If it's a Need-able CLASSIFIED RATES 808-2341 ahampion Mtc,OntI810 DI LLOW-19I991222s8799209 TVo T 89076$, DEATR$, MAPRIAGE$, FORCRCOM9NR 29922292929,277929eE, 57829 TV OL.I$N Nooo77S9 6, 19900 30 999099, 9099299 heîgh t, FOR SALE, FOR PONT. ETC. -2829t9990299920752409079491, 1902luin 299 5222299 92F SI5097minimum 2998290charge999094for29 19940990099979424te I P-fi lep e j,795 2944,95594094 $250 .24 iiu ca o 504I20096c5per09084909020at92977riel2e,,s2 one77977599e05q- 40I0dl9422024r289 72Fh BOX9N27BERS92Io 0 99919office 9-225cditoa. wf7772029an 0li 2 O.1II 6 00< o90or, oera91 68998, COMINO EVENTS. CAROS 0F TRANOS - $1.2902W 99929 91o8 0929$, 90obert 9 1 9129 12904129ail channel 702F 9122$s. OcDor999 892 4I9Iont29 ire. m.79779 of9a 2 4929 929289 2954 2924 ,2292992e, $98.09. IN MEMORIAM-S2109992$ 129pp9In99299299 98928. 902 922842904 228758Rob9922822 999929282lT DEAOLINE IS12 1,10NNTUESDAY W29, 972, e0o 09999sit a29292,90 of h5,77 et),92$929994$29,95. 2LASIFIED DiS9LA7. REAL 9579076-21 0 par9o7721292In 7599909299 299,ao, DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION For,77977779s7the82919999094 F..298989 head. 122t292299 7229 921999299cal 1 ts9907. $29.95. -599.00. MONDAV Lkeion he0 59 90,58994 2, The Champon, Milon, On9t.0992 ,Nov ,1 7 hno992 ing eayi H haistle 29.5 Ourlov2 2hi8ilRsi 2b 9025green4 na loir151123d1L10 422059920, 1,9 909,99 9,9289 Jndlffo 9,14 facMLTON 092,2822292 , OLORCO8BIATI. $8989022475988292922 49227992809 $977290 6229298Donne55ï ,99240' 99029,089228192 989797o129opl4o9 997799, 8792ohn9212and09979909l995 y l 9049R7b2209 29508005,991 O1.99 70292 99,N 7,799229 Sohol214,021,7 oo929 924"2F 24 92 2,25999990(net, 99 494 0of 90al 0Guelph 9on 27729 70977 21,997742 rotor., 922922992 L0240re2, 0 t a ovmer1 1,299 OS 019999 97729280 h991999729929,2 - - -- - --lm28 TorrnceMr.Je"2w" 2 90 97,24 . - ~ofMln9.1299s9e28280 Rado &dT re ao y ,Aco n 1, 9732ai 9085894 F2Pai2, 019 birthof thir caughtr Jane Fu la oPhoneiln t782336 District Hspital9n0P2242822 99229929997 2 .5 0,pe950 99 439adI N -9,0 9 ~ 77282 -'9 -0-9-22025 m28 2e30R ad i &7T 17728..PICedariIirHedgesh. Wit KINSON Mr. and M I,7OUR 0L0R9,089295276 go2 Chrstmas. sabe9 and 1,98,1 Main treet0EaA 9279,92the 92 29o 4ay. 294 279 to 979 91892$ 902 Ch8995590992294 522,9990282 29297759e2 9stL95w99 0995 299,28422778e of2999ne5 22077 2929772227,2977e! PonP7-PP3 222$ 99 92 .Ip 921s7789,glSpssso98d C 9 294,4 9929294217080"me7224O99.7 9730279.R.. 2,RRckood Noveb992th, 973A 324 er L 19and ea 1,90nh r 012927r 0 ,19077 09212 5 2 3 f o r S t e p h e n 6 m90 2 1 9 7 9 2 2 83 9 0r os0. i o l : e 52421 978922829 Ave.,29992929' 29.49 294 2lmat 1 099902UI 29029299779t52triant99979920 9095 IRVNG Ro2247d Bve 294eltie ,91979997 294d d2tr24u94759f930 oSsop999 78d BSNsM N 29490,099,25 9707947192the 91992977forait7the 5299992259h. 2577479.9527022 909929 shîl S o od92999 b89299o ther son919942109900ow r 090and 729.7 1205Donations9017999298 R obert wei5979.921, 5277095 9092 whit819790pai ent !5-9 9226 -O,-7009229952a or 9224e,29nces9l0G29d8e ch in9 or 72829879722292 277292954ol z ' x161 H98osal 852272 2 1 7 CALENDARSn S . y ren',ph. Noem e 3d,173 A et aýwrsad92299 vnr,9eebe 7 cu E4929 2222 of 9999, 992995,$ 22.429,1 Home,75922,5992, on51,2Tu0o29482. 