BATh. Champion, Mlton, Ont., Wed., Oct. 31, 1973 ouSic ia on> t mIcaî",le A. Ilutchisso»i, Thoîîîas SI attendeA (lie 4ulili ual ce- union banquet of ithe tb Canadian Monird ittes Regimeni micb servnd oser- seas on the filet Wortd Wae. Thse reonion as beld ai the King Edmard Rtel on Oct. Returned to nfficefr t inr tbîrd terms ere Tom Bradley as presideiii and is mfe Grace as secetary, atong mitb tbe resi ofthie Oîne bundreit ard lisentS- fise ttended ften>cos Canada andtheU.S.A. Me. and Mes.Ivanerm- strong. 110 Bronte Si. oece gorss o bonor ai a dance ai Beobslle Ral nn Oct, 20. Tbe ftumîly planned tbe gel- togeiber lu celebeate Me. and Mes Aemstongs iSil wedding annîsesars. Abnut 200 membees of family. triendu and neigbboes atiesded and tbey receîsed maylosety gîts. Mes. Anne Wallis and cbîtdre lasve retuened 10 ibeir home in Mton ater beng awauoroeine vears io tbe LIS Aý Wetcome home, Anne! Newo resîdesis on MllISAi are Me. and Mis.T. Clayburîî andtfamîlytfrom Ruttonsîtte. and Me. and Mes. R. Oas soo and tumity teon> Amherst, Nova Scotia. We iselcome them 10o Miton. Tbe Mlon, Campbello >1e Cbaptee oth(le Bela Sgma Phi Soeority beld ius irs> meeting on ci. 16 ai the home oCarol Brooks, Camp- belîs >e. Tbe neus Cbaptee consist>ng o six pledges and toue trans- terees is be>ng organiord lie tbe Oubo >1e Rtuai ni iruels Cliapter and especially by M acaret Heewood o Delta Epslon Clapter. At lOin lîrsi meeting Margaret espluîoed the dues of eoecOti>e ottîcers and commitee cbaiemen and eead tbe byluos o!flier Cbupter In acquint tlb pledgrs o-îlb sorority orgaul izulionS in grneeul. The eleciion of ottîcers uilt tube place on Oct. 30 utthIe home o! Joyce Foudere.Me- Nisen Rd. Membres ssbn base rans- teredto the aeeaand wbo oîsb 10 continue ibeir association w>1k Beta Sgma Pbi are asbed 10 conact Penny Rodgeeo aI 070-5570 Rappy biribdue 10 (lord Wuemîngion of 335 Woodward Ave . obo celebeales hîs bîrtbduy on liunduy. Nos.4. E> leen Jackson, 65 Kiîng SO. ba us etuened [rom> aon mnntb le>ip 10 Eogtaod. spnnsored k y the Englioli Speubîng Union. Kiteen ai- >eîîidd lSç»» lPark 5ihool taî1 l; eil! islies go 10 Ross liolmes o! 147 Mary St. woos a patient ini Milton District1 Htospital. is tamity andi tiends hope 10 sec lim bank Are ihere an> soomen ibe area interesied in asisting thr Girl Guids o! Canada as a guide leader> Ai peeseni Rier s one Guide company ohicb oill hase (o disliand due tu a lack of leaders. Anyoor îinerested n hlipng cao cail Public Re- lati>onsbi-cretary tîo(oees Sielaiison a> 870-3>30 Congratultions aod lies> wiishes go t.arey and Baeb borate, .195 Maptewoond ollc ýo cetelrate tilir luth oedding ,îonisesaey on Tlhtiesda>. No% 1 Neo resideotsin Milton are Mic aod Mes. Si.liobatub on lober>t>Ste r.ind Mes.K. Mitlon teom -aifas are i tien Eden .liyioand Mte and Stes G. Johnsioo [rom Geiogetonare neiscomees a> Saytair Apis. Oc uweleoioe lien>to ose t.ît(îao O'oeucock teomn Toronto celebraied her bîrîli dis oith ber sster, Edih bliarpe. 429 Pearl Sit.tas> Sondas and Mte and Mes. Arliur tiornoli oltinglon ,s it ue1dring the o eek oi lic Olarpes. A(larecrood altendedithe Dorset Park Itomneosonees Association's lalloo'en dance on Saturday eseniog ai îlot>, tosare HliIt onis Souods licou ded recorded tui oc danciog. Spot dance minoee-,ocre Joe and Lioda Itte. Mr. and NIes. Palnmerand .Janet liosl.ron and Joe Matie, The dooe prioromas won b Paul tonergan and lie rufile liy Jean Mearns. The pine for hesi cosume ment toJoanncbSobie dressed asa ieu obtol (r. drssed as