Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 1973, p. 20

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88 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. September 26, 1973 HRCA vetoos interception quarry wiII approach 0MB tiotteir Quvries as anil officiasl toooro'g fond log (ho Siteen Mile Creeh oaeoursoe.lisiteoin plans f0 takhe has0e o ho Ontaro Mnicipal Board. Duftiroin expansion pians ral for qaaoyigitoom- mneon an ddtîonai 245 ace nNasagas'oya. The (ompan is pesenly pqovoco ng 80 acres inotheltownship aod vans about 800 arees The onostrction aeil compaoy hbas disîded is pro- pod siein ophasorneand phase tvoPhase one, vhioh IIRCA esecosroe approvss inciades 110iacreso (othorouih oi (ho prisent flor othe Sos- (000 'ile (reek Ohbject in P'hasoe tionof tho proofeo eocoîîasss135 aooro f condo h w(1 teh mom he %orcedltherîmîoedîiaeooh jecti0onhor ompaos pans iice aioorrcedoilocemn lier Theovhavero e eue Io0li(t hein veooai votifvldv carhobirmadeofiiithe creek t(r oeloomîro ho advrseroec- lcsîthe quavoo mac ha% e or ivand ohtlsiops canhoi akoo iii cuisner hose proohimo It s f(crcoilhai 0ncre qovooýpg has ieroepiod ho crocO ho mvter may n ooger coninuee (n ollor ils prescotcouvrseThe position- (0g otho i0arrrona> r diocct he flor (r ollor a soîvler hanchofntho crooh Ihai hsnoocapaoipfor ho addtionvl matroorovs flod contolr(doies atong il.s anho Thohanch oocrorod merogesoolh ho main ranch ofi tho SisleeoNI le (reek (000 noooh oit %tain Sioin Miton.r lovoed acceovanng of ho creekohuold etomoale ho uîsoilnoss of dams oon sruclod ai Ketsorand ilton Fails lv coîtrol ho bsnloit (ho creck Thconstrucion rosis of (ho dmtnota n and o hall million dollars Impirtant damos heiso, dam yod (ho ocrirN 'oslruciod Iiton halls dam peiom vaicseotilatutro ion.cotoloiog hofet lot ho creeh uring avîtaon and cosongomater foaa s sofic1(0(001 ldisperse effluen Ioom ho Millon sorgofrai- 10000 pTlant The dams also pros.oenoogh rater to support onldloto loog the i orcho rotro Lake iOtario. Joll foohn ho obe aod an (tison hard IIRt',sargu- ments agaînsi (ho tentative ifavoof plans ai a xctv mvooiog aI (ho counts builtding Tlorsdvy nghi Doshoîl svod ho sas cooflssd" ihot hîs rom- pans ,applcation loi \asvgvosoyv ltoship yod questsioood oho hotonser- .0(000 houthorily had oppoord tho pvansioce Doemherelic (cl .ll coserv aiorsua prooohtms haove sioro foer Nords noa'rland lic pivdod vi(h (ho leut% o onsîder Ihai ho land noquesio hongs lu (loolion fvarrios yod hal (ho compas> noodo 70v o O0 moeaceloirarey on opra- C('msorvtion memhers itiil eWoîoodgrd (ho vuihori(y hs company had agreed ta pamp ho maler yod comnepooding opra- ions torkeop (ho reeh itosrong on ils ntended couyse. o i 0 0 0 e% ryt hing norded o s ah- dram (heobjehion"'oo0" hon-0 (mred, "('s gotiîng (o ho point rhere wmore revît> reaching. Whai ra(y is ho prohi mo" W ovni o ho god couroens:' siaird Dhinoi 'Uiospot people are hondi yod dermioed to stop s rom quarvoig.(do'lhkoi Crco'rned 0r 1,nmero svîd,(RIS coliscerne,'sio IWAe elîaod (ho cooiinoili assme psping and ponding esponsiiitirsas wn s quarrying opea-lions hogîo on thal varefmbutaurid Dnomîr ogrdiog coonpaîîp plans:301 o 401 o ars rom nos he ho qouarro mosos on (r aootheo sile.'inhal soit happer iv theiatevto hen?- ashodlose, Yýouroaohing ho slio matie plan iof (ho quavros nîrprelod floitil -I"t nmo( asing hoeui maie pavofo0tho qrarrr.« rge oîrs oyghcras conooonod ont> rith (ho ovier yod ho illeot l ill hase or ho "acres bhoo thîs,-vo have -'oohing tn assure us hov atr wr ofbhoitI oghi -h croniorod, "hhould sou hare ouro larror Irait sp an agree- ment « chaltongod Joîhn NIcComnho lrom hsîde tieWitt. ir monlbonool rat v as oooded hero vs"sme thigfirnandhindiog lor holh proues. [tuatpr.bhiom csqsesiog Troship. i1esiooood thi ihiliîr id ho vndhbiodioumagreement( lie Irkei rene othehooad ar a nrosme(hoe tisitorin (yd jonog Nassa- gamea's soeonh concession torEsqusiog Firs it.no tic roughl il o hot- tentoofthe qsropooepre- entrieshthat thoio ompanp had rmh0rhrd 0voan vo ie ageementlsatiog he ouitv township hando, icnlîr tut(orîîo ifiiories hvd pproaohod ho toril ships vî(h ho possoiliti of losing (ho rrvd for0v ime fihleoilîs qsveoîedrcou The, promniodito roivroil lv he tounships. aI v soniohal lwreeainom hen ho uoîrrhas dre.