Sanw claffcation It now seems to have been clarified that Milton Police office will continue to hie located in the town. hall, if recommandations from the varions committees studying plans are accepted by the yet-to-be-named police commission. The Planning Committee, a wing of the Haltori Regional Police Steering committee bas sought ta allay local fears that Millon was not to have a police office. Source of the concern was s press rel1ase October 3, ovar the namne oeif Judge William K. Warrender, chairman of the Halton Regional Police Steerlng Committee. The release clearly made ns reference to any continuing operation of a Milton police office but specifically noted headquarters was planned for Oskville with district offices at Burlington, Georgetown and Oakville. A subsaquent amendment to the release, following our inquiries, indicated a staff office would bie located in Milton. Jndge Warrender bast week advised us of plans in the communications system which would allay our concernas about confusion on handling telephone reports. To avoid confusion on incoming calîs when a street name lis mentioned, the area of thea caUs origin wilil be oîgnalled hy a colored light so tIsat the many Main Streeta, for instance, wonld bie sorted ont for prompt police attention at the Oakville police headqnarters. The two points, major items in aur earlier editorial comment, seemn toi have been clarified and we wonld hope tbat wiile con look forward f0 efficient policing within the total region as well sin Milton specificslly. We are still not entirely clear on the role of the local office when the esrlier press reles details three specific districts. District 1 was ail of the region north of Derry Rosd and tIse headqusrters lis in Georgetown. District 2 is the region eIl of Burlosk Drive and Tremaine Road and sontb of Derry Rd with district headcluarters in Dakville. District 3 will bie the region west of Bnrloak Drive and Tfremaine Road and sauth of Derry Rd. with district headqnarters in Burlington. Presnmsbly tbat beaves Milton office in the Georgetown district. Perbapa completa clarification and understanding wifl develop when the final recommandations are draftad for snbmission ta the soon-to-be-nsmed police commission. Six, flot seven It vills enconraging tai learn bost week thot tha number of represantativas f rom the connty, attanding the national roads convention in Halifax, was lower thon we hsd reportad and also that tha axpansa to the couny wss heing reducad. Burlington Reeve Las Praston ays hae did not attend the conven- tion, as we bad reported, and hae soya hae neyer intended ta go once hae vilas dafeated in the Oct. t alec- tion. His namte, howavar, wssn't ramoved from the liat until tIse bat minuta and bacausa 0f this hae was inadvartantly raportad as attend. ing. We cartainly ragret that we incorrectly raportadl bis attandanca and apologiza. The source osf our information, we bad faIt, was comn- pletaly raliable. We do comnsend Mr. Preston howavar, for bis good judgment in daciding not ta attend the Halifax lavant, whan hae would sotl be returning to council deliber- ations after Jas. t. We are sîso, 00W advisad that Depnty Raava Len Coxa poid bis own axpansas in sttending tha avant. Frankly wa had sot pre- viously Iseard osf this avar having bappanad in tIsa pat but we apolo- giza for bsving suggastad hae at- tendad at county axpansa which tiile now lears was sot tIsa casa. It 110w appears. from tIsa hast information availabla to us, thot Uha county was raprasentad by f iva dalegatas attending at tIsa connty axpensa and oneasttanding at bis own axpensa. Wa appracista that mambers of connty counicil draw tha inaccur- scies ta our attantion 