2922274e 4247029922991709725295 W illi a m A l e x a n d e r , 9h îa r 59277 of9Mlto, bc lor o 70929.95 7022290,77 o 9 702999 09 , 9 971B.799t9. 49209 290092ume2Alexande of0294 J27792. 4922929299 9 229592,29 570ld eh2F 0902a Service390024, 702n92295, 790249 2 5420497 992.79997, 275 09799Sud 097799929, 999 s,9909 977099409, $09977289, 193, Me. 829, 2922l of8999 Ma299 8Av,8 702204299598 292902id, 9J9199,99,home: 902294Windso5 an9099 92977 Lod, E890 131d,8de7,05n of-97t2e29aie 70 9299277999 0529892901M99 Ca Il7795 al99 0009 6m29 0,92 95 9297229995897789972229$ 90ou0 10 159&77e1222999rc02n201Wh 9,292.9 Ou0912, da91 79229 oLSd 99299 , R292 Stoe L 9 .Sare2 1:ICanada 6m 29945032829 920 099and.OMS99,2222 So 92 999952a92th2nusea9ri7S7ait Dr 97792799059chrdl 77248,90529and5TheA9022779 6m9209 9 999928 92229922t74ex2p9e219498229$ 7799059097499903999989995 ti 42292 es, floral77929, t99Si 929o77îg 772999129and donations i t2220222877999$e8 andho ve2779502. lhe 252205, 70510,Guelph 9 D MINIO North. 999095909 527.942 DMIIO 9225292B43090.9 530977 ; AD PRODUCTS 6 009m730977 0429972s 3, RR 55929792952,12 $1.50;, 05.14297 R 8yDowns, 97499 9,9299.229952094 25 al Representative 95299 878 5398 22 898 3590 3029249 90000 -9 .99 229.9.2439 Mltn2177923 18 279for5th9 o29091of0$929 For9c290250 520brochure09r9 e ARGE 390229 921992 f 027 Hume8, 142 9229299259H9.15 x9992492 1 .58x102s9$2 00 Rd,72,792 4. 99u$ 929 Cash9 must9a2C 077-3022020779292 09489 099008 9290w j A2PU2012 7792299 -101 b99595 St. Miltos. in 2 117bride2955.2 025o121o579 99 490.902.9.2 7794797429 9. 5919915196 709225 98782522, 9n2529,02 __2977l28 2009 F095429 $99977092 695 19 599097922949.ned294,2992of 97729 2906 3291-791 2824 702227d' 39" 709922 and729, shoot,09 5937 28 9107 099995 994 299095Club, 217m2822898 9m282902 217292923 N$ve n ber9s Ol98 2 921220217222834 Pr2091494792972299 b 2EW224' 70929229 022922239r 4m28 , 924287 888489 21e282919 29h.1097 b oth bussz 69201, t2797, 92299 977 2.1225 p,.899 0935 2.829 BINGO299999 7.8722y9î95t, 8 p9m7,09319992Hal,$90270284,7799U9011109 2995939999ieu b y Ladie Auxili 9, building 989er2al2and2-al2a C.rad iln9L9090on42.,2277928559Ca 919 9c .22599209, 9sevi.e9H 902099t _____P__h__one__________ 9922599085211le 854 Trin22722,29otes7a910, plus 90291 90po9208 DIRECTORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS Adoptions7 90929978592o, 0999 922.9222990999518 2277030907799 22999 99 722or775n 2299299 7029e9 2077299829 2977,23&70292238 Buayes p2299 iie Camping77979 772998 Caro,9f779992 Farm Eqt For Sale Fran c e For Rent For Sale Vo rd Help Warted Hobbies ir, Mrrr.ri.ý Leqal Liv estock L.st ., St rayed Pe soral Pet StoCk & Kennels Produce for Sale R:arl eslaleýý.^ic,,s R P.ation 0o29509Boadp77929 05249s90Board2977ps 090297qPen 99275999 929,29en Swap, 9099t9 - It's a Want Ad-able! Cali Today! 1I9.EICE O wa:dMIolUiliLiS FRESI- PRODUCE 11971 FORD LTD. RROUGHAM 2 DOOR HAROTOP OPEN WEE9EN9O 35192uoo7729î9. 9171228in19909992green99904220999222999422 0070M.9NTL09090 loth i59999o2 9Power29tee9199.909082 69208$ 7708,227090o 7748298259090982229automobile nbeau999299condiion. L,9 No. John Kings Farm ITX46 Nrhon Town [mne, $2185 West of Campbelloille ý1971 TOYOTA MARK Il 4 OOOR SEDAN 2291 91499 2999972959ati, 9,2,2294 '7in 29,912 291199o,92 202co ts279îblack 0n1999299 Lo No. 088909.9099929 209929 YEARLING0529289, 0 -839 9. 