Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 1973, p. 16

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16 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Oct. 10 1973 The Dri Iber Incident Mitchell Sharp assures student governmen t Sinclair oct Guclph oece khourd Whai cao ce do?" ai Victoria l'alto ou 1he Zaso Iter questions uer nw hosi Roer in Arîcu erd Iis ccmk In a letter teo Maus prents Me. and Me. Sharp, part utfccich is Mrs cc nou ri' ere e 9eprinted bere: loru . peogramss guent thrps epty speakers reently ut Mlton lieue Miss Coulboc, Distrct ltîgh lchool, cheree t coutd like 10 assure you Me. Dijbee hud iaught frtueial 19e Canadian Goceen- svrlyeuec Me t3iieojenient and my Dpatmentlin ourord 19e students ufth1e puticulur, bacs heen deepty dangers uftravucelling ina ftue concesed ahout Iis teagie eign country and told thes o l incdent. To demonstrate 19e "especi c no ep eono 19e roient ofour endeav'oursto 'anudoan gueenccenî il asis thebeeucedtamiliru ihey rocountererd trouble. and tucmrpress upon the Zamn l'le Dejbees cpobe leuo kîao authoities 19e oeioun h9e eopeicoces tlb conuocoocesnofuth1e Canadian teed olluong thecbhoting Cocerienoland people deth otMaejanuond Chris- egudoghrhotngs.t1am tne and o'ocuuagd anyone attacbng acopy o tatte- feelngcleuongly ahout19e mnor n iis catlee ccich t '/acchac allai e 0o %iel lu abîrd io 19e ous ut Com- Ottawani s July 16. Meochrs ut t'îcsceeedc(.dent my Depacîment bacs spent Loois lcouisoasladentîi aIcountless houes un Iis sud theschocol, set aietieeîuocase ince May 15and con- Secreeaco of hiate leforxterettile oue1do co eues om nal 'oaies, 'itchell Sharp on As you ccay knocc Preco ccich sheultaeted, "Wr, 19e deotKaunda oZamhto sent youl areoinlerudoin thepesnaltrs lstiunelto tacts t iod it dîfiltîato10 oth bereaurd parents aodeetanduwby cch a teagie apologiongorhe deathc and eceol had to happes cn 19e cîteenguoeogeatiu paymest icol pglace Saoada an al- asan indication ofZambia's brs en a beaut il land lu moral espencîblty toc the lice incaod tlie proaduof. but shootîngs. Peesident Kasnda noo1 mondeSoiuch sremos aso ercrîd oeofuthehlie iddeo". eruord parents, Me.t)rtjhe, n bier lettere she asbed the 1intLusaka tat June aod qustios,"hy acen'I the apelogiord in prnon fthe cul tlu duy wcochocce lu May 15 tagey. 1have'rs laveluarned ofthe dangers beeooincontactctb te par- in othe ouiiteir'Wy did il cois aod met uîtb Me. and hîl the frot pages, Ibm en rrp Mec tlîbe in Julc. min0 19e bacb pges, and bsen t chould also mention that notihng' Some lacIs appear Me Lrthtfrom theCanadian Raised touch type aids blind1 Ahnor serie fr te 1blnd of Canada, orîre aailable hefore, has fucî bero o'cîabliched at T9e Oaadoun Na toonal1 luttule foc thet fiiord Il ou a training1 peogaso iu t9e use o 19e Opacoo, a eceollo coented instument uhoch truoster e the peltes page ito aisrd* toacb ye Voen a mi1 camera s trucked ucebs h 1 peonîrd lise, the lettres ac- mal'vrse in pilpont tue- maionaganolthe fingee of1 the blond reudere The peogeuso uas made Possibl bya grantof $1,Oo feono IBli Canada Ltd, The geuni pros drd 100ou- clerumenlo and roabîrd CNIBi 10 seud Bruce Gough, sigtrd1 ccobilitv nteuc 10e and1 fome ieachetu acpecoul1 trainng pogam at Sanford Sonovrecty, Palo Alto, (,'alolornou There 9e leacned1 hou touteacb 19e lOplacon 10 blona peecoos, ecîran, Pola second leur1 SOresen 'niversity 'Iodent, u as bs frci pundo 1 to read tttifiultty oerecume tocîrno geudualrd [rom a OS dus couseuîita speed o20 ,oocdcs a -mouulrou 19e OOtueuu "tIoill use 19e fOpacou îo read the pint-outs andfthepunchbcaedsas suon au tbey cume ouIut 19 te compule,"said ttejeun "Braille and colonIser reedesuaeeoondereul asseîs but ou a computer course lîke