MILTON Afrironleann 3 bedmon home, large nooe rec mon on bitument, delghisl onanimO nrerintm lot on quiet Street, folly laiapied and0 refdeforme lnto$d3,90. Bail Be119 radîllo 0114101 con.87016. CENTURY HOME - CRIEF aistn elne, lteo e rolnoaie, 7 moni oits fireplac0se nm slopilegreenme nShodnd bn foil ma fli onof and Pir, 3 Sortirated menii9 on oi snaao cool froid acres. Immodle poSonnion. A0110$130,001 CouI Joan Horcourt mîn.7U3 or 416-878419t. 91 ACRES, CAMPRELIVILLE Are yonoafronfrolednheec Esape the mMdolea croi eoch don retun o filcom secloded acres, loi 0000r hideavos ne top of fhe rut1 and rive U0,000 Cail George Imilio. Miiton's ppoation on Ionoacy t olflbe 16,068. The population fiqtaes foc the en, arged mnontipatity oiece reveated in a Soli- missison b Milton Coanecit Monday froo, the ltn Peet Regîssal Assesocenl office Halons populatios wiii lie 203,191. TIc cîty of Oaniiogloo wiii lace the largeot go putation at 01,012 follwi yOaknîie cutI 63,033 and FOR SALE UNITkDI TRUSTI The Champion, Milton Ont., Wed., Oct. 24, 1973 15 Hlton Huml cith 32,178. Milton oi le the smofllnt on termo of population. Thc Ontario Safety League reports lIaI a recent stdy shows îlot cit dirs have tb maire aolmjo dccion every 12 seconds, os lice average. WHsYOUeE CONSTRUCTION 0F the $13.5 million sports and hotel Comptes 100 ACRES, NASSAGAWEYA 6 MILES FROM Riçîl MW0 500S oofen of M s sunugaAil Ins-7 ce S orkbbe land, baac uin.b; Man MOHAWK abouteorraiefnnera lad ihcakLoi ofmtare a foio made o ill, t: * 3..i HOME AND WORKSHOP nord o00I treon ofle 81,000 pot -T percer Sl rosiarad oic twon neporote oorlkhopn prerrnismlloME T lunîsen and flortOning Plus 3 beoont. 2 blorey nleao frim TOP 0F GUELPH uINE underLE tof riesling 0123.00 Mi00l air of nos ot on 001100 prlcof nid ailf A. L. Goouoî 018 aloi. 115,011. Comottbloforrnlhntse M IotA =11ooren rom ftlaroodt James Fidni nI Four DATO RAL ESTATE Oton form8 d9ol3 rooofa inNrt003igt HALON01e0110 li men , ci Ont, tr. a cesideot of lhe Milton area Limnited -Broker 181 Main Street East -Milton 2nd Fiant 818-4191 DON HAMILTON ITO. Real Eotgte & losorance Box 1147 Lîotowel, Ontario OFFICE RESIDENCE 1-519-291-3500 1-519-356-2558 100 ABRE SAlOn PAOM necoOn ail mîrlable le laid, infflyne doairebacocîts tîons fur036co, stable cloanor, adiu tank,32 impîet sheori.,3 bod'mn brick honcew110 codaso cntomineo. erlnnd f0 sait BALL JASE AOIE500 15190911100 10800, ACRE OEP PAOM ail nyenatInalto filsd droined, boi tort, 45)Ml, o,15 nuit 001 foc Mset. cplommnt shed, f100 1100l steal gren. ar, 10rmi bcknnom inodcondition. ASig nSn00,. BA1.L BOB 8ALLA5TYt5E 151f 3062576 19UACRES ofxlentOmbolldrained land, 2 li 01500M80raidif00 vells mtnefr,nm os, ocic03 right etnS55,000. BEAOTIPOL 200 ABRE 00.10V FAOM ait oorlofe rend toron 00101 00'nthal une, pionelite mlkee. stobte clicia'. bulklaot, bub 1 1P.r mile bort. 