Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 24

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S512 The Champion, Mton, Ont., Wed. Nov. 7,1973 May take garbage to Nassagaweya t. diti0ici'i ttihei , t uldpItaIt î Ii h au li lîuîtiîg W tllîit ihotil vd cos dr c acceprîvu gauihage frontiMd-0 M vviu'ltne.'iXvv' tit i' iGegetown v i heu ea r îictiîg guibagi cotectitu ton on and alOeeîec. î7aiithe thue piovniîed 10ilhrîo 0 and evied the tOuvu ouid a pivure irei lie urgi townsehip counciît meeOîngChie uimaituur u eugvYu nerdnîovee trucks o continue ihatO îkville, eurlîegtooea ivekueua p oelioCuueiiuand uggesOed huîf pikig garbgeoupivwice aMssisaugu hud ond ackto the Mitocouricil tu nothng rse vu e he orked oeek. cheprivi onteuviOthe s eîghti îWededa , oui. her towneship wvuvdel îve ovued Oe lel guod sr MiltonuCuecî1-l et di. ose Milensuckiterpair trucik vie hud heempruvidud eused whai could develup in- ('oucloeleeii ed Cle Gord KiantivsuggeeOed prii'ueicouoeuiiuee ouaggueceisis inMlon ueno uegeii the counciltOu epiriel a oov stundhby a a meeing lasi Tuesduy. giveveious consîdeuOtioeito truknighi bcuamoreepi'ui i'ek Jack MiGechie m Coucil wusuduised hyCort- uigmoreegurhageoiruckstiîcasution iivHeuadded new insOeodo ievesigutei ciior Hon aiseeviuthei17in îvvdei oivope vîoh geee grige puiioerco0inithe poibiliyundreporthuacl ire stue onVWillamis Ave huvge diane ithe fou- eiiy of$30,00euch, uueeing. wau rupdly neuevg cupacioy He eoptived the tove had * alave cvusdered ih. t siea aneenulpaksie iee-Public vvorks Committee plîve uti'.luv i1tit i]hi' corne tcucte epnilitvc vvei'usUIusses Jan. taKe-over opn and assume eponoihi- lue forgaihuge dspuval iiaies eotid the toue could hein vapoitonofvOhavivg tv hut thevsitehuik N- s ite -eded Couilvi Mueorie Puvys îsuredthe cvuiîilithe plav v ave t u celOt th potvi iv u the parkhfor the ivvu, hut Ouring a meetngvof Miltvn l'vviieietct thiv cutucil: .greed vut lv tke ave actiiovtcoverg a reglaa tintOut vvuid gîte he eg- touai touici jucsdîctîo fovi uovteet on eiher side ofMi] tonescMaint. SC('uecîior iDon Courdons uggeeved a prvate menihes blt cav 0e itoo dueed i il t ecan e etideet the situaionvasv'tvvinig peoperte -Agreed i aholish Xitontv and tavvguvita C.brary Botards avd repace theOld boardvvihvvonevh bard. The liv hvaid vvuid have tvv peoplereprrvetîvg the seprate vihovi hord. hre roni COr publie tihovi hvaed and hree ppeivird 0v tvvv i esiructeti O erO IJack Xtsbceuchie iv tev hy the hourd oarhiratvrt hadltit the hvvkmvhitr ervi og orth iiuhv le houtd he kep fove the urhav ivre viflahsite Couveilt te O hvvhmviie shouid covntnue tv serve'th, novthO Otkvilie aiea thaC viii 0e part ofvilOton. ut veti ut theevuratureuvof"acuga- .gied ait huekîvg and tîvnatinstvitutitos tnter ested i havdliîg the tvvv v buvineesshud havetsuhnitv inu iht'ivo,.0 -Agreed a vv ton of cen- rai puechuvîvg tuo' tarivus departmntv iofthe 0ev tuirîvethef the Pietic A fove 00e hO t'vvvcil. ilE dcussedar ytvtCnitle vatervvrkt tevagetsytee Uvdee th plemeeliri muîcîpalîtO cuuged, thecm u yarkv tOut v tiluvicpt titiv lioandFut leett XMitvn mvevt thvuli vuke orf Ntîttvv's tlvv mat vi v Olti - greed meevtivgvof 'hvutd te h( ivuvil'Oh receptive h( Rul Oma tel ttecîded Olutesthooti preleievce i vvniethtinggv teaf emhiem sent mapie in0v vhe ha( avd hecomi -Appoint( lounctiiors Watsovvand ceterinmtt veeded Cv rvadscmi patite as v Bruie Xlii 'iuperivteov Otecis mereting ogoveerenteeo.vuervoriicand i vrks Cvuviiter veicage hevonie he P iou Regiovat revpvvsiiiiy i the regîvualai e c'veeiîieeî'vuil.IlCias teaditonvatty a regiovai radc heuithe