Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1973, p. 11

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teouneliBriefs] A TRIP TO SWITZERLAND for two, woo the prize Boleno equipment dealers were offered recently and John Russell of Milton Mutine and Sports Ltd., Milton Villa one of the 25 winnero, Mr. and Mrs. Russell lleft) ure pictured receîssing their tickets f romt district sales supervisoir Bull Warîng andi soles monager Jack Peart of Farmero Supply andi Equip- ment Ltd., oit o recent soles meeting helsi in Toronto. Euqueiog township coulai met aoidy Oct. 29 with Reeve Hill in the chair, deptyeevre Coaie aod soo itie Muithy and Leslie in alteodaoce. 505,050 rriaf. co -.5)0e Eoqosîrs tooonship ooiil ohserve Poppy Weeh Nov Sto illand authoeizeithe uuai donatiun t0 Georgetown Leglurs poppy fod. Mayou- eteet Tom tilt mili place a township meeath at the Georgetomwn Legioo seroice. Courtiiiearoed the dates of fuethes Soturtdt commisoioo heueings on the onquiry ioto the transmsson of power hetmeen Middieport and Pickhering, fsom OrsI. 29 10 Nos. 16. A lettes fromt the Georgetown and District Good Neighhour Service mas reherred to the committee moeeting mherr grunts arr disrsussedi A donaton has heers given the past two miii be mithout Christmas needs. In anticipation of a great increase in the nurohes o! familles in oeed 1he commitiee is fIsding lit necessay ta etend fis a- peuit heyond chuiethes, ses- vice clubs anduInitaldoors to ait hosinesses and preSionai people in Georgetown. A tlese is t0 hoe mitten 10 ltosnhy midget softhut tram congeutulting them on theis wins and eopliîong the towonship ils uoahte t0 gtse g antu t0 indirstduat teums. A Onation ut $250 tran already heen mode ta Horoby traIl club. A requent had been receirsed. Stewartiowo hait fili he inspected tor a tiqor ttceooe. Ttre reotuest mus recejord travmi thr hait hoard. A uurvey ut municipal ire protection in Naton His hy the tire mueshato offise. ort no os5t loaly, wasapproved. Arstrs aod Gsergtow art s- graoted a huiling perrmit extensiofor ayear sise hs rsonrtaioeas nothbeen ah e ta hegio huilding hîs hoorse. Pam Mitchell, 101h fine inoomed couocit theououed quarry onthe 27th sideroad t the end of the mtnhin ito hriog uoed as a dump. Townrship trucsohad eeety dumperi -tîi on the gaehags there. She sasd the OPP had iodicated the maties oas out of their jorîsdssîsos Depot y -reve C recommended a etteresent t0 Sentry Qurrieo ashiog permînssion t0 hlock the driveway ansd ta poot signo. 'rc tbave trouble there oft,' ohsers.ed s'erk Delmar French. Georgetownr Oîddfstoo's aosd arsprssentatisr atteod aroeeting Nov. lonam hivopfa. and ilr Il35,533 whtsh must1 b detssîrd ero earty in rshidhood, iourl c ittors tett they sehoutd attend paormi og hoard bha1 oîght. lt Il , .5- s s- A Isttes from ri. t-os. tot 1. Notio reso--îd chilîteo warosrg sigins anod maximum speedtlii sss.s (,i he niosh finessrth of No. 5 siderond, About3 15 -hîidrsen hrmsl omne., mst 320h onî the rondi to the ,,hool hbus aod cars' vi,5,s5, orstsrsted hy a hillt Thessvsupein teodeot eihs,r Shed feoi repost A isîssr sromr i_. N rt an omspanyi.Sd, nuac The Champion, Milton, Onit., Wed., Oct. 31, 1973 11 Horses, deer struck Iby vehictes on roads .05,5 Asee policeotfiiersoliins ino'olosg 4 Irons Mitîon Dstashment of vehsstrss, FiPosoison the, Onrtario Provincial P~Io rolcertd in injury ta 23 te ioosstigated 70 gerrerat oc- sons and propsrty damait curencses. Inctoded in this 1000 estimaitsd ex0 numr hrsre rioe thefto one, $31,150. t0ghteen drivser dsturhoancss, eight persans ino'otsd in thess colision shargedî fso %otrsg the have tîsîrs rsumoneîod 1 t o2g (,r Msisir lii