Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 1973, p. 23

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thaEpon Youth Page Mock election gives Mrs. MacArthur win By Steve, Dilis FThre Ilg Ouhoot Foru m ronducted an etection a week ago Frday to determine who lte students thougt woutId become the new counri. With one exception the resuits mere thesan asin the municipal election on Ot. M.s MacArthur was elected Mayor over Brion Brut hy a voterof372_i150 284î~ f- 22it the vaidity ot regiond7 govenment, 291 student, fthught il u'ouidolr while 217 vilnagansut it Local couicIllruorwre choses to lio .im Kerr 312. Art mMelamson 286, (Gord Cartwright 247, and Rus Harris 221. Thr other toord Krantz and Houri Porter rernîved 213 and 197 rmspectiuely. IKrantz mas elerted, Cartuwright masn's ithe municipal elrotîon., Thts amr Milton mas adopted hy tlhr iargr mil ory t411 t0 97 for Mohawk. For ucttoot board BitS Lomoos mas elerted trutee outh 256 votru, compared 10 233 votes Ivan Armstron.g recrund. Approxîmately 50 pr crsent ofthe sîgh sohoo t udrots Sparttcipated on th v'ote. SFight film, concert, jspeakers ait Forum Killed by penalties The Champion. Milton, Ont., Wed., Oct. 10, 1973 87 Juniors lose ta Georgetown 'ho illton Junior Mtanllgs, pIlaylig agast 7h,- Corown7- tîohntu, Il11 ti - 1 , I., 1 l, I,l, 167t- \îiigu7l pîu k77. li leu ,177 111 intiesheh r hall lo ,inh- Geourgetown goal fine. rhe, Fhowing Arterininotîî,, fi jluniorsmoe i707t fora (uh the, a1 lhougi, ihe 770177 91,1777 g 1, h le.17117 kikrbaklor fi, 7777771177 gelî- the7 hal iuz (ri0 Ie7 7777d clown. Milton lo7,17 thc,17- tou,,g opportuni,\ thoug )h7 il)(' la7g Ippa.0711t7I1 hll,îuhîîî fil, triol rite71 h, hll dee,,-,, Il. 0g77707777d l'y 7 l ' the -con I hll th7 7777777d77 h,î7 l777ui -th il 7:,ii k ,77l *7,.,t,, ., i 71 ,7 z fi i fI . the bil livi and 71777 .i7775 l "I h lilkle, 'Ii ua 11177717- M7.771 se71er,7 opp7îrtunities. l.st r omneutuol Coach Ileath sld the tam 77 'kli,-d hV proalties" ;ni77andh17p ,rde palraordrO pered111- hl, [ivyad '"5hura 717-177777 plo'.rd a0 good gomo 1177 701777 ioî7Wdnu Th tean. 1(007 ' 7,7hIIIIOa 1711101, g ais akil A TOUCHDOWN ios uîgnalted by the referee after the Milton Junior Mus tan pShed their way from the twa or three yard line into Georgetown's en'.cd zoe ri ng o ganse Friday. The junioru experienced some prohliem in taking the Iead awal (rom Georgetown. They tout 9-7 on home ground. (Photo hy S. Dills) The Fîoum progrom at Milton Dist1rict ttigh School 70Turtdav uuos r send e o mou-jo "Il10077 ueîght or -- dopioig the irIurodiiug crreerof 'Smohry"' Jo, Frazînr. The miciehoed maoy ation uhotu ut ho, tigtu as oeil as highIighting his poruonal and ONLY YARDS (rom the Georgetuwn goal line, a here Friday. Miltoun lost 9-7 in a ctosely fought Milton receiver ColIs at the hando of a tone George- ganse. towno defender doring the junior footbatl ganse (Photo byS. Dittuf MDHS news Cross country