Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1973, p. 1

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orIu MAILTON ONT, WEDNESOAY, OCTOBER 245 &rnopiou 973 1' ,,F i Fte net Pay rates, 10w momile cited 200 on strilke at Polysar BULLETIN - Just hefore soppertîme Toesday Polysar work- men voted 95-27 to, reject a company proposai to retoro to work and begin negotiations. lTse vote folowed a four- hour meeting between five employee spoies- men and company offi- ciaIs when a lengthy list of demands and a re- qoest for a 50 cents per hoor increase were pre- sented. The wildcat strike continued at "M DRINKING A TOAST to thse health of the new Halton Region are John White, Ontario treasurer and minister of economies and intergôvern- mental affaira, and Halton Region chairman Allan Masson. They clinked glasses in a toast at a reoeption held in Burlington following Thuradays swearing in and inaugural meeting of the 25-member council. More photos and toies inside todayo misue. (Photo by R. Downai Over 600 witness regional inaugurn y Bob faitE Theeeas bees no r Ional oernmeoliformedmwilh less isand more accordithan the esperiesce in Haliori 'oanty accordiof 10 John Whie, Treasurene nfOnario and Minister ni Economins and lnieegnsernmesiai Ai- laies. White made the satemeni hefore an audenee of 600 ai the inauguraimeeting o Hal- ion Regionai Counol Thues- day nigh alBurIingtonCen- teal High Schon. Whie said ho sopposedl ihee woldhbesomeeresee a- ions abou the nem sysem amongthe municipalileaders. lie noed the esponsiilities o the regional coneil iii On hoadeei he longerange plan- ning geaee and the ioancial eiipendilnreenacompanied hy a igfee hdt il ibch nnsideahyilaegee. Whte noled seseeni advan- tlgon the nom egion adl n ils fan-e. e soggesed Chaie- man AlMasson'shbackground an a cioncilin. a reee and a mayor as oeil as evreal do znyias ni polincal espee- oec mongithe eled cuiilr eedelîn île asses. He suggested h01 the peope o Halion had an on- dersanding and acceptance tf the concep o egîonal goeenmenl. The egion iii isherîl snme othe problems othe counly admnisration, Whte saîd, and saggesteoi thepro hems colinoet solsild y the counl y strucurerni goeenimenhbease ofithe loch ni inanciai esoarese and the pomers neessaryyte selve the pohems o geomih and deseinpmeni. Pay lihte Whiepaid lihole 10 the coonyecooncis whinh payed fundamentli oles in the ceealîon o 1he region. The Halion Cooniy heîef as fiîied ilh consructiecilmment meifound inaluale and in oeing ou1 delaîled arrangements for the e gilseenment, memhbees ni cor o n ens îoded ad vcthat as indspensahie. Support Cable TV Mlon Concl supporlfoe, cahie eleision application hy Wiliam Johnson a sooghl Monday. Ia leiler te Cooncl Me. Johnson noed the Canadiar Radio Televîsion Commissiiln ili hear applications foe a lies n tunor three monîho As aresiden of the tomn for the pot 14 yeaes, it application foe such a liiense oldbe local and he would plan t0 poide for com- Mebr fCuclagreei t0 heae M. Johnson aI a future meeting te discons the appication. n hs addornn 10 the romd Chaîoman Alan Masson re- frediuihecrneony asthe cuminion oleasofîoio iort-maingiialion ahoiier piaatii mhih oh 10 an orh and play. fle reieedthe nambseof reports on regionai foveril menia ithe iegînîng onia moto ior a 00w totu o goveelmoeni hac in 1964 whn sho and Widen iHerhert Merryapproachod iii Spooner. Mînnitrofnici-to pal AOates. 10 have a tudy done. M anson onpreosed Oap- pinessînith Hulinigons sc cessfil lghl 10 stav n ilo rahe han joininfiHamilton- Wennimnth. Sinh orke i1nouid likethoin nIof10 00 attention 10the ol if hose cnunciiioes mwandent, and saff mhes ho. ve these vears haiooiorke o dlîgoilin nudying the pro- hioms aiid naggostiilg soio- ilManynof the ounioos press tErne. begin. The present Steve Riley, one of the contract d oes not five ensployee re- expire until May. presentatives, said 58 B ob uisSrti workers were flot pre- Ahout 200 hnariy p,id sent when the vote was empinyees ,saikeoffnil ir taken. Employees said johs ai f'oysar l2npoaion's they ad ben tod byBuing yiom-sliinn theyhadbeentol