Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 1973, p. 7

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Residents engage expert to fight hydro jlepyersrrlro Kif lbride prenenfing an alfercafe coule, ad dInrioet .wededay ho ropî1ej iesi Oc knon me f0 hear o rogress eprt ceedfhhydro powernsooe lrom fheir nenilfîte coof iOejecilifoufrigh." cfudynng fhe hyden roufe lafe iieiici c pcnposafs nd oo iii « ifieSout<h icd "cn'oc concceing theycnoiiicilhcief Mskal hoiiinigiiin iii if fbe hnfandf Commission. enîfîcîîn nfed unul]flic Chairman Tomn Patience folA ihicd stoge, Moshal cepficd fhe nearfyte0rnpfe in at- Ihaf fhe noiifh <connon tendanne thon tebrief musf niginnfly fleced huf he in ne fhe commission hy cuccifmwackeepnng aney on Ocf. f5 and fhraft public off desefooicufns and mon horins wiffhbehefd Ocf 22 ready in cane if ecame ino and .3 AIladjoinicg <eas coced. alfetefd hy the proposed Don Cartec, regionaf roufe 10<11 ho heord on the aldeman,sked Moskalfif bc ame day. ff tif<con necsary for Asistaacer in preporing the Kinhide f0 gel oîntide hrfp rief bac been ocbed of Prof. and ohm Mnckaf geerd i John W. Btak, asitnt maos, Crec mode the fircf profeccor oI geogropby ai dontionnof money. MeMasfer University, Ham- Rfoerring t0 the Bilff cudy iflon. Prof. Pefak bhon hemn hieh ehorged hn i he engageA f0 peparencounfer maîocîfy of monîcîpulifrs dîd argmnfsoand ascibiscomff non scn n infocming thcnc eocf mnoey, Mr. Paftice reefd fhaf off pople do af s mach an ihey caoin au fomrds hee ddifîonaf Wag ',We nord money for Ihin ru t he Bahpamdns mb hyoor M rs. M ui money,- Pafience quipprd o Si "An <nue reprenenfafive, ' ho The limooh Prechyfecion eocfinued. .t 1 Osume W5<515 el heior Thoobof- ocryoe icagaincffbncsplan. feig meeting on Thucsduy. If no, please fel] us nom, fief 4inthechureh hall wifh elore me gno ny frfher wmb 25 *ladies offendîng. The urcrrngemenfs," Thre gifesfs fronn Plermo Unied. ocre fin replies.fBostonîn <d Mitfochurches P'ciocccral ipact Ore .uefeomed toc the f1.ff ficb Mohof. o planner for pon meing byfhe precideof. the 0<1< nIflturfingfoo, macsMirs. C Poifecono ho <Inn infroduced and ocbedf0o coducird the nmeting. A comment on fhe Burinognon hbnomos <ofiomeo by tho hree. clochai qoonfioned fhr focd'c proyer inunion Mcc. clofemoof mode by the Rftiihf0asiocblcd in tho ltîîn'eft fAnvirommenfof scipfure readoneand MS if hfudy liait fhe fofecf pfano cons gine ihe nîîcnînccy wuud bavc ho feoni en- ycuyec cîronnenfof nipacton the 'The gfini speokec MS ae."The brion dors non incolce isefl 0mb the in-. JhnîMuSiaof M< ilton a diiduaf populofioni. the soif. Sfrcdi Siniorro\V scernie quofînnes oni lfe- chio1îf oios and gavccn snohe lointIond SMionti iestcfig c'iiincfsioîîhem. Nemo, thecresîdenfnol hoîmecs'fies, e îccemjoyed hyanil and hnnforneof buiding," hr 'f'bc piclucen iiece i fohen nofed. hy liercand lier liusbund [te% Pîîînfîng ou < ut ht cb oi ury te hyu corridor o'oufd be ciii onde . hîîsfeonahe n bchalforn2 nifb ones 1o0' igh advc an nfoiefs n nîdo cri <O eaohbiitrenoufd confoin<fine ine, thd lirh if ihcîca oes. hec sîd, '"The mand. peope c' ebii.hipfui< eounfryside rom cGuelphi îîî< eîîifcifst h c bes ando [,me est inuafopen and thene flouifers fines unuld ho foflv nînîbfc SecI foi.'<edgo Noobrrot inesepcori ibi hc cioreses pescing coy bol mec offbic 'pyneciofin i c o siurray magnitude and poowecouldfofrichec fie <lb ho pîfi underground, <cd if Lteflî e îîcîoîn i(enflic nbeyoere putfnderground, cceniohiflnf uoaffecfoouldîilboaveonî1h'ibseumasiheid ith the fhe ffoo' of noiel This in an enceipis [<rc «e uppln fond aoea obece off underground tiîfriimcting' uofer suppiesclocfi nd <criiinîi olndinofîte o'ter moybecutfooccoîeîll sniiCommiinission, lîfîens as a esuff Top sonîs n'uid Pak uch sni.cnsneidl toinîefl afso brdnsfurbed. The "cif ni bîplyf Iîe chutfer"-n'oufd desfeoe hthe 'iiteeopl he iiol ccthins beaufi of fhe <ra.