Tiiere's a saying ait the Mounlsberg Conservation Worhshop ihatifO yoo ranit hoy il or trnd i. Cisey rsii imihi if Csyi',iiiei Bakîemar ,ho for the pont 17 yeaors han rnoi'bd For conservaion. le cam 0t naton froi London tour years ago. Prior 10 rhar he worhedas a iechanir i his narin Hatiand. 'i hoatd nevrehave hers a omechanir', ho says in 'eleospeci. "I ais tappier daine mare inrearive wois". îneexaispleof his creais'e ssorb roirh the HRCA is a isolai sculpture ni a treaver esarnine alartree. This piece ni arr hoido tire sien which inýnüs the officia] oprona ni ofhe tBillon Falls Dam. l'he metlt tîghi ai rhe ski chalti ai Kelno iii Casey'n work. as ns one ni the ski ions ithere. As mecnta tis rsorh s no atil ni an ariistiirnatue. Most of tils dolies noîne tbe budi ne and mainiainingntfmoch of the eqoipiseni oseit hy the aaihnrily. A oarge steel trie o iroo1t ractors and CASEY BAKEMA, mechanie Authorîty's Mountsberg Workshop of bis artistic creations. heavyreqaîpienimwas mode eniirety by Casey. Alihoneh a wetder. nreel. woiiei and unichanie hn mIi-ý i ma-n mr, thi- gei rl e el ami unn nrriii g naueo na tir' Ile marrird it h ihrrr rhrtdrrn tno ofnhom arermarrrd and onenwho wnrkstfortheronsr- vatron auiborîity tils horne is rnîrety fue- nshd wih his ownsteeltand nood crealins. [l hotidays in a bouse traiter hie mode, inrtading the lurnishings. iNs recogniin Ai the age ni 17 Casey wantedlt ork rasairck driver. in Hottand ar the lime 18 nos tre minimums deiving agr he b hrean in the shop. biliding hodies and reaiters foe trucks. lie complter a rine year coarne in drafting and denwhîrh no douhr had ahearrng onhrsifutare art isorh. ois e dures 001 appear on any oft he wnrb disprayet hy ther onseraion anthoritY This dorsnot er rohbouher casey tie contesses rhar hi,, renard s in the creaiing ni nomerhing rirati unique and aretes-iionof his personaity. Approve carnival Am tnaie hudetr nhe 197 v ersinnofiMion wnte caia was approvedi hy UMilon Coancielert ai a cirod endorsed the idean o torsosponsoord nomninal ai with Haiton Region Conservation an rarier moeeting, hatie areiding a smnali piece of metai for ose qeîed abde ep (Photo byJ. Baa n) Rerato Sieto o Scouts honor DC SJohn Goulding John Goadineo Mitn inesad10ldrsnth ssas honoredtiy e avlesotn ergrminOkle Diert o Sot fCn n Mitn A BEAVER GNAWING AT A TREE is just one of the sculptures made by Casey Bakema f or ERCA.' 10 holds the announcement of the Hilton Fa1ls Dam and Reservoir officiai opemtng in October. iMlo Scol of Divný D.0I T . S.L Buy aJohn Deere Now and Save 194.$50 P-N..ý,- HGRNBY GARAGE HORNBY 878-4790 ado last a-ee on iris relire- ment airer liree years as Di-strict Commîssînner cLouldine sortI remaio on the distict corîiai u slrpped doron iras lire DC*s post. Tire tiabsîtîriDistrictin Chodos Milton and reports ut lire ansti. meetine ssiere Cosaldis mas honed ndi- raie ihere are 055 Cshs, 314. Scouts, 103 Venlarers. Il Local leaders Mrs [one Iliîrs and Mes. Rose Lose were hnnred for 10years of service when senen longser- s ire arsards rsere handed olt Iinnorary memers oflhe district counicîlthIis yeae in clade Oahsîlle parbo ssperinlendeninill Saleman, Peler McWilams, Morley Rasherry ni Milton. Mayor the evenl,indiraingependi- lares inlalline aui 15,000 and expecied revenue ofia roasi $4,000. Sowmohile races, dog sied rares, sbaline and niher loin- ter enenîs witl ire încluded i lii progran is, year In olr yern tire 'sent irad ireen organized hy Milton inomsuniiy Seirvire Clubrs, oSier han dishanded, Seeb Fonds Counrîllor Erad Clemenis nord the riliars os mte nrganizing the reveo shos Id tir enrouraerd 10 nrek linoin ciat support fOam bsiness odndsry inoorder 10 mini- nior any tasses the lon .ould haveto asorb. Concitlor Mes, Marjorîr Powsysnsaidsire aereed Iasi- nss and commercial groups shoutd he