3 silo302111 lOndO, 1ao40; silo utloadee, 00110000 rireso5 carlver'3 onanark,, icplaen nteoio bac, tron brick l4S ACRE SAIR FARM500 ,f0 hinitoanfrmageostal m11 ilkig porlour, O@frnentobim, 010.110e ciller, bulk tank129 steel stolls for you000031 fls, 2Soimeoiloadcer, auge feeder,cptoMMtc,ned - hcote BALL DO05 HAMILTON, 151f-35&90085 t147ACE AoMIoate almismoillage,cinproffbarnoith30ie, sirc00 cooter, imlemmft shed, a bedrocm hocre, 00000ond for camfe, 5180 FOR FOIE PAOM CATALOGUE on Hamilton Rosi Estate Ltd. ondie Boxo1147 ion. 1.519'29135Mo Lisiooe. Olt. i 51t 35&2059 TREAT YOURSELF TO A HOME N GUELPH Toiler living i s o mm sde spot. Orco0 and ummeoutteti eme dotai. idal ldoti a nun shopping, troosportation and toîto EKorMnOmen Peoluciîg EnotuOt import broodisocin tontefutit Oleooreted liloi moti. dioto mooim and itotioses. Bright oot inkthrpreldfml omaduiiyro.Mrcrdgla n ilthnam pla es Mot01 palis f or nonr sucmme ootemtinon LinteO ai $4,1010 Inspect nooo,10 Sorda. Tnocoson (51t) 040 1365. Eootirgs (519) 843 scooc grodn. CAMPBELLVILLE AREAt uî bunalm m 1/2acteovllage lot. tlon summ, diimgroom, large kthed n o mple cebii es, GRACE ANGLICAN trotndliliigmm, 3 bro. CHURCI4 t.0 mcm000oieo Milfon, Onttario. lver. etaal Omoe sed voel Shri0, oarge sforage bulding and eto'Oo .W Pse dOubleora. Coreoollynd Ra 100R3W ose Z a age. Of'ganlsf: Robert P. Angail EDEN MILIS VILLAGE Suotlap, Oct. 28, 1973. ole 030,00. Sturde 3 bedmom Troîsîccoî cottage on 100>250O foot lot. jII00 o..Holp Cocmnon Botnr lh 1000ro oltfire- lo.inde ino.fuît base 0.30 a.c.-Ooln Eucsc nd0 met. Sermon, 9030 ocm-JunIor Blondh WILLIE ESSERV Scloot (519) 824-5054 gr 10*45 a.m. SenIor domsc (416) 854-9963 il ao.-ootînoot ansreon oisieo lTourMon, Otober 25th OaeiOO 10 c m-cIte Communion Ia9 ELLA PAPTON meinomo al Grane Churol EMMANUEL Real Esoat oLemted BAPTISI 390Bel St. lton CHURCH N THE COUNTRY g878-9m a -fef 878-354 Camforîabie 8 room born Inferlo Poofor, Or. William 'liS largo famtlp roomn aid Pionter. Otario Bille College. t.replace, finlsbed batument, 2-car garage. locale on 10 ocres of bush 1081 oulside of Suooday, Oct. 28, 1973 Mitîoî on paned road. Iccediare possession. Ooesf solnlt-As. Soroon Wright Tornto FARM 9.4s a.m.-Bte Snbont. 11 00 ame.-Morning Worsie Cld houne and ban i0038a0 .5 O M. SoogmSeie. landpman. good road iront- 100 p.m.-Enolg Worship aga. Ideai gardon soli. hshlng Wediesdap, 1.30 p.m. 500,000.00. V.T.O. Morigagi. Peaper'aed Bible Studp. Lef aseoferinfo fIe l'oise o Stella Parton île Lord vlit foolongiolst 818-6705 Ili it>l tafd in' Biouets olth probse. n HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCM y E V i A Atonal assembl ypof fTh- Pentesostal Ansembîlen ofCanada BEAVER'S Wolefîetld 06. and flop. 25 110 MODEnsri"-OMFS -Milton- A.J. YOUNGBLOOD. REALTOR onodertg aito home? Tel 010.32004 negun eoio mhen sees Beaner-ohere - Ot-r ar oa differeef TIe Lord'n Dan S 0 i modils"fo7dhnoso froc. Beooer _,1190 _E Ib a. ouli build on po lt aid Soodap, Oct. 28, 1973 oa&&% ondicatIIon and poo'l 9.4 a et -Sondan Suboot c ta. cmrtoip le pieosed mils fIe -saoios atd finsnedhoee To 1î.ot oc.Moetîiig Worship. talonpeiosuoe in anoonth e ACTON OFFICE our an idia ofthfe nosîs and 6.00 p..Poche Prayeî., imrwS to heirsale staf of sanoigs vsioeorBeosvesore 7îo00pcm.