Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 1973, p. 1

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VOL.114NO 2 foeoîyEîgt Paos iltrr CrfsMILTO2N, ONT., WEDNESOAY, OCTOBER 10, 1973 Angry residents protest 'WuIIiams Ave. "liesidn a re geiilg so scitoot iobettanaltiernafivt'e rideotostIr fapoftai liaort miadobo agco riing roote is dreveopedormrioîou r ied aîîhe %% asot criticoaf iitatord g0(08 ti gel abso, M arly fy drirgltoloon libr no 14 f the i'îîitctoîf stridents tpif ('apufo tbld Mlon ('orril co'îrciocn o rtf anihoe 'ohîi) ,re oonfgr ooo Toeoday an 6e cal]ird oti r .iC (apota oaifrd lin ofideisvthatuotnutard Heli 'OoonCllloa seeko'ayslt ooorlanlaecotrittt'dî.rerk'oyontfthe sîctrt %it ,iifntei l Iostîidy ateroatives 004nd ihei'otksoîîoiicd a rcont the' Speddredirg buoîpson NlSayor Bfi (trit iar incidenfrît when acar juioped paekir the Street. permito for ffrpuiylRev I'c o ioys aod th'chîttta(] oddua ir a osuira parking or the sohool loi. foonciiors J.Ker aiA [e riifistctîhoîîî'croitg prcio olliarns arresis and Sîrtattoon 10 ceport hyira îî .îe'aihtrî'îhttlrn înthîl cliîrîînatîon if the' Wiiiamv i toolre 22. (t'oî1ititttNla:,f1111 'etirafficcenirance atoheo t.adng atioitgattiiîîfi12 '*'ni s4r(ifoîd tudti1'tio tci Seek Bruce St. artifacts for new lIbrary display THE NEW REGIONAL COUNCIL members met for a luncheon session at Mohawk Inn Friday in what chairman Allan Masson termed an inf or- mal session. Members pictured are Len Coxe, Garnet McKenzie and Jim Watson. Coxe and McKenzie represent Halton His and Jim Watson represents Milton on the new council. The council will hold ifs inaugural meeting Oct. 18 but won't officially take effect until Jan. 1. (Photo by B. Burtt) Nearly 900 homes, 5630 population Soul Piano ferIl hoooing deorioponeni uhîclilouin ciode 60(5 single faonîly hontes and 270 verni-delarhed homesr recelord appenol fr001 Mlilton Planring Bfoard Wrdresday nîghl. Thie deveinpmenl AltuaIrd at the noolli and rasi of Ointario Sohool1 foc 16 e lirafi iotunded liy fOntario St. ferry f4. ard Tompson 114. Thai plaît is lieing drorloped 6y Victoria Woods Ltd4 Ai the sa00inemeting the board approvrd on prircîpie plans foe a 1-ntc- dominiumi deoripoeri or prpryai Wîiodard andl WOilon lie Thal projeol is beiiig deoeioped liy ffaiîoîî Lard Getop lfaytle ms 0mnt 1,1 'fli Victoria Wood Plan coliso for an acerage fronlage of.oO [cei on the single family 011(10 0(16 a mirnimum depili of 1201fteeL The semis tire 70 fel oîde oîlh a minimum1 depili of 120 leel and an average feontageof72.26 fret, Menilircou te 0f i committieeconoisingotfE . W FI'ter Miss M.Manled .A. iftchiroon Miss lBarliara Niackay an rs, io 0Robin- sonnaînediîîwoektinono îucn ih 1he Miltont Lilr- ary Bioard foc 1he deoignofo nLilieaey incrporti(ng the use of certain aclilacto leoîîît1e Bre St.Scliooi blindg, nimet eroty uith memelres of the Miilon Lier aey Board. Smritterroiei (o (fprtali piraorduÎthipro iistoadi', n tlie archileto pianso o pro i vidca ioranofoidioptayiog if fcs r rceorSti Scooot hîîeireoiodeiii ofî te BrueoS'tiSoflol uhî,havr