9.0rn- $1995 1973 0000E OART CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN 92 22997729,.power99 099899, radi,.white99 90212a294 90299 ,2989,09 Lco 9ZZ 74 95941 9990 77558499""9e-100 0,72t90299 OnIy $3265 929 09 90 ~~399350 1971 OLEIS 88 4 DOOR HARDTOP 2977292799 F,9l22o4in l9b29,with2998529991292ad942l991292.Optio222in 29249 2air907419109523. L'o 29V909 2 E I E S .R $3395 Forgîng, Welding, Heot Treatîng, Mlling and Drllîng Kn7wle1ge9of99928bo22099e9999297792 es7r492,99268, 090982.of -The abîîîty to supervise and motivate people -The abîîîty (o organize work flow -The abiîity to 6e innovative and have an inoqir- WRITE: B0X278 THE CANADIAN 229070990, 191 MAIN STREET, 709070$N, ONTARIO. 2a2 JOB OPPORTUNITY in Malten Area 72299 99950729991994 909f91,9 92999$t92999299977929f999,9 0op92î99e o99ofce99292$ as92$9 are2999900073 9train7the219959 per9s0n 2 00290999t 902995a294 90779299e5999942 J929 20 7minutes 92977 2909725 and 401 Cal (416) 677-3940 for2a99019977999 42m28 DAILY RETL 1968 GMC FENDERSIDE THE TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA RETL sx Cyli4de,.staddtansmis4977,sion,59In2excellent 25291021 22799stholIo90î2g positions2 292192598in9192R024228929977895 492298e 92992 condition. 0poî2î0888249928$ SNOW PLOW OPERATOR- HALTON TOYOTA $1485 QUALIFIED HMY 25, NORTH 0F aGi Use Our Conve,9s971t GMAC lime Payment Plan -2 LABOURERS 8784365 826-293 £ * App 9ai 2o9228s994ecevedby9299o900927<99942up t 500 20391 Mh1P.,ilIIednesday ~ 9 9,98ýrne 4 , 9 3 o 700921 ions69of7 90990 27d l1999155t, 99 2009910997 nwrce CRY0L 09, 998 po 4I/wlzI, JTL(~11L 79990770lý 7 89 99620. 92992ts 2oral, s,2power 5892.759579 - for 1995 727729,2870 2540, te e7893125 2 5297791fi, _1_794 0289099190 290900079 709 90 F72 495222..d29i2bC29.,. CHE8999907 . GO 902Cha99s,2lar4999, C30b297728289 388 Main St. Milton 878-2355 Ail 304 992.9.2 28028 M7the 2229 1994 7099929 21m22914 1 wagon2amper9fo0pick2251i0Z71005 -2,0 Cc ,0 9599890 municipal 2292429.9- 5951,119 (19)5 659 3055 29,,2228792 in90829, 9924222 29199$ 9019, E 292929 foi2n 01 9CI2,1), de4909. r2240,7009097 019999,c.7990 2944 47$î3725129$ 0999 50c 29m2 72918 9le 77774091459 9e, 7892871 machine79n 9702 29951 2090 29Tt759C2a2p7o,9191962F02D70299932.3019212inOEo>49 979 4128489 Main5 Street, Milton7* 21,927729,9 excellent7 con229272298872929 21299 2299 4.9.07n,$1990 87895153 29999 5 19998 PONTIA 4. a2972 ! 74797929 2 99290920h559 92099$1,TOR 29995099209 57 0029829167black0to,99. 01929952994 16982972220 999490744.99on,02999499924d 17709499 e$1,750 89299854 for1 ,352'959' 899997 9695HI1performance9 89319, 02922877 70 929229029loden 2172 2835283S9994ed301, pistons, 505 1990929970009Ne$9099, building952 29or02a 217799222 r999,91 $352. 8784565, etf Poe841ý .1,0x12 99022 22701208his575.7995 ---N890-9728 2917 6902977 529922Cali219)189300697 2odto 3. 154 2 229.) 0 702 O__5,__9 9 2, 05609ltr0 pmF1 n2 290 47,000 m77, 8 27 2627. rck999 a12 b a;alre 3M0209 COPIER, excellnt9-2 - - 29.928 2953 taier 85 47 9024ti,9509, a19 or9 9e1899892,98 192 09EV . 96 299,949r 2 ton,29 8215 0es8.9hone878962 990 . 