itssslLI- 55, ...... l'501 a,,nd l U ,, ilii ,1, ' lhs ol proieri. tw 05 a ilsOtotssai ad i e drîose clri tpol dru sci-îgt 21 zures s h, rrs arhou e te ido _______________________ foIîosoîog tos elosst<. fallu, to-stop for stop sigrim rpropt adjustrs Informer] ceolu ansd usafepassiog, spee t they are invstigati flhc fa~-st5~ fo o Tuat. oîhes accidensst iisooloirsg Mrs Jean tiraille, conditions. misa0 %lel'hzisl's %cincle ehisis, impairsd dssoo O515 appsoval 35, hssîg animsssoi s h5,0555' a sîoih b: Gesorgetowns t0 dsss chane offinonrstheosoî - sli >f No 7 highoy, op- nosrit rrlsîd. teopermit Cuosrs are hu: an apartment andsotel.Ss organizing for the5,r00055 15 sd id 1 1iampiroil IT CTORy EARL G. BLACK B.Coln. R.A oC.A. Churee ondhooe.e 143 ains Se., Milton Phone 68-6542 ALUMINU M Windows & Doors STORE FRONTS W.J. KOSKI LIMITED 324 Steses Oue. 878 9450 KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Soersr Faci,.WsedomsaeO Sous s. lgse , Cas pu r andr Puoh Encoures Omosegn., Eavotsouhieu Federal Industries of Canada Four of Frsyehe i. OAKVILLE 845-0318 MASTER GLOSS HOME IMPROVEMENT (Alsat Dealeri tes os hoaotify lues home 10)10 Sdeng Sorrts Eaoes troughseg Ameious Cours- Winîdows FREE ESTIMATES 0000 829-tht 5337 alleru6pto. UHF/VHF SPECIAL Toe uto, rotor, 005 09F INSTALtESsieO.00 Dan Arbîc Antennas 853-0200 ora 9825 Geore C.- Jackso ef, Oiprsenutailoo Miltons Direct Lino 639-5916 Evnng0 7828 Duraclean' DURACLEAN CARPET &UPHOLSTERY SER VItCE 878-6194 'tilt 10 P.m. FLOOR COVERINGS Chmos our ertm moo s eiet a Qoalit rhoudiom *Cushioned sheoiel Or Salle quatîiid installIIus ce loy sour coeplete fous or vite sopî ste meuessus fr the do ilyouslfer. 878-2351 THE BEST LES FLOOR COVERINOS Armstrong Oies1 CARPETS Celanese Ksuss Olympia SourIss CORSET CERAMIC TILE 340ManSt. Milton 87t-3435 Free park ais ofostore czau.-. DRAP ERY Framieg BRAL M Additions BODLO Ronooatiasss litRusdeotai Rec Rooms *Indstrsiel Houoss * Commercial ROY GALLOWAT O.R.1Mfa isHuta OOmadeuDrapesin stock 054-2424 ForsatomService COLt ueo 2ou7 FOR HOME -oaatsmsAPPOINTMENT 10E ELS 00E21 Murn St. Maitoe, Otasio 878-3316 PHONE: 1u1-7111 Wile Cater to 3eep Steam Extractions P*arties *toesihuens YHu aOioaieos he cli0 si, *nusets -Wddigs airputs , & An Oeeatueehome baed lPo.cI,__ Bread, RolisandPastries uaOde tou ue piou'-. DEW DROP IN CAL LMRS. WATN E 878-3969 878-9229 or 878-5111 CENTRAL CARTAGE & MOVING Opnsat try Ho.00n îooell1 n Careplete leuieOOserice *SGanerai 0.550.,l nl Cartae cntractu * ueep, rt.rhu0, van 878-3351 REPAIRSAND REWIRING to Lumps, Fiulures and serait ApplianCeo Cal ICharlie 878-3049 d21l "0 -t I I HALTON MASONRY PCN BLOCK LAVINO edSoc eoa CONCRETE E edSok eo FluorsOSide'lsoIs Patios LIMITED Free Estrenaren Of deadue disablnd Caîrlo Phon ndHuss CLAUDE 878 ff397 Phue (46) 692 4421 Ooh s BOB 853-0477 ACTON PRECASI CONCRETE & SUPPLIES D.F. EXCAVATINO *Spis Tanks *Wall Tsles Eosaatieg-Tsutohieu ti Othns Conese Ptodoots Haolage-Sasd- *PFastic Seuns Pipe *Foeping Service GravaerlandTop Soif 853-1529 Eusl NEW CONCRETE 1900K 827-1910 878 9832 FStOn u muoncas - i speciaists, FARM BUILDING CATHEA CONCRETE SifiRouptmand epli PHONE EVENINGS PLEASE RESTORATIONS LTD. Waterdown 689-1 086 KEN BAILEY M. Harris, frtrelo 250 Martin Seet GeorgeE. Harris. 