mise ohere yuu reattp serd lu readibhe mteriat straîgt off the computer. Witkuut 19e fîptucon, 19e Univcsisty wuudbhaeseeu reluctanto ensuit me io 19e course," Bind ail is lite, Rejean hul teom Hearst, Ot Bues n 1952, 9e attended the Onstario Scool tue 19e Blnd foeCGradesn1t lu12and lockhiho Grade 13 in 19erergular bîgb cchool iouHeaset, The fOntaeiou Mnstey ut l'ommunoty and Social Services peoidrd 19e acsecsmenf and specioula trainng foe Mr, Pruxand bos oun fOptacon toc use n 19e nerstv esidence Archeoogy ... (Contcoud fro'0 Pnoe Sx) eemou ng buildings or their come pt of anperating prt whch are necer than fuem depocting agriculture of 1914 A geerl clea-upuand theluescof the century As the repaie <ol the house eterior Mîinstry ou conceroed osth has begun and the fourda- expesion ooman' useof lonscoflthe neo'std' out the proofc*s naturalse- buldngsare being laid. [n source il s u t that bi respect. skotted guidance agriuitue va a pimar isbrsng proooded by Bruce epressioof the theurs 'sousSteoat, t usue experience and the andolThe laru'ocoll relateto hicocrk al Blck dsply hoocsoiand clima- "eekPioneereVillage. itis ticccondtioe u'eoofled huped that octh guod ceather and alucg oooh developing the esterorofthe bouse, echnology fected the lits' utlchhbacuffeedyers of stylealthe indvidal farnoeeueglectcan 9e put buck in Ai the house olelf. ar- teosoibis summer. chtectual ul dy bas deter- ____ mioned ils claie of repair and outiiod the cieps required10t tuI acaerusraelling ut 30 mph ure buck the dock on the bacs an immucable object, bouse Sielur invetigation geucitutiouiiforces could ahe es carrird out as re- caucemu to lit p12 usd gaeds cioihe sueeoaoding out uom osit'the dush hord buildigcandgadesai the tbualitbeweigt otu une- situi order bhai the bouse aod-a-hait tus eiephont. miastiandas ildod before, as uneccobheous oeuringbher a partof a fuso'ioig uitceuthbet,cstes theeOntrio PreentolY, ooek cirocs are Satety Leugue. BELL BROS. LTD. FOR DEPENDAILE FUEL OIL DELIVENT FIEE NOIE CONFORT SERVICE PHONE 878-6380 "deeply concerned" 1,llîllooo( oîcoOolaioh 100 t o o.'i ctoo Flls o oake arrangements onob9- hall u t hlb eeaved lamo- lies. Me aod Mes. tieijhee sentîMr. Leith apersona[lel- tee lkaokiog bots for 19e assancehrpepocoded. Man estrasetteen With19regard lu youe quesi> about oaenong l'aoadoaî travelles abou areasofdan ger, t1could lobe lu say 19e tllouîing Weoree My Deprtmentis inoemed oa Canadiun citosen'o plans toi teacel to an aeacof possible risk tbey alrt the odiiduul o t9e pssible daogersc9e rîogbi eocoaotee Anynea ho plans luoctacel oulcode0'an- ad need only %rieto the loîsulue 10 ocion olfoie a01.0000 l 1100 O olc's ,ho-ocolooandoîîlheyoccll foc pleace o100cier any ado ce wboclo cecoos appropriaIs. Diroector, fonsul r Opeeuiouos bolvision, liepacimneot of Eseroul MlI laly tfldg. .557 Mackenzic Acenue, Ottlawa RfA 00(2. adcaoce obere peoblensor seiosericbomight suddenly arse. Eenis io Chir Iis noooh llusicate t9e dftoculty ccl foreeaeooog feacellees abouot ch possiblte dangers. Stlttconcrrned lifoteecoocludong, t oould lobe t0 eoophasour bhal 19e 0o000000Ir0000000's 01 t0000009100 ,loîpo 000 apcooo lohe/,oioboao ulhoeotioecitssroscn Ceesnib tis case. These iros eeealso cooceyed incvery deretremsoothe Vice-Presi- dent of Zumbia, as ccell an the F'oreign Minister enotbry wcreioni ttacca tant moslb fos 19e C'ommonwealth Contere noce. You migt alsoccisb to knocc thut anofottcer teom Iis tOspuelment oas sent te, Lu- saka this montb tapumseIis malie brIbes. t appreciate youe taking the lime bto el me knoooyou teest- ings ahoulbis sad incidenlt hope that t bacs bren able 10 anwryoue questions oalio- luctorily. Youes sinceeely, Mitchell Sharp VA- 'tCARPET .DEPARTMENT VALUE