94,0009ri77 te568$ Te29899ons a9tad7HE'8P 92299aPIYSper! 2977992683 297728 2952 nme s8824.4.829 70R. GRANT M9MILLAN. 80900 SO9ERINTIENDENT, 7779 0F NASSA2AWEYA, RR O 9, 2A709RLLV9LLE. Lîncoîn Mercory Dealer CLERK Claso "A" or Class "C' 02erl Ofic072i MECHANICS ocbeeiprga me F0t0909929179971 Apply to, -Only 42n9597790990980 MAPLE LOOGE FARMS 2592929 91flat9rate90299 LTO. ""9289202215094 29779792829 190,27909Churc9ill9BlodI), 2929999er5:30997.092977899 900999enue. 42m728 Gallînger Motors Mt. UON MILTON 999292 fo9 79 25877 0,99.4 97 8782883 or 529.4929E029922999 98299 T9999990925908S7 Ci0792 rinIri, 7 6772 ~42772822952 ------------------------------ ---------- - a- - - 1 1 29 VEHICLES FOR ADIlN 0929,28$,es, type909i989$8for sale9or 921 usa 21cf-2-324 Wl INGER SN2W B90.o994,9s3 252,92in, u~ v *fW da iEN I $250 87825677 0 d7 ONE STOP . .SIIUI FOR FLUORIESCENT? 9279, 9 9 a tr seapoimtl2YOUR CAR o 4992922782 27920l 77291 USED 173789 1rq20 I CARS MI TH SMALL MILEAGES AND 212292902 rrýin SMALL MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS $10; Frigidaire 59o98 24andn 99.499, AS1 condition $509225, jCA R 1973 CAPRI 'o4,'n'2"'t 'etI"" 1959 BUICK WILDCAT 4 DOOR HARDTOP Dri1827 0s h29 7000 miles. Lî589$9 D5J 766. 21,2292901 V-a 22909029, OoIy eq2ipped. Fois$294in0Copper 8r0nze90î92 15" 90900L5 29n5d02 599$tiresblacî2iytop. Co77pIst8Iy re25994i0ss9andog2ara299904 LO. 1973 VEGA STATION WAGON $12 9225 8780 29r28 2825 No. 1,90253. A,,tomatc ramision and,07 radio.4,0Lss9o$o H29 105, 40A2D$20 ;LACbrI1 5 9560 1973 TOYOTA 1600 COROL1.A 902h 25,05 ngle0 5s4$00 4 79994, 2 d4s92 TappR 9Iyer. 29,997 1922922730900miles, 87896391 alter5977 Ls0992s 20W 779. -lI W --21m77089-29769 1971 CDLA COUPE 0e VILLE 17 OE $90 ,29 5201,n2 R 2 2997Il 9FM 2, 1909tap ,9wr11 224c,Il 00,97999ioidg 172 C o E Th 8 uoai rnmsin utmitr n 2 le2m77 .A» Finish. in29r.p990hite4909 lack 2,127 p and matci-0 extra4opion27pakage 999s. 2,s421,0Oms . 292907,9 ,O9a46 ANTIQUE s5209e, loe -4, g teio. ic N. AW33 _d7490 stad57 89 89532999fte, 919 Lo N 9003 5ý30 1.0anr A1970 n7009 219945,5 iItstsU Seil 8$j"T NN/%I 20309, ONF pair (G178915) $9590 9129 1973 VENTURA 2 EIOOR COUPE DEMONSTRATOR 11969 FALCON 357 2977-28 29069 4scs, 2499770994 992 090 77i19299 0219 12,0007miles. Lis No. Il2 979443 ngofferGaIInilger M tosIrte 27422292 77014,935c a footom mie 2i2 251MILTON PLMZA 878-2M8 Il29202,9 1052icsv,0552299277 1973 CADILLAC COUPE De VILLE 49799, g5002 cndit7,9, 7 8 9 4620 j5299099077co09it9,99 V8, 42997729l2, L224992 oth C064,9120op 272282079,05 2 s.F121229412n Ta299, 772922129l99999l094and9051992129topSresîle8613 Toronto 925-0887 POOL table 99 8,04904 x 9l.2829299 ly14,751 1o 7mie.7,192vle 2 -13 c22i ,7 729099: 299 2972 977 2977280920a 5$7395 boys navysuit comlete 90t 1971 CORVETTE STINGRAY COUPEPRDCIN UEVI R s ire10854 2413 Finished in 70î49îq29blacko90d429og999 9992r 309 322 in 029282596 LTI J370 H.P.,AM0 FM aio ut244 ,pwe tern, ereir nAg9779, 990979999799os992900929299p 9$99298297 speris M 777014" car9059917$5 009202 990992909,,be49990r944a29wh02,99 902ti9992 L2907799499 fat49909In gplan9inToront9o rawih t2902 590902per u97942one792227 978 4203 Im la5cndto.097N. S73.tos à m - Reau i $5885