SThe Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Oct. 10, 1973 Or f E > M I T O U B I L B R R i l a n i g a n 1 ,0 s u r e f o ,n55 0 librry uiling n te ste o th fomerBruc St Scool nd ht loo planaboe shws ow he min loo wil belai nulTis flor iclues p meetng oom ith100seat an kichenfaclitis, lusroomforove 413,00 olums ad svera redin ares. spcialboy' ad gils'roo is a th lef ofthecental ntrnceanda hstor rom i shon i th MIO cone.UheLoIr panY aislefingows 800he sqaer foo, nc2uding tffolibrar l i nesieoffeateoicm ervce St.Sharea foo meetingroom wih 108 satsBandkitCearruiteplrshawrhiter White Oaks Ceramics firmn moves to Alliance Mall Escarpment commission locates in Georgetown JimVSnom, MPP for Ballon to serve the resideois of the ihe escarpmeot. Each of East and Minster of souîherip and northeriy iisose eight-wi eetnosenisy Government Services, an- exiresoities of tise Escarp. ihc province from a lisi of nouncrd today tisai Ieased ment ares.tihree misbers of county or Pre=îsshase nom iero Mr.Von o aid tisai the regiooai goveromnentosolob- nbisaodn Georgetowno for (Georgetown locatiiso a minîtird hy eounty or regiooal us iV t i agara EcrpF iclchiefor the Coi-cunis ,nue hoi sse ia n. star misso iralchVî opeail i'o il aivei Ai i,cîLî'îc îlpi 'i 111 per iiin-er î.1the liîîp ihî tirliii i Hee iiiiLes Thie 17 îieinher 'o(V,-iaieVnt.iea. exteidivg hel- Preston and lialion iiiio nssio, ander the C hair-ioe ihe Niagaaiand Bruce egioiaieoonrcillor Len Coxe oianship of Geor ge VW fîrniosulas. have hlero nomioaied. hicCagor. former Mayor of t7 nsiroiisrrenniniaîe The province wiii appoint Alilsion. iiiesiahlis lis The commitiee wili inelode righi nilor'mrmhers t officeenon Ge i ai 232 Gueiph 17peopi neluinifthe provide a halance on the st,. Georgeton, tV deiere chaimnaneEight i miibhecommisson. The commission mine the use, coordînaîr chnseîî ieom the eight ill ideveip an officiailpian oi the Niagaea Enearpmrnî and ]and in ils Vicinîîy as a cotnos naine ai r The nffice premisen. comprî si ng teholne ni the second finor and paet ni the hasemeni. and iniaiig appennimairiy8o600 nif space, have heenileaned frnm Clo ssoiî tevelnpmrni Conrporation whîehVmns and ncoupies thehbuilding. Sm ois tîlofires i as he esiahishrd in the îîcîniiy ni (Grimshy and Cniiingmnod Furniture store Esqesing cnnnc i ap. proveda changin ahbuiding permiti fnr tmisrtn Viageande, aiiniîing hîm IV huoid a I mo cinrey frniiore soeai Iiighmay 25 and Nnmhee "nve Vîderrad, in- stead ni arerstaurant and a farimeVi. as previousiy iiareî Funks.appearing for the Iiagrandes, tnid i'.niiesing connii, ast meek, thenoriginairestaurantîhad hnrned donihrepeassags, and the omners had pianned Io replace i l"rnilare store A changeeofplans had made il adianiagenu o si mtei ina 10 I sinrey i omît re store. one t7iiis -mmwiiisaid iherrrmas nnprnhirm. since t here mas nonchange ni use. 1 wish to express my appreciation to ail who assisted, or suppoi'ted