PACKED 4-w-VI Baby : 3,629 groms Hospital goes metric Il toduy u purent wmun bld bis newboro infant weigtsed 3,629 geumo nsteud nf eigbt pounds and ccus hors ut B7t0 hous insted o 7.m.he or site coud curety busea cooouced look on their fuce. Aodiforgoodteeason. [0001 lfoirli0loncg otltoon lOootlieoo ,'olloPoLao l ol ho sichino th 1e iietii cysiem ofutmeasueeand babies ciii hbc eighed in gruns Under the metris systeso ituuothties ccitt ho ieighest in mitligrusos, grumssand kilogeumss nsteud of grains. drucbms, ounces and pounds. ('apucitiesu'ill be ecordettin cuhie cestisuetres, millilitres and litees iocteud oftmnins, Ibuid deachosu and fibid one.Liseur mauewl 9e tubes on centimetees, i setees and kilosseteesin slead out oches. teet and yueds. inty thre i'ueeently 90 peecentuofthe couuteesin tbe wntd are using the oeteic cystem. Britain, United Sttes and Canada are tbe osty three major coontries in the ccrtd not usnsg the systemsnocc Aeeordisg tu Director ut Nursing ut Miton District tiospital Meu E. Daeeach, att ni Canada s especird lo be 190. lIloopiîcil'o ccci t100 leadiog the oao tiithe The advastages ot the metricsstem o meut r are sumeros. The system i more uccurate. Accordisg 10 a bundhoob peeprerd hy the Olntario tHospital Association, danger of ereors in bospitals ccîltbc minimied because of ils peecision and simplieîty. Itospitut application ut the computer requiresuose ofth1e metresystesi. The cystem s hoing used increasingty by medicat jouenals and scientits. home industries are con- ceelîsg to the metrie sytesi and commnercial peoducts and canord goods are appeaeisg u'îtb ueightsin oh ounce and gramo. Mitton 'District Hospitat bas ncitched lu the 24 houe ctock and necc scutes base been uedered. Newc thermometeen itt hoe equieed to meunure oeprtue n centigeade eaiher than iFahrenhei [o [10000 'oooorigo O o liarl ocieoi ihe ioso'cdiiiocîoceas to ccabe 1he teansitionl ci ho in 1he kitcheo chere does otecipesu'ilhav'e to be reccilten. Commentog on the iran- sition tue the genecal publie, Nlts. Daeac said itouldhbo lîbrîernîng a necc lungua g e She teli sonne outh e ler peopte ccould necer leurs il, obole ail ufthIose io the scool cynlemo s ou ciiiand che teels therer cl cii oa ceai henelit. Nocc beren c a diltereoce breco cn a'anadian and Amerîcas gallon and other comnteems have brier dillecences in dittecent geogeaphiîe egioco, '9e points oui Suppose os g«,.agood me.t ondes nocr eiol, rsiand fbe. we.II talkb souts." Bowling 0009 single, auso Osturest lM; B069 triffle, Jeanette Ps surt, Big touc, oels. Mceh.1lo6sus Joan Peturest 637tJauto Vssuln 637. Joyce cscoîs ta 29ouons. Ocram stanaings, Sssosolu Mce Su i 03, Londe lu.Coupel13 Cusies 1, Schahs O9, Vonnur t, sa BUILDING SUPPLIES 25 Stooles Ave. Milton 878-3263 drop in and save T IBA »> - on quality building TEAN supplies 04Ms oe CHECK OUT THESE GREAT PANEL VALUES SOUTH PACIFIC Oba AAAL~~ATH1E OLASSIC EAT IVIFH UGAINY TO ENNANGE TOUR MIME 4'x8' PANELS TH1E UTERIOR BOARD STADRD FOR MANI USES 2 I/S"x4'x' PANELS 2 is WESTROC PHACTISAL AND D RYW A LL ECONOMICAL 2 318"x4'x8' PANELS 2 CASH & CARRY ONLY 'Add a0c a seest loe RIBSON STRIPED OEIL FOR ICHEN OUPROAROS TIAM AAND VANIIES FULL 11/16"x4'x8' PANELS "1 E9 A GOOD SOLID GRADE RG aaVi SEE OUR MANY 000 LOTS 0F PANELINS aAT CLEAR OUT PICES Save fuel- save mnonsyl INSTAL o ZONOLITE AI INSULATION Flintkote decoiratv leone~oee ccc" $ 6 BAIa,ý SI s L 4Dc 19 PANEL SMEET SMEETdlnc r e9vr TOP.. URS. & FRI. TILL 9PM TA BAIR O 1:730 A.M. TO6 P SATURDAT TILL 6 P.M. lizi', eilo BRIGHT NYLON SMAG RUBBER BACKED GREAT DO-IT-YOURSELF CARPET CHOOSE FROM 3 COLORS 6.77 COMPARE AT s7.95 SQ. YD. WE OPEU AT 7:30 A.M. -MON. TO SAT.

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