SPONSORED BY THE O)PTIMIST CLUB3 OBJECTIVES 0F YOUTH APPRECIATION To recognize the accompliohmentso0f youth in the home, school, church aod community. To promote more octive participation by memberso0f families in the ioterest aod activities involving the family as00 unit; ond to encourage parents toi re-dedicate themoelves to, the responsibilitieso0f parenthood. To encourage the newa media to recognize the accomplishments and con- tributions of youth through regular and opecial features. To provide the proper enviffrment for youth, including opportunities for par- ticipation in recreational and social activities. To focus attention on the influence religion and morals have on the lives of youth and to encourage youths ta actively participate in spiritual actîvîties. To encourage a greater interchange of ideao hetween adults and youth leading ta a broader underslanding of each other's prohiemo. Youth Appreciation Week in Milton ROOKWELL INTERNATIONAL 0F CANADA LTU. BRGWNIE'S SPORT SNOP OANAIIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE MILTON PARK DAIRY ROSS BRANOIER .JEWELLERY LII. SERIS BROABLOON MARRIS STATIONEIT & OFFICE SUPPLIES MILTON MARINE & SPORTS MIkE'S BARBER A NAIRSTTLINB MAI'S WORLO HAIR STYLISTS JAS. M. MATTHEWS & CO. OAK VILLE'AUTOMOTIVE UNITED CO-OPERATIVES (MILTON) SENTINEL GULF BELIEBERE FLOOR & WALL OOVERINO MASTER PAINT SUPPLY ST. CLAIR PAINT A WALLPAPER G.M. TOOL CORP. thls message on behalf of youth 1 êrnmpîon Youth Page MDHS news Remember those who fought Milton D)isrct Hîgli i-chli heid the anovai Revirna- braocre Day vrnoies Friday a an assnobiyaoflthe saliva body. Lasea Gosiauski wa he rmree lai' the crrniavaîes. Siogees ,oeiuded Glana Canseil, Mile Smith, Gerry Pidhaiahuh, Raody ilippai. tlehie Walden yod the Holy Rvsary Fvlk Choir. Pat oche aead a slirring porm aboutihosraahv faught for as and Les Sargeani piayed the Last Pool aod RraneiIlr. The sahoal haod visa prvvidrd samr muosic for the performanrr. The high salivai lasi aveeli hvîlrd thie Halo-Peei juniar baya valiryhali isarnamesi. cvmprig avare Weslavaad trvmn Malo, Giro Fvest irvm Mi ssissaoga, Lard Elgin irs Orols, aod Blahr- ivai fronm Dahilie. There mceaboat25 isilvidrais in alirodanre. V. O'iNl. thr mas in charge, vas vrry pirased aveno.lie sadlthetouna- ment was .prrlly avril on schirdair ""Wr had very gond rrfrreeiog." Hr visa rammesird hapeiaiiy ihal thr serarrameoimîighlhre here nrslyear. Thejuniors avii lir piayvsg samr place sn Prrlcasslylthen, Thraaoner ofitherlaaeameniaaas Glrs Forest flowed y Wstavd, iviahelacli aod Lard Elgin. iirs Forestawon thebest lava ai ihrrr matcvhrs lava iorne Mr [ONril visa thoveht il a therlirst iimrinsrvrrai yara dort hbout Prrl avasly irams havr liera ii lh isais. S hapiog op Asalhrr priaravîssîso arralin telam mis i he isahîsg ai MDIlb. Coach Kidsrr sald "Wr haver a lai ai srasvsrd vrlrashackavîlh ai reavi ilree vrars'ex perîrsar " Thry arr Sia Portrr, Dan Pape' Grrg lraory, Mark C,,rhr Sali Robhinvs, Sali Prrstigr, aod birara Wiloughby. i-la man- îîasrd ilial sasa ofi thr ara wetesarr iashîag prelY gond Irisa. The iram as ha, isg prahiros grllîsg peopleria theahravrr avrîghis ',vrr 175 paasdsl liai lli has liras a prahermavihsevraischais. The cacahl eait hai il ihry ranit rausd val iha irano liay avîli hava prahialms lispin anadaariml divida shaa inga. Heir pliasizrd aisa ihai ther iram sill aardv recrails it lilghl Students see toy factory Thergradeaoneriass ai J M liasyrs Pablie Sahalsiteoîrd ( heTonkha Tva plantina Nialas iastiavarh The iayv vI, iamilar tu smail ahilde avraralninoî eavaistagea(À manuactauire. lram iha raav malaria fi. the liî,vlird pradavi, Sirîrs blini-lird vaicl ha aijayrd sraîag the trauck paria hrîsg dipprd in1v the ivgitans ri1 poîit Kim iDasce asjayadihhe bg,. so mach- inss ira Rydali valard the opinion ai ail ther chîldrs avhes ha sad. -I ilird the aalannwiraavr hartdas and pop"! THE HALTON-PEEL junior boys' valleyball taurnament mas held at Milton District High Schaol last meek. The schools