responvihility outhe etaheuve'r ofut niciîvpal rai onis andvsauiiaet Snnecovoittee meovhert cru etOth0e rgîo ouldn't Or hi' bll tut abe ivahr ovire vateriand g 9 regiovit ege rk onJa.1.The r cvrvititee agreed Cv uck s thove agrniîeuuvîvinvharge bi hîttg ulth0e rgîouasein Ia posiviontharde hat jvhel Iv a ooed therrvwoutd havr to bc ivhanoffice staflset up and J vrhîvg hetore therergîio cvvtd hundei îlîug or payrollt hoid Oie ai S'ai er e.vis ar pividredruaiarieihyvof diferetttvstemsvc uvIn 'd the puvihiiity NXCîtiva iveimitireo vici rs taing atourvof iv epvvvîht r th0es nit cevtre and vpeiatiiv, vhireoie vher ,îiibcvnthevne% cetret haie i donce ea I v extotpriivg. 'ublic Wvks ttltiy aedi t heet vet aie tert ied Ot ianc oieiu tiee The reivu vili vei Polie Cepart vafer.s vvv eupoyed hy thi Or i mved tiv(iergetvuv OaterCOvnir mv e vtvt isiontas utofJanv1t The i vu hall and hai a i'vmutiiee agreed Cv cehudhpv teteivîe hvv aey peopec vîîvid bOr vcvived in hai v" isin hat Cer l i0te ivaugurau ltaîreare and hvvthey thevnevevuvit vîoutdlObuv'rhed îviv a ied in the Miltovn egîvvai tceme auheet avd a That commisionive ied in the Ser egîiaied vut vO business Oy a0 te ChaleetI00v the ili upemetiîvg regvetitcvuveili 1 v e caro Tour plats Ilhecpivvvred and TOievvnmiiiiee agrred Cv wau evpeesedvor tuevater andvseveiplants )ther tha a mapte avd avtary tuedfitlitestie ri eauce the pie tOie egîvv Thureday, sartng leai ihair stiks atil9 a.ou The omniite ickthe 0e muve ted here vue cuve hope vt sucomtortaie.havg theeregivvaC engineee uppitmnetivutieoued 0v ted a ihreermav Nov, 14 oîshatnmeeuouidhec i ouitiigvof heipfut in imepieniîg pant , tord Keanz, Jim fov e 0 ta uveer of ev 1iiiad CieoueutsIn iveipovibiitie chai stepe vîtt e TOievmevitCee viiico hardie h e via ider iststuCvother regortai ol Jaue1t oX'rks Kerr and igads detin Nuevuga- t Xctitan iii a working cm he ,alve atr ted h y thai muicipaliiiestuCvce hai pitiietry vhouid 000v about, Thuvi, tours are iv 0e urravged ut a future date. Too much The iv olevce avd crime sen y childrrv on TN sV rel'evatiivthe real prhiev. vues CDr,(Guhrielle Weiss i the MCeOtii ledivut Jouernal TOi danger iv eotinivthe content, but in the aevvunt of 'T' Vand tîha ireplaces ie vue hitit v. 0 h T h. canrveevuhvtîitue to ve eedingtReadinvg iv un ai mndsriminiv onad ivmagivatinvandivterestiv a iivmervofacive' ruis 'TV ieqiiesvvvuevofthese. tuys Dr.Weiss. t'hv theu dv parevtvvcon tinvue tvdepeîve theîeechidrev of a fleitevth challenge,. tt eiettndtfun" The avver tuet îl. WOess, iv that tome parevts ha'te lostconfidence in thete ahîlit t tvruve chîtd- rev tagh inîthe puivuit of huppîvevv ut represeuted le; vealth utfitateetal ilvvdt TXV Oeevvveth0e evutvh vîeded Oituekenvg June mail proposed A pedrvtrîuv matil in douvivue ttukvitle istenr taiteiy setifoethe luvi Cmv veehe in June. 'The ma iiv'îievievd troou Durai Si. Cv Navy Sit., vit rhomas and Gregoryt heieg eit opev, eutiîuutheough the TOieuvechuviv are v ilitg tuspend soe monvey onthe niat. Cthikig iCa gond vay iv niake peuple avureoi Chu dovuiovo us 00e heurt vi iaO tille roi- ,u7-7 MEMBERS 0F THE BOARD of the Oetario Stewart. Mrs. Nellie Charîtue ot Parie. William Agricultural Museum, tu be built on lande adjacent Shillieglaw of Mount Albert, Mrs. Irene Saunders Lu, Kelsu Conservation Area, are oictured un a of Hurnby, C. L. Hamiltun nf the extension branch, recent tour ufthtie site. Frum left are Minister ef buard chaîrman David Pallett of Miseiveauga, Guvernment Services Jim Snuw, Simcue East assistant deputy minister R. G. Bennett and MhPP Gurdon Smith, executive directur R.T. William