818-6853 Aller 00210 878 6625 BARN RESTORATION & REPAIRS PRECAST 8833 1 S UNIT STEPS 8833 Replaol useps *OEC ROOSS InstaISed i se 0 1 Or2soucs *KcITCHEN CABINETS Cathea Concrete ti OANITIES Respirations Liai *0000057E COUNTEOS 200 Martie St., Miltoe 878-6853 dot CLIFF BARNES LET US CUSTOM TOItOR DRAPERIES Our expertsllsre Drapries t pur sect , somplemust ur home. Caîl 878-2513 Todat lune Draperies Milton Pla00 McPHAIL ELECTRIC *COMMERCIAL OFORMS & HOMES OELECTRIC HEOTING NO TO t tT SONS 66 Charles 1t. Milton 878-9513-877 -5795 878-9135 McKERSIE FueaiHome Ot iiuMase Si - Our 21i yuar of Olpiful, 878-4452 HONEST JOHNNY Remodels Anythîng Sepoal Applicatione Ol0 Piailler Repaired Nom Cailirg 1e550130-urcny Aoostic Spray Paintineg - nide Outilai No Jobr Tm Big or Tee Striait 878-3291 DRYWALL TAP3NG JOINT FILLINO Frue Estsemaio 10E SEELEN 878-3337 GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR *Rumudeliso $AINet oueserSu Frsee bliueprses with ce-cl GEOOS' DE WILD 878-3534 BRICK- BLOCK & STONEWORK Chimeys, Fsepluoes, Alto ratios Repa Ors & Additiosue AL COULSON 878-4484 MILTON MOIST AIR Humeidsiies fus F osoud Air Fornce5 Oas Out Sains & Service 878-9987 aler m MILTONQ~ -OFFICES . :NDOSTIRES Complete Jaestorîuî Service 878-6388 CONTINENTAL JANIlORIAL SERVICE SF ACTORItE S OFFICES : STOR ES *WINDOW CLECANING nRUG CLEANING FutIy boodesi & tnsured 878-5127 or 877-9654 MO DE R N E Y008 KITCHEN Lt us Oeip Yeu plire vo OrO kitce ru or en and neusoîsosodeag pro fiished naurel hurduo cabinets. Ask for a frrm hrochore as luoi e Manrt E. Milton, 9782351 MILTON LAWN and GARDEN SERVICE Laerlscapsou Suoddie Seudseug LauenMainstenance Prop. J0E WILSON 878-9070 Fai and Wst hibar Hoor Toosdars Wederesday Thoesday Fesdas Ou ns uo5.300mý Siol 10 a.mtuo5p.m Evensegs Toesdas, Thussdavo, Frsdars &3Ota 9p CREATIVE MEMORIALS LTD. 190 On tari aS55. S. Ph.08780522, Tuorno 020 1303 GRANITE ANS BRONZE MEMORIOtS Sinerssy -Serovice Satisfaction5 =HN 878-411100r826-1223 NADALIN Eîectrîc Co. Ltd. 3153 Base tie Ro00. Milsl Place your message in centralI Ha Iton s busy marketplace, Advertise your business in the Who Does Ittt d irectory. TOWN 0F MILTON To Crs,, ers '5ad 2015est Insce of Buildigs- Plcoo b, urs g, 0 Trenc sCmmsel, of Ase 0)00 SeaePt878 6171 p.k Oad8833 H. eCLeR MATHER 8 25 Dîspensîng OptîCians AsrskOayO, 1ps seMs.OWP- Wecer nsO 10 a t6p m o rs appOsrlttlcsll tlo..si s00,1' prso0ptlv 0isOs 600AFALGAR 0020 OOITANNIA 0022 AT DO GMQGIN MILTON OPTICAL Dispeosirsg Optiians 01ol siprescr iptions ptomptrs Il accralteîy fîied 6o Mass St. Mi Iston 878-4961 Arthur A. Johnon, 0 D. MILTON- 218 Main St 878 3673 -P-AUNTING m CO OAtTORG 1K.(,ECRATORS INTERIOR EXTERIOR 00000<Ne So FEOiOOat 878-6137osa * itcdenta AIrs Wasll Cam lurs Oeu Ba i yras S s st Eoess SprayoMiu Plastering & Stucco Ai) Ty pus S ors co New 55 aster, Repairs, CooeCesisegs AsOersssot Piasteeso Co J. D. Currne Piomhseg Repairs 24 Hoos Service 878-2452 -BUSINESS FOHMSI AtopleteDeosignand 878-2341 Dilîs Prioting II/f & Publishing Co. Ltd. Sewîng Machines SALES-SERVICE RF NTAL PHONE 878-6t6i Milton Fabrîc Centre Secses astd Repaion al mtaiesofsewssgrmachines RT-RTX- tASER tOly tranrshise dealer i Haller Catri Drumquîn Garage Trafalgar Road O Ostaoeîo 878-4807or 878-3040 ACTON Terminoal Marehoose Istdesltsai & Doosostic Stusugo ourne Storaun BOKOERAGE SERVICE 853-2320 AClon 36d 2841 Tuotof BUS SCHEDULE MIL TON andITRONO am, 20pro . -8 50am At Mison 10 0Opms 3 ,, 35 p002m Ar lli-on 5am 01 For theuOo0pîue TRAVEL EXPERIENCE CoOl 1Ihe agentls whoeve heers there MitOse, Clasre & TrîCia Sereeterue MISSISSAUGA TRAVEL Bosiness 822-3750 Home 878-2235 DANNY MARCUCCI TItE SERVICE Ail typesoi ail&tioorile & sheel floirsoqestiod 878-3987 CHARLE'ES WELDING CHAS SPECK 878 5365 *.;,n1 'nsSciel Isir Osoidaar oir Ds.,der CATHEA CONCRET[ RESTORATIONS LTD PETER MrsItLWRAI00 250 Martin St 878-6853 WINDOWS SCR EEN S R EPAIRS 878-6011 WINDOW CLEANING Fot te Esttesfmed05 Top Coorous Service Resideelial ols Cali 878-4686- 130ES WHO c c h . 1 1 .

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