aclown >00k seconod peîae. The pine tocrliesi coopes cosume moentio Donna Atlaid and Bill1 Ty s ulesed as put- ginis, noiler peîoe wsu aoared doriogithe eeniog o the man lies> dresed as a uonian (bis pye entseR Iloug ilOlliams. Thec .lssoc>a>ion*s nx prorct îs a> el>dren*s (bris>- mspaeiyono lic. Ii Congraitations and lies> îsles goiouSte and tes. Tom Raison, 67 Campbell Ave., Campbet>s le. wo cetebeale therc ics> orddîîîg annivesar on Sonday, Nos. 4. Tleyoeeenaried one vear ugo (ie 0>15 of Lin- conEogland Sr. aod S-,limer Zininerman, i74IRobert S. Weédding1 Newton - Hackenbrooki liaie-lus retured Iceci iiii Gel oeil oishes g» 10o Chiarles Oarpe. 429 PearltSti le is recuperaling ai home andbîistamîty and t rîrods are hopîngoseebhini up and aeonsoon. Beoinnies othibetilton Pack base bren >oing bard iocraise moneytfor t(eîe pack. Tbee liope to base ieoisn capessitbcrests made io seurin parades, etc. lin Otc2Olîlirrpojeci oas eak>ng leaves in tbecon munity and takiiigpart ocre ibeir leader,Breown ilo Shirley Jobnson and Bcosonieu Vaterie Johinson. Birdget Potand. Joanne Auger, Delibie Blair. Ciîidv loche, Sosan Blair, Elzabethi Newiett Lynn Cope- [and and Marion Paupst. Girl Guides Katliy Blair and ChennI Eoaed also betped oui. tappy bieibday oîsbeo go (o Starjorie Bysma. Ellioti leese ulin celebeates lber liîeihday on Peîday. Nos O2 Three Milton dancero. stu- dents of Miss Iliather ScNaugliton of Buringtoo, wnpines ai (lie Western OnioHi Rghland Dancing Associations compeiitinn in Ooderîcli recentty. Doreen L.cndvay son tour iesis. Kalby Arnîold a second and a bîird. Ellen Ruecen a tîrsi aod tootiîds in the conipeli lion. The girls are men>bres of (lie Mlton secti on o> liec Anniversary Ston, Uitoed Chrccli ttlioay .7,and SihLi me îe(ekealcd ils 1(bIb inn>- % rayon Tliusday. (Ici 25 1ih a coogeegational pet tuch dînnoe. About 9l oemeswerein attendance, Aller an enjnyable dîooee the SMilton Senior Cîlînens Orechestraeasinlcoduccd by the eoteeta>nmet cnene, Ste Campbell. Mrs. Tom Brcadley acted as m c. and nloduced thmemhes of the orcbestea. Andy Frank,. Sinon Bouse uod Tom Bradley on siolîns, May leautord on piano; Oornlbî Wilson and Ceci] Smith on banjos. and Bobi Lak>ng on The- audieceouas detîgbted it»bthe music andca(lelfor asquare dance ai Ithe con- clusioni o the peogeam ter J enoîo g ibaoed theor chesra on lebalo> the >emhers. The annîsersarervce oereehetd onSundylOct.20, tRe,>JohInL ti eglilo s minister of Stono s Cburcb. and guesi speakers oeee former mînsters Re%.De, Dlouglas Jay aI lie moenîng srieand tes Arthur ttîgginooham a> ithe eveoing Cheryt Ann Ctarai Hackenbrob and Bundolph' Hlarotd Newton more marrîed1 in a double-rin ceremony at St . Pols Aog inoCttrch, Clinton on Oct. 6. Thie Res. S. Stiarles officiated. Cheryt is the daaghter of Mr. and MeS. Doane llackenbrook o! R.R 5. Oi od Raodotyh is the son of ir and Mrs. llarry NewonSof o 265 BronSe St., M ilion. The maid of honor mas Lori MeClinetiey of Buytield. Bridesmaids were Karen and Debra Rarkenbrook. Clinton; Sandra Eden, Bramalea; and Cindy Ryder of Milton. made by thse bride's mother.i Tbey wore bracelets glvennlte tbem by the bride aod groom. 