82 Th Champion, Milton Ont., Wed., Oct. 24, 1973. Youth Page A TOUCHDOWN for the Golden Mashers by "Power Pull" lPitt result( ix iis scene of confusion during the annual teacher-student footbE game played Tbursday. The Mashers won 82. (Photo by S. Diti ~bampiou m ted Il) "COME ON YOU GUYS, get up" suggest teammalex during the teacher- studeut football game Tbursday. The Mashers (teacheral won 8-2 after a lenglbened game. (Photo by S. Dillsl Fun game at MDHS Teachers mash students Tisoufs sun unit rais the gameaient on. lîmsaiwel bthIapy tram i hat came off the footbhalfielitaller ieeainf the stuients in the annoal MLIHS teacher- stuitent fouthall game Thuesitay. The final score The fume aas almut aiholly runtrulleit hy the Mshers (eachers) tram. The stuietus picet uptheir unIs Imo points ahen they luggent "Hal-aay' Heath in Hypnotist success 200slee hiy Joyceretoln hnuanin Fur sonme stuitents. tallîng nîîiueit asleep in clans ix a regular ihreer urcuru nur Hoorier. if's patients qote anuter thîng ahes the iherut: insteurlue enourgsil. eintur: LastWritnesitayusverper p roteun I cent uftihe f50 cluitents Tuitir present ai the hîgh chuol a hypeo "Furum""pegrarnisur- then as cuniheitoluthe hypnuic lu part suggsions ofill Crsun. An refue untu toraiHumbher Cllege ries,t anit rerutîx r itrerlue f the illlua Norih-Amerîcun lnltule o ut ibl Hypnsîs. Me. Carsun centofl assurrit the stuitens hat he ieepusl coul noinaehrm'ay or-suni itu anythîuf thal aiuulit e hai u a gaint theresenuruofitrcency il thet or mrlty.P te expluiseithuai uiterr lux, hypuosîs nes eses are oftmn( alerri thotuusanit toit ,oulitf Appaeently ahes in a full>usal cunscîxus state weuseroOly fIrai unefruit ut our potential ail lur then unier hypsutîc suggestiun the uter nine o. tenths is calleitinulay and veuesuttîmatet poaires lîip sindrnts slady Ttrse puaers. o ousesuteunsciuus minitloi- lu ture r efreenre.cas te colet upon lu tel pus ceux renleale. If a stuitent stoiies n a cumpleirisy eiaseit nailrf itgraiehe il etaix farrmmueranit he able lu haie reraîererecit, te pointeritout. hpparrntiy watm ixn yp- ie a ai w uoe sut-eux- srouos muni t late te plare ulihr cunsciouos.This runirols te itle nrrcossystem unit iplollpiten trying Ix hrea tadait hts sortas smouking,.usr-ealing.erce Wîthypsusis aie eau exN peiren rucmplele relaxationu nouipossitle mt nalural slerp Wilr typsuliarit ai arr tlly anare itîings gig on aroud us, teriil " femer ting teydxxit huître us, te said. Pr Acordilng oMr aeson a pron rasneît te frt in a hypl)îricstale againsl his wîill. The enscious mnd woult soin late ocre andte sujrnt assît aniaken.69 Hanier. pople taie tees hs eit zone for a satety The Inuehituan lue the techrscameraih secunits lfrt in the game. "Puaier Pull" Ptt au lheouoh the stuiteni ieense anditoluthe endizone um only yardsut. A iaiu point conversion aias picet ut hy "taskel'Hanitn" l'osier unit the game as Fancy namnes Teachees wo air oiciptrit in the annual even uee 'Super-Snap" Roetson, "Ceuuhing" Cllin l'osIer. pn c "Sa-lt"'eillî. "Rly" Fo'ley. "Steep"- tilt. "Basket- Hanis" ter. "Danferuus" Davis. "Stsiniy" Sranitun"So long" Shurt, "PorePull" Piti. "Kller" Kiinere.Hall- uuy" Heath, "MaulIer" Mitchell, "Tuul" McDuaiell. D aun c iung"* Dunitas. "Leapînit" Leonarit. "Lung gune" LaFeunre. "Choo Cho" Stevens, unit"Eit Srluohhaggon". They airer plyuf againul the seniur Mustangs aihu hait no chance ugainsi the t uugh ietense aich the Irachees iisplayrit .