al10 The Champion, Mlton Ont. Wed. Oct. 24 1973 Select Fufrow Oueen Plowing Match poorly attended By Dose Pisk Wilsnwos$1 for a fort yplacfnssbnble Norm and Telformer W E eclon iertlPrrrieanrearned $1 fain, bhncd the Lely Farm n i Spcial contest Mchery pln inooilinef The Surlinflon Special ton asthe site ofthisyears elsilPro8a o tiaitos CoOsI y ioisg C.ena rz o Match. Farmers from acroon actice ripanssis the 140 Ontario mere îsvited toipio n cnpeifion horetoursed toi the sai asd'ihat had made p in s1973. Brliogonos Bill Brecos world nheat Jack Taylor wn o ul oer isgain l957. The evet n as Norvals Spencer Wilson, nparelp tleoed. Stas May frose Horhad Ploninl cqompetitionsowere toohsJack arrment. disîdesl sf0 01e categories H" smhe ptchers Dose nith as odditiosal cose- Robertson and Bert David- ptisfor horsesse pit- n, hotb of Acton, nere tops chers.n Ibeir field nitb George- Cecil Wells, driving a tram lowners T. J. Brownridge and o Belgias horsms and Stan Gmorge Brnnnridge landise May, driiof Percherons, in secood spot. Bernard Scb- nereteosy etris inthe nager and AISBronridge of jointer pon competitionso. Misissooga asd Gmorgetown Wels, frono Paris, nos the nere trd ihiosrtb place $30 frst pace prize mney going Os Milton area resdents nitis $20 figI ao John Wetberslos and Andren Horohy. !odgm Wis Tino-Frn.Hsehs ate bers, York Coty, asd Ai most bmsnly contesîrd event Bruntos frsm Simnor Couaty 51 tbe matc ,~~c. . ~praîsed both mesons a fise Cnelt show. A special plownseavent for Teetes busness andProfesdional Split competitin ith Keith Folinnise the match, pon- Robisson, Cooksille, wn- mes asd their families moved sîsa $305for first place.(IntnSt. PasltJUnited Cburch Gmorton's Keith L.esie in Miltonofor a banqset t1r$0home. prepared by the cbrcb Qakvllen fiarley nomen. W, ~ c . PickeriLnslis first otwIn Entertaismeot for the -. '. .~. Moonld Pions - mn ordlers Andy Fronk, BRn " oissmnb pnvsnso~îd v n Morne Foos Topes oprl Harris, Drotby ORourke, ninning $30 and etiging out IaninDt se rs. o peion Norval's John Wilson. Tbey AWING THE PLOW, a tram of turdy Beigian finîshed first of teIotacm theneeseonyenris rfssituanay eocilsonisnd tught horses give a glimpse înto days paof. Jointer Pions in Sod division of the Halton Ylowng Four boys btnees 12 a n n Porcsi on rstrtinr cen by owner Cecil Wels tof Paris, t he teamt Match, 18 vird for the Open Monted Hoewadine ntb Ibrer PIons content for tatos h uinewt he residents osty. Wayne May of recitationS ni populOS At oirnbyontp Prioe, ans$18 pneos. Witb Halton ... silver niter and $20 cash. president Bill Rayere ~A ~ Mdlton's Barry Elîsmere won cbaing, brad table speakers second n25îwtb yosng- nererOnario Plonmens assjseconm place $2 Association President Clii- Y estPlonnsDunnsyGostah ni Oe absille rornng thîrd foe $10 ford Ylr and Edmard Stare, and foucj:rth place Pool scermngr Pon:the earnîng $15 Matcho10bc beld in the sîîser ray Gergetonn saorsI tSep- %à Bruce H osîrauser, tembor. Otberspeaersnwrer Selnood, recorded a irsî jodgrs Timbres and Bronton place finish among foue nitb a ten nords speken by entrston th TecOsr inOntario Forron Qseen Shedla entrudaomntstens nîtb BertArmstrong. Ste bals fron Perrîman, Ayr, finisbing Srbringvie in Perth Coonty. Ssecond and is brother Les, Select Qeen fM thîrd nîth Brlnts Higbbigt ot the banquet - Mrray Brechos ininhing n:s Zh selection of the e Ifosrtb Przcm nere a $10 atConFronon i stsrtroasdîfcsbfr tsucrNorvals Hraterr - the nînner and $21, $10 and Hysît, 172-73 ttîr bolder. À$10 reectîsel-y....