byheineMonday around lunch management the firm hour Wrisres nompiainnd ni could shut dowo its p00r mnrale ,and ,lnîod Milton plant by hero in ,n onnplainn Thursday if the mnen did nurrounded toinnns f,,on not retorn to work. Personnel officer John Pober said the rompany asked the men to retoro to their jobs and negotiations would Home struck by ightning f lash ol ighing lef ihe indows and o ighin dueîng homOfiJ. A.Hiiuos Fiiurih a ieeak eienrioai siorni line, iakville. ih smashed v riday aiieenoon ahout 530 Mltoo Fine Deparîmesi eesponded t a1 ll ee ihough here asnon ire. TOe lighinng slranh the nilthelnisl side iof the home, Noiother aeea homes reporeeo any damage, There e me noninjurisin the mîishap eepoeied Milton FireeChief A E ln Ealefn the day the liree Ca IsThe Oirsi, ai .45 a.m, are nnti n ofice ioday bui i nos a car fiee ai the Fith ,,nnid lîhe t10 patl ieiuie 10 Wheei Truch Sop. Theca iheir offorts:i is soi 10 o helonged 10 William Bosmn. Cotiaaed on Page 9 Deroit. Ait meetings open Council-elect rn lotO commiene and dscussions mre enieemeiyf unniioinsnilihe open conldentiîa anA memberss n lise pres"Mayor-eleci soulA 000 di scusthemn AnnoOMacArthure deciuarod ai ouisd theohambrrs. theoopesîog meeting of Mlon lOrs. MacArthurem f iouncil-elocl inothsenounn'il p=îed.tho eed foe a ,hamhrrs Fiday etroing. Yoehis i ng snisrdule, hOn anhknoldged thre 001,04 lOouo arn many im- oul b a closed meeting at pontant drcisons reouired tise onnlusion ni the lrsi efoeoJan. uIo'go lorardt sssionto dealnth personnel iloth1e nen year in an ef-t orpropi-niy îîales and fiinmarner. emphasizeîi Ihal nach lhnohinmeetings %mre set GIDDYAP, HORSES ... OfficiaIs at Wednesday's opening of Hilton FaIts Dam Reservoir and Conservation Ares particîpated in a horse-drawn wagon ride. At the reins are Halton East MPP Jim Snow, MPP John Rhodes ocho opened the dam, HRCA chirman Brock Harris and Balton Wet MPP George Kerr.(PooyR.Dws rieets separale ommillees meeting simutaneusly one meek and the full inuneil meeting the foliomng meeis TOis meeh mîuic l i meet aI 7.30 on Wednrsday hefore înitîating tise Toesdai' sciedule. Tise meetings iti 0e heid in 1e Mi on consecil niamiesen the mayoeleci suggenied. S0e noîrd il aso't praclicai to mone to Nasagamrya for someofolthe meetings. Membees agreed bhel shoudhecpad $25a meeting for meetings heid in 1973 in peparation foe 1974 and the costsoUd hocharged tethe new council Te$2 Ire is t appiy 10 staff membero as welas eieniod oficiais. Couniline Jm Kerr noed memisens ofth1e fore steerilg nommitte repeseiîng Mlton Counnîl iad ien P.aid tiatIr1e and tise nîeeeîng nommttre nom henomen thr eirnîrd counsil, Runal repIs Rral areas orre dîo ,ded itO reprerenialînon asnged areas ofnoncien, ai 10e suggestion ollOs MacArthur. 00e pinted out liere as a large rural aeea 1e h esponsihir for and mOite the mould still reman here, rural rsdens shouid hase a npeciiinripresentatiile 10 eer to. CounclIors Rick Day andonorndon agreed hey moulA preler 10 handie 1he iaissille area Ingetiser eather ihan hase il dndrd geograpiîcalo Councîllor Brad Clemensnmas assîgnod lie Ourlînglon section. Coonciolno Rsll Pomadîisk the Nassagamena aeea atone 0 Sderoad and Cousilior Jîm Wason the Nassagameya area ieinm 20 Sdeeoad Tise Nassagameya divsison as based on a telephone area ioundary. Mes. MaArthur aiso told memiers each agendamwould hae a ime alioted foe rural reports and busines Set commites Committres named ionrlthe balance of 1973 inciuded personnel ciaired by Cnunciior Kerre ils Cous- clbes Wason and Ael Meianson. Councltor Goedon s 10 atend tise commiliro mien applications are ieing considered foreatrrasureee Il mas eporled ise ap- pctiensn had heen received be iscte position. Policy, procedor and legilation commitee milI 0e isaded isy Coanilior Day mush memisees Counillors Coninued an Page 9) rc ntiv o menohinnniý Geoorge i'iooind. a spokon mn in heominteninance ttinhiiig $1l.0 ierion hnnn ha1 aise elOnaied ihow onkeo, n, $5 pin houn inan lf he' men one, hown hat thon wo lin 07ea0(0ngtîhon ho, start(idwth the irm Ile iinn ut did n,t nili1 h the ntn n.sst . mn and ),Il th teot oh, th ne , lOcalin Genea l 1 h,pl (il,,,, isn t ialh l o 1,alnl1n,ldh1hou -tih the union, a dig,ý-ito Ih n n Lnion , nnoIlal iandh,d1 1 înnîa, i ho a - ln h, a irv v l b , 'qîin t n .