Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Oct 1973, p. 1

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orIu MILTON, ONT. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1973 pTe-i gh pagesFfenCens Spectacular all-night blaze $250,OOO fire destroys M"ilton Inn FIREFIGHTERS FOUGHT iard and lon g to combat what ire Ciief Clemeot refers tuas tise most stubisors fire ie bas ever had fo figisi, wies Mlton Ion was destroyed by ire Friday evcniog. ire ipread beneafb tise rof sud as tise rusof burned, tise flames curted il soder, making il imasible is gel water on it. Tiere is apparent Iy about four lousis loches ut tam o tise rouf aud Iis compicafed lise iret ig htrs' tank. (Photo by D. Pink)t ln business by Christmas Build new hotel 'roi Jaskuto. otîneof ithe Mitiso tn.1opohotlu 'he C'han rti f;îyphnoe Tîidîs rou hîs hspta l ium i Cioish v Mn. tashuta sutionnit i îîgt sinuko t.i7 asît l'oi.ii (Gnriosbytosiîl at the tairel ofttire.noIiiisittungi hlm pernutssonlua 11011ho Snîîtto ifly ,tui'daîN murutuf, liauutug lu deiostheSi renais and hid agaîu.lîMr tosuoa saîd. "Wo'lt lo usnosmo(ifithoeibrioks orionho fot ofltheouo uilîding, but 1x 11) i too it'it"t lThe ,îp' i iii' iii i itise, ioîiiskt0iltijau 1 ottttio tii am iii t>il' i'ttil"t'ii t111 hîîough lieon d ' equo t building iii.tîîokîI(,î onttt tarit lit 0 Th It oto ii ,asoc upi tit a w-ti.'1 ol th îhî- iding ptoto ohei isttoethriiii loti'. (i 'pe ttititi000onigi' eitîtiflt 000 (othe 1oug, dniittusl'i il otohai httîthîal.si Mn toi'khave î'outhelie" rvaîtti% oî's si ut. i Hotel 109 years old ThoMtotntInnsryoil tuoituoare tit ands ifI ut ',lu hireunnrida ms a uM ton cht't'0ttUItttand tto iiucag 1 tltsiceioi Jinuan orton ho' poiltPi tt's'ttitiitlitiiutlitth'it ( .itit ii yeans 01totoui sîtuitutt 'tw îîîîiho tuttil n 'hruany 1O64.iho iboîtîbîs anît shedso ilbtheu'ott aooo duoe i'Sarrp incommn!on tuuhe tnt"ol andotoi' uit sit) tout t -1an he oit ootnd bSi tohn ttuit iin inte n d ti ats.titij Wattaconu Mat.Si ..'Flic-0buildtilngiti'no lui1877,.a -'The inanhousotists0tox 'n36 'u'u to lui'theM0,'oUs un liton t la tts1 tnntoand pesritsaoaotstorn Allut,. sîsîil i toîso. oantdu iftll suear.lici'Watlt appeouancouitihout ans.ottueloti'o-nsit;,tttik îoîî i fturttiS i-ttra ornanlu-ts. The arin. suno" îîuto'oouîttsuithe' SMitoia 10 diunis om ad nsi-,rat'oir u isitsuildiiginttb onoindo lihotu plot it tf tou îî n îlt ho it odi' îtîtî'r b tMssrs. J. htIlt hrîîtug ini [,,%i titiS lOt) n Page 16 Milton Inn Hotel a destroyed in stubborn, evasive lire Friday 3 night. Damage to the century-old Main St. buildinlg s estimated at $250,000. The hotel's 27 guest rooms were fully booked and manv of the rorne. s and guests lost ail or most of their possessions. While the cause hdn't been determined oit press time, Milton Pire Chief A. E. Ciement said there was some indication the lire may have started in a partition near the west end of the second floor. Inspector Jilkenson from the fire marshal's