fiiofuers, clippiofo, liboo, text, and oiier itettiseltinig th-east development 1' 1170011. epreeoiîgt Victoria Woli0o aid the plan; oouid grnrrate a popttiot of abonut 5,6311o lenu il oiý deoeioped. Ilie noîd here (0il vai eey nI loi sires and the lotsliaekngo arerialmrisd îlr areas whece dîlferet densties oideoropineni are' piantedarce drepere (lait he ollerso iialittu foc r eîîiîg. (oct ng flic oeeting t heci was 0sone disi.on0abiout lie norniler of people per ar heingîrn rocrsofolilt Iflic 10000 îoffiioa] p(ao catîrd toc fluarere, the aeiaocc 7as a oîno one and the oîffioial plan aloao forc io out ha 0108 the plaît atorotiri Entgineerinigoooultanou Nlc('oevitiî eeîe'd o ofi thereeeeatîoîosplinnorc Pliad peesedraeliee and eo whor bat 71s lepo harthorît (aber 10 satis ilioson- cerrrd, The pan rirs provision1 toc 605oigle taooiy lobso 1(131 acces o laod. 71 oernîl delarlird hoes on 5facres. Plant employee burned' f ire brigade responds Srs.forriby Naylere.on r0. ondd o tluhe cati employeeuuof'atliea increteir lîîhorîos lf e soîa ti0 IlS . 1ua s T'e'ir (,obrigode o (1 bspito(îzrd Tboeoday of eospuruîrt luia tdee i er aiaho teri Ilfoll(oilg a chliicai huutoîr(t t iek exsinurai 06e SaiuM 1(arti gatu o . Iia rt Fan'k('o plant îudmratf tBîugtio A higbty explousiver er ad.I s toulihyigho o'eniîuca sîngbasodroto he cS d«u' nlitil']' li ii, face O friîo e npoyee usaOtetof asn un hr .'itocrny in(foi7.1 drore elier 1 Io ilion 1tbstrci Hoispiaioshere shsli stsed n A Stîtrday tIctor ire-;i s lsa t oey coood'( 01101and (ho'laci of'îboî ter' ,147(1 j rioking good pugess (o reBase Ln is Miluton lirer lipactimeni tieggert'danlri council Tbohrsday eveniregsopporltdl 16e nocili Bulrliglor group peoesi gbhe peoposrdbhydeo lie coule and callrd 16e olte "îotai(y itiicceptohîr Concif s bifte(o the Solondt t'î,mbosieîî brarings loer ti ibonthou(( fildernoiod 16e rut e e rmored rom Bulitonuttafogeiher ond onsteo-afutrecomnîrnding ato-dae routes. coarîl o i demand the yi0lndt cm missionuird ose. Norbero aepopedo otolrd counil's derision as iechoors ther feelines. Meannii he1e norhbend citizens committee onder 1he euidance of Tom Patience ni Kibide is nioofeing support for ils 1lighi aeoînst 1he north torlingon route and abrief twoblocksioîf moedimidenoiiy ando b111flokof landln7elied (îîglideesiy. an oeil as 6.33 acrrrs ofcommercial (704 or brredflereni borks. There alol o ifAf.38 cres o vohool tard sot (5(4e as weil as27,3 acresrofopacliland and 61f.5 acres of ard for rods and walkm'ays. iulli file proposail akes in 281.fI No GO service for Milton yet Miltonsrnolcoos(dered as yr 2,. 50 ape ecnloflth t ni i ocrCGO serv ice, jobs and population uof1te î;craidî1î Johnoson, rorcolove provincewuold bli n the di trf th1e panoing golden borsesbor Oca. dihon .SMinsley on i Hgl uaysand'ransporttld the Rioy(C(oh metng lasI Sic Johnson 10(4 the club ' norribers a transit slody recoinomenddiGO serice to Sicr toci ((r oniy. bul ,tonicaird asage wuold 001 support (lie service (o Milton. The seovice wou Id also 0016ec coomîpaibe utb 16e geoulli podicird for Ols ra In hîghuays Nwueapidtransitland di. 