E1in oor e Shrao piar ofuskatesas a chid usfh dsoured scr er'arIin lir tbe proîredu irons ber bard bhai uhe ,'aais i cs bb, rrrhfesfi aork. inoaprofitable' Isus us ifenfir uhr opIersîf ber ,5555,r Sh hosaghîbî'r iru sîls hîoro ýi Stasi n-s Coons wants day centres remnain local ias,,care'sCen'tres ulsle nsotre' or hem baîu's't - nIssulcrespsisro tllîiarrrsfrucpI.ouis a srgsonaI galermsrI ebair 5 îs'îpnl snil lbhi' ('ssososaosfu Sîr ifReentv th lb'iaifar Boasrd tiesCmiteo lftoi, of Edur,,Iîsî,s paur'd îl poliss (,o's>îorci a% oo thatm r'lffsidifaoaid ai told ficrsromittee Isoa da., r arc cres I, noer- tsO t abe rional b u vosi o gierpse s 5osrsssrorssîabesarîirr. the sn,olsrd inrthe u'aaaopera- rrsii for da,-i auassrsefres Irssaupessooirs riOthrefOîssthesouosrs palit ilsi he case no, At .Oîhsîfsrsrrout ad niissourlaru and trustres 'ribrei su sIl'5on mun stionouot hecousostaf- u'spsiisossrrsdasîsrrrs'ssfc soosoand rurosi therdaY rare ;n the count flou l'batlsoneu cers, ssafed in so,,,îbli,'and oper ated1O fOr th'IosîrI sabîsll Therchange on 1aurston la, rought tss the sIlos palthv', attentio ba sisor O stataor Hfrose \'i, lais Inte F 1 fO co sîsu ai (rtrr r se ssrO H. FOBERT REA Isor thebrrîe thersuis'un 22 Ooinu Si. S. souî rau teuaalbarrols r ,Ot'heîs oals s t.uic, li s as,, s ume the'ss sIs'oscsaîss Sos' (ssrenme usf siki Iyo isssle ,th5 11el souf asrsksrsr il p5 bas, uss. oe us tssssF O B rsb' s orIsarsshI srsssors' oiîu slssjilss îsr, l-( an Ih5 ,5 hord pi opu55a the 1; îs Ou ressigsssssand ont s,'rt'I 'as ,,sur, S is'e th opra,' sionsîsî , s 0îhr il s k s k 1 si ibr ahut fle r(soni5i5. houpdremas l ti fîet aigsuss îssu B U YIN G lîs demass ssssunicipal ilf çarTe centesu in Irr rrs If if ocre tîs ils- pasid sInt lbth refgionai rot t s M auselit suggsui's bal Gary Thomas (Mg, naueruurseisiyr ay oar ceres 0015 o'l brister barl- led l'y tbe Ilitos sourd f, Mortel Dubîro fbdîîafsnrafbee thon fOr courîy. [le noted il oammre YvneBih Ibar a bahystservire. fIe Yorr rih poirled out fherewsuupare i the scbofu raaused bu the dci ting nomMer of uîudcr ntis Milton f)epufy lIeure Mar fory Pow'ys tank a differert I Q l pointof n uscu and sasd *I11fhi llî 51181111111 muniespafîfîrs are babîrnd the limes and barkward. beause NI iltar s thaf perple ware srteresfed in uraflu and hobbiesu ,lIt ha, rnem brrr local toparchsethr sup- p ies- ralizesi the need for suchs hap ahenuchad ,il,, out of taarltubus uppliesttu msake our Christmas c~oncils, andiilo ienni soaho siake moladet alrplansu Ifl haust fseen i hepast ir eu, hat peophe hase reaill ta ber a bren mtrIest in çraff. Pliorruays W hu la promoîl' farîher le tresf and aut he samne denmr costnl - reuprnd tu the needu of the sommnlrty' As~ EfInore points ouf. the nic hisg ahout havrga ocal hobby uhop is that if Yau hu a r moltad dor't brouI h.;u te asemble ft. there uil] huasouie inthe uhop uha lait ssue volsa hand. liferso .iu spreurnffu ,orkingasfth a og lad ,uho boughf nideI arplanr %%hro th,, have l asemblerd I fin il] takh ho ba osao a lir( for a flying fessai This s aal exaaple of fiae ms 1 , Or soppinginO larges cenresand the %ry Ihi thal coroaluiat cc o L ESTATE LTD. Milton (Arrosa front Flu LL ~RTIS OR LLENT VICE or SELLJNG!! Ir.) Joan Thoms Marrer Crasford Joan Jobeston 78-2365 @ 8 The Champion, Miflton Ont. Wed. Oct. 24, f973. Turn hobbies into -We' hope tr rsfabioh a cerntre for sels, and ceaffu i Milftorabrru people oi be freeto cole and go ard mrr ofbrr artistfu Perhaps rn fcc se .il haie oncore or the prrr,,urudemorufrafirgfhrir cafts abara [laines (b,' bau pirriy of idrus for fhr promtionof atist inthe coromi, andheruhop The fre Trec or Main SI. a(- îrarfs,eiu diuplays mary. examflieof tberrork. 