50 promptly. We are plessed to correct tha two points to aur readers cnncerning Use basis on which the six-member delegation attendad the Halifax meeting. A vaiid concern The concars heing regislerad hy residanla, about plans for an open concept school in Dorset Park, warrant study hy tha Halton Board of Education. It seama entiraly reasonabla fo for Board officiais fa caîl a public meeting witb rasidents of the ara fai discusa the open concept and cbarify pointe of As in any concept, thara ara divergent points of view on the succeas or foibura of the metbod. Open concept achools bave boas operating in Hsbton in othar municipobitias and vie tbougbt it was openby usderstood that soma chibdren do webb in the systam wbile othars find if difficult and distracting. It is trua, as Board officiais tobd local trustea Ivan Armstrong, that tecbaicbby o studant csn attend ony of Usa town scbooba undar the Board's pobicies, but practicably it may ha virl difficult for a young stodant to raacb a more distant school witbout transportation. BoUs trustee Armstrong and BibI Lawson rafbectad tha concaroi of the ara rasidents to tIse Board recaiifby. If w05 no douht tIsa concers f bey mat in campoignisg wban citizans' concerna ara most readiby registerad witb rapresantativas. The vabidity 0f the concars and its axtant are vary real. Tenders bave boas awardad for Use construction 0f the new school tai bo in use by Septembor 1974. Design undouhtedly providas for Usa open concept use and tais is complately practical. It doas sot praclude the subsaquent insfollation of partitions if the decision is made foialstar the concept. We suggast the Board conaider a pubic meeting witb Dorset Park residents and others wbo are ioteresfed, to explore and expiais Use open concept achool. This woubd bo for hattar than obbowing a significont concars f0 faster ino entrenched, but sot nacessoriby knowladgeahba opposition. A new school bas ben eagarby owaited hy the residanta 0f Dorset Pork ares and wa feal taay sboubd hove avary opportunity fa undersfond the decision that lad ta, moking if on open concept scbaul. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 1h11 I.5! IN 11016 SILENT TESTAMENT to harvest Thanksgiving Horvest Thanksgiving is ceteb serv ices at Grace Anglican churcb, an aller riscs members of the church. from a bounftelous hed of faîl fruits and vegetables. VOL. 114 NO. 26 MILTON ONT., WEONESOAY, OCTOBER 17, 1073. Il,, t- ttIto, tire,, ao tiktfi, oîy eoît potlt the or,o any Ottbc flîor, Paris, Atlî Rio, tt,,t,.îîand 2' tort, tl don tlint. tloe coutd 111 bo,îtît- pae to b, gto. Ocobet,, (ctb.îer tias evoîyttog. (Ait,,ons goîlder otoys i t.,nd ,it oîooh Mificenceîo 11,110 dtood. itootIrytIL, intoootîîîtthifiyîtr puny t enîlonîugh tfo a swatr, tui .,,It,,t taloît. Ilrec hîîîîî,ofa î,gal o, wilo anod tlic spor,t oftrange t,,, ire Ib' .,gOfl0 the lai t,) hîtro te.,es, hot ,,ot .otty îgnîrod. Airy wot ît Att ftic boîo,îg caves til wo,ldnt p,,ltto fli Itto a Mach as on ot ob,ive ,,,g tttoîrh.d hreît, But Httoe a sî,oute.îo ttîîîtg tfor evetolle [lietî aiot on lts lt lunch. traiît arppo fe ai ndl Il , gretî,i i gl io bat lonto hurletr lef o toout.,ltod tMorî intllet o,,,, tsol pt,,,e, nd rovi îîîî JI anndbus t,,uo. ,d î oîn. îotî, thoti again fli boto M,îr capottîgo tine,î 1 portîla gon ,d aproîiîe andîîo olr c11oocience. t 1,,îî. [It ,ootî,tODelt, Thyf o, hrrsee oir 1 e.,, .,g.,lîIo to ,,t h III 1100 a ,oo dvi.,Lv pone o lut ilaîbi oppolîo . And lie eaî stanr Otbre sl hivr,o, îi theoo ttîo îooroîîîe happy un flic huisanceg ainl,,, îî,îopIl 11110 1011ll l > to ifin l,ilitre. oc g o I W liei, e I nil l uii -it. lo i ii t , i - no lli hi, I' 1, l idlioi t -l ,l 'e il îu,, olle Ili il i.,t litlic holîoîiîiii- 70110.