office is investigating. Long ordeal The 21-hour battle for tihe Milton Pire Brigade started at about 5.45 Friday atternoon and continued through the night and into the next alternoon. While the tire hiadt een put out eariy Saturday af- ternoon, tl was lte that alternoon hefore many ut tise firefighters got home to bed, tired and exhausted f rom tise ail- night ordeai. Pire hunes bad to he cieaned aud hun.g to dry and otiser equipmen prepared for tise next fire. undreds of people tîoed th streots onMain and Brown Si lsatlthing ti'fiîghiou oinieurretentiiss stugato ogait the lire.The snitud stayed ou eves loto the Se hus st the morningf F"orrowonrand acting baie, manlagne' Don MoKay sai ne was on the main itoon nearthe heveragerooiuwhn the lire startod. 1 heand somene isay thoo sionttod smoko Il tai'ted juook then and iloho pourd ontestops, 10 Slnd is ge1 upstairs with liro eslînguhers. but couiits get thi'ugh thi sisoko."hoe No <ay sasiid hc touS a deep brtîh oiidt an loto the îsio etilid tîongeon 0the janfouri' lr'moso icash lroisthe lemges casth re'iister, ut ltuas jumiostu li sssnarvorcoimouith, siokstie iihn tot.t, lard his tiig',a nd a est back ta try olgoli iit ifsouidiot opoii. t)i th hird loy. i oaid. tl liioaty sprung opeiiand i t copd pitheocash andrao lhrogh theo hidi smoke tu sali'ly A)Uoftiheboouks ,and huol riordnis uieetostins the fi jist wensijuitltiSe thal. hsoaid.Atoîsîuisoiins allte' the 1ire'oas disiusii'd hsu'a id ho iedtlu utthe tire di.pai'toiut Sut the phono baud MiiKay said uujly threeoru iilotouroroin thotosonge il atheo imoe, plus abSou t 15uors su i a, oi aiiy peuple leei he guostnsois on the secondtandihii'd storys. lipidother, Fatt'anîgau au s'iptuoo eaod 'osidout ut the hl soaidlieoaijsalriod teugel upotius bat couidult ti['opti' Sotped oas'S thoo i oto he 005taisourne ut theos iii jadies. houaîd. Mîho 50 nuii'. ose outwtu 'tudooto ai tho Sheridan sottogo Soasy oeqaîpmen scoo'5 w iho stayed ai tSe Sotl) tatou oooatted tSi ri *o as roadîse a bSokis i 'Cîntîiuon Pu age 16) Region inaugural Th inuigrameetig tofpîîîoîi n(thusnhoîîotîoiîî th'ttutoîsallthe ioo nad itou .iingiuonuinipal laton s frtînginusatcosusoîtge to 011tht' naisnuo %ll mii ho rotoptîoita!tSi nitrotdo, osu.cI, n attus, hav'e-Sons 1ubtthhdntdîthe anna's gaolh thî'îoieiti" ý oîod ton ltuion TSi si'atn, i usd, îtsguîith so Iagnst1har1gaund oît ntha ttirc ittoîeiotio Si the iand eingraouooisgaaii indus,>ýisotVIP's. npneiou sotStno rossS Sld cafetenia.îîpî1lîî.lutîk o hnau lns tth laos ait those nt d lu thn Tho tIoit 5 tisso Mact ui.