- Coniioset on Page 811 TOSSINIS TO VICTORY, Actons LIOvCfRobercson and hîs partner Bert Davidson, aiso from Acton, won handily over their cionet competition in the horseshoe pitching contest 0f the Halton Piowing Match in Burlington Sàturday. Tractors-ij Sdit he or More Furrows (14 inch 9lowsl noonwonby Howard sok of Goelph, who won a tlosilver ray usd020 cash by beating out his son Bruce. Broce wn $25 for his second place show nîtb Norse lave rackine u $20 fo a third Traclor UtJlty Claso a won by ariey Pickerisg, the big wnser frsmn Oakviiie. Her earsed $20, heating out nanlingons Murray Breckon, John Wilson ni Norval asd Dnîgbl May ni Horshy nho wns$16, $14 and $11 respeclively. YOUNGEST PLOWMAN Danny Goulah otf Oak- Sltr aeUlii y anDOpe vle won a trophy at the Halton Plowing Match for Repdnnincap 20urrd byDo being 12 years old and entering the competitions. effors. Kitb Robisson won Jack Taylor, wînner of the Burlington Centennial sf pi acîng secosd wifb ciass, offero the young plowman encouragement. MuIons Sryan Marshall earning $14 Norals Specer -,Ai-b STAN MAY of Hornhy nos another contender in thse special Burlngtfn Ccntennai ploning event for men nho had plowed in the 1948 competition. There nere four entrien in the competition. (Photon by D. Pink) NOT SO OLDTIMER Jack Marchment competed in the Burlington Centenniai Pionmen's Comptition Saturday as ha had in a imilar match i 1948. Ha was Up against the same competition conpIwsed of men nho had plowed in thse '48 Halton WINNERS ut the Halton Plowing Match were Harley Pickering who took top honora in the Open Mounted Plows and thse Utility Claaa; Wayne May, who won Open Mounted Piows for boya 12 to 18; Bruce Hostrauaer who non the Tractor in Sod Open; and Howard Dunk who placed first in the Iree or More Furrows competition. now . . . the finest of craffsmen, combined which fa choose. Phone for a free estimate. No obligation Sure price iis important . solis trust. Werensot going I0 tty and tell os Ibat price so't important wben yoa'ro baing 5out nem homeor ortt0a0e. its oery important. Bat so is a thing callnd tust. When yoa come in to, talb mth os t Haliday Homos, weou behappy 10, show yos sur ctlogses. Bol note inportantly, we'ilinoite yout alk bb 10any 0on ose umoto iban ton îhoasand suisied costomers living in our homos and cottages. Wol'l answer ail yoor questions struîgbt and to thn point. Well show yos eoactly sobut yoatn gtting 010 bolore yos mose in We tinb Iis kind ot inoovement iS wbat buds trust and once me have yoor trast ma'il taib prise. At Haiiday wero 00W otlenng yos a guaranteed price freeze. Simpiy Iis means i îjos sign an order lot yoor nom home os cottage bforo OECEMBER 31, 1973, moul guaranten yos todays price regardioss ot mhen von labo deivery in the 00W Seul. That moans no matoor how mucb out 00010 go op in 1974, and tbny ii. vos miii puy We wosid base tbld yoo about Iis auriier bot me wantod t10 WIn yosr trust tîrst. HAeBILLIDILY HOMES W. build for Yomw omoeow.-- See your Holiday Homes Dealer beforo December 31st. 1973 and cave. BURLINGTON DISPLAY COURT 551 Mapie Avenue (416) 637-5261 iBuriingtoni (416) 3641524 (Toronto) Saturdays 9:08 ar..80 i5P.m. Sundays 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 P.m. Largant Display Court in Ontario Residents north of No. 5 Highway shooid deposit any matariai they wish to dispose of by Novembar 3rd, 1973 for pickop on November th, 1973 at flhe foliowing locations: Town property south of Zimmerman Church, corner of O0W Cedar Springs Road and No. 2 Sida Road, North-West corner of Derry Road West formeriy No. 10 Sida Rd.) and Guelph ULna. No. 3100 Gueph Lina, Property of G. Bradford Clamants, No. 4231 Derry Road West, ipormeriy No. 10 Sida Rd.) Burllngton, Ontario. G. W. Harrmngtofl. R. R. Baille, P. Eng., Mayor. Director of Public Works. OMMUMuffl 1 m -7-