7h00s services wece bing o'olnocmeiîlrd oill and Me. Juhnson notrd the espeoieooalaoueltransit sytm oo 6econolooctrd n he exhbition grouondsai 'oronto, hled great promise toriltueeiavel Hesaosoch acommonodation deoeioped n fogfotoay medano and eghlo- .Neu tcerways are stili (urng planîedtosilbune(liely 40r7. teoo 4u1 nercSîrIrs Ave 7(ld toward bghuay 115 an4 la. He 0016 rarly priocolors on 403ai7116e Ninh tille Oakvile and o00407,4 as pari of the bîgboay plan foe the ara.île noied Ihal liy t6e backs group ibrtig iecuatoifli toi 7in i o $i(KiPtientce val4 ofrrds oflhotteîs in (ho lar. Siiîdoonoo'too bailliit Orl'osoOllbirs IoiotObas aieeady bero "Po'o'haer10memtiil oti 'lbocîîorîlohee circulotin g loirhen ii ,igooltarro rie10 foii( DrtO' (efatali o geoography oid. "and01 orarretîokiog Vuîeoîtosîî ai SicMoober e iveiroîlo las dran aneo', t-st-yoooe to ucîe tb re outi hefor lie ctoars os - oee s oeil." îlt to-t'andlPatitence oaid i is ' Me cumitittetille ,15-aiî îo'atofol blicîi.weli rigltged a phloogapher iiidîounien(ed.-' ilb as take colorerd obde ptures Ofiidl% erod to the Soîndi('om- ail thie hbiotoocandtafris miîssonîofficers on boday. ture is 06 te pelîpîord Anotiîe publiee tiing bas couic soolli oI f eeey lIiiAr brciled fod Kilbrirde lorp(ure uand liovie 01caraSooo (t. 18 iltso resîdents base brrî flerd blte geoupo ni Northili oeiglon car pres w0010 an aerial mîîviîg film on 16116 berrfighl Io keep tbe o te oltes polli lydeoî bie oiftiheilanotds.The Cormollee tembees s'lioo istoîîiaviabe irthe possed the flt aoa meeoting eaely part (ii thot evening sn fot oeekin Kibride. igoeîng (lie meeting s calird fore 9 blir canpagr miglit cool p ni Aller ling approîrd bo pin board, the planof subivisioo 0(11 go (o Milont ('oueanodlliedeseoirni coniiter ofiourif and Ibmn ou(o (lie Miînoosry af Teeaooec, Eronomico 7(14 lnleegoo'eeninntal ilffaîco, Eifli((le plan s approord ai ail Irvels i il l 1(1 i depeodent oo a frilir ex panionaltheoruwage teai mient pant, Iraliîg 0(1(1 the ton doniiurn proposai of liaitoît L.aond roup. pianrsr iieed eraeresrvatioro aodoiotedbliocsioîiîoito bail ('oninued os Page it bii 1, l " the f h cioo anid a ra i(Itou (o dîiat'( trot tocr dsptay. ariittcd lgel iniîîach ofitte7111 iai lic irni-nurc MSîr ( 'îoayC. iiif Lîir atrion.ilias frecd t i pnb dc a roeil it ceolnte i t he ili ar.261 Main Sf E., NMltoîtý Il ishhoprd theei'lotl fir a fini4d'o poito it he rerq oct Think about it tîîtrý ti vitidouii lii elof a ii t.o ta eralso raliîtg eidtts rontiîotnelou 12 fostitidr. i(a us 'nc 16 12 pcsticidehae lireoopeayrt( onand ro inî te fruiitsaitd ,rgrtahiro aîd grais aod 11(1 111 t (o ou'rco OtIlig. ('ooouirc AtinNomo Nîr T'h 01101 6080l ,orci entra îdit 01141 laracetrack" et oteack.