--Eoeîiîg E 5Mîil St.E. 519853-1821 o catI aogi Seroioe soio oir hmo isfocf.50 Frank Piofold Wednoesdan 8 p..Praperý Mses cotrliinom. o and Bible Slodp. bolssi fuontlor bed 5bot Bontiogton 'PortheSto assnc 000 dîno, oarge lifto0.n,3 6219-29 Soave tiratohichvirs lost- Medtoms. partie finiShe> bonse 86C27' mafth. 10111l. ment n lrire stning tirepiade. Soachedgarage.CHRISTIE & WOODSTH E N J O Y T H E RFAL 0000.01 LIMITEO PRESEVIERIAN PLEASURES 0F 8000.10 CHURCH -', OWNING VOUR OWN 19 main Street Mito UN CANADA HOME. BURLINGTON KNOX CHURCH bo.oci,9W o rc uglw MI LTON 50.00 mm babinc siing 3 iitr ACTON drmttn._ bnoo, tttuog Oeohà. Murray LAKEVIEW ttmbal. cabre T.Vftrc.acl Orgatisi: Mrn. L. Vlislio nor.d. ccms. Wct cooitie tasIefotin decoroted, 3 bedrooet 100 ACRES Sosdap, Oct. 28, 1973 boclpit ic 100lare bolk Nr-ivlae agfrnae 1t niesr lot ol. In addition Io pait oi ooe. oreicultwervcsa 110 m. atond 7.3or dinitgoate,. broaoone. Os.>nootognooo i0 c Me.OILLEOOReODEO gara ge, LoiedOruve etR. ciicrng lotO. baon. Aoliîg 830.00 Ooest Preonnor iseo Drm A. Asltcig 547,500. Tecs Terms a Boil Ke1dlle 810.0095 « Lortes TMOdoy. Mtuste-Betrot 0005100conlee he m=I.88-78 Pesbnlterian Chids Hamilton. oosA tost buildingO lot. esoubafo oiceestimsChoirWtt oifte os clti and Walified trao, o GEORGE GRAY, 150.rCBillWKelly A78-20" Oreraoit hiao, 00 n our es ositate ruode. Plu SosnrT R ile colt et your cotoetrienlo. REALTOR 8113148. 0.03 o.M.-Seioe OtIo'dh 5dool 801101 OeiOeoeCALL W:45S c..-m Jo hi Oturot Marron Residence ACTONNusrfo ovd. OlOabOl 0112001 PHONE 853-2888 878-2095 878-6057 Batnaoiis ShotMoMo. Ooe.iO Mengf 7 86.26 CI4URCH 0F CHRUSI No. 5llderood and 4th Line Traf algar Mînister. i Aroîd Rosseli 878-050 Sosday, Oct 28, 1973. 10.0t a. .Bible Snhoî Ciosses for aiSoe alS. irt "g Wornhi 80 ..Preachleg of I ST. PAUL'S CHURCI of lTHE UNITED CHURCI4 OFCANAD. Main St. et James St. Minisfer: Ren. C. A. Hoîner, O.AI MOIS.I Orgoulol and Clair Leader Mrs. Haold Magne Architeci's reodering shows foor ice rinko, Icli. 7,591 'ca orna ncentre; 300I-roone hoiel. rigt -tcs' Enterpo ses Ltd. osnounced. milion sports complex ray on Mississauga siste toc the pool Ihree per, s the precident ni a iirc decetnpîng an nomu sports and botl comptes in Mi-sssoa , Ors oprole..s builîding osotIati'on bo ss ait an office on Hîgbccap 27 in Toronto. The projrct il cîiSe dec- etnpedi on 271 ocres i tond tocated in the ..oothtcesl quadrant ni Disîe Rd. and Therpeojecttsdllcomprise ibrer phases-île lîrsi heîng la building bnsng fonr ion cinks, thesecond ao300-rooc hoit.l and tbe Ibird a 7,01 Il is pionord ihat tbe foor ro.