The Champion, Mlton, Ont., Wed., Oct. 31, 1973 811 leu tri Ki Joy noi iti Dwtrict petoo C.R. Wright heads recreation group Bp Me.. P.D.J. sosses leono the show wemre dosauled npsu.n dhe Kittride Pubiei to theMesially Reardeil Seissi- ring to gel inote AdutiTraiias Centre. Girl Guides asyose? c oiiîssSio iMsBlasetieCoalson tas tuFdY Nrth urlngtn Rereaion bren htiany gatteirng e eBuriioglu Mail Stiids srt argîsne olis ras fl e e ehly Girli 'oîoîmms bdl lb ceeerrai circîmaks i des meeting hid in them poit. mttiscnthusastir the Norti Burlînglon Recrau Kîtheride PubieîrSchboc esery smhieesof ah Ib ptiîad lion Associaionsther aue ai Monday evesîng ram 630 ring Wr mot o art eea tlns 30 p s. and great thînguarr the surit tisua cerasuies presîdesi, C. B. Wright;ivice bisg paaurd by iis ceey cher Mes. Rut Shaw pesîdent Lopd Coule;antime group. ln atr te girls su No. Eigtt Side Baad. secerary Mes. Drothy hasee t iaisg a ire iride, togeter itti tireMrray; ix-asurer, William trideusean oelast meeti epy talenîrd pupît Mes. (Bill) Bri, andl JoniTbia -Hloe en Party, )ce Gr-aise gave demasn Wiliamus; Byas J. Buenside; asd hans plans usder ay foe aions of te ort ina Aan D Burrigd Ms.their Christsms azaar. Are lared, and onshstowuere AsoHsiis n rprsds tiere asy girls aho moalil stili )me oi tie pieces mode tiy C. Wrigtnurgi eplihe t in i :i sa, Mes. rcrrasuinsgeaups. mmraiitessibo Couison iii giadlp eicume The displays suerr erp attend te assuaai esrai nem memtirslsenase iltias traciuseip arrasgrd and te meeting oif r cuband sipprd pour mind Musus, the ticles foe sale ere saun aspane isieresird, ta ttend oge tuerithe Girl Guides are naudu.Te peroceeds temeeting onNov. aai nne yerston14 yeaes. Hornby Hornby residents attend arts, crafts show, sale RUTH SHAW ot Kibride WasSoneofo the demonsirators t Ceromica 1973, a show held in Burlington rocently. Photo by Mrs. P. Scoonesi Omagh Post-wedding showerK given young couple S ltyrslleilanrrnn pleant evening and nicera Sîncerersympatiy s rx- ihngs toctie nesu homne f tendedto Mis Cecil Jarvsson A delîc osiunchaod uoci.i tie dratti ot tire trottire Roy ime urec rjoyrd tiy al. Ttie Peacocti o Chicago. Poserai bride is te frmer MssT servie9 as tirid on Sai. Oc. , «,9 ee. rens oin f 20 tlgrvie e.Jaris "1J5inltii yeng roiedlfe a i-itd uît ie MstrInta long and happy omarrîdlt Ms literet Peacocti ai Many iom Ihis district Crynai Beach oc a ira- days atne trlattaora Te iueti meeting othetr iethel Chuecti on Oct. 27, Iioenhy Souti 4-H Trddy The onnual aaar lue Brs uan heid on Sat Oc. 27 iimigti Womren'n Association ai Omagti chureti hait sitttial il miibti heid ai Boyar Centre mrmhers ailendîsg. The on Nov. 240ai1:i30 p. prenîdent ilosem aey elae irhtday greltingsc Lueashi led in repeating theti rMs.Sera Bit on tire pledge. Bsness cuded speciol day Sunday. Oct. 28 p lanningtie nei meeting tac Memhrs oftieelOmiiy mccc No.'3.Sonya May otiereditu entetinedor dînnecOaithei higsacks.Ral cati as home afMe. and Ms.lKen- cearrangement mode in my neih iilrs ai Paeremo. tireom tpeeai day Leaders Ms. Palteeson About 25 riends and and Ms. Kîernon discusedi members af er lamîty actiecemeni day pions and gatireditiethomerofMrs. decided ttiry ouid ihe ta George Peacocti, Faucti plan a sht mîti al membres Lise, on Sunday, cl 28 la taing pari. The tapie ouid hbnp er ceeate er Olti tir 'Varielp in Brdraom birlbday. Garsîs atlended Aressores' rom