««bc ain 4. suggetiîrg it oas uI ther way traffiododgeo il oo the ,o to and ieom ercporird discoosiors i Principl Ilt'CHonleror posirth(ity if eeqoîring ki prni 6f or ose of the ol parking loi The icipaf bail irdîcaird hai ie ant ibis'oinîpy oaosed ,ersitopack onthe stree, ercomordiroglraffic besThe principal had caird peer omps ouad 16e re o te sfont Ir Cpulo suggrolcd flic % lfir. t 1111 ti ood on bisAvcei'îoild nul rciethr prohie11 ohîoolipcoperlî can jonp 'ir ad go r fret a00os a w airo aili 00111 heip" dit iketaasc îieed licp fr4e on tlir oet lbut t havre II dioooooithr o 1 ih lis reigiloco, ,eScaîtoril opposrd the 4 eioî honibutf aoaed a li tai 1treiWilliams Ave race ererictid 10 erc c ilesic, hen an 'îtî'oc oaellierertraroe c fîroprlo 6 colahilihd î.(,ai ofîlucattîtotrostree liie Lauso( suggteet ( leil ull(od 001 hc ieti the futuco soor ou(, fîgh orlioot piarored NI iitîo'ruoitr ouoodar> ýild îont take stodcrl uesl Otario St 0010 ietîfi Sicf'aig lrestc( fia4drdeignîta not the problern [lIe main- andparent., ere' foti tainrd Ihat if the schonol Irrested the pnohlem 'ould coold' trach hrnîîo driv oî Ollool Oct. 1 election 45.6 per cent cast ballots Lasi oeek'somonircipal incmmbent HazîîPoîrterrand elrctiîo dees45percen of oroconir'Gord Cartwright the eligible vorrs in the oro lost oiIli 1,624 and 1,165 The ounicpality of Mlon 1 o "r four electrd lorre Non Harris in theriirst rebonairlrcton nîih1 '755, Ji Kerrr2,316, for this arra. Gord Krut 1.781, and Art Th trurlian corr or oard f160 Silansî,tta.2Cyo dreruthebr earst percentage Thrrrponaf racerforeards of votes, wth 50.8 percent of oeand îhrer oas tonr ly thosr eligible Iovotercasting Jamesro 0671500 1,1206 ball16otsNorth (lakvilir or vootrsoonparrd t16776 for [for thr Trafalgar oard. 43.6 McMillao fBobt Mol 0710ost perrcentofthe eigiblrvonîrrs hs srat on rr0onal courrcilto caol ballots adin rM ajorre Powys hymine Nassagawrya or aard tbrer, îovotes. ouY h4 .,503 tu 425 perent of the lgiblr Mcl(05 g«s1,574, Mof 04( voors turord up atthepolls. has oaskrd for arecourt, L.as werr igues listing fîtll Laws1ooiad Ivar onum ers of votefy can-Armstrlog wrrrboh in dda0trs haie brro coofiroord coaoolironrthe Ifilîor and no changeomadAnnre Board of EdoOatioo.Lawsoi NlarArîfoor defraîrd lfrao wonthat race 1.f404 to1088. Berolin fhe Mayoros race 2,757 T16o otbrr meoibers of In 2.524,Mtioio ooil wouIbrcfG Electrd ffradford ('temtons of norili Rifck Dfay and lDon GordornIforfîrgtor and fRuseff oorereleclrdltolocal oooifi Pooadati of Nassagallryo in ward oneroith 656 and 637 oho werec.oairirdloi ocal vofes respectively Tony oralo in aard lhre frro nchlofenged theto for Argelo iToneili-a - the oral and polird 53 soles. ofaimcd Milorse eprenen- Foor ireombenis arre re- 10110e f0olon heparoir efecrd io oard f10ohite tijhool Board MPPs cali hydro meet hope for joint brief H lon ti MSi ho f loobae mtoIn ircpalunies ano tbee (oued coule fheougb lalon sonno'comooooo eoinî cau(ud atiiot-tiog (icor ni teuiipcoceeod aoutothe Te meetng, called forf8 toeaionos ageeaeta(( Oirdie-iia eenieg (fOi (17 (rilpiord i()marin flydeo pouni ait flir f'uonfy bat coa(d bcput forwrd on AdmnisratonBuidin 0o Steeles Ase. rnMiltonOs oper lu al onotopalolîrs and organoîotiooosorerneduîili the erosi recen rcom nietîdotions of 16e Houleli oriody, mo ich soggeot ls 0 fliroogh norili Bringlor. a firer oung the noelb sode of fIigboay 401 oesi of Miltont and the ooallsisde of 401ast of