îoChambshof tCommerce and cnnomouy. dooidtLieutenanttssovrn iniiuts hîîei ministeriat association n Thoevent is ptnndtfor ofîOtarioîîuîîtoouducîîthe r un Susas Jacohi. the osuuty 'hrsday uîght, . int t O a rn g iu ceontsy scrtano: s egîsuai Sho noted the tusvitation tisi lioningionuConali tufS ontcial T roasonni John shairman Atan Masson uoîd ad in ho culiaabile short ut Schont1 Th e inhoo0l Wi'hte and MIt"s .Inm Snosa it ut the uouty oected uhtiSioganîners had hoped to auditorilui, odi about 60 andGeorg Kerruittendudnsuitosas sett asikhose Cnoinuedon Page 6 CROWDS GATHERED quîckiy misen tise Milton Innfire broke ut people itsed the stroots and stdcwaiks alsog Mais antd Brown sut ai arouod 1.0 p.m. Maoy neyer eff asti Sundretis leit and ois. caime bacti lator. Even sntise wee hours ufthtie msrning, crowds (Photo by S. itIls i Food, Iodgings, assistance Everyone pitches in 'hthoIagis'f rtîN ilMtion Inn Friday utghitoiet sîsirat pieope' iilhouîai oofil Soein Siait. î'sou hoioghthi- oshassloîlttootighieoopohott heios su oi ir in sMil lons'sooiî i'tSstuns tSheot lias guiiod As uinia nuouherof csut i the'past iiustdoloand goiît' in thoe ai'î' ispsudd o tiho .110 is'im'i ofithe tirn thoo'se attîtI luput ontithe' Sooiatleriiittoanof)t, ionsithelire'%vasofta sins natlure. Mtotin ioas eto huddltî'î îî iti oîiseolia, andlii'oit l tsont elto Sîttîi' I auif M, 1- the mi mg re de ts co lc g t' titi> v titingado io i'. iesii F h ,î 'ol îg oooi tvtt t'l 'i ii Fru'itit 'Mari theS i 'tout i otî intîtu s il\dm s at ti( i htt tieitTruckît tsiond oPage16 Hôtel fire:"ýstubborn" AiI-night cho< d ca 1,tri hat pl frhhei AN EXHAUSTED FIREPIGHTERI Harold Peosoît calcites 40lii isk Saju-day mornîng atter an ail-nigist battie against lise tire whicis gutled lise Milton Inn. Severai ut tise irefigisters pt in a straigisl 20 isours on tise tire-allersa full dsys work aItisheir normai occupations-su Harold had a gsod excuse for relsxing againot a psrked car wisen tise ire was inaiiy extiîîguisised. Local piotograpiser G. P. Maeiserson of Rand Studios snapped tise poignant photo. Possible link? Dog stays.at fire titi' 'iiag h h' n'hl i i 1, iii l 'di ln"w h;'r i i ",i ' tiiii ^c.îîîîv uio . l îi'i'tw ihurc i fot ribrigade î'oî'îni tîjiîî.îît'îr tii\ iii i i tiii i tt tl tit tîîg'iîi'.t.iîtiiiiitttit tititîti ijîtit i l i-,i i stîitt tit i il ti'i tiitei toi nnt) Ian ie I-\-ltu tii'n ti1 "i. itt trun asittil nuelto P gi-16 sîtîti titiS'.lc '0 Hu..10)tiitttij tdthe ni d titiII lil i tmnîîîîîîîtii îîîîî,î,i r îi îîno tht .1tiki1v itti' t h - u I Sonry, boys bar's closent I ii tutIti 'o i the %lii ] titohuttit lits,)iltiia s i i ig 11w 'ar l'd pu o toits"' gi ttn.itou' it ii (I , hi îl t tî iud c i ' ni'lu I .ti 1 o'. I so i,"o1ý ta r l T he 1010 lu un itiit i 1010 Il 1 îttdl'u rt pý«t, rottygiilndItlîu on uî b dual i' ti tMîîosibsuîotsthesouiroatt acotahtor am c(:s h farm tractor 1 i... lthett d' t it i l 17. tit toit ra alil îttî' JiuIlltoît titi i ti (tilt (tht .îî iii ttî t u " ijît uIt utu Ih the b' ' il Iii i I to l ttt hit'wi l o l) tti i îîo i t tititiios 1 1 t O itiilil anutIti lia t t oht, ltttt i oltil tuuittotîtîl'littil itî'îîîî týi- oln ilt tI(- . ( mii 1'n'tnt adsîtîýro tthîth oand sae ilo. ut honteî ton titi 0 1« 1 l" pi ' vdne daoi il ho MsKt'nooî er Il 1m . o hi' ioiislî'îi ti VOL. 114 NO 25 ---l

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