'Wdith bond crafted item, ho' fîrua pusaf partfof fhf'iuie iusn everyfhiog bruy ,abe. fIu reafly a1 gfl 01 10% 1 ayu îl f arbara as ube bous ilcesu ofI postera hy J itIoasor Niagara O',liu arnd Hfoma Nsddieton, O0ashrgto, fint, forai tsufu suoh as Bfruce Mîffar of l',,rpbelliile wo noakru feeswaaorandeu and Oeffy ifrooku of Miflton oho sprraf- ozsi hbhhi giauc fid an oultfor fileur talents ut Tfhe' 'soc Trer. Oreasorl, crring fanet ffech and Beffu Groal fiai, eIhese stemu or dispiay au dos Arthur liaraood. iiarlinoff,î. uaior avns iCarcl Kosîpior. irarge'usfle. Isandlpasird Worry lOrdu". adfkrifsoghy Vioa Stade of 'lPeople today watonn qai for ther mores.- ffarbara cavs -Tbey are looking fora'eil-madesiuaify sîccu aifareauooahle prire, I Ih rO peuple arr sk of inarbsoî' made itemsu is produîrrd and ail the soame. fia chara's intferesf in croit c ws hrdied more hrehffy aber. ahfr plaffning bar prrerit hap she mode a si to the seaut shopl rad There uhe foundfheFine Pne Tahiru are hy Robin and Ntsc, Elfc of Camhridge; the Coro fliîr mode hy Elizoabeth Smith of Norfofh:; the footterv [rom HoIjoc flau inNorfolk and the heautfiuf coloru in fh wroeau ,rg f rom 05,fres Sampiru of this uoork au oeil as a dispiay of usooden iy romt Ermoor. Effgfard arr, ofermirgird ot h e aarh ai forai caffumen f0 ,,,akr an împresuiî'r dispiay. ,%headl('anoda "The aumer of Great Ifritair acre solo raffu lober or rn Canada Oece ti rburosrg fhr botter," flac- hbara notes. -roorequenfis fhey arecycorr.ahead of us Mary ai my patternu for sîtifed arimais acre 'barroori' from fbem", Bfarbara isrurrefIe aarhrg uofh Prof. Krk fiarward ai famhtor foffege if, Sarnia to deorfop, doffu of facras Caradian oe smlrto fheOr iginal Peg fouls made hy a group of ,ae nErefrd. The Engfuh dolfu depictise Briih royalty and sursery chyme sharasters car aira be uenaiThe PineTree. fOST ens ard standard fme rrfurru Sunday at 2 aot ahe brlrocs go harO an hout. busi nesses By Joyce Heston Two local wonnen recently turned their hob- bies loto whot they hope will be a service to the communîty as welI as a profitable business for tlis elvs lfaib Elior Shannou (Milfon Hobbies & c'raftu) and Barbara Haines (The Pine Treel practlsed their special interests wbile i home taking care of their young families. Now that the childreo are in their teens they have ventured out toto the business world, bringing with them many jyears of practical experience in crafts. Elinore cent f rom hobby toi hobby, first >perfecting one skill, then going on to the next. With exeinein everything fromn candle making to crocheting, she is n0w anxious to encourage and assist others with their particular hobby or craft. Makes dolo, animais Barbara began ber married life as a travel agent but s000 realized she couldo't successfuly combine the long bours expected of ber wit raisîng small children. Six years ago she decided to stay home and concentrate on an interest she bad held for maoy years, dolîs and stuffed animais. Inb order to afford ber hobby she realized she needed a market for ber toys to pay for materials. Oetglb d to