%ass dnsate for upixarits of itemonsiration had gaie fair wietks.These are rnough anit aouitn't auna' sundeegoing hypnotirtuther hypnotinni aithout oto b air e egularl, parental permisnion. ril hy oget ions Weil. 1 c'ddst nerd my the herapist. inotter's signature se 1 cemnonstrate a person in olunteerrit tom as 1 a murti siair Me Carson cepted the challenge I confit aked thonratio wisheit teel tIhe cenne of relaxation lotipale e 1s it ina coming oocre eanit hy the edponition, clone thiretimrtrrracheitthrtfrontofthe hreatte itreply and ronmI.tas unterhis pwer. whin suggestins.u A ltlca greaitfeelingitirbse resource claires9Wper reboredir eknon it a nthe stuitentnowere in a couple out uir ituring eep. if s hari telu]îtfor ncalafchildithtibut tiavr -ynur reporter oui nev'rrrnperienced il in Iront ia ttfe snuoze herseiftnI a group nI people nIo l ime' people -utfpenple. Prmuissinneedeit îing unalîtint rame -Many Sunday itrivers it., Mr. Caorson sait il wrre seen on the roaits n dhrceasytfortiim te put rural Hitlon oser the es 1agaîn uitti font Oa etienit, rnfnying the tait ordn. Thientuitenlnicre cubers and buyîng produrr ai br it bot Chris Hteath, roadidrostands. 217 Main St., Milton t LADIES' LINGERIE & SLEEPWEAR teaturing Van halte Grenier Kayser-Roth 88574 Lovable GLASSES F ROM ALTON OPTICAL Carol A. Jansuch Dispensing Optician Prompt Dispensing of Your Doctor's Prescription" " Many tmported Fashbon Frames " Hard & Sott Contact Lenses TaniEWed9:3tn53pniThî.1WP.ii 19 Main St. Milton 878-496 1 Halton rural minor league New Residens to Milton"& District Welcome Wagon ,orm nn trs Cbfor ladies in Milton. The ist General boasts three Ont. champions Meting ouIl he heit at 8 pm..n luc H e ni M rt p mxi t rf o se H ant Ms Hli ru on Anglican Chancti Hall Main St. Mondasir f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~e ni penan oG ps rsienute tobi 9h Su ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fr nip1tprnimn t txuntMhSeot.PtrAL L da 8E P.- large lare e ivesu, ! sinc no o e snpn anit pay ait uutayalesR aidn t h ch u m p i n sh ip teopliTs.T h Muef tuIlerfunit 0rs funi nuet in Goreetown s Hl egeC ipresient iir h e l au e n lYf n ayGls a n îrmusChurctruiitrimFri- day nighl. Donuble mnners airerHorn- hy's unierateit mitgrl teom ahictlawon 3games in a ruai. caplued the lrague andiplay- otf champiunships andt the ORSA tile. the juvenîles. Ira- g a.payl nitORSA champs uniOt Ite funior girls Wihu also naept bohISanarits inulheie iission, lsiguonly une game in t he pereux. Tram caplaîn Mihe Leslie. aiho tanned 413 hutres in 331 league gaunes. rs acerage ut 12f strikruotsua game ai-cep- tnt te mitget eoni leuphîrs. as airîl as the traîx MVP aant (Coch Caltymers pinleitout huaeer. h01 ah oitplyoli championu 1ttornhy tram. aihu alsowo 1 the King