onolarid, irai Oel tire es-roI n'oud hring people inelier frsnt ait paris of rire sers maniripaltry and seg gested tire es-ml mas rsorthy of roancil's support. iBarry Baret ni iOahstie and MitIon's Mayor-reen Mes. Anse Macrthiur. RENT A CAR FROM "GALLINcE * COMETS e ME lEORS G . .. .. N STYLE For Caretree Motoring Pleasore . for a Day' a Week, a Month! a Year' Drop in and see os. Dur Economy Rates Inclode. Gas, Oit. Insurance SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES GALLINGER MOTOR LfIIIIL q JOHN DEERE SMO WMOBILE SPECIAL, Buy now, gel a full season of savings Buy any John Deserte finombrre now and gel a loi ut peak-season use wrrh oniy a strait dlown paymenr . and no rnsrattmenr paymenis; untlr December 1 oftirs year. Thal 55 It att. There are nu finance charges unrrr Aprir 1r,1974. Tae your choice oi modters un two grat sus- pension systems . . . rrail-smoolhing lraiting- anis bogies or lire newJohn Deere stide-suspen- sion sysiem. This specrat otter also applies ta John Deere Snowmobite tashions and accessorres parchased murh yoar somobite. Bay 00W and gel a tait season et saoings and fan. Offer ends November 30,1r973. nothingS.thmt Deere HORNBT GARAGE HORNEY 878-4790 THE LIGHT AT THE TOP of the skî chalet is the work of Casey Bakema, who os employed us a mechanie with HRCA. His urioic as well as mechunîrai work is evideoo ul euch conservation ares. (Photosby J, Beaioni HRCA 's Case y Bakema is sculp ture-mechanic Forony a mont, wdlgveyothe kçeyt oubk ii identification can enfities you to cash yourfperonaicheque instanly at xW Commercebmach. 'llse Commerce Koey Accounir 10 a tty neis approacr la persanal bankine. lits a compltee package of persenat baokî ose rires or yaur home bru iran 1500 Commerce broc ihars more branches ihan ie unhote idea is io n marrer ishere N'ou are. is ni Commerce Key Accourir c charges and ont,, nosîs rîra Here's ishat youll be ge L] A Commserce Kes Acc E Custom cheques. Or And gel every other banking servie C. iî iirri bres yoli'e likely to fl( d.J chcque wrrîng. Plrferred ng srvies nd vla an arcs cîîîrrsî Baîîkîlaî oans. ne rvîce and oah aire Uutîmîred iravotteis' ncnen. Ah 24-Hoar cires acrass (7anada. And C.ansh Dispcnser aid. Au\atiIsa-ings plan. anN îîîher barîk. .htinen irniors. l'an mîentr ofif art bills rake vira fort ai hîome rîîr 2 I bnoîitepnîs Or. 'Iainîsf nîpte. Ahnd coîrirelici. h Anrd lonrd accinns, tîmînans separare service a fiai $2.50ISa munir. Yo ger atl oiis andîmor foîr oîririt $2.id tting. a arîrlîltli So fuît irai about the Kcm Accîriai auni LI), I.aid. nnor locral t.mercrre brarîî.h arnd becnnm vcndrafî prcioîrnil. ner nrf niiies nsinners Tire Champion, Miltlon, Ont., Wed. Nna. 7, 1973 89 Lights out Conserve energy -- trustee Goodin r Iairon tannin torn-d or got ner the bar onrw idurarion should trise lihe rira doay leeninei soun iead in nserviog rorer. likeiy irniariscsion nîrr roire i rosie tbikGoi laumîiir, tplaceiiiiitthie neiiieeing Slim da',tl, ifi i o , m 'ni n t hu Iis mionîii nicgi-si, thi lamni glit i il inrce-rd o, biiardsiriisetan riipis.otnhe iiitttirderrd ih( eri pubic- iii tiitiri andî intal- a~ omenitime-s tiriibr-in asesn program frinth-e shiiit nahre t.,h be.t il anurgent ileu oh rirtit mnimum Th t OalUir Vi hii.,mnsirîiarpii imniNm ihîrtrr in- tae frthr anît.. gramin i nstiiei in ho::: POLLOCK cos I irrr-,tiie-s-ros-ramir AND if 'rn-rer aind iirect pp paretad pbica-rteinvt CAMPBELL hianod ficin aihe m-g r ofeo ~ - r(d rtiai. unhi eh ir sr norion ouk le"i Hî rG the ~ ~ ~ bor uvIh nrg . 70 MAIN ST. E., MILTON Let your Sunflight Agent take you ta where the sunshine is Jamaica 1m.eh FRom 24900 Puerto Rico1 w.ek FRom2T9" AcapulCoD 1 weor FRom 24900 COSta DEL SOI 1 wveek FROM 34700 CALL US NOW! 878-5680-5680-5680 <iq> CANAD IAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE