The Champion, Milton, Ont., We8., Oet. 3f, 1973 13 REAL ESTATE MANAGER JOIN THE TOP TEAM Wéeave cusf purctasedt a prinsocosssalf fsroPerfy on Mais Strent sn Mifton. No sois mu nec a topoflif 0monse 0 eoRIR and rarîthIs office. Rribu pirae, a NhosfOsrRs'l Milton art perso Whoo Ils «Illesaos, and rspeted. Maycnoboceearatin as a OrRAer and ecelc oicleteis fi(ce as Asoccîtc rcekec Oitt sarVc SeS perestaccte bcAîReessec. Woufdels St îst hae te a-net eeqeesetetts seteececr theAet. A gogo ksRsfRfed and backgound Rf oai aspets Rf te profession asRtntial. I o can'tgealfy s faa-O bt neeermee and maaer eofentiel, let'S heac frnt eRe. These's a niche fer yoe leOu Phone Ji., Lamet, Toronto 407-flfOr a te ome, Suite 217,10The Doscsy W., Don Mîlîs. Ontario. Planf loafed mn QE.W. Ookcllle. ýRA SAT eln lavr Excelentsforkingcondtiossandtrilsebeeha-ts îeterenstigan eeoodîtt c are e CenS yRd. Ahy net Long Term Seccrty0and0dcascRmOsf poeel0for goc c teitscusorcom mockers. J LonRo Ceaite f18 4129 APPLY MRS. NEIL ettîetfi 1 11 S IR cl 1171t DOMINION MANUFACTURERS UIMITED FeLL lia-e ore e f rdrces onnesbock ork Mille Me a0e, R oak atterrrns a- 416-844-2300 42r27 1îght I tt (7221. LICENSED Ritn 11e Ifae eel MECHANIC $95CR T 1. e,-te 4.728 Lot yocr pleosast perso aify CLCANINI, tUp ceecîceSl tee Regoired mite somne diesel aed buess Roperiesce mis Scse. 5OepO Rt Rcpnriesce fhîs pRosonfRr yocPiillyRr MîioeSeoriSec tel TPday typbogeeorrespondesce, ea- Saiy, eStl 63R2de To eage qurellons aed poorcêtose 4Sa-2I2490 Gobi beraffi progroce Rrders pius soifeltboard PRTeaim a-Rnd tuliti lia-R MS reflef sn têtis essgeeial office. cries. Must Me bosolabte, net MAPLE LODGE FARM IT95RI eo cteloRs. Rit 1221. LTD. Tata-to position éfb Lise West of Braerpf $120 SALES.SECRETARY - -litidilaï.kle lWissfRsto CfSctl Bc,,aoe for o couple o f asd 1/p -lie norfth of Selemrsages ia fhoaraeor Aveue. e les (ogea eoersy. Lots of WiLL dl taeîee 0 SOma2i earîefy asd goo4 fringle barse- ssays, rceets te eteeltles irsmil t0~:h i jo prosepect c-c 43m28 279 WAITRESSES Fulloifiefroera8a.m. fo cp. Parf-finte froer 1f a.m. fo Part-lime front 4.30 p.m. fo 9.g P.. Appiy ie Perses, CARAVAN RESTAURANT & TAVERN Milton Plaza 878-3901 42m23 Tooto positiosn . 59R TRAINEE lredwtw ir.Eno Poe 878aco3580. e ork icung tyig nrres poMcene reors fig and anwýr 004 a-oes Go NERof thegrandprio po0e al'(T71 rw oee doy' fnees O MR5. STEWART elv pr en os rie millos 845-2116 dollaes (I684.93 af tee Mîlfos 345 akesore d. E Commceîte Credif Rnios 245 Lkesêore d, E Slssr cdasce Safcrday a ceomBer of Comercere eorSmens, 61 Ducas Building Rr., Georgetown. Oakellle. Onf. 42ms27 61m27 2778 n TENDER vourintevle wil betreaedEXPERIENCED LUE R? VaCaro About TRUCK DRIVERS W L3 Ss m a Yor Commoslty. Rngcîrod fRr sigt piek-cp Rt 22nd Yarlree pocllry. 4m7 SioadyuempîRymesI and4 top wages. A NERD TO SUCCEED IN Mil1 censicer traîisig suit able applîcoCîs fRr TractRr REAL ESTATE SALES? TrlnAppîly inperson Inferosflsg, Eecifig, CallRsgRgt NOWlistfini mRo takOfhe MAPLE LOOGE sfepl'1 FARMS LTD. Sales are Booming! étb Lise Wesfof Our Company is Expandingt. Bramtpton lWlesoe Ma arenrna4yfteasssf yoc leucr prsosaf plannig andOe- and'12mentAsorftR f cosse isgclrles. Sfsslss ARR.- Llcenesd bafesmes & SolosIodles, are ccefempfaflsg or feklsg 42cea2 fteReal Esoafe Course, reqclrOO forour brancb offieslCn Georgetown, Borîington, OakviIIe If yoo are Rot bosy belceen 2.30 and 4 p.m. Wiv Offert Monday ta Friday and -AIl typns of Real Esfafn Sales ae ntse many -Bonus Infcetvs aiget Mny -Nom fiose Sales Please café 854-2171. -Ocarasfeed Trace-Is-Plas lsfnr Offilcn Pbofo Lisfisg Snreice INGLIS BUS LINES -Morfgago Fisaneleg -Trainisg Programme d2m27 Pleasn calI Mrs. Myshoêt 278-3371 Colleef Corser OveRlRpmeef Deparfmeft GENERAL HELPER ReqeceeS Ru tsae STRRyN REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. ARco P"cîo 15 ofoices fbrRohRcf SRuffler, Onfario 42m27 MAPLE LODCE FARMS Townocf Haîton Hilîs RehLinWest ofTD. mt kdRe-R5l,1 ~êu5î05 a-tstsn Chuchill Olec, and1/ TOWN ENGINEER Apoplications areRiRRlfed from Gradutafnsgineers wooare PERSOIN mrs of the Association of Professiosal Eeginers 0nd 4 haveenaïfncperîeeee in Mucipal Esgiseerisg, for tête positios Lu gctn Cars of Tees Eegiseor fete Townsof Ralfot Rîlîs. burcai Snalnd applieatioes cearly marked "Applicafion for Tocs orge Oakvîlle G M dealr Esndss sfafisg qualificaRions asd RRperiRsce, cul be -eMcsa nsefr cri rteieled by thecsndersigftedcsetls5:00p.m.RonwRdesday, catice ard matenanCOce o NRRRmber l4th, f973. cars. Mr. T. Hélé Steady Oays and001l cceepaey Mayor- Elect bRefts. Towen of Halton Huéls SevceMnae c-o Towncship of Esqesésg offi .ces 844-2320 422 R.R. No. i ______ cns Geargetgcen, Ontario. Pro WOODWORKERS FULL OR PART Té ME OPENINOS AVAILABLE fN Noce led MILLFINIHIN SALES MANAGER and Gallioger Mofors Ltd., ASSEMBLY MiltRe Plaoa Deparfmets of HARDWOOD 878-2883 dSMagst MAIL CONTRACI eTheCaneaPos ot Officeisîineitiso tenders for f ive eoeeceteact for te cov net ofRer Ma(nsty's Mails Ntoeet Toronto, Ontario 0and MATURE babysiter milleiCT ail oryti e COUNTY 0F fIALTON for parttm 000 kl '1 w,,rs BLKELOCK CARTAG Haltan Ceotennfal oronge Oo 8576er 02,112 2786 Home ~~0: - Office - AprtEn Manoir 8854. 70,e27-5781 MORes - MOLLI EMaROREGOR ri for omial Indueries ENGINEER -cCmeca eiere SCHOOL 0F DANCING ORANGEcan whiteepart persian 4th GLASS ModenJeazz c, lor near O.S. 878 for PianoMovesoand T rqie meitl.Chdre& Adcl Classes 446O11 71 Dsmas lio for thete shitt operatioRR BaltTpHghland Sriea 401 het oe onfo. 878-9788le .Ras Rote. 03.57 Ce $4.69 pet heet. FullCrange ofemployercpld STUDOO MILON LEGIN wANes c k rkdM Cal 878-5222 bellifs Thcrs. A fern s RR5EeRCns Ooatir a pelleor7 - APPLY PERSONNEL 6 cff acthestctda oigfo OFFICER BRA E tci tMOeattîels sore Coc R. COUNTY AOMINISTRATIOfJ DaRI ANOLE the Oî cfto Ratte.S Ce0aNGobesDie BLeU. (Sec floRe). RRRy Satcrday. etn 8 C72m28 26 MILTONEOO 782001 Classes in0e (000 jaz san ballet. 42sta27 For mreR informatiRn eal 1R tct AUCTION SALE tee the estote et the lace STANLEY GAR OHOUSF AUCTIO N SALE 'Scorlec Reo.d -esfocm Alfil tUNSEOSIONES AUCTIONECR RAS RECCEIVED giutrS a ýMlo TRRCTIONS PROM FRESERICR M. FENTON, SATURDAY, ICITOR, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION NOVEMBER 10, foc THE ESTATE 0OF THEV.LAIETTHOMAS HINTON fute 12-30s p.m.ts choîceloettericg o ViefRrias ecSglsorappltaeees. îe Tomneof Octeilie. alfhe deeosec'sesideee,iloaed on Full ad ceetmweek. Johs Sf., af fheecorer of Bert Sf., oua-est epyosite the eilleArrea. Prom G E.Cmwy.Ioake Rorr St. te Rrbeec SI. WARO BROWNRIDGE t mest, free întmedioMely Soeth Os Bront. AUCTIONEER Milîtr Ontaro Ose reliable Rehicel reqiScred oîth a mieîimum FcRroîITRC Lorgecupc ght Mahogoe gecsdtother clorA. l cScryifRcSpaelfeRfRORcbcfmftCoPableRfeCRRefRgaoRacRf6tcs. wa-kisg Oreer. 9 yc. moist dlîticg erece seite 11151 table, COte noutM teip oule is sceloRS. e ha-os per SOeek, asoNRCined itn tee buffet, chiCS cabinet aed R chairs perfect condithee Record schecue f RsseiceTendersswl eeeaCceteRmlfrferescetsRr cabinetesltêtlslai loocr. Oeai,c6leggetloolccf parlertble. businesssfirecesteofed Inthepstal areaslevai by thf terminalpost Walscf bcekocase, secetory mîfh 4 Oeaoers ecellentco offieces a- be post Rfficiel lReStR alosg tee rote. Thls ncldRo obtîce. CRffoo fable 0110 eed toble, S sîde tables, floRr table, csonRt ofcrral rotesRemfaelfogfrRcetheloffiesad fC s hall tree,mwalectparlerctable, oalltitchee table adofchirs. operatieg ae ogmtcy, baoce offue, a- heaoffRice ef osy Rf the cfa-R Old pCe Re place tlafback ccpbocarS, pîCe kîtchRe tabls, 3 pet mtettîelocations. Pmrsoestmossrifcmust be 21lyoarsofal R or uer sectiRecI chesferiell, S uphoîsteref ara- chocrs. 3 ocl ClosgSdateteetiers inTroto wil be th Ncebes,C1R7tSt 0 fecReos. Chesfefield,emarges iCtta bec. Occasîsol choie, pie Rther Rdtt ehairs, RIS fortstceL S yc. beScooc suite, fleRr and foble iolmps. kîtehes cabieet, rcgS. 4t6, CR12. scctfeecrgs, Full pactîclarsoas t seifleotiRes, typeRof vehriclR. tencer foreet.. drapery, large geostîty Rt bceddîcg. ((Cer Ockcase. S cepyRe aaye Obtaine teRet Post OffieRsa Braecptos, Necoal, GeorgetRwn, trilighfs, mîckr seoisg basket, siegle oodee bed a110 a-at Acton,Miltoneor froetheoDiectoe.CentralRDstrictOtario Potal tress,S4pc.cvery old bedceeeomsuite,îCncl.a3t1i84bec,eocety Oea-at. Ra 456, To-rento Ostario, MRJ1 lA5. Telcehoîne 41603693173. dcesser, C draoer chesf. dresser o. a-tree. haRSIRs oe OeSoerc are bcassoitheoy kbs. We7re going to offer you your own business. a-ecI (Reiglfeenettnd -e.Beeght. Aggfesoe IndîoideoilooelîfrglRoed tee'eîd tIndcycedenceOee besîccos ol helîeg people RtanfnnilscelseRRjy soxv heeeîh ettey ecIScs mli tActr i-tcr Rbjeces. AllReeetcl îcetc d n n le(e , lien thhe-ekbcget a-oe rltmoutei.., .etcytd usgcitdyolelclle'an tlents'o Me îelie soepeople doAbete, than Chlers wen tboyîes Ilîceecî t eltelll yoe eeeeîsfbegwe îtced te geRIC0 sreal] aoeteeut bredtrangelofpredectsoad scteeesT'lhen eellteteh ys h- eel thteeqheeîa proettcttt Yelloiodll bpotmeeoilbe nie And if chat isn't enough. we'II pay you. Yoe*Il eotetebulcyee leae. Attd(5eeeOecine te bcyoid de. te"qeglttalceA', peeed.AItethcît, t's yeeîe-n buostness. Il tAit eeeî,ds geed tRorel, PHONEF. J. BARRER, Ramtilton CRllnct- I 416029165 ol5r Write; 32SJames SI. South, HamilRon Ostar SYNDICATE LIMITES NEW LOW RAIES 1sf and 2nd MO RTGAG ES Servce ito001 Istegrity O.M.O . Montbne 10% UP T090% VALUATION -comne lst 0114 Ssd. -Pay oIt yRcr bills. -combbine debts. Ocuild a eRcse. -A0d a rm APPLIANCES-GO E. cetrlgrtor, d bure-e 3R" eleetete stoe mACh double Rve. McClacy Easy ma-cge- mooher, hor, peîsýhe.r. eceei cleacer. Singr oeetrie semtsg meachîno, esle ntdl raiesos tsteSdatuh -liit 0L1CR ceee,îe ctîilcee. tedeet, CI. et Milton, cen Ietpsseile 0178 .R2 34 RGE btostcIQsS5eaCth er ,ncur ad retteet alage Et, Cte H.,1 f101305ete, TOWN OF MILTON Striait appîliaces. - - LOA GOOD SELECTION 0F CIlOER, GLASS ANS CHINA-e77l 2 OOS OR LO AL .'gtld tcîa LimoRges disecoce e8 toPe. gelc teetflconered VIA IMPROVEMENT patternLimoftgesdnewr.RS rmyBuWil, NipponcAslaC, ote Limeogeschina. Figuiete.eleAcstcoen ROSSI oeid becte fot yteg NOIC CRStateccp.Acs ýtelaeeoecpaietecevase.Old metlr ck. eîtlttttîC. 78R4R54 bcass coeclostitks etîlk glass tloCc ease, pIes aOy Rtec FORM 3 SECTION 12 gooA glass pieces. 5pc. slec tesserce. Sîileer oette Service,. 5 PATET TAKE NOTICE THAT. sîleer ,eaf plotter and easserRles. CoceîCg set and Rthec oIc IO RN nCives,tfRks, spcs etc.2SeR bilecs cteck. Seclec jacs, I. Tee Cececil Rf the ec 011 :dtee cegeloc glossoand chin an oCktlytt ocre. Ocetîty etMOER 1 tedrtetî aeoet Ipocafloof Rtteefc MilRe bRs, etc. ltefCIstRcetccctoasaeitay molletonrer e78 cote mîth 5.chR'so cR...eallios MISC. ITcMS-Laececastec peowec (SC ttowee, 3 steplol 85m2ct 2Rt7 oneOsfacriStceetfrRceap tirs, lacoadgardientredis. WOAcNGlsG -ethccartto pfRRlcmely 700 fei South cf :At hIrctt,tmenltn1 eeecctR Pckca Oncve tR Porkoroy Terces are cash. Ne resecees. Estote etust be settînd. Sollttg: orcceesot ep ele Drîee, ac.kooy Drive tcont byeea-mber. BeR27 ltCeedinC hapioncî Onîtaric Street tb Pi 8ttm27 2R89 pcRlsmtfly 10R fef Wstt cf LADIES & OcNTLcMEN--Mest et thn tieechoedîse CtRC teSotReRnMieCreRkHatC tlnencileryRIcandcinpeetect condition. See yRot ithesle. Qiet 2ledtttetSpatet , A seCte front15 lSfsst SotCiffotfîRt87 35 CotpbelAveneRtRParketay Eeecetorstoracteecet eonstble o ciet.8m721 Drîý stentertnt aifllO5 Pkoyriethoesfxisg AUCTIONEER s Falliegbcook Pcntpteg Statiot as aLocalîntpreentCandCH SA. CH UE tfeds tR spcally assess aOH I .SH UE pateostfl castcupo the land 8782576LE abcttîegcîireely oe the work. 8827 S. Tee eRhtiated cRst Rt thte 1-2 N I Z ck il $64,000 Rt wcc U U E 3.0 (s tc be polO by thn CorpratiRn aed the estiateT R S tce pec fceIt trRillagn is $0.21. L E I E stalmnts.AUCTION SALE 1. Persons desirineg te ptto Sgoicstccndertokisg fhemor must do seon0 or bel oie te 3dth doy of Novea-ber., l9t3. DATES, Octobor 51sf, l973. J. MeGEACHIE, CLEOR ASMINISTRATOR. fer MEL SMITH 7 MACKENZIE DR., GEORGETOWN (OFF REXWAYI SAT. NOV.3, AT 10.00 (PR EVI EW P ROM 9.30 A.M.) TRE TOWN SF MILTON TENDER FOR Milton Public Library Sealed Sfipciated Scm Tes- ders mortU "Milfos Public Lîbrary- shol Me reeeieed estl cOR0 per., E.ST., THRRSOAY, NOVEMBER 22 ait Tee Mais Rocoptios Coes ta-r, TMe Toms Roui, 251 Motn Street, Milton,Ontario e o Brook .CarrfMers- Sham, Aechiteefs, dO Sf. Clair AR cle a-est, Torosnto, Osn,-lo Sramicgs asd speeifieofi ocs may An obfaised front te ArechitoRts, Brook-Cor- ecteers-Shas. dO Sf. Clair Avesce CReof, TorceIo, Onsf onî o, McA IMS, Telephase 416 C92923331, os deposf of a eerf ifled shegse for 350.0OR payable ofte arebîfeets. Os- posit miii be refuee on ce. tcrc cf drom(ogs asd specificaf icrs cn gooA cosdi- Seaied tesdiers fa- Mectasi Ra and nEleetrical fradles sMili be deposited aI tee. Toc ceto Bld Seposîfor y Bp 00 p.nt.. E.ST. WESNCSSAY, NOVEMBER t21, 19173 Tendersntustête aont pesied by a Bîd Bosd is fhe antocct cf $20,0R0.00. Lomesf oaay tendercoetcecessarily aeRepted. MO. J. MAcOCACHIE CLEOR !C ýf P b S c Cd MiRa 2rom 1a- THE ILIQUOIR Roern Icecilsie, large gcoantty et Antitqees îttecuteg Pics, S CALLICENCE ACT o rss,ecrýkery, glass, fie oate&elc beyles.Rouehttdcppl 0OE REYNOLDS acces, brorcea-m suite, ehestectîeds, 130x 12 ceg, drep (paf table INCOME MORTGAGE THE LIQUOR NOTICE 0F &ir cay, ROCe articefou te e ru a- steentieon. t SERVICES LICENCE ACT APPLICATION ,business te Gien Williamts ite r cte. Tisîslaehoie Notice of Application Lt CENSI5G DISTRICT NO eteecgote oatiqce tateacedhsaeîtete-de 539-1043 (Eoeoings) or îAsccce NO C ie eîh e Rtatge tfra 52-457Haiîoo -LICENSINGD IST-RICT NO. 5 Ittae Caeacîoc Cleb et Milton LUNCH AvAILABLc ShLLtNG RT NUSIRER candsci Dt istrict of tCR Township e OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT ReSPONssttcF i (9 a.m. - 5p.m.) 1 - ny Tomr Golf Coeu R Nossogamsya in the eteete et CIDENTS ON PocEMISES SAc OF SALc. 6Cc f Lia-îleS et the tw of Esgorhf. Catesn eil aAe application ai0 ALRaR SEI o_____ _ ethoeaCwtcof ltaeformAa-lake Speci Meetitng of the LiqoeALRD.cîEC Opplc8liî-aia SeciaetinAg of Licece Board et entarie te or AUCTIONEER,l th Lel Licece Bosa-S .1 Matt l hRRc-eSorceoFetR,EOGTO N SECOND On rbeIo . OlOld a, emssc cati 1500 . ,GERETW teot(R Dom-ion Foecocies O. S Fototres &l Stecsmreer Hale, StreeotCEat,ietheeiteoaitn--- 17 aetoe StrooEaslointheOCty incte Cocty o eteorth on MO iunuteiT 25e:aemetCeoft 1 cOecctc:1973,a- the dat-cot A uction S l MONo EYr t(cthOe iRdOInc t 1a-Afn ssuaeof aluiecefor flc -0F ROUSEROLD FURITURE. APPUIAOCcU GLASS Lom cost Ssd etorîgoges Leoutile Licottes, for a-sC ale aOt d O oa-to a-of i e5 iROONSl êEAG UTRLHL arSsged gctckiy en tête AR-bconstionoclqormtsseetooci etRise-meisei CluosaetecI TE GICL LHAL pcieoey ofyoer homee. iscilR fRcee .orMte foomine a-ARA0 Tho F00 *Pay over 20 years IMMiCaea-csoa-etesRfiîmC Itaisn eacacac Cleb r Mlta- - HARLES HORNINGION *Prime cotes Mo the foblea-co a-Reises: The andMistct, AS4 Toe- Lne, , hceg *Cceepietely open iEesbe coea Golf Course Cleb part of 4-et e, Coecession ti ttf SATUROAV. NOV. 3 AT 12.30 prn. Iooe0per ceotlof appsie ftcoesOthemest sioe oftodTonhpf asgvearlh eroperipealce Tria Ireotoba Oa pproîetotley 5 ceoiiA pCeccty et Raitec Cyc.,maicet dîeîsg rcom Suite, iCci. better, chico cahicet, tablr se ccUs 110 hiddencharges se a-île cOrte Rt Steries Ae. eeyeea-MRiseesîSct IIII 1 ocd chai rs , in1 perfect contditiec. t yc chreeme kîtce sue. 2, teçhesocte east ha( Ifofthe ticestSdistricta-ayebeht tRthe pe French Proviciealtehsteefiod scite, ikre em Looy bey Shopacea tc eo-p emestAt f Lot NRO inthea-h theate 5e gones ofechar, îtevbrait-rAooe kitheeeeboaed, cttee ad eoC au orn in LTwnsip, cf objeci Rtisn en citie5 seal Me titoo tables elothes haepee. C pe. Meeea-m suite, mîfe triple îaa edoteappoistntecti (sesdti mitnta W. GehrgeeCe. Gage,GQC. the dresser. good ose, double dresser a110 shoot of Sea-ets. lier oee AicepSincmfdistrc aobeota- deputyeegistrae of thtetlcotsig 1colonalibcsk beds, eeygo4 ccdtion Roecm.ay ec.mritîe JOE BACHT I-929-3666 disctîcaseta-cbette srict, chese adiess sl1 Keing desk. rcgs acd seaRte etats. Fîstoers large ac s-il FZ.oie theapeltiote,oeottearouncso Stretoest, oset60,,ameilto, ta-p andfableioetps. eDIfter hors Ontariomriîe Soali IA file al (ses tiee S0ys ALAN S&MuC OCeoaate mashr and dryer, FdAiCRL4 Sstet,-eoste adrftboicleKig apprlcoa-îsilte toed 'RKeleetStor 1Se Cu.It deeptfreer2 Sr Roy tefrigerator MestbecO0M.B.A. tetWsR RAttEDt M Itoc0finsocndday Rentor30"eleefhecstoaeRoHailtonRoaBeaclecumeteaec 69Ct aet.Roa 6R8,. Rota-, of Fhoo 103Clor pelîshec. Phîliys stoee sel, Table etodel oleetele ergae. betf otec theN lAeig ot whist thec Blek & mette T.V. set, pics cthoc sau yeetrte appltarees. 000CR ~ ~ ~ TH teetRICo0fcAchfe CANARI ANCLUBO Step îaddecs. Oathcca Seales, Mey poil and squceezer. 8 OAbEoaO stebe thInaro d FMILTON ANDI DISTRICT Assortret ohard gacdee toRls Glass, china, sileer and Rfhec RAttER fot 50eii thî. la-how 00e Wee 93 Applieat eegcloe setoil hocsehoic itemes, etc. otite Beagle SeS. Brown HONYTWR 100comLice, Miltat, oîo th 2tas OttORheS GOLF CeeRSEi LIMîcED ASSress Tres are cas h. Nocresectes. Ooe teeîsg. CRicd & Sa PreO font 10.30Raa- day ot solo. FEMAcC Cerrîier, beiscie Oca-in ore Colo, rsi o Thrsda. W 1. 05 akelmir d EstýAUC TIONEER: Rîcêt ocRa Acsmors tM Oake eOntario. "Shery" Remero. 110 232& 70m27 2826 77m2 CHRIS A. SCHOUTENý &/ JAfl U re yW ntag2? NOTICE Of Set-esbr C913ol bout83 Towship of EsqeosîCo pese ConactHelen OaiCes &LaegdRe, LSC5elee oe 11,1 ca-etay, For Complefe Auction Service Chris A. Schouten AUCT ION EE R Salesoftali types Soles ceeceuted aneywhece. THE SOL le f Ward Brownridge LîcRftsed AcClossr Farce Livock Ferhitere Sales Phone 878-6730 Appraîsals - Ali Types 78e If AMPBELLVILLE AREA BObeauiîte ocres of toeeisg tis hge Inaptes, t est a lRm mttles Iroce 401 Roy. Yeoc eed Steam Seeerailoeiy eîiltheng spots A ea fitîd art :AMPBELLVILLE AREA 54,900 Lare cestom- bct ettgaeo. on cý acre lot .oeey ce-bîcato- sît mgq dîeîeg ceea-,n cnne fee kîtehec, eoadtRea-ed liveing cont, otfice attd spaeiois rce tRoom. brSeprt heoted moekshep deeblo garage, aclorge storoge eeîIdîeg SOUTH 0F 401 st-,9ROc Fi eteesqele toc e yeepe-ty Cîge fcoetoge' 20 acces Rt fields, bîsh ond stera- plAs 2 store homo oitt ait toCeîRces. Bock Ma-n, 2 stoey orkseop seeea erner beildintgs. MORRISION VILLAGE Excellent hgt 11tà Oecre building let seitabie toc tmo hoetrs. Frtoge oc Hmy. 6 and en etiage Street. Oeiy o15ee0o Omcec miii Ccid eeetgage. TOP 0F GUELPH LINE Cea-tablSSe ISa-m hante or 1 ce-crer lt. Bright (orge kîlehet. sopacate dîsîsg ca-ce, den, spaeiocs lieisg t-cea 3 bedrorts 55,900.0 Fîeaecîcg acoîlable. MILLéE E55ERY (519) 024-5054 or (di6) 854-9963 A46 ction Sea lesrnc A on age 14cr li 76m27