- eorhe iiifcfinalhe 1<1 fA h "The Pacbouy ffeff ie fr hneroutccîof rile 01iKfVon eonfînued, "bac oofhing tf0 îin'ipiioed foiehiic rn 'flie o'orry <boul beeoîîse ihece hcdeicorrcidnocîiiilfie 12.)<Il roc oare pionned by lighac ivdfoeficlideanod prooinciaf pfannrrs. Seer îîîi lccopl a ighi iion iii o onerin the puni rec ycors lino rou te nifloons tfouny active Onfent and onfyhbeame oneernert durnng fhe ihird crirc ot meetings ohm if oppered iheir ifeu mîghtbc hidîecily hfetd on ic r w fin'i liii deiiiif i ify sîlililO lic foîhîi iîoîi. îy th ece cmeuifs The reas n brîde ous notn-o f ormed oas ihry ocre coi an the fime reprenenled on the1 municipal couneif This aIf boppened honore n mus ap- poncîd Ite ouneif, affer Mes. Fonte dird." oSocîber brief f <colA Middferopk of flic flaffon Counfy Coucilîs Agen cutuafCommfee said bis eommiffernoascoppocfing the Borlingfon bnciefos oeIl an foesenoingogne0ofnils on "-fydreo c îgnorîng fhe fines nom in ose," hc oid, "iflf <hec 62 acres of goud foroeh coe and henn'nffoonetboy ucyoneoft unios fby cross buildings. su fhey 0<11 ufeer cloerof buildings. SicPaiefnce cfosed the iî"ighlncrgingc.im'h fiv i te o protlesiil f ii'îfî' ii'f i Soliudi Cmmioîn,c Ninfh <Foor. Fecgunoh Block, focons Park, Toronfo or f0 phone fhem aun(4f6i 965-f03L If lso acbed for uddifionaf information inputfrfom f0 ies o he commifoe f070-370f and cfrensed fhe impolfunce of eueh cifizen ienine fhe questionnaire. "As indîcîduals me must iei ouclfeeings bknon,-"bc sid."'m nota mîiftnt man hutfnoouemustfsfand for our ighfs, non sitnon the fence, fhatfouyoe'ff nececowin. f <ccd of beoring wmcaen'f do anyfhing about fhic. Lowville Two grand ladies reach If Mrs .fasa Mm <'ulnionflube un the gOi'if'ifo'ii hec .mi ibhe . Mec i1)uhýe inhecadîof fforiingfon's 'hristmm'i Bureau. Eery <'hristmas,. th e bureao supplies names and informatfonnabouf needy «amines n the 100f 1h 00< infeestcd roup or organibuioouunfting omhefp. The ecenîngonintmlfbch f.C.W. dresses dAnus for fhe bureau and Ibme<oupies Cfuîb adopts a foomil ormhomfbey cuppiy groerries, ciotbnng and gîfis, Mm .Edgar fumobeif n- froduced fhe speaher anil conduefed Ibm businesss 1Ifooci Wikinson gace on îcodin wfbuaTbhngivcg rray shows slides of Indic 610 feecfoinfe 'f'bseoî l culfa pufli heougli fertile frm landanîd coucng moch confusionfîî ooneccof hooîec and frocoerlie; beyrm r dncf i ac oe rnoaor fîIlhueîîIîîeuf prnpecnien. fe neene and pion to atte'nd IBaffoni founfy Administratifon Building. SfeeleniAve. off.Wednesoay. :)etif i l8f Me nîenîes of lîorfîunîen' iffi le reeenntg)heoc itieicn fiicihda ' vgreeficgc fu ile fiovoer e. ffî'îîo f f Oies fI'llefRnîf ev.lmFot Sfcs, ffîe ffîîounfWayne tielot if S.I f fffîiî and far oWcrtson.m C'ongratulatioinscanid gond îihesiouflie flofinîg ceie- hratnig fhcîc oeddingan nvrai SicMr îîd Ofes, ciihfifon, Sicuand Sfcs hîîîneccSIc anid Sfrcfiilf Sfouif. Sic andîf sfc.fim fis pecnilgiod niches to SMr ondlSts. Morirs Turner onftheir 5îcfandSMr. and Mcc. Cfordon fRnhnson on heir <f h honcerecsynpufhy fu Mcc. fuoilLarence and tumîly on the pocsng ofnIer moi hec MscnStuart Miler of Ofayoe. affec o fengfhy ifînes honoraI erîcuos befd on Sfondavc. ie Tcip ltu W ccl SIcr and Sien feneif Lawr'enceaceompanird lîy hic fuiher and heoiher of Sia <nec refucned rceenffy fcoinî o hofiday nu fhe neci nos and alsooisited mîth iheir son aiiBritisch Columbia Ciogeofufaf ions f0 Sic and %Irs.iiieii Snîofenos on the bhf lheir second îloughfecîinffOhcnffe hospîfaf on«cf , 5,nd Io the happy gcuidpacens NOh onof sic fifplnh'ord. 