lamiby rrphy as Ira- gue champs. (lii'champs 1 ttuornty junior girls. goîdrit hy LrnandtMaeî St.Juhnuandit Bilt Wilson 100h holh aiaets1 n iheir dvision, aihile the igh itermediate girls , 'ih ugrichi-andt Lînda Mller t the hetaimuson he playutl champîonship in iheir age geoup. lnglrouoiter roague champs t'rrairrplayull chamioîns, imagh.' coachrit hy Art Biruokisunit Chrlîr Sithul luppri tihe heap in pucinsea- sun play, aller tIen Wllams gu- risde.1 Juhn Haines arontan. .cockialso swe'pt hoh aiards. Lîmehouse alunis. carrit hy Seur Thunipson heoughl h01 i illage ils i rsl ever Ira' gui, troph y h lnîhngli ithe rogue Glen Wlliams alomu uerer playoll rhum- pions. The tilen Wliams anloni tram aIsu nwon three tourna- ment champiunships I'eesidrnt pendes Lea gur presîdent John Ha nias MC. tue the telý phy presenloiluns. Special heait tahle guets incluitei ttallon îHilîn Mavur elecf Tuai RENT A CAR FROM GLIC fi -CORTINAS *C(OMETS OSG IN STYLE r Foi Careîrge Motoring Pleasfîe ..foi a Day' a Weekl a Monthi a ear' i Drap in and see us. Oui Economny Rates Include. Gas, ii. Insurance SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES- 'ILNG R 19 TRSnok nl(o nnWaeTetre MILTaN urdutiLTiN,88a288 stnreuituced Lzsays: thidra matineo patten Opicr0'Lie', appetiamng hrsandspeninoaprovinuialmoti mae iia i eoura iepe e for o ng unit ne cng anytting, (~ \ saucepan unit aucepols, percoaonandtteaputu LAvry neai ayn taupîettyoup youable for gue p W&Hhe happy tn huai you tte ip rients hat arr on adieteuroe tettianne Leriche Mr. Haines paid speriol tri- hute to Mes. Coulsnlforher efritesls rgue secretory this seasun. Ocer 300 players, coachues, ofhcialsand parents attendrit -Yuungstern are lunhiof turo ardt lu thec annoal celetration oultlluaien nent Wetnestuy ruening. f" ARTHUJR A. J OH NSO NOD OPTOMETRISI 218 Main St. Milton 878-3673 Wnitsnsdao aid Sataruy) ~~1 MDHS news Juniors, seniors lose to W. Oaks 5 Stvn ls Adnehl rdynght Tejuio unobal nm istrdaco faot bncI 7-6 agaînot Whte (latis W) peope mhtu ituce tlo tte lIî Iî noloBil usellc c inii o 'Aihrou-l iiL idctoofte gme. lx y Ingirls' hastethail action for noter ouchown" if. The juniors aion 64-14 anit f He said te eesewste iiigrts lusl gon ut teofnesilhd The iroux-cuuntry tram ofse ni tam dpt nesitay in the Hallun Cunty didnt wrk a wel aswasmeet. SimonuJoynm musnIis rit dbcmnion Tethremile juniorerace. Heraeux nemioi 0 foran ta srong iace allere f niat meheeWeit - eereing(rom aknein- ledyi t a) jury. tIrs-rWillugtby as Il f ni lIrte Iigtrst place inister Tesnoruotbl na i Mlton Iadith Ie niiit plydWhieO rblatcass. Cunilnf afainsi Tuedayandlos 143.Mik butul15 si-toits.theMiltoun Carl ikdaM5yr il tram lînistr ed ey tuai. oa o.itnsoy.ponts iainby Ierause ttry didtiir HOLY ROSARY FOLKE CHOIR celebrated its balance that afternoon in the churcb. Between the second annversary Oct. 14 by cutting a new record two recording sessiona the choir enjoyed a of the choiras most popular otîmbers. If will be on communion breakfast at Holy Rosary Hiall sale ix about four weeks. Part of the record was made during the 9:30 mass Sunday morming, the (Staff Photo)l 1