îcertkscsilibe a'ilabtetfor clnen steago e bockeN, plpe asore satîn g and couber oses socS a, curling, lod 1mlta. acrosse. tenis or îgNcnostcc, cn Septechne ni .1974. Theeîinksccleach le 10 bN K.1 lent and are desîgned for use ccporatlyp or toînlN toc pleasoce oboting, in chatiîs hetîrord c iilSe the mnrld's tanfesi Ainiosrd ice suriace I il Sie possîbir bo accoccodate .000 sbitrs at one lice. The ovesicent foc tbîc phase. the teu ie noibs, wci Se $3 The second phase, She botl, ts ptanned toc a con- 1974, b Sbe cocpiried 10 iNecember, 1974 Thetontt cent for this phase wilii Se $75 mcillîon. Thebhoiel t. hrîng drsigocd in a qoadeanglo ta ottoc' for inssees capable nt expansion fil a total ni t,2001 riItîcsao pioccedibhat tbe botl chou Id nctode a beatS club, an oiNcplo sze swîccîng pool, a oîoetnn and a lice theoire and shoppîng lacîltes. The deceine e cIlecentiN negctîitng uîlb secerai bolet obaîn. in respect o She management if tht.. phaceofc the cocplec Tfile tiîd phase, tho rn cciitLaketlongereinbuildflotuil ocheduird 10, be open in flic tait nI 1975 in tîc or oc- cupancy 5N a Junioe "A' hockey tesa a1 the com-0 cencecent ni the 1975-76 saoN egnoain t r undecuap ccab ceccral groups bac îng the capahîlîlo ot acquîeîng socS a hocbey franchîse tac 'litsîioaga. Thîs phase ni the dcc ecp- inet tib te rider ni $:3 cîillon Thentotzlinceslcnln 'cii încnlu'e $135: i llio - m onftident ni the nicsso ibis drcetoneci. because ccc happent o Se licîng ala lIce and ptaon ,hbee geat acoentîis lcccg Canai0n, Thereis ta pin- oons d nîcce ton ucd on 1rae plcoîcat fils or oit 1,lcadîacc ant in tis ae.pcople are tabîng Ilcîn ohîldrnî flt play hockey ait 6 amocllpcm teoauseoltbr lack lit1 ice fitîe. Therc are .100man people in ibisare oýhouoolid toc. il, pIaN tecnis orsaeil scnS,, tacililo noe ,llllblî. licr l'iodla.. saut Tecocplex l l haie the ohotofn Mlc.lccosOl o iîh tc nir hac 190.0010 popltion rihborng .lreas oli ash s Bramîpton, teîlt tIlont Lrdtandt Oatkoîlto JAMES I INILAX Pr e sîid eont o \lîssîssoiogo Athietocs Luterprîses Lid. c. Milltîon rLsideni. jilton Council briefsj In a reglar niecoco gof Mi as rcuocd ho thic ntctlo< toCici sonday c m 10110 ogi.nlll0cccs0it, Noubith bc ont ofth ho coot lcon ,as. 00.70572ý The cool t'. heing paid Sytheb elcti ton nean lcîc thù inurrîcîpabîts andtni lcto Soodap, Oct. 20,' 1973. ' o o o r 10:455a.m.c Srocnt of w o u il Ot-betîts Wonsh. BOucOS un seniors Sccool. Nurseryo aiiis %tiki'r Milton Club ST. DAVI1L'S and 1 0 NASSAGAWEYA MîitneSenior ltîaens Clubh PRESBYTERIAN field ibein, ceeing in St, 1Pool*s t ed I'bucch CHURCHES Grahamc Holl n medneodan,b Mîîstorý Otl 17 uSes thr Sunshînie Oic. Douglas Locry Senior Cîtinens Club Zone 9,. 