î trritg tki r iok u,, \1,,o.,,,dkloî,"'id ,nii il nh t a ,knl1,,,,orntih, llku od, Al. ietn ,,I,,,t14 ipii l lhvI p int ,iw the,,a'niouu The utnon knii,nî,ke ont "il, ' ,, l O bvat the p1ckeh n,- andt i , a ,î,n,,,îoî,î,Ihlh11LhiI sa 0Ii i ncn 230-unit housing development okayed A 2o0uniinsingle Ian,1 uniK r iiir ldmoui,niieiS n g bmt iiillýt housing devolopmeni miit10e lu,, Ollittw -, 7sl niînot tni ii ii, l t i /t ,li n'onîhoeanncorneo f ionî nont', i io ldsios Omiu lin ui , 1iioitiul tl ai mnA l)niry 114 aas ap- ,iutniiii îoit oo ndtenni it itiuio o iih ilnitei,- ti prnod Os Mloln 'iruinil auotisn pinits ii( i n li i i(t,- m, ai, tgil t i Iiî li loinday.liait lutn nn-duioii , n in -Ii,, i 91 t,, l L- l the li- 1i ii TOn 1.ýre lrqo irusecnilaIl îi anliein oniini tlIo n d Im, 111 iscussions and uppro Int 'l ' l i lecilot piiiontincudeosa \ uiggetniilui i l thelPlanning Board andtthe 8 acintiio n îîose suite. i toiuf, nd lSît liig nia iiosnio ilon ,nnonithnhun in ninînonn lý,i Clocks back l ab k eicto Sunday at 2 pe n i i( eeorei It's clock-chitîng1k f 00 park puroesalhnîgh il'l eihilf0 lt 1 %un per cent mii, ibo end heno7agailasnoneonilegoîiloi qirunment.'ien nees e EasernhStandardfirintisalstpayinglthenmajor Tmoitisshundah.iiOcl.281ai7 shîneit a nonwtemino a nw Ail nainhes, cockand 7ilii honni l ihnaghthe ot.,in olhe imoheepîng donînos ihe 1,ntol,)n(nnt uiilibacsion shouldhbonioned BACK one tht o n dic,1 ail houe ai isedime ainidayi iiilrnaIi, nîghl 'Memeii,esios la The omn anditictnlhave hi-on on Dtit gO an in lloneting In EST o,îîs I1J1 y Ieq 11.jî null bolaeh mucO narliin ouh n ing A t00O aremltl Ienienbel. is B0,01one1,j ippd ar,, s k - hourn, nnnday itI h t h elb tori Mnai hi Man getsjail, fine for McKîm fatality A soinmeiragedi 1071 laimu hlives of a well knîul Mlton coupleoniOheiirstiunieme oliidantrip. onudei n a courotase lasti mooh A ynung masi froni lEnînllo. Nota Sbonianas seniennoîd n lhee monthsnin th couniy aiand ined $500 in cniilciion mitia Juiy accidentin Annapolis Royail tahilledOMr and Oies Robert McKîm o OMlton. The 1040e alto iposod aîoiheo ther-month jai era i he acnunedfaîiodtpayitheofine. mn welassusponding isîsdriner-s insfrnnintmnyoars. The on, millise allomed to drive On, car Ocimeen 7 a. m.and 6 p m in order t0 gel te moei, 10e judge uied. The accident 1001 ook hlilues of the local couple m7t islieed to be thmtnomr of a race etmeen imilcars The 1diier niflisecar miich strun helOrMoKims' car wmsaise charged under tise lquor conteol ont. Tho Milton couple meni eant on a holiday trip aller siliing tise hardmarenbuinessn bey iad oprated in Mlton foe 26 years Me. McEîm dîod amiý days aller lise accidentkm ile tmomeeisslater. i, mi iltI-,i l , l 1 i, fil e1e011 a ç' ' i iii I : ,mi ali li n 11 ,1 , op u lto ui11 l ,,-1, Iu , ,ii 1tl pi,-- il -h(t,1 îlot L t the Ri li lal, h i'r (t ii11 uu-tit,t i - 'i, , l ,,tii titi- Iii 1 11 )I il i CluIc,I iiluOiii inuit uî tithe, i i h ý!ni-lu I til wi il,,, 'it nIl i u ri\ ili t hli lii i , t l iiu uinl uitIl, iutthopit'itde 'iii rioithe10 noth-iItq-iuaii lIii 11,0 Iolin, la n IIi,, h Mnil,uldis thîtto* 'Ifteatiti& Mi uliii e iiioii o iadaiiee nan kitaliido onoiho baN rse Mrn hoos n ,oiiilii hiu the park luilît oquipped. CROIWNED QUEEN of the Furron, at the Hal- lto fnoîîty Plowmen's dîîoîocîSalurday mas Caolof nerile of Ac- ton. Carol mîli repres- en l katon County at the International Ptow- îîog Match 10 hc held near Georgetowno Sept. 22-24, 1974. (Photo hy DPink) VOL. 114 NO 26 I t -~ 4 r - w' POLYSAR EMPLOYEES weni on a wildcal strike and walked off Ihoîr jobs at, 0000 Monday, proteniing pay rates in the new Milton plant which produces concrete housing modules. A picketl une was sel ap and neven of the men are pictured with some of their hasiy prinied "on ntike-nigns i(Photo by R. Dom os, .... ... ....

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