7i nch grandfather cterk ctth Westrn'irtcter chintes (n a Watttet caset Ancenia 12 Intch m1arbale dock, Jacqes & Hayes Oak cideboard, Fiee dropteat table; Pt11e kttchee tablet Fine blanket boext Vtc. beniserd .piedteback rockert Bosten rocker; ttddteback chair, gerd met Oak Morris chair, secerai ether gerd 3)4 chairs, spindie. oackc, pta9kceatretc. Oak singlepedsta 4adraser desk 28x42t Oakcotrmodeerncastorcst wckertfr9tand;tsicker3fer plant stard, Watrei tere stand. rtcker sseng basket, sestng tabtnet; Mahegery itoor tantp, Orrate Wainei bor tatrpt teaey cast tableotatrpt102gal. ceper botter; large castilron mcit pentp a qeartity 39 3)4 books; pr. et flash glass easec, thîstespooereerat Eng. chtra ceps &t, cers. rate rntight tieteretd3ocea't blord 993 caddies, Lito1 993 caddy; Chrisiehetter saler tins; 30(i anrps, t linger tatrpt min. Canadian sstrt tatrpt Wedgtsoed 1971 catendar plate. Carrieat glass candy dtsh, pr. of sooden brass topped hantes, 4dor 5 piecos of horst bresst 5Sgal. ble floral creck )crackedtt; otd 2 gal. crocis. Aterica9 Stock Ce. seîght dlock, pertectte restored, 'tantot dlock, perfect; seýerat picteres & patngs mnayin9shsce piretrares od cast ion Franklir ctoveDen- can Phyte drepteat saIne9 cet. teble; roend erk pedresiat et tebto, retinlshedt t 094 etolir & case. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES. greernylonrephtcttredi chestertîetd and chair, Frigidaire 30 Inceht4berrer etectrtc stoýe Adrttrat 8999. retrigerator. Bisse0l carpet ssenpert Vikintg 3 hresh itoor pelither. Viking srlrger sasher, 0.19. aehereaiîc shrVikirg dryert 4ogoodscoodee 137411chairs& coice, a stratilgeantite 39 hutcher etencits etc. Managetrnttor aectîonenr 't responsibto for accidents sale Clay. TE9MS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE MOS. HAROLD 990OW9 JACKC LAWSON, CLERKS. WARD BROWNRIDGE, AUCTIONEER PHONE (416) 878-6730 Auction Sale for Rackwood Distict Caille Brteders To bo heid at the larmeOf A.L. HILL Lot 4, Cons. 1 on theno t Lineofot rin Tntp.- Sitoatod 4 Mites East aI Rackntood or 4 mites N.W. ot Acto't Oy as 31-69 prrsentlieo 19, l0 end 1 en prepcsed pa'tofEx9epreetees SAT. NOVEMBER 17, 1973 AT)I P.M. Section 6 (15) lot "Where BE CIL et onprepese pieanet Ecprocpriehion E lot is esed 9r a Non-Rtc BEFOMA 1 BS HL Caoucss 019 ent, Pari Red 8 onproose pln o Exropiaton îdnet19a1 s ros lotdfine Aags heircabrr Aeg..HererdseewbredLimouesin aerreescel'ttcereceo't ,orirtintdeerea)o)it, a (Esbroettert duecsale bnte, Hreord ses broto Oct. 17 itiesPlansC, D,9E'nd Fre o eine't 0ideni ue9 r n LimousciEsbrofer)itIht14A BlazerSeusl a oMr'31tJe)e. 1Reguer CensersatoneAthrtty. 235 deeipedirlard na't R or0 Aeges ros bred Lintoesin tEsbroettort Oct. 9 b as pari Charo- taiauendseca e oirspecied dterg Zer,ihera stitp oftland tais (Bakustbeut caf aicide borr Aeg.25; Agscswbred Lmrousin(Esroetiert Sept.23 -Herford heifert(Esbrouitert ado'tt sc autj ltbed Stpt. 23; Antes 2 yr. oie heier erd 094 Aeges tGo)d Cap 77M30 lireor prtiontheref, Dket du e b 27; Hreord h944cr about 700 tbs. lo be red. shal b usd fr n o g r Hereord heieropes 550)Ibs. BS F.cienriOObs. strp iaccrdace iththe F0000RALPH SINCLAIR Aguss ses sib sait 2ee tbc .3 de For Compete provissis oet 9115sebsec ArýuO XHeteferd bliers aMeut 600Ibs . 