Iiliistiurg, Elmra, Demnnseolinns ere gi es Guelph, and ioraiiy Ste on pting in a zipper and reccivrd mony gis, floers, maing o large qantîly of brauliful rords, and a hst of h a s. Ialian hemsitetiing gond mshes foe mony more and machine tliuid temming special doys. A delîciaus iii tir demnsraird ai the brttiday catie and atier set meeting. Record hautin gaudies acre sers- fr a te aerrrchenhed andoalimerup eseniog meol. in date. Helen Dp stren sers-rd Bîttiday geetiogu la Poul o tat y in hfctit asnd itomden, Nos' 5; Ms. Grdon tru rînti Robinson, Michael Bobiner. hotiwer gises and Dwaynr Curtis, Nos. b, A oarge nombre ai nigti- and Rbert Hiliman, Nos. i hors and Omogti chuecti Congratlaions and good riendu gatirerd ai Bosse msties taMe. and Ms.Afred Cenre onsTtursday evrni ng. Ford crerroingthire35h Oct. 26giaexlend good msties o-ddingoannîsersary Nos. 5. and stiaer gifts ta Me. and 4-Il Oards night Mc . Robrt Asley, errent Many memberes aithe nelwrds. lalion Agicutrai 4-il clatis Ms. Colis Mrsholallctnded aards igbi ai the aelredlthe gaeosOnd SholfoteiDrai on Ms RobrtiBrowridge read Salurday evcnisgOct. 27. The an address. The bride, large auditorium, as flîlid assîsîrd iy tire cousin, mîti inierceuid parents, aprned te many brauiîul garnis and clati memberes gits and expresurd tire Thece ee 151 membres sîncere appreriation toc the enrolird in 201 praiecis, 185 FBELL BROS. LTDU FOR DEPENDAILE FUEL OIL CELIVERI pruiecssierecumplrtd and G): per ceni membcesbîp cumpicirci Thc Kîmaîîîs Club outhie Kingsusay prcscsied awurds n mary tu the laIe J.E Wbhîtlicb and Claude E. Baun The Kîmanîs aisu gise speciai amards and adinr ai, the ild Miii, Torunto lu cigbl youuulpeuple piaringp lîrslîu tir cohubauebTbry alsu preseuicul a rels Ipr ng lu racb club membr The> wcre sucver biecti. flomeringcran and mountain ast. coungratulations lueKen McNabb ahu rerrrîed many iraipsbicsn sari ous clauses anrd oas thc top 1973 4-il member flue talion Congratulations alsu lueithe yong peuple ai the area or complrliug tirr pjecis. By Mes, Jim HIamilton p The Narti Traalgar % Euctirr Clati teid ibeir ftdi ruche paeiy un Saiurday yI uigt t r. 27, ai the Norti Trafalgar Recreatîun Centre.e: Ttiere arre nine tables ofA rucheiu play mitti the ladies'c peines guing ta Lillian a Iluaden, Grace Tasher and N Marie Peacueti The geais'a peines mere mon tiy Franki Planning ' PJ Party Nog<s magameya 'OH home amahîg cub -memrs-et rrcenily andrtc^ tac pcorct'"accrssoriesfor the bcdroum" tessclr lbry chose the same Nassagamepa Color Wbeeis. Mem brs sa a demons ataio n seaîng and discusurd abat items they cuuld matie lue a naloriai bedraum. A pyjama parly mas pianned foe Nos. 9uitthe home ai Dasîia Trînno. ~T Salivation Armfy PICK-UP TRUCK inrilton Arn IEVERY TUESDAYI 87-822J Wlucr Masos. Ttie iucbyw drams werewonby Annie Stout and Clore Wilson. Asniaersary greetings arreIN esiended in Mr. and Mes. N AbetlMarcbmenlti oaiill B rirtirair itir edOling r nnsiversary onTiursday, Novs i. Bra st ihsta Albrtet and Laura. S Aunisersary greetings are v extended la Me. and Mes. 