another and now she is the owner ofta sop whîch dispîsys not only ber work, but that of many local artisans and craftspeople. Promotes artists sfor community MoGinnis president of Milton Optimists Euerfuliro membors uftIho Macoir Sine is the 121h etocu- Oplint Club of Multon rc e.i, mnemhobr. Thece are 15 reîyassumed offico toc commîflees ait wock. 1973-74. Thtey more ioducted The club rcenoly presrrîrd by Optimisl Cen Loach of Irbes Irh fo ho allom n West Torronto Club. Ctr a mhsb muchapion- President ss Bill Mrflsns onuiaeicapo assO Kes 1150h and lous 'utor- uhip, ai ti.ssssucsinftheîoW ley asus' , e'slsl Blss I's'51s 5î 5 I EverIe is usecaru ani Tom1 \%br(s lesl .sss {oss beusa Ifrosor freasufer. coahe brfle club. l'essden Direelurs ieu on Mrinis prescrîrd the les Arpa ,AIes Toneffi. h on phies. ___ Hudd, Jsc Podmiouks. Bob Tri hardi e yoorseîi, use tDyck aod John Wriggfes' voue bead. 10 hardie olbees. wurlb wohite port presîdeni use uour ber. SHAMILITON TRUST 9j AND SAVINGS CORPORATION PAYS YOU O3 VEAR GUARANTEED INVESIVINTCERTIFICATES Interest payable Hall Yeaîly or may bie Compounded 10 Maîurîly Psa/tis rates oubjesî wo charge tof/soof nolice. Contact yoar LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR 69 VONGE STREET, SUITE 202 TORONTO, ONT. M5E 1 K3 1-4160360-1770 nnmCantada DepUotInlsirsan Corporation 3LE 8HIT PTMATO CUICE ce' 390 /VCTAL Tomat Soup- $ON GTBE SorllWmpl s ?r ionly' F-140 Aym nhie r Tunf Mar NMM PEEEOPTAIES ~ SAGET 'OS TEXat COLGATE NVE ME t s 290Crr ~-1 B U T T E T - SIRLI RD POTOUE SAHI'I/59 > STEAKO c1 .lPAPERHoc 55C BUTPoL Parît.udo 10SU 99 SQUASH 100EL r UcOSO S oc NUn o tpSUè SAos TOMATGESE29 PIBAESHd 29c MAGINEH319CLETUC 2/490LE49 _ 7 is Grade INsner OnSaeNo-il Sinies-6arge ancm ruuiir c Chos Now F79alwee-aiPie BARBARA HAINES' specialty is stuffed animaIs but sbe offers a solde variety of items for sale aI lier Main St. arts and craft shop, The Pine Tro Mi :[I k'Vi ELINORE SHANNON reports business is booming ait ber new Milton Hobbfes and Crafts sbop on Main St. Elinore, Whbo bas tried several bob birs berself, feets there is a need for sucb a shop in town and ber busineut 1000 been warmly received by the public. Photos by R. Downs She hopes to promote more hobbies in town The Corporation of the Town of Milton NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS CORRECTIONS FOR THE 1974 SCHOOL SUPPORT LIST Th e s rs Offic for IllePOrloioef Otrioha, ubasid h rdfr a i chSlpportLstfandsilhas boUs, posied on Ocaoher 17Ih. 1973, in tho Office of tho Cicsk ai ne Municspal Offics, 251 Main Streof. Easf, MIion, Ori for ispcton ORssder s and properîy oArers areoreqesiod f0 exrrins ih~ sis ii;o osure fa fher ramefOs atnc reeaioo lo are correctiy shows n hr ein. b, 00,505is droosu o0 il hruossio to oonpiofo the reqared fors,, noiablo al tho Officof uthe Ciork, rorposin ru Ar pplicatior for hiforoflUr of fohool Suppori Ersry. An1 roaesis for addifors, oorroo ls or dofofioro frus he Lr, osil be received by the Cloris af Ire Municipal 0f fices, aboue seoonerd, COMMENCING ON Wednesday, Octaber 111h throogh to Friday, November 2nd, 1973, f rom 9:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.M. eocloding Safordays and Sondaps. The lasf day for filins forUfs rfeusin additionsor cret onsflo datofrot t he List wOi be Fridso, Noeober 2nd, f973 a# 5:00 poUf. J.' McGEACHIE, CLERK ADMIINIISTRATOR, Town of MilIton.-