9 taieeeptlon A reception fotowerd ai thse Clintos Legion fHal ith tb90 guests. Speciai gorsis ioere tbe hîideananiad>îîicle froio Eau Clii > e d heobride grandfatheriri- h- i (lton (liber gorsis >0ee on> Mattawa, Brampton, Honby, Clîntos, London, Ragersville, Bramatea, Toronto, Acton, Baytietd and idgetown. A sbower for botb the bride and groom mas betd ai tbe booeoMrs. Gloria Newton, Hackenbroob, Clintoi and sirnlassofithe groom. Tammy Neton, Milto., Te id' rnpaet n Tu Thebestmnws ucn Mattawaumere unubte in MR. AND MRS. RANDOLPH NEWTON are shown Craîg o! Mlton. Ushers more attend tbe ceremony SO opeinggifs fllo in heir murriage in St. Pauî'sCtaytnn Hacbenbroob,;'Ceytuand Rundolpbsvisited l upcioggîfo flloingMiton; Ken Barber, Milton; lbem tottoming the seddiog. Anglcan Charch, Clinono. Mrs. Newton is the Kim Bailîn, flugeesil;adMe. and Mm .Nemton are fome Cheryl Hacknnbrook, douglier of Mr. and Dougie Eden, Beamulea. noss living ut tbe Maytaie iU Ms. Duane Hackenbroink nf Clitnt The groom iS The brîdesmaîdu' and Aparnments, Ontario St., flhc son of Mr. and Mro. Harry Newton, Milton. losore girls' dresses mere Miltonn Indian lore topic W./. dis trict day ltoDitr>ict> oi, Th, (l îuesu-uuiîonuuu î adc sord ut WîartonnMarine Hos- th Induan men. The oomen In>0t Dsrc aY',b lrS>, ti(t>io Ocubli pitlI teelthtey sbould be altooed 10 litlTîsl>.le '23 a 1 w n- ub iluiucreation, NMes.Jobnson spobie about tbe ier eseeces and Stuteheeds auu(>udiorum iii> ce. Nilus ilbson. wis he oork uitb Indian ynutb cusoms, mucb as niber Tbi.yres>ulct orothetDistr>i. "tl*i()(Ie>tLcubi Ms Nellis ,utnd>îîcscboot in Toronto, oationslhave tbeei omrtand. Surs NI> NeIlts >> u Niiu I", 010 (tilos»»uueoiteMs lhec oorh aI Seridan Cottege, Mrs. Jnbnsnnus tbanbed uic lie aerii >>0» tl Iii>»» uit i> lu in 11>1 n d liee eeseaech isto Indian hly Mes, Jam eson asd 1,1p -aticati. n exhilo uifor icuerok. loouandte gends.Oe bas also preorniedoibha gfti Sbe aloi talk ou nai tLuu oi>,> .iaksiofiuuiian VI ork uoneesearhbnobeeb and tbaned tbe omen oflNlson asedliso12ibances. (uoîc,tiuhuisioigoest mie ca cutomoothe beancb ubo acte>! as licu9ýo1n rsu»> I sju>.ifoiii theafteileoouu tduan hstsse othe uternoon, lughigh> o> the ,uterno ui>as - 1.0isitroduici» lY Ir ts. Ski-asked ibut penple servis! ira and sornts. île yreseiuuu(uonofmu>(u hut i l» ilsohsonîu s a undecolîod lie indian, ohy rouerlirancheso badtinter- ,>hapuluuiSchot,îeshuî .ul i>u>uuu-nher> ofenu nian ibes ur oppeeosed and obut i-st> ng duoptues ol Indian t hr eu iddaughte ii \% 1 ii Cape>îu>ockr etseo eus-a lie donc 10 belpli ndian aricesowhicli ocre es>oyed bordncueîîl>u Sc, (Iiii» hîitucosed abosnutatuoouuen otaiîîequuteuigbts bY tbose present. 1 UTS OUR 2nd ."ANNIVERSARY AND WE'RE CELEBRATINO WITH BIG MONET SAVINO FROM OUR CARPET éq' DEPARTMENT 12Wi.. S VE T050%Y OLYMPI A .:BectiZ m0 eAonn su o .~l CRPET ALL RUBBER BACKEO 425r- MI, 4" e - e, suon sinY'01,> CELANESO pottOnend nylon 9 Rotin CRNT BOUTIQUE OZITE LOOP OZITE COMMERCIAL (RUOT) >00000asou nOOn roo ose 00RuEoDuiainao ARMSTRONG FOAM CRAFT G.A.*F. ODDS & ENDS ARMSTRONO VINYL 1,ii> oaîo VINYL iioas SOFT TREAD n oLYMeus REMNANTS RIGHI7 ouso 95 '25 uni> nuis nCOooONE1/2 PRICE ________________________ * Onu ORS s4n1 d n3uSn n n o o s THESE ARE JUST A FEW TO CHOOSE FROMI 60 BIG RGLLS of CARPET ALLPAER WLLPAER ist QUALITY INTERIOR/ WALLAPER WALLAPERLATEX % o/0PAINT OFF " OUR VERY BEST" 2 0 OFFa Gallon Yu ta0 b.ok::oo hoosaoe .R0.g %e'729 ..O d o doy ..Pick*All Wallpapers & Vlnyt PASTE OLORS ONL j,, orrw n tock Quarts 1.59 Colr e Point e Wallpaper 340 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-3435 -.e Broadloom e Vinyl Floorn ----a REGESTER NOW FOR ... CLASSES aues. & Thurs day Afte r noons Fo Imo to -dOR O1~R V st ,C,1 160 Main St. 878-5711 the pufplepa/c " UNIFORMS " MATERNITY FASHIONS Stooppers World 499 Main St. S., Brampton (416) 457-6144 1