830-3131 froct Omet Snund Scnugbi -- 'icbuscinadsoficehec. Suodap. Oct. 28, 1973 numbering 80. Sercon Titre "Hoo erayor .crcîced in Mitn ci and Wo1k' (2t lad ibrîr dînone, oeeacged NASSAGAWtEYA toc tirect Sp Tom radley ai 10.00 oac Wnrship Seroice i Country Kitbeen ai il and Churcrocckh ScSool o'oc Altec'cacdc, ihep CAMPOELLE ice guei ai île Seborot toc 11:15 a.c -Worship Seruvticeiotontecdoli and ChorcI Scînoli ta Sofice scbnet White lbep _________________ cccebecngenteeioinedab the tSii the Mîltn srnior cîtînens club clorled the BOSTON AND 1cegotan ceeing, and got tle OMAGH hruness tean..acind. and the PRESEVIERIAN coot enced CHURCHE IlCanado opnned île ccRC E menii. iSes Rec. C.' Mînînter; ilaîncc. cninre, ni ie Oeo. WR. Lewis,B.A., .0cO o rchbgocthcncaion. 018 4428 Charles onti, peesîdeni. oo0led n Mcu. A pedre fin Sonday, Oct. 2,1973. ceod tIr minutes nI She tact engobe ceeting, t'orne. BOTO pondene and the 1970 oble of nilicees Oece meati niliocco 930 seronon %ill Se locnacded ni the andCSaeOS schooii(Nurseryl 11SCit Inn in eaclp tac lties)Nn'ecbec. ParadenOihîbaner 0800.5 The limon Soond Sonner 11:00 e a. Wocsh.p 0srvce Citian nece unionced Sp ond ChureS ichot Mcc. Jaces ilbti A cordial inuvitatioo ns PcecîdeninoflSi PaatosUnited ontendea 10, ait. Choch Wocro. and Mm. h. __________________ W. R arboîtt TSec eciecoti t:oabam liait tnttnnîng iheîc MILTON GOSPEL attcactîce Sonsbîne lnS HALL Ronnen. Aller bbep ocere ucatid. Toc Bradlep in- 306 Ontario St. N 0102022 tîctiduceti Sec i Christians gothered in the cecacbed thot ibepnwecc trame ofthe Lord Josus Christ. poltiio on the ntice prngeam. Mcc, Shecman mac the Locd's Dan eboîccon, olaucng Snn happc Sundap, Oct. 28, 1973 lhep wnet lbe in Miltîn, anti lbanbnd the local club fnr the 10.3u a.m. Omcolitg incitation. S5e celteti coce Bread. hîgblIcgls of iheîc vilo aiso 12.15 p.m.-Scndon Schi oro buidings bo sc, andooîid 7.00lpm -Gospel Serncethir cluobmwrr amateors ol Wednesdop. 8 p.m.Praner pcngcacmcng, Sot thep and Bible reading. proced olleccise. Wil Aie Otoloome To Thent As ilep are o Sonshîne Services. CloS, tbree ippicot noncberc This8 mai (Christ), aftet ho ogoned île progromt The had offerecl one saorifice for C oros sang The Sornse shnfoee,natldomeonfthe fies, There are smidles, and righl haîd of God. Side bp Sîde. TIep prosested H'el.~2 coied seîetionn -readngs ctecesing aond comit I Its. Smith. lino Ie.. Nies. Beleoco aod 'lino 'hapell vocal colis li 'lItr. Grant, Soccoecoer the Suno c Sbînîog, As a (canîimoihec sti rcng sootp in lcer c'hate she sang, 'ilunîg alon in ni d cîobîing t-Stuc" 'lino 'lîncer t ,îoced donce vcil pleasitcmoiont organsoleciano. Threeocxcellentit îoOc put an, "Peit hus cl 'tlcs. Allen; "A Witipapot obit", 'ilS Mcc, itoo nd Mr.i anod'llec Becbett. anî -A Mabecoits 's' n1\ lc Bocctcb a.. fic ose Ini chacge, and