'i Sert Leslie, atm miii selebrate their aeddîng anuiversory un Tuesday. e Nov. 6.Bestwishes, Bert ando Seserai peuple lunthej Harntiy district traselird ta 1 the Sireeisviiie Unitedt Churehto senthe annualArts and Craits Show and Sale. i Theremere dispiopu ot pot- i tery and guif items ieom the i ARC indutries ut Haenhp, 1 goid mire jeaeiiery,i croctietin,, nerdiemorti and iiquîd e roidr.A quiting dispiay, siolird 1050, pais- Skiroule... We deliver. Hem. On lie sro surir s moreIo.Sn leha goodiuocks ruuius reaitIiy.uacodeeirdurn ease evey Skiuae s egereid ithCole Th. oltiSer5 e p 11Sirdnul i r lau ai pleeyrewis5el Sn,,.I.engres-ailS Wankel audois dcelopnd lu detuunu ilabiiy wiirolt sarîil 5cin euuraari And ihei etisitla Pion soie ssi eseeris Lke mIi-l i trl uunoo speusrioci , an Oadiastsnissopss asde to iaderon csaSýytercituann ortss" cliS de,gred seul-for asie ringur5 rurti Su ih s re mu is Ssale,s th.or guud 1005 Tesesn îoiailityil a cordopnd or Ard t e Sssîsn Il AO Iied oian iotd. Ard iamiutpitced, Wil soli 8-augesteel cramss iird nu gediiulcroue hood. Il stesre for val O 0and vesiiuiii... ols Candr sii ablitiS And here. YSirol bîodealer Onilusin moisre a us uud deaiunuuod machiine Aiotlmore, Hs saris ta mabi Shoppingufosa Sbisoule pinsur or lui Sua u e dOiveossa ids choîa ofrmacines. Ioltingand acrssors. or n he nrus -Heatithesnaîls lthepeoplesnru ihskruiubeus- suîunrethigamtwnnu Hedslies sallsrawsssnnssiiantyaaainsi deinctitosmalsîlsi ur suîsmarSîp.brns-se' nacksd 51 Skis r amsh.Colemar rumpsrl. As esaidO. uasSkiuul dsaess Osiveusmois thar joni aauod dealion a gsd machin, And taSanspoans DrUmquin Garage Hornby mîçre6'so SHUDR Bthdsy unishes HMO Me. and Mrs. Wiimer tason înired aitt Me. and mirs. Bilt Ceonierai Severn Brdge tor a tew days Annis'ersary grnetmngs are VAM extended toMr. and Mrs. Don ý ITI; tira, who ceintiratrd Iheir*5 wedding asoîrsary an 'unsday, Oct. 30. Brst wîshes ion and lachir.IfT Birthday greetings areÉÉl ITRN exteoded la John Cordiogtey i I[TI who wiii ceirtirate his bietti i i I IS iay os Nov. t.Birthday 1 grretiogs are aiso extrndrd ta Lisa Tailyn and Douglas Cordingtry an Nos. 7. Frends of Mes. tanPlant wiii tir piraseil ta hear tiat Mtin St. leinn ias retarnrd home Mlon itississauga Hospital. Gel 8849 oeil iînes are extended ..... Time for a Change'. ....Sa move Up to an The Care fui Ones \Xdsher 2agitation spends, 2 spie apseils 3 nylms Cao DOpuscars toc permanent pess a orins 3 leani iller oe% detergent dispenser 3 ater tempral are seletines Super Agitator Pump Gurd, catches buttons, satnty pins, soirs etn, Spiont Guard teips khmp sater ram spionti ing o nttub 29995 Liberator Budget prîced butstiliaitIthe fauego ta.mke w.,hday o pleasure. Dryer Nom puso-sta trt saIsIp Satar N-iras care toc permansent press tairirs Tmle Press control 3Tm perature selectiors toc pruper Osira temperturs raEtro ag ioes ut ser Fot quetdreit 16995 RICHARDSGN'S lâ*Én 201 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-6949 Kibride Drumquin FREE NOME CONFORT SERVICE PHONE 878-6380 Bazaar success i J.R. Curriel By Mrs CeiiPattersen Wr mîsti tirea spnedy Conratitns in Bettiri reeovery j U C. Wons tirrsarcessial O____l__1b tait tiasuar an Saturday, Oct.PTMTRS 27 in the etioret hall. EABLY IIELP Worry neserrared cancer; BURLINGTON Brihday greeiings la nor hase pis, diria or ttie . M L Dunran Craîg, Marilyn unlesird cures. Researh is ML Ares, and Walac Simupson. getisg clase la the ase Frenrds iii br surres tabutvyuar hasi acapon s y-oue Tephone 032 7788 SI s11M l it e iii itcst't ip m GUARDIAN.DRMUGS BILL'S AUTO BODY 269MAIN STREETMILTON 878-2721 e 878-3251 Compiete Coliision, Body Repairý & Retinishinq Aiso Custom Appliaýce Refnshng 1 nappea up. i ne pro-