3 csr.esd Sent Setters Ida lier prevedd 9139sech aboet 700 ts.. 2 Holsteinu cleers aboeti600U)bc A'tges cses 5h AUCtIIOR Seroîce pia'tiurg sip shahl not Se 54)9 500 )s.-rebred & deeSes , 1 Chaolais biter aboet 600 reqered whtrl0 feteofa lm.5Holcstinteers about 900ISs. Chc . cteîfg strrci a31)owa11ee. - F0OM MEL STOREY tCentptete dispersa))-lU Hereord; 8 S ad Cette. . Schees Amned SeB, L 5 70) 809.F. sees4 Shorthorr coss. Tht aboe coss have bee huet. AUCTIONEER Oy tes No. 9 73 proposes to siba Restered Hreford Oeil fVont MIroshs et Lonldon reeatt 19 ergong snccAtgetta18cbece iereterdscauersheihsexes -Mbrsci'tce gies, Sleset eil types Setionr 6(15) la). Voeeer, nMid May; Hereord Sul s319 hrs Feb, 73 outtof Oeicered 'ebtis Sales serdscied ereshete 1the oy-las aise proposes tb Sok. 7 8.74F. heiters benrstth abe ete'edSeull. Ci3r e mrtako proteison shereby a PROM JOHN PATTERSON 2Roea't C055 31145 Hereftord fber) Tel. 878276 lattinsip sbaîîsnoîbe cees. These are yoeng sess 394 haver er sith a Limtousin 103 e ,Miiîo,Oct. Me se ullsse Jre 1. ScEîoSc ila'td ina 'S' lSeveopmnti( FR000 G00009 LESLIE Registercd Shrihor ses duet 41108, Zne il91939 abenting land is Dec.- OOOisted Sortihorr socsw. Shriher't colt brrMay- ONCBdesîg'tated, i'th91e Official ses rebrerd.Sbriboen ses et. Bell celi bor't Jene ses 15Z Word Brol ln 0(31 th91e Twssfeto, rrehred. Red cos bredt Hereford hettor hred. The atoeesoss S.tfo a use chich is 9the samera hvoeces swith a Reistered Shrihorit bell since Ateossi. Red T) Lccrscd Astiîeer theeusecotthbelotuinqeec0rlosterOt..Red hoifers aboti50Obs.to4Oed stters Foret Lîsestesis 11e reasenfr thScamned abeelt 550 14. mntsîsfil eiinteibarua) F0OM CLAYTON BACON-Abouei15sHereord or B874F.cal- t't te Frstere Sales ardshup 9139 t ay br creaird 039 3114 eters-Soete o' teDiers 1in Sprueg. diena by reeirung the osser of a NOTE-741 EXPECT A F190 MORE SMALL CONSIG ýgieset Phone 878-6730 percel of tard te preelate a MENTS. THESE ARE A CHOICE LOT 0F ORES COWS& eg'n, Appaial -A 1Typs latin sriptht illno b STOCKER CAIlLE. PLAN TO ATTEND. 1 5St eqiedwn te autne , Fcor 7c-t lnd s venualy oncd 11900019 CASH. NO RESERVES tende accrdane wil t 901OT0ESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS cr4thedegnain 'otied nteMAX STDREY DOU13 ,rqýai; hyroMluicialty' OficaiPla..ROC KMOOD AUCTI ON EE R he ihn1ýTwoMlo n urh noration2 MendereryFriday9igcehtat7ptr.ne -.erccc oVceetct' O sr seot i teOeek Ofc, 5 MiocoodtSlOnt. Mittel Clî,,ccs ýeGuelph 922 9872 76mr29 -du _d9542 4 trI îo IRLJIBRA5HL - nj 1 924 BINHL ion Sale STORE ACINE ar ontentsofaifarm home FOMRETI for Main SI. Met, Milton LEITCH 100 s. r 2 STORES FOR RENT Hsc.,appro.etrîes S509 feris. Storeor ottice Dawntawa Milton ýAY, NOV. 1711, 1416. O9-758tcolioct l 2 noon. 81nt9 159o& 161 Maie St. B. s, ash stands,; tablest; dishost ii ront tor store or business. Roady bo remaodoi ta (aIe ne norifihaic(t onte SI5TE'tIZES cttoge or soit teant. Los ront 10 ATTEND oeeortse propre.se542 1ce Ott120095 Phone Owner KEN CLPPERTON LCR Halr 1-783-5482 Toronto AUCTIONEER s.iCtreeceipPCot'p 9 Phone: Erurt833-97960 1 - illes 878e2e4ira c I iOantCO 1 /8, AUCTION SA ZLESI 1 /8 AUCTION SA 1 77ý LEGAL 1 77 LEGAL 1 - 69 FINANCE . y R