Sic Aogcl, Roi tlltîtghac anl 'lIc iloppcc Thi a titecopeci lvhaS dont "SmolOa tm. Sp Mrin Chapeit anti 'lie Hoppec t ingittg thein a eco amci Thcn 'i ciolco solo lic gioon Sp tIcs Glaithb oho lsi happctoib o '8n 00.00 onottotoplniti orchbestra oocelîooibhpiaotinc icco St Oc'.itisb albraith. Mrin Ancle and Mcc, thîpot. Th'iainunihcci'ooitoici ni tccone, Lci the ccci ýici. andîlhoococoShainýe Se gino. nith joo oing un flic refra'n tutu thaokc'îthec lutst f i te tins' v'olerc ciii rint,ima'uc', nîth ntiî taetIl Oitîlon Senore Sac hinc îlot, -n -lnîN ' li otk hîntici fi oit inuc the N'hzai ohîp iogî'ibcc AO Suinta.u Itnoch. soti ic ncole nd c u up mon 'lino tmilc sotociao toercnonîcîtc loppeti onitho Sappi.îbicccniiit Nait'otîc slicitorcccc 15 toccoitlhetOntario 'tlllnclt Btoacdlheaclnulciiearccllllt "ptaoting tclp- ti LMc 'Th hctcctog cs ochedulîci tot Di, fi .'ltîtclcal it thec') lic mn orea plancongostcîpt, 10ee O'bc lci'.cti'e hnflc'o meca lic obtîccilpa , in e iýt(t n i ili l. .1to n 'boto dia' io ,'ecotlit flet rp i ci i, ccc il $500 lbcoî MiOtc inlct.îîconcîuctit to ccgsiitotî'eî.cchcî i ti, Onk thioo tuni.ul lnot Iil 't, tpr,v ft ii, tîghlcand îlot, li lt (ot iiouii 1,11 t, Io ttoit1 cîtîctît lis' l ot rtl,, 'That's a lot of donuts' Sykes telis committee "That' oa lot ni ticuti.. îe Sp*hitc caîi ailco boîog toda ooouiig cogîcne nnrbmig onta coust jb l, a paid $20 an hnuc Gieorgetown. lis oac ur- pcîcednand a Sin upcci ishen hiequechoonti the otec and leacocdti Ibt the chargo ,ac't cotctdcndnuiansîl. Sp, oiantpgineec JacktCor- l'li question canin up ohco the roi comititice ici Hl- constdecîiîg the ccwcousip> gacage, no aininil coot pirird nn Sietes Ac.crieu the TSînîl ni Bcquesiog Assistant coint engîncen IBtoce KOtten repocter! de laps sn the job oousîng thr cocplitiîn Se b scedoird loreacucblaect(laibohnithe orciginaliAog 7date. Xte iscussiottson ie cooligait, t oinc di hecoin the ccife in ctetc Propose Sni ep ut lîs.onît thai il sue tsi Pas $1181 pe c1o'ardy s pllid cout in Nliito c lnnn o or ho loioudiboit d(oLiges0000liVel îiclaseot ilccobtact. proosa l oa oedfie T', t'notts'i .iPbicos'ii it' .îsicii tIcccilitbii theî.îcî ctîî.iîattîcîîitBelsOpoosa 1iiiîid"ci %tuiiapptcictsign !tinlOi ut 'lIain i omachnaia cn.l of $2.50rnttenn.tlishci licPtJsOcdtbi an icpîoyg men ai L5511,oodcc.0oeccalsdtodthl î.aodsccpitg andtfeniig at lin' building as.10 )s, 15.' garae g prepeoto %sas aisit ý%uticcoi oilabc refit o arranogedait She meeting offieîse ulori bc isn l Mccbccrcced anlofca] and officeore ccdcnt.dnoli openisg nnotd Se belli Soc on the sctod ilote 171'nileand dnuillttle Tho hoardi taoci fi proncîdeti Procision bncr ac a oniog change to anti Sbfet lonch oas dos deseinenot Si cniiocla-t I I S ian. i population of Milton 16,068 No louait beautifui Smillie. 3/ 4 acre uwd for ho, 10, 1 il, RIA! EýfA 86 RfAL ESTAT[