Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 1973, p. 4

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4 The Champion, Milfon, Ont. Wed. Nov. 14, 1973 Flyers in third following weekend wins S i Loui. tled inior blvt'oohîlIp-i iii'iloti 7:i i ovo to' fidoo'place tnd IBid Frasr blpol lOt- b'lyor-. effort. scoriofla goal aiîrol Thry playvo i th (ho Jlunior lub Fridso nîgbl. roplsoing ormrt ,t,,nbto's Koilth NVIKiîîoîand Hti ku liit),lol oî huid ovl set Oidget tiîvîoolo ta teoul eforti ith lb enme cOioig hibroool' goals JtiI l.ît'liidge'-irtrdit'eclubhiifl peio 'bensils ke i hor hil iiiue 111e1 î S he orel les, ban ftloi, inuîîtelîîîi hen lovoobo Soo one pas B074 Da- ioi lier catiight l ilç' , l lîigh Mashlul latp oi lîîll ou i liiiiil"it perooc itiI il iili0lt iiiiiark .11r laiio i pa-, eii qg [lots] Kin IFa iit-il Mliltîon s lîourh lroî I)iel'ivîîr anod llivk Iloill I oa lIllielater Rit, o 10 ,lîoed (hi- farirait helîn lit' r li lier ciîî .l.îi'oki oro i rin vlsidl iloît' n hill Prî,ihi lt second . Itnz Frseril, L_11 M ot.. 17,10 1-0,ihl iiolobt BntsS 17)iOsiOii , f 010 sse 12705 05. (InyoSO 00011hat ý lol-Oton 282tSoOOl% akn îîîog o- a(11 M lton îl ît'd 1, ,0 1, 1 liehoî 1, iiiro (ao g 1111 irl ' pu '(ver îspltiii se,îil enI l'o oal0 (hi'K; g keit- lIt so i il te F lte lot lwr ir, iio'diiiihi'ont'l'lw i'oîhs attialt-o hotittrglr inter- boI lîi e r o maaeet Os g0 oi oinalO, Fi sOtit- l ied l - thl .efeklloidr 151.b0 t osut ilO'00lii, e Osioo 114 e ,1tO .lneG- 0. Msol' 0010, 511loi referv Broucei' l 111 illiiililil'00zI Mona 1,1011 ig tiilil toii icorrect alo ai toril i p knlu lig ii I lo f11 i l l u r te111 alO i lloli0 iii haiii- io iii naioSho e-0 iti îîîS 111lii\i a.1lo ((hgblîvî 1, onne,îltIi hls' 00(00ie îl vii ast tiogo (lv ilîliloi hruc ot t i, a k i actiho n oilo ' 1, Ilio do111. ard00 1 4-2 Sunday Doodiret iBes e tIe and aI yie ors siyte tbr placeh (ior otnna Flyers s ohen Se al biltes nolo 5 er(o Daras Blusifv lef tea porid ot Bridlace vlled. aordlooib [t dortrdng ltlrc attr fo b'lyrs ortesde loog hrothrs l of'heleael ront -ii p o s h E d o T h o oli pevio. to lpsto i 0 lee he scy.ore id eioe Burry roîr ho'e tso baidi rotd cohriter from uoorckie A HOPELESS DIVE by Dundas Blues' netminder Dave Shuker over the goaltender and toward the cage before Shuker could resulted in a goal t0 Flyer defenceman Hugh Marshall Friday make a move. Harold Merry moyen in to check for possible re- night. Marshall blasted a blueliner towards the goal but Shuker bound. l0lyers won 7-3 Friday night and 4-2 in Dondaa Sunday vas able to catch a piece of it on his shoulder. The puck bounced (Photo by D. Pink) (cioîsîion aod liodo hîvoolI thisi iltloieSi.doiiaisu Bruce'îî ha, aater]a îîvold fliîv bib, and pnd *,ls a liingingitr,undhishIoon lb :lit ho 51 cart about as0 the Thîîooîîî thoo os honjre ,ll[rouo maskîotig pool gaineii.îith Roîî Wollaston, 1,îîîîî Fiox îod loiî Haion.t 5111, oo(oreesar oooîouraged Ici Ishe parI in such activiti'u tiI keep in 11wv accidentolcvuroed on i Thorsy nîght. one day lirst lite liî She sa - _ LOWVILLE Intermediate "A" fastbalt team players gathered for a dance at the Boyne Community Centre recently to celebrate thse team's champioship in the Hamilton Big Four beague. Piclured ahove are pitcher Jacques Paquette, repreoenting the sponsoring Doco Quality Water Mcl Anderson, manager Brad Berry and team captain and shortotop Stuart King. Paquette won the beague's pitching ateard, right, sud the moot valuable player's trophy, toIt, for his efforts on the mound this year. Large csp in