campeting more Westmood f, om Malton, Glen Forest fram Mississ- and hravv avrghlv aspavîaily tha senivas ls i020. Thara is grai hapa fîr tha Ti- reada 1:3s i-aid lhi-r iavmfinsvyeaar caasaofithe fiîasiPab-Nîghiilasvark. Av mamhaer hava gaiaad. ac ifliactd va prsdans as-e avdglaaaoach Kîdar 11,i mcrah aid lai-c liva' havhrihaii iryvala Kelmas S'irapresîda s havèavirtrd for midgai Kerr, Kîli-ase, irravarar junior and sanior irams. iivvaiRobhrts. araiarv aid chaîrma,, Ricrhard C-ase plu.]fashison Thav had a gourd l,îes,,aof The assa lashvon show aibout 4., people. A Wsr Wvsdriad ai Fionvhs-"' pradoard i-y i-a add 1,, ilyr gava Grada l2 Wvysanyd Mraavs vmite va hedaird i,,r FLYESt:i sCOIiiN-s The girls' i-avhrihaii ram'r R Bridgmans 12 Il 20 31 pivyadlava gamas larrhee Il.Slrrry 13 18 927 and onse tha Fridy i-frie KensPav 13 7 17 va Tiha seniors lavi mark Ravylvîva 13 14i .1 19 ieeldlade32:3 ubvli R. ilvadîin 12 1 12 El i-ee Pesîrdu val H.îs ilMarshall 1 v ail agaîs Arias, therjuniorsJ 1,oivhrdge il a 1 11 i-n y qil v mari fl P ~ bioe : il il Georgetawn the mark biie G; "Il' 12 2 5 7 tha juniars vas 59-25 whîi lb Taiss 1: iJ 4 7 Metrication lesson for telachers, parents A Sirii Workhlp vas- darird i-y Ma. MeGaîgas. eavhrliaviJ. M. lAryes Pub- lije Si-i-ol and Mr. Pravara, Dialton Cously mallirmalias coslatviii lie hld Na% 20 ai iha salivai i-iaupsa wli ha larmed la aliurojaris and iiquids vi-ardigiiiithemeleir sys- ima ourir cadopiad as aur Paasnly 90i parai-sio ai vi aaasdieeainltheavoridvareaas ing mairie asîla and i-r omi i- anada an the Uitied blaira places Nort- Ameeîvv a vs an crasamie is lan icrtlais inidustrives suclias theial,,m,,iîi- idav The veie 5saemn resi. i, use bons the im îpariai >s iemý Thati s. cneso rn one meriîsniîlanos,,iin, %ovsod'va chansge an the posiionsofitherderimalipoint The matic nt iavrc pr srsiiy aparteitîtelsi-age livvsiencvand mediaiieaid i-r simultaseiius entino ~impeial and meaic nsi cersviaaerviagy graier ex- pisa eai pear, il asr îvîrted. RONDSHOW '74 Milton Chrysier 878-2962 Dodge 88 ONTARIO ST. vuga, Lord Elin from Burlington and Blakelock from Ovkvîlie. The Gien Forest team won before a cramd of about 250 people. (Photo by S. Diilsî TRUMPETER LES SARGEANT sounds out the Last Post ynd Reveille during a Remembrance Day assembly at Milton District High Si-hool Friday. In a 45 minute assemnbly the student body paid tribale ta those who olt their lives fighting for their country. (Photo byS. Dilîsi Modelling, chess, James Bay topics Nlre. Winvvra invdrivad vîaig i-itribuion vai a iritraiva mieliîg Ilovkovine ivil pro vahol sphi. tv flic' iil pagvanv mille lafome ',vhooi Foruvm adv'v' file vasa mas sv l beii th vîvvevîag ldoesdav.ý roi udi-a SIr, iiavoni.vaii i beaut.v (*..,ll(ýti" v md i rs ,, ycr n flb, fall' o i-g thea viei",v vt flici timîig, 'c iv',d avd fihne v h u'v bit' o, O,v',i ill-g fli ob an alirvvd 'g ho bl lttr Thr, v,' oo li l, Th hio illpa oo poO iivv,-,îî,,îî'vv'î,'î an Thi lia Il, vir m an agm n ol >,,va,, i v noovd heani pa %îivta la iei,,ar, lo i t,, iivi,-v iin h in ieamc puic k nomla'dgei i, odiilvvvvîviaýtuef ,'asvhrvaaaî',,tir,,eav vr, vî'ai ni v',reii-e, tra, ihfloset ihait îa topv<aill'd vvdvpara'eics)i lcls *Thaiiva' liaY Coi',,v' h.\ lhuiavv, m'avsforme(]ifi, Iv I iva,,vaa v 'Monda, il , v oi (.ri r vîhiv as happeivaa ailfic a:. Irion vavvvv The' hiv dr v, O't ,vv vo,,v hvvvaion- ,mo, udbav cour(iases ha,îî'i'î'viv \v,,aa lit' D l 'a ne iiiýiiý nd lic 'i erag in,l v y an l av t ' il Premier,, Blb,',, ^aacn one n vv il e h t 1, ' Ilv i v s1va i i c a Salivation Army 1,':"ifoiaI boliral,( a PICK-UP TRUCK Loiib. rkav ad and la Mitvn & Arva plai\Or, EVERY TUESOAY i-Ilviea tarif J'oi  20 MAIN ST. MILTON irv- Vr878-44721 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Nov. 14. 1973 C5 Fluoride '"swish "-in Filooride aloses are heing volunteersare providng ibis givev tu pupils of Jý M. Den-service to iai] chidren yes Public lichooi evor rv veusisg t. The nral ond Friday. Home and Schfl svh- is Fadav, Nv 16.