Amui of Parkhill. Cooper, Minîster of Agriculture and Fuod William (Photo by Ministry, Agriculture and Food) Start building solon Museum advisory board visits developing site Ontaiov ,gicuituruti luvgli'î 000 ii(o hc'ip tiinuîCtni tthi' .irii Xuieuu 'sdvi.vivhvbariviimheiîîiiitilvpplan ofiii î'uiiiandiiiiiîl hiciih anvi r hvs held 'rveualivitingsactuCiiion o h'Ontaiiovprvieît ZTCopri an di'velopuaiconepitiieplauufor XMîvîttu'iî,ofXAiriculture id ilttlet i'ilmi-iii'iihi'ttET thi governenvt iu' tige,- 0'diivilliai Aeiiu Ilthbor cutra iuviuiv. hive i ique fviOtv0*'iiOtavr io M , Sunvriîtiî luM uiivi'opeiionva 'itetadjacent ha.s a ii.100iCi- .il tit kviouî ti oit v' hio i -ck iv Kelsoconvservtion e Ac ipiCativi' Chat vm'e etulin tliaii i %itîî CuveuleCiIIP vicO, of Miltonu Oeii'vOCy the iivtvii' ani0place on puhlio 'tuth ti i c iiXi 'hittitigiai bior andgov riumeivfiev Ctheimachines anditiils ai- hoiiiith tiv niiihr i'tli 0iiuittvuie th Itet,vhere' ihait utiitht.i idsv Y i iv iii ,,îv i dvntiîîi t in lai studnv diouviipetît [romivuiver lhat iv,îandc tu e i'and ii Xiiiii Sheridan 'viiig'tIli'uty ceiiig gveeaiivvvtvuthi' îi'iti'iv c iiiiih itigi' o:quipmvrvi 'ihvvt urc reiiidedviithe progi-ti'vtti.C thte Ei'.iiîiiiiiiiioiin * parking lot . er-liai iL----ti- teotvht tht'itistiages vi tîulîtîgs viii tivcei'd. ' vid il W Caiheet. etecutite ecreirv tuthehvoardtîand iv teasitat tOi Xiitesîr of A grculture and l'bc Mîvîvtry arady on a votectioveofimnie thon ititu mhisivrieut ugricuiturai urtîatuetv lie vîd. Tht' colctovvîvheîvg appruîsrd ad rrstred and mnitemsv ofthîiricltttgvificuoev il Oc i spiuyed t the Kelvv site Tour o(ceci enibeit ut the hvardi rcevtt visited! threr prv- invwestervnOanada- vue in Austn.Mu. vue in Sut kuivue hSak. adoe i tr Two cails Miton Fiee Brigade ouh tocatit, hie eeek r he OtesO .sFriday moniîgtou Otri ic. vhereethe lrahes ou a truck eionging touR. & G Truekîng, Burliigtoo had caughi lire. The aloeou rang uO lu .30. Ai 1.30 pou. SOurday aI- teeeooe the coiuuieers oece î'uled to the Klhide urea ou 'vti i ih a mîallti tut' ontht' ter fom heOhntriuoueSaleiy výague. ti tcorrect o ton0e aiseat ut luin aseat hciO 'teuve do hoh te Oturd îeg in Fins Furniture MILTON PLAZA ARTHUR A. JOHNSON O.Do OPTOMETRIST 218 Maie St. 878-3673 W.dneuday and Siurday tegiviaturi' apprtiiii tt Xcietihîuttat tii'elttpiui'uil i tOc site Oha, tendlv ltriaueift"prtiitietivnihe tH.ard îîîeîîîhrv hurmnavfuttheîîîîîvevîî boarditi v iuti Oulttel i Mitittiaugi SuMerteit tut cludi' Clet Nllît' Ohaitvv nii taist. Xrs. revi' htvîîîiîr' ii Shitîvglaii ofi Mouvn th'rt avdiihîitani..XuivnstitiPark Oi t, inihirt iiftht' publiic' sm e departvienit' C1. MOVIE PREMIERESe FOOTBALL HOCKEY e THE NEW FALL SHOWS ýÀfÀfrffBRINGS YOU ALL THE ACTION ... PLUS A CHOICE SEAT..."EVERYTIME" 25 GIANT SOREEN COLOR TaV. CHRO C'OLORJ1 ONLY 67995 Mode S2966W~ $10 DGWN GNLY $24.01 FOR 36 MONTIS ONLY HSI Thurs & Fr1. tiliS9 p.m. CREAT CARS AT OREAT /Sw 0 OLDSMOBILE 0 VEGA *MONTE CARLO 0 CORVETTE 0 NOVA 9 CAMARO 0 CHEVELtE e WAGONS e CHEV TRUCKS ANOTHER Vega GT atchbu k Coupe MOMENT! C, 10 Chene Super Feeside Pickup Corvette Coup. Drop lt mighI nov à moke 8 viosl RE14EI4ER - THERE'S STILL A FEW 13's IN STOCK - BUT THEY'RE GOING FAST Thou cars are price.d to sell se doat miss ut! JACK RICHABDSGN CHEVROLET - OLOSMOBILE LIMITED HIGNWAY 25 SOUTH - MILTON 818-2393 - 818-3812 [Milon Councii Selection is just great Lay-away now- . - rredrhc e orTaditoa y fine dothe 5- u THE MAN'S SMOP 248 Ma. St. Milton 878-3302 IRICHARDSGN'S 818-2336201 Main St. N

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