- ,ýi, liIIi a 1,..» tir -ig t i ( l loh i ico e ki,,, IiiiL, the Past 20 years ago W Thlto.t sud bas,', bren fmt %th a gttî i ,inI-lsol hih so u on iplvi tht ottge offtice Tire6f ho nc fi be htilt uiiI oi Ford C, and î,ther dfott - bd t Bo-ok te hl o, ,t F ia igh -. her i l b 1,1 tro to I or I a t, v 1,0 l' t il I h î,t Iat hl, ohoî t,, Iýth,o, r, Il lî,',tt andth- Nit> n Sh , t h.-.,î, l t t o, , ,- , oîot î,oI ,lop1piIlt îto O tob, -,, Il ' hîo il, tan in ht , îti,-,,,ît , t;, l!,ý,r i rt * Sfll L, îoîtîol \oi,t , it f ut in, t d r a go ihretî-otatoifu la,! , capell an trlots t h %,o Ni,- ttrdh, ,, o tr o- ed '% lo îtî t sp t>> tbî- tî oo ui.-. l X Herors large l aloi '12 hoý o -tr htro , ît h-,,oh btHIlIlI îrate nnual hee li 7101ni ý l l t ta th,-o .,o and , c îîo h i rr SECONDppecati SECIO thîgtî-theltîî thsnet pblic h e nunhrlt C 01)a,Itott les, o,-,ei ha,î- , ,,, edfo t 100 i oOpît M12 the fir t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 'Iit t,. toit.n -sOit o lith t t. oîr,-îttî o oo 1.,004tt 1h- iloîthto uMo t ir o ir o- ni,-tîk il t, ,t tî, ,.îî-ot,-ooh o tg- t,,,se ba h(- p la i , l,tg ot, Ilk,o it , - liii, "I t0 't Ad* -i , 11 i 1:,1,1l ,1 Ilu o I " Iii. .. t. l I , ,an t i ,,, i, i,1 t,-1, t , ýl Il th ilt il l t, Il, t.,lon lIt t . t Ilo . d I ý i - ,e tr', t,,, St %1\ i, n , ,1 l-iki tl -b d'n Ile., 'oc Commenfing brie fly Witb a growing empbasis on "consoînerism> and witb govers- ments eogerly setting ont ta lagis- lofe tIse bonesty of mercbants and manufacturers, sigbt seems f0 bave been 10sf of tbe foct a11 consumers aren't completely bonest. Todoy's shopper, Isowever, is still paying tbe premium for tIse price tag switcbar, tIse sboplifter, Use lid switcber, tbe muncbar thot lunches wbîba sbopping Use aisbas ond tIsa countIess ttler trickstars, wbo ore consumera. The bang owoitad uniform assessment systemn [bat 0006 10 bave gone miltooperation in 1975 bas n0W been delayed, accordisg 10 a recent ministerial annoonicernent. Sharply rîsisg real estate values have heen hlamed for the delay whichbhas resulted in an outdating of tIse market values. In the meastîme thse province has opporently "found>' a number of priperties tbat bad gone untaxed for o numnbor of years in some municipolities. It wos chiefly flt ochiava uniformity in ossessing Usot tha province took over tbe foinction but ftbe 'discovery" of un- taxed properfies is opporentby o wîîrtbhhte hy prttduct for some îounicipalties Ibat g,îînod oew lax- pasors. -F Mrs. B. Ketîîrdy of Sidney St. got sortie action 'or her weed otmplaint Locaîl ochîotl trustees Bill Lawonî anrd Ivan, Armstrong have tîîth iîvesttgated tIse situatio toi r er. Lawson said she sokîe t,, bus eartter and lie ordered the DeIî5eo schttîtt oeds eut. even heloîre site comptatsed to TIse Chamopion last week. and Aronstrosg is havýisgiga crew cut some shruhs anddi out some deep-rooted weeds ai tIse rear -of lier borne. 100 years aga, l fi l , îo h ,%, ,1 he .i go ,nout,,,ti,,,thetîît crulo ttilettdiscussio Il iîtt oini on t , as,, tu tu - e, sl t fi,,lic ho d l o -pulson îtoî, Parto,,hî t b:tî. retî ,o, ni ill I il , i l 1) t-, î,t,-, t l, OuI redi readerl ster t,,e ;il îîîî-î Nlh r , n - tî,n ( furtt, po il, t i e I, l eoe l u Il t>> on I. a I, lrguîoîî King Strt ,,, anIl tel 111,11t a or I Biq IL, k onç pu in a-o t vaî 1h lait lirtoîîîîîîoî t, a hu he,,,.,,tr ar Fîe,, louat niil,.,tacIu,î,,tî.o,. 0,,O,,,Oattt,tht,0t.t optîtni (;i tli î ýîîî, , ,î,a l Il la ira h ,t,0t)tlitt-.,,tsofolooffho ,,tîîo lt h ir îhot an n lev tîttoî t (, rails t,,ttot,h,, c ,tothth- 11,,,to,l o' pl i t-oîîîoIlo tt hope iht1,.tattoivdo hXîOurto 0,ri1eadtterostott, wrhîo,