Miilont. aodbrandh inhos errînng oîoeiland soolbîin Esqaesing ait4 (akviolte Cootlron front laitue Eaoi SPP Job Snow an odfBallon îM'st M Pt'George Kerr calirdflchereetng, in hopesSnomsaoid 'of havirg iralofte peple oflit tutoli Seoýrrlotiieos grups, mos ofuth1e omunicipal councîls aod fiaitoto Oegion C'onervaltinAutoieîy bt' gone or record as opposîng tlie laieri cecutîtmerdaiînos foc the 5010 KV(ire 'amlno(isoggeutinglthe irdîvîduai hroefs lie ehoîged oc iîthheld atis ibîtoo ut (liai al heris 6ee reued ai ouoepeopsrdtimeting, 'Snou sood Iefierelt bu toc ibree rererntatîî esshould attend on lichait ut rach toiuncii or concere rioup Writ prohibits quarries to work A courto il lias bren ob- tained byhauyrrs peohibiting qoorry operatioons ai 1160 Northi Ourlirgtor silos 1 O(ne is the Leaver quorryi htuerr fGuelpli lire and i Waliere's Iine. 16e ollirea Sherman Sand and(ieaoel opeeatioo on lterey Rd. Ian tast ut 561ker's lire, The it lia rrgoiar etilng of Milton ('ourcol Toroday rorniog members: Ilecrivrd 101icr nI the iOtario Muitîcipal Board appeovl for the $475,000 con sructon of saniary sewers and services on Chishnlon -flecetord ((MB approoals on the oonong bylaw for the ltocenberg i Vafeyview 1 ardensiora and the Allan f'lements;propery onBronte ITS PUMPKIN SEASON and Debbie Hutchinson a booming business on Tbanksgiving weekend of Sunnyvale Farms, R.R. 2 Milton is ail set 60 niben crowds of urbanites took to the countr roada Recetsed a petition for sfart carving Jack-o-Lanterns. She has about 500 t breathe some fresh air and see the a1f tah.1e instoaltionI sanitary of them ai ber farm but she doesn't pan te spend An expert in the pumpkin patch, Debbie recentiy so marstn Steeesi ve ontheo the next three weeks carving faces in them, shes won a prize for the largest pumpkin on exhibil ai of the prspertp omners in- seiiing them ai a roadside stand. Debbie reported Milon Fair. f(Photo by R. owns) volved. Oeil fîî((oîos iengthy* torgotia Sits anid doiscussioits anid thle r.aser pif(lios lieroohjecbed 1061 toomunicpal curncîls ard a conseratiol autohrivl] 7(o1(0dîlfereni grounds Milton f'îoîîii bjecird lu the i.roupeoatioo broatse t is close 10 (lie ouis orginoal tater ,llu o 56Ulee'si.o('ouorctfeaeed thc quaeyuîu iao affect the il li tfable aîd aofect the t oo'o ailotta (odeau milosof gallonsof ii 07er pet day roui the týodeep ltriiiigtoiilbotoocîl lb jecird oni the grouoods thr cuiarepi 075 conleoco Ita the owri'so tfficiaiolanor th' curai srctiîonA permitt opeeatoooav erecrosed traio lie protoincial7iiiiinisory ut na(oro( resoorces. despir f(ue(ongtor ('ilaril'o ob- ilalton Rlegion lon- servation Asbhority oscrer of the orarby Craosford Lake, oa osworeied 1he doggong onght otdeeminethe late. The Aothoroby s also plan- ning a majorereservoir south of the %u arr on0a crek flowng roughhe aresaand feared 1he quarepioîg onght resticî the ow of mater. A courlcase will likelp Se heId, onless the foar parties can seille ilou( ofourt. Circulcute hydro brief Twenly-Eight Pages-Fifteen Cents. VOL. 114 NO. 24

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