winners sîxth a opttiouoo placr o aî îit hil piaood luth li7 the nîîî7gi- girls' squad for the lîrst f im07 dorne 16,, compfltion. ihe girls, ail grade rire nudgets, oro Coihlv 001,llha, 0,0,77 M'ili. Mtirgaret MeNeill1 and Mailrir Schultz, Coach7 i.IIP'00707,,id Iir i wisheshall,7 outrejunio l'liegfol rin coInip07771i II Ken -'a,. Paul fover, Mark Grotho anod John i177770 ,ith s0h7,itOfO- i 7 McTalli aî,d Rfoh Fromo tlacd it the 1fait,o metouat 'i he fr0, pioood finit, ,)itf 11) or Il77h00is. Ken 7*7.\ a the uo, l uuere o t heili,, ho ,, h1, jnouand senorgirls othoelia trams7- hoth mon ter exhihbition gomo- ag1in1 Geo-rgeowno tout Tfk, The train piayrd theîr 777777poriente Toosday il Perl'Odu ' IIî-e\ îll %bal] tram7s 7,,ilur 16',,,i losiog 767ak illu,-0l .91a 7,77770111107277,7aturdvthe junorsles Ihor gomos strailîîgiî MI Mu ni lohioson and Ile eiors,7los( 37-51 foithe .N M. Rihnson 101101 Ao 1, u eek, plin îg a7701911 Forum concert held outdoors fltes-s-, Itillu k'777d auîdienceos throoghoul Milton17 isict Iigh theî 4,77 irgooizersa s Srhooi's Forum icohîo,,aîne-, tnen7717777707t if0 il1h,,, wa 'hope h'riday mihie sidtsî- rio toubîîle- as7 a r- ofu ,cîoed ouldooru for0 -Mltonî, otîld ,717 skppîog classns. 1171trictil 1gh Scolt tl ho, l oitir o~ ui. utîho Coonet"- î'îîtîîrtîîton ,ta,iioh ai l'lie hangerwauîtakn îîy Forum organiccrs 10 "hreok SiOAn,ît periormers ot the thniemonotony of '07da0717 coner 7i0iuere s I eve'oulson, terneos aod t lu70 the Pelle Blii Ed OrsOel], 1tOdrns somethisg Aiiierrn iiorge L.ongo, Loora tOoo" TheoconrtIvpel CotulîîOski and port oS lbe Suroinos [romithe choima S 1767701l 17110 MarIt ilrnk reported Su have- ,oo,-î il 707s tbe rouerie Borlioglon Cera, tho Nelns, juniors lest1 :1'i-l,-h soe mer 15-..15-9ant1.:12 for "hO, Grad 12 oys and Centra1i ,hile Mltion tocans7 7007077110 sold regisiOred a, 15-12 uir. Thoîr Iflilour,-cul1 ou Touday 77071 girmeî is T'iîrsda io t hrotîghout fhe t'o-, Enrolment is 4,200 Sheridan night class Mfor, tho, 4.200 oduits are ,-urolild ino o0eingour0sesl Sheridan0 Cîîllogr thîs toit and -studoufu are stil rogîufrring The 07ljoOilV ti7 case 60(00 uo week ago a oH fîooîog Edooio, campiooo have, rxprîrsodoohuiouaiol The oumh,, ut utudonis u-hoh tah,- in7 Missi7ssauga. Alî, hou ,ooreaurA 5ff per Approioîoioio u8il suldons 1700 0170ofioA 7 110 ocous Aooecorîof,îtiuiioorl Servsîor lu, lon. thoro arr 2.,4.07 sudools. reprournting a 253 pr cool îîîorro.. ,,s- la .1 ye ro gistred in 1:12 0fgr sa Iloton catir pue iilihviio. tiîriogton and0 Milton. bIts ii, Sîouth Campus itoohird lus ronroisîro ibis lIiOOlîgfon C'ampus0, ,uhioh î,pened loulvooar. reports 1,64 perceuiiicreasooi-r 1972. A 7770 er cen i00000 i lu 1 %%lieu701 ;lfîcoursges hou in 59,7-,Iî',as hi-, horu sait] ina.N timsissiply 70070 .substance0 tihai 71 du 00f have the %v it 17 use. îor if un hav-e the %i, ourprsrteo mi s71s10,, pOOOOOi11 000 retosiug il - Athiîrtanlî Silhous i.R. Cu