me during the recent election, and on prior occasions. :.Also for the many letters and comments receioed during the 7past week. My sincere Best Wishes to the nem "Milton," and "ilalton Region" Von il ours trnip, Brian Besi P. Eeg.F R.i Building permit boom continues BV"iiding iiin':,, . ivilg contines t ohboom, cîlha nitai oi $347.426 ini permit,î sssed during Aipieniher Theitotal a' iiini.eul hi i $250 000 for ae ciahhîîîîe *for dîmn e ifii, liihei hili cii t..t 280. ' nn2i,.aiid iaOni addii nn lo %or Alic liiîîiî lquipmeni c ,ioniii 4, Th," rhirîso Thrgradndl uehaiiiicof Esquesing cul llchîp , reflectin lvVy hreci'bain permiln isniedianî îîîîînlh h permi foraarnie. iai'd a[ $15,000 wi as svnn'd IV iRhbet shed permilidloed at Vdliiin Van isnued lii Pecjiiîdîll] permiitald ahdiioiii,s issurd to Diiiiîa]li 'i'ii-udi'i Th ermain vA . t, ho sure 10 caii PonVe §78-3447 MrS. Gi0, H. Votni T4 eyý. 'h w lv -Whliteiiah', ieamicu". ani iii i',îuiiadiin cVVipaVi ici led hy Johin and Sharon Seccd and Ssanand Br- nadlecei.reeentiiîineaied l Aliinc'icnduieiai Mal nv Siele', hie .hMiln. Pcemieriv ni Acono. Whte Oais (i'iamicn pindonro gi ileins, coiiee and dinnmr ses vi nnop homs. decaiieetes andimany nihr tnleri tîleces ilans and cia. ai re cVstom mixed (Alherlay i'iynaei and al] catingdorehi haed, John Ai'cced dnec aili he mid- riiiiiing. h aiing slndîed the z ei from a ieiinn' crafismnan. "Il is raii a dving art."he 'iys i"i"iin'l smeth ingcnn eailiearn inVaschnni" Vspeciai htchen fine i maide hy Whie (iahn mhîch inciades filird hnney pois, aiýd speniai pttrry con. tniof mnapie rream and mapi syrap, Snid acrnsh Canada in gi shops theofi]li ur, iii he nifered in iton ai a rti Vaiet ai the frocntifhe pant. 7 p h Au M M tor id piPrtecthn idn hastopas it tppars efrei k h go he tougestcar nhpchorwe hw Car shown is the 1974 Greerlin X $2716 'A ei AMBASSADOR MATADOR man Motors Vk back them better wbuild diem bettr. CLEMENTS MOTORS BRONTE ST. 0F MILTON 878-2328 il LI i IM11 Henz tmeoklys ancy STOMATO SOUP TOMATO JUICE Styem CORN 0000 4r4 01 89e Aylmer Cioe Cut Green BEANS, PEAS, CARROTS ORWAX BEA ns 89 Gloe Dssrt en 8Fao s B A Ne nS ap08er oIstant Masisen CpesaSi PEARS FRUIT DORIN PTAOS CFE 14 oz.Tins T T E 00 'stl 4rF89c 3Tin99c neni45c 1 z.n'r890 J> Bîiks Rognlar - 0ab Dapers One e. TOM Yul Fnseooe Naphte Suer Stet5 .......KOTEX BABY SCOTT PANTI HOSE ~/PICKLES 2111s9c kgç 292lPairs 990 iseJr391, BATHRGO TISSUE 8',199 ULTRA DRY BAN 0% oe roln Sprat Enis 990 -WE SIEL ONIY GOVRMMENT GRADED MEAT Fress Lean Mealy PRIME RIB ROASI 1.35lb PORK Fresh Lean Meale k SHOULDER ROAST 85lSAEbu h PeiLean Meatp PORK BUTT ROAST 95 c 69il FreshNo. 1Ont.PEI No.t1 Grade RADISHES 3ocHSi PGTATOES GREEN ONIONS 3BCHs. FeesihNo. 1Ont.W110tlb Bag 75c CUCUMBERS 2Foo FresliNo. Dent 2 Fesh NoOntDe IolhoosaLER TOMATOES l £iLtR Fresh No. Gsint. 2 IJUST ARRIVED FR000 CALIFORNIA BAC H For 3 lb -1 $ 0 36 b GR P Sine 'e5()Case $615Caseb m 1