thse centre is the league championship prize. (Photo by D. Pink) Mlionesota, Couid eai, Bruce as0 espoîvilly louslratd (toosl aftioao lus'preparaion fo, tho ea altI (he mental and phSicals buldig he ws frcd nuliI actio jsIloerth Ibosson had hrgso. Bruceo is currentl tho isteber 100 oeferee in tho N111. lie vas scbedulerd fil (1005050 outoeron1e ibis year bol Si 's inju: bas loroed Art Obtî,v back 10111 action ibis Sou sas soboduled Iiir superioy period ibis year Ilfoo illteovo ino iis spot foîr the latter part il She se sead tho playoîls. Pîîllo-iog bis ioîuov Bruce cîosullod Dr. Bull. ao Nfil, pbysîoîso. Bruce vos treated îîriginally b ' obwirî-pool and sbomed no rossîts an ir thagramof il is hoeesma, urderoil Nord 'torgery 1Itoas friued il woulId otvluioo srgeryfi) orrect damasg. lilegro. Bruos tho recipient lîlIl a00 ne tye ci operaiooowhere thoe ' 0(0 proaobed (ho hoo brot Sebîsd. reoeî the car- (llgo aol doîlîrd the ligameots. Brouce cotparod hîs bre sooh, sIOy SinSuspital Il, lait 1luashisfirstosayin sl teoltal o ord siovo St' lt bli s Ionsils reoveîîd ai IlOr 1>eiu ii ibis îojury Bruceo hadt tessol Indy l n N1(1. gate, duo li, a hirkes ,Ladies' 015$ cingle, Meeg Ooety 205, l.dîce $100 tiplo,, Othe' jeud sgles. EffetlAle raid 245.1, d îRgo 255, Eleaoor Couper 229 ,0 ea Wters 214, Aoudeet Max- 21it Othet 0000 triplec, H110, R100 618 Adrey naicon 607, Jean sîlda 0150 7 tor 10, Mary Kingdo 5tfor 9, Audrey 00500 t Pintos win in Dundas 515(1Majo 'tit Trafaîlgar Fod liýstounceoil(ISoir 1111 alillloor its îîî(sî ho goal1 wer second i the gool' Eddio irî l'lîris lpuo a Id I017000 Illohi Thei'iller giasl mus oou b ho is Adam-t Richar Gli (110 piived 011 iou libot. Rr asi'i'iO , cre furvo lîor 010 i Nie(lIon -, lio 0170 Fa:î aoi igles lior lioug $1 visn. liîs Aoîli'ohekh Mark Braidley, Iliol 1710010 and Ilulbos The 10:110 pot foriS îîî 11705os nex ture g o ' itvil t 1 mitenlogiiii n'cet Blinglolo LsOOsllSOllOlOll'0 P 'gsi Humain 100me s01010e, viol se01e sfactIli I5i[ ies huio 00 Othe, sooltexe Rue Blair hot Bulldogs bested With Rangers Ilshtullooeloy in(0 (ho Pela McDuffe hits big time Mtilton i Plle Molloîfe ilockev' L.osgso Nos Yîork bis l tho' big 11100, Irodîog Ilsogors ho' (0000 llr the Natiosal MovIoll 0100e oit aliei 0( First of season Bants lose two MIilton L.ogîoo lIîols liol 1(1010 fio'i ga0in o e070110 ooshed by Chitguacousy 7-0 îlut 11000 able o muste 0500 a 3-iel osoo treeols o ntî ilîo night. Mtîlon Seld a 2- load goisg int(j the hid period of their Brmtncnetunlil rive Olillîon penalties reo5lied in hIe1 [lriiiîîplîîîî goal'. Eolo El- Ii'ion anod ihîiok 0101100 lîîe or Mitîîon osol i n fi'e ulavo s lS (alpS Seroalfini ad- îlîog the' Ihîrî lto' in the loi lti' lbiiguaovîuoo gate Mliltoni nets0 bobo suaop-d il)(] a ingle001050inlrdn iliito goal spooo in the' final ,dîilîi ilda* night.5 Mloln1 -iillotCond(itopll litii ar lilogt:- iiuiodiîgiîPault (hi violilo Stretsvillin' la'i e11 ti tho gain(,' (bock rltons 0111 îSoîil ficîvsnnO onîîl iame playoîlllol( Sooaîioi, 00110 llîîsîlî'. l'îloîv Clarke, .:y DaIe l arshal lSOkO osoiOld on exhbition action0 Satur dlivI Paul0 McCisi rîloif in tior goas l iii(tad Miltonil la Pr'toni ilisoh Mclîss F:ric Ellisoni and1 loti Frser silO Len Siolill oltoifiig threc alOOilos SingIle assiolst mentil Ldio blalnts aeil lool luîldîon third plaîet' ire torli î-iiuiy leaigue tis vear bute the Atoorican ocîkey Ls'sgue Pro% idene Ileds fil lotoS op goolir Giilles 0'îlloîvorî gaintis tho Allanta ('Istes l'riday eigbî. Ilogolso giolto Ed ( îlîcîoîo oollerod io eobinlsry against