rrie0. OPTOMETRISI Bi BULi muGiON MALL Tetephone 632-7788 A NEW IDEA at the Mitton District Hi gh Schoot rock concert. Organizeru termed the get-together Forons corne (o tight Friday ochen local utudentu quile successful and are thinking about having performedhbefore audiencesoof upto 100 people in more on a regotar basin. (Photo by S. Ditîsi ptrohesona fi7,0lie.1 T'usdav 7uhOft-01. u'h provided theo7prtuni, Thor faite pari 790 oc pocr 077 d, neu the7 fiit,lim~,it ,roun ,,, r o m o at- ro, 77,11 ,07 erc77 reco7hrsII fie, eneti nirren som oain d siîh o ute,î Il,-72 -IIî î srîuoplr- and thjoîrn rkî îl 7, uun ib rt rn induitl7 si Canada771001 77 theîoîu, Wedesîi bull,, t, uthe frngoooînh,. 'l'lfoi î a o,,îy 11 10 I l 17e e r o l praojod t o fier Beaton, lit bc ac ai p01 Fmno afougon sions -ihave,,7 a 7,7 e 11 libers 1Ifli c alla 1, , Fall Ihe f l 'ho fi eoru e)i t1 lie 7d012 hrinf'hru bfthei aeliono P on nes l t7 o u uhî 77h07 f7 u ' " iîirnantiky îindhop0g0170 i- afir f., - - - ý , i ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Grace Anglican Parish Hall DROPIN AL-MON Meets 00000 Thanday 8.309. Oraue Anglican Main Street, Milton Duoo oucove relative with9 a ,706, ng probilon 227 Main St., Mitton 878-2353 Rientais Fetlzr Per Day spreader 1.50 Lawn rulier 2.00 Rota tiller 311l h.p.12.00 Rots titter hp. 13.00 Floor sander and edger 9.00 Vibra sonder 3.00 Fridge cart 2.t0 Skituoru 4.00 Jig sailit 3.50 DriIl 114- 3.08 OriIl1/2" 4.00 Hedge trimmer 6.00 Sump pump 5.00 Stapte guns 1.00 Boit cutters 3.50 Post hale digger 1.50 Linoleum ratier 2.00 Lawn matier 6.00 sevrer auger 2.00 Post driver 1.*00 Rug shampooer 2.00 Wheelbarraw 2.50 Askf ituem netlioait,0 Horl and Zoekly ratos L available E to a Georgetown luuchdown, punI goal lino wil otheru jusl woved as he trotted II li Bradley easity avoided Milton Georgeownc Robels humilialed the high schoot As a show of gond uporlsnsanship "Slang' seuiors 312- in Georgetown Friday. llstuatogu offrred to pace Bradley (n the (Photo by D. Pink) m'7777 kilo,,., I ,1 , atirl ,iv IAN orniture TON AZA Asincere thanks ...to ail those who Sopported S me in the racent election for Milton Counicil Congratulations . . . o the winngrs on their socceos and best wishes for an effectioe three yoars of commonity service. Nazel1 Poè*r POOL COVERS jLD55IION HARDWAàRE P Polytarp à Polyweave ROM 52or $RG41 A POOL COVER WILL PAY FOR IT SELF OVER AND OVER AMAIN, PLUS SAVING YOU A LOT 0F MUSS & FUSS 001 COVERS FOR IN-GROUND, ABOVE GROUND, ROUND & OVAL POOLS ., i AND DON'T FORGET TO WINTERIZE! JN. POOL CHE PICK UP ONE F THESE HANDY KITS TODAY! KIT No. 300A KIT No. 300B KIT No. 300C FOR 12-15' POOLS FOR 18-21' POOLS FOR 24-27' POOLS UP TO 6,000 GAL. UP TO 12,000 GAI. UP TO 18,000 GAI. ONY898 ONLY 1098 ONLY 1598 A 1 CALS A EQUIPMENT 221 MAIN ST. MILTON 818-2353 Dominion Hardware 227 MAIN ST. L - - MILTON 878-2353 Dominion Hardware

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