'Thn'eieoc'hc'ofilthe ff sesnmsheldAtnf oîyne ('entre onb'cdy enenîog Oc. ih 13 tableenin play. Ladies o mbhîgh scores ocre Mscs Ifefen F'ord, Mcc IHarold freed and foc the gents. Edgar fAifenfon and lfrrcy King.cy druso'eceon <y Sics, V Bra'dley, MSe Affun f'femenfc. Sfeflocd f'offing and Willnam Ofoofi ch defneioun lunch nus nerved anduaosocialfhal ooocn- joyed When fobîne medicoce un oîgh hbe cectain the fghtis on andfhafyou areoucurne ef occen if you nord fhcmn 1, hfefs or capsules may foc hueinfolilf hen îimmedîofcfy bef ore or offtce eoncumng uf cohof, Do non fohe medmemneni frontfof yong chîfdcen. er cefee f0 ohfefc or capsufes un Voters of Wardl 2 Milton for your support in S eecting me to the Halton Regional Board of p Education. 1 wiII represent your interests with S the same vigour with which 1 campaigned. idtgn eo 91 sf birthdays hcni Mrs. Caherine terlic nhing she hl il 'f c ci rf,îîcip lx1i-rI l c o ii cii h', 1,11o 'd P X rîide rî oswnmdo audiconforcn iccced inlimeiciichiifliced uîh hcc npenng such a sccess The hisbarcu, duughicc Mcc .fack Andecrso O pblic espunse mas oner O Thci art, Mrs<Charles lier in 'Torocnto, alie feavng hi aind Mrs hocood Coiulcoc ucrniand hec hiote ofhc whemng and we're lukng uho have euchiceuchedftheiGuclph ioc towad o povidngMilton litifnguichedage,,f9l tinte<ici ffoih laiiiesIelduceful Q und ao nu esidents with O fi& :Irecpecficefc iand productive ivccocccing Mcc 'ec ive nca fnu «coir ccchncch an(] (ihcîc nteeos tngand delighttul oNo 8 cîdecoud und now cioniiiifiiiî hehccfilihc hobby and craut deas. ccidcs %odh liccduughfcc ohiIiî ad Sfic. EicoicSchccc cnecc If i gen ei'oiliticpniio induam - euccshe ceiccccuolt ' ailff y indi : natueocnuce ceShnn huifi. forcn oflhcc gccui long, i ,fffnfhtiicfy gcondchifden ocoîcccc and Arme ' <cc and Jeivî nepheon .Shefohcckîicanacti oii le reaîio c'chndfheigc THIS iîifcceniiiniocld f'ncnfcand iOl9 W EEKS FEATURE Hornby O 0 Many anniversaries for district couples il, i S .fic fn f <niiloni hiiffffrcszc i ccreeifngs aic ,rS 1ten f ob tsohfnîha, 'xiîlcli îî M( t ýi ind Sfcn <<Bill gnnc ;nIii to tihe estcIf 'icclcfc.i ho ill iiceichcoîc ba fercciiucfr<iendnnihl irciîi'idiiîg iniiint c .i ic and Sic f esfic 'The irs'Ic Ioiiinh1 <'oh fIýtIfedgc il le Niifh ffie ne eiîîîg acsfed fin l'hors isifi'îliîh hec piren, sie dan lfci he'Nrcth Tra an is Sune coIffelof f iîligarcrcccatinn ('entre O .fîîfiJo hn unodees ndfM faid OFAI Mf. iain <f. oy hSouthniofies arcice ochareof th<c 0 friiipfoiioieccdinncrguenin fuhc ) K ITS îîi Sc ni ie iocy 'f'In,' iieighbr in ii'n i oin îî Hamiiltndfîîîioifly aicndlScMr if ,ioine'iiiithe i' flinA eCREATIVE 4 O lirnnhdn d ifiii'iclonis Bc.findcl DECORATItJE ifi'ioii'd g'eeli'ffgc aeici a ilfcdid( Ir ii ancdiiicJ hiiiii\n1io'ciai>gg c COLORFUL 'fI'l cîiii'if iheîc 111h arr i PalfK 1orcf ho ilf c iesr n (ci f7 l iri t l Icli <ic PINli lidding lriiiiniri'cnccgeeciiigsc i iiiii fi) f iîîacdfiii uc oîî ic iiii%(iii reni f iign arec Je"ci mn rar r ooý ;Ii i.l l oti ui iiil O Q MILTONO O HOBBIES a&CRAFTS .160 OlManSt. 87857111 G1 F-C-l,-ol111117 0 TAKE THE RADIAL .Smohe lb. srI nio merone ofo . . eceMfCHELINoolque So Iisiereeite -dlue ~iiRouie' U11CHRUN x-&. STEEL-BELTED RADIAL SNDW TIRES GARNETS TIRE CENTRE 32 Benfe SI. S MitOn 878-2465 The Champion, Mlton, Ont. Wed. Oct, 10, 1973 7 ~IrnmpionDistrict Page

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