Boston liaol weiS Villevrnuvstmetdfi) an atlsk Il[ broecbtte teîdway lhoîgb tS he oidoy ffigbl gaotol aond $tvllsîî %as l1tlltdci i t00(0 Silcebt The glac end d od il iii i - t1: ii le i;5-2 il, OIlio Ilen t0 he diosanc inlsegers- llodeos gare OSoîho oîght. allîowing ionly (m) gosl'S Ranogers 0n15-2. $lî-lillî'ac SsiI 0000 ite %ilLact1101 li0010ars ilS tho ,o:hSi, Loul lus Sut a ooîuoitdltuîtebv'ioro'sbhen lit' lalil lit roeers t he Blues' lîîiog mas O'Ilîlsîlo 25, plsyed as a îîîîdgl'l in Mihon hf'cture i1oing eno the Juior "A" Si Catiharine's lato Ilios lit- as aso 00110 Sîtelf siilîtiot pro1 10000 in (ila soid Deneroooleh Weser vlL'0 lvigue We.o Super Loague Soturdoy 's rsîeg sod oamout sol ithe uron end ofa 42sore. Mitîlon s lied on (Se tlSy sbeot ter hIes, Blair tovk a oosl rom oigl)iirsey and popp-d il lno th1e Ilabville net ihbvllo lied tSe score talcl, lbth lîrol period and meto ti lî dd tl pair ie the seonid -ltnza lostes lraded tiîrd pertod goalss ilS (flair ssohing hîs seconvd courtier for Miton. ilîkvîlle t'shiîiit'rs dged (hiil hIiIli ) Il coull'0pa01 2:3 2(i Sul Miltont coach lîon -busn imrNmn ic ibheur lirsl encilori'vr mîlb tho 111151ilvItem llîtldîîg pla v ini (sodas lliorsday îîghl aod ouIl host lliurlinglitil homSîîe SalordaY Lodce$e0 10. 0St 011 tL0,1eO0O0l' 0i5tt6, Maart0 010cre -oo olades, hbightr0pl10 simil, Ray $ouloe 28601 n' ihoîd biple, Raleoutue 702l lain 251, ea t. lin 24,Lv1 i iltj Ooolv 677,tî'ck tCoin 683. e ee' o ,loore otte nd oegîvoefrosioeo tho SMOOTHEST ride everl Ai tho laroot safety fofatores ado a ful 1year gsoravree on the track. I dd up to botter value for Y.. - ~ '-e when you buy a ne sitocth-ride 1974 Moto-Ski. Atfull rangeeof 8 models Io hoosefrainpriced _,l, fort distplav NOW ai yeor velaro tos -Skidealer! S Soe bite sove - Trade sO Io the r smooth-rtdieg 4 40 cc NOVEMER SPCIAL!SEE YOUA NEAREST MOTO-SKI DEALER I Brand N-0 Capri Medat 040 ROt.lo too Sale $799.00 FOnB PîckOciO ScOBIE'S TIRE LISGAR TWIN sEASoN SERVICE SALES ANO SER «VICE WInnton Churchlll Blvd. 53 Steelen Avenue S.S of d401 mles S. of NWs-cl 878-3222 826-3609 Mitîlon ('îîvtesit ('redîl 7-3 Frida y Bruce Hood is home Youth bowlings erT~s Knee injury HOCKEY HINTS Illegal Tactics tes, teate playots bave te knev hev to doeed tbtmel ve agaist illeeai tootios Plthof y caus05e ivjury.f'(sverntheysbodbeinstfutefnoetftnt t0 tetaliote. This reqouires solt-discipline on the port ot foot ployers. Hsver, no ovie voofo a pIc yer so in terested in gefttirtg eoen that he dees 0sf care about the efect on bis teaten h egets a penalty. BRGWN IE'QsP::; 150 MilI St. Milton 878-4002 don'It miss it! ANNUAL 1O% Discount on ail Snowmobile Clothing & Accessorios -LTN MR~IN an SPORT:1 I I ~ SCOBIE'S PRICED FROM 53 STEELES AVE.57 818-3222 ai. H - B ýb Dundas pstted tbe goalie lein tho' site lit atltempt il [ Ic i or ;. iooiiil giaul Merry and Weaterall were setroîed tîrst and tbtrd stars for (bereofferts atganoe'eend. Flyers sutl bosI the fsplrSbatst'tes Friday nihadill bctrav'elling 10 play the Prestos Baiders Sseday eveeiee. In cootests rartier Ibis yrar Ftyers de(eatod Ilespef or 8-3, toppod Preston 9-2 le Prestos and lied thr R(aiders 4-4 oe Milton ire. WEDNESDA55NIGHTERS Ladies' Il cinle, 0,11 Coohum 254; Il es' bih triple, L Fe I rirr00 Siber goe Minlec; Leoe Hodd 210, Leori ogbtec 21i. 010cr geusd triples, Gall coullon 0040 573, Leeti ogbtot 546, Jody vaoOee Eykten 549 5, Heleva'st2or 9. Pts2or 31. Naneyct 5lot 23. Leenir. t foe 15, 50001 frt 24, Goîlcsefo 26.

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