(pOlo rois coanits have relvsedlitar' nuc hior caim fi the' -r oot go aotng vot' closiog (he o rrd.cm- phasized 'oxe. 'Wo so agrord fi give ouv harO (ho road vlorvoci vhoen are iooslied silh il. reptord Deiiîl -Civlo se .sdil, vhvtcs'er, retorird DttI niiilnd ta 00( sl 000v lu intl "eii loosie ehniîc.l fdata a s li hoîssosa I allect ho' hcvo Water hof he islocoMoto ('nok" ttaois suggost(iitho solipini ppîr ol>for rghls (n qovrrphvse oe of heor proîîooî aoitspecîotid lhvsorsld roooe o oup- position1rom(rn t he con- servatio auhoriltr "Sf'scccached a m passe , assorrd tWit 'iIcIICAMaag uroî goa Srophon ssgges(od (hoe(isaro> iipp(5 for devoopment of phase one and hase phase twoo held ni rosi. pendiog (ho rossitsorî tu sirds o t ho headail ies oft ho rek leiiî5' ntormod (ho cnrvaosnn vrhorîîr ho offlrnwilhe ahos Sobore toc (nr iîîMuhnicipal(Bard loi i hcv1ing mad (heo (ME uil pavs toogo 001 on he r ate "MEET ME AT THE MARKET" ia becoming a po '~uIui/ weeknd asfrom sring untThenkMitong amekendM wesayon asrowsrflock f0 the MsitongFarers' If 'LW. market drams large crowds each Saturday mornirg TWO TRUSTEES acclaimod ta edacation seuls is lasf wook's nominuliuns woro Douglas Wood (left i ut Hornby whn as returnod unchallenge o 10 o m mi ttee m ay Halton Region Board of Education, and Angelo Tanollit of Miltion who was acclaimed to the Haton Separato Sohool Board for a throe yoar term. BoihSyh uIiUniifl haro many roars of osperience in chool work.I 1886 poster TelIls story of Chicago riot tAing lîmo Nulroir andi formr latoney Tommv hOsto hinsrn cr0000s an in- eresig slolcroornisg ho liai ýmareto firt n C'hicagaon (055 hpparcotl (tho rait sasi liggeoed ho radical anar1 chiesrand arooog hem vas Emrma Glrdman. Emma vas1 coorroîafly jerird fromt tho 1(nitool Sates anil idho retof ie Idei nCad, aherc hi' roOntiid toc rdiiol as ighln oolrliia:. a aiiircliosl.iad alo'nriist corading fIre somer s righis rcboe\nnaoockvni. otrî Emma (oggeoori troninos s il 110005ot Tout1 'lîiîînlo %las (in t( h icigirpolce orc andhcecamtconivls'd orn(Oic solo gair biia pose (oai (ho rio hoch Tomlmy sit h as vmsng hs possoio Tomfiîgureoshe osronce l theonI orne rolikers' til ('ho poster s an original cîcilaolthe metingsýhirh caussd(the r la 4 oin6 The psstern pael eado. Atteooo aohnginon. goarm'ssomee'tinglronighl a077i30iord speakersswitfhe present o nosono (tho atet vtoiustofvithe potireho shoolîng vifror f(cow moreS mon vs oslrday af(O cnoo horingmen, rm o rse anidappuri nifulotrce 'o"lie messagoswas sîgred hs(ho (000 m om iteead %Ir. Iluîchi nsvii s00n -letradt irooiviiokinig ih thv ihîrcago plive ai the ime Tthe snlî<s teillen sol, ng the srosag king mortder case receioed graind ro ievrinithe plice gazette Asothe s1100 gos imin hard killed hisuite and disposeîi (o thehbodo ni isausage eirdor. oni i%slgvtivr 'Mr [foi ,hiosonsi ovlo vosod the -vol r ,irig nie ithe hppaoeilllp 'i'vmsonl George hadiquilo'an exrioog ileot loirvias hei iiioloiod asapolire vileion (hoeIas- msaeh ioiiand (hoetfmmons sarsagc king oioodco, fr1 .ccooiigIo is nopher ho loîogli( gvth lie(((onrlod li(es Cavoaio\vaid(ai partoli. dflegaîîvri ihal caioc loiteonos 101ih (ho niiiio oi i'ssoeoos ast stand. - I.RHU SEAKS POLITE OR NOT, when you've got an itch, yourve gui ta scratch. Even if il is i0 public. (Phoo by P.Ford> MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSING OPTICIANS ocutis' ,Prescription$ promptin £ accuratelfoi îed HOURO Tvesctap t:30(0c,5:30 Wednesdap t:30 (n 5:30 Thursdap t 00 to 8t ou New Sommer Hors inefetofJone itf. 69 Main St. Milton 878-4961 A commnilco noir ho for- irid to sudr lontng i ((olor osi or and. mr pao tioslari>, hling n ('raonont%' oresitrcts. fIlant s'oc's'-oiy id- meectig.nmhcbrsvagreeitrr a0 ooqrosttronilthe i oistrof Natrllfi'soiirc Irsetupia comte ordiscoro t(o ,tluofntinig Theicommoîlîco h.iielcr' î(rcded toi hanon ong io tho le rtrcs.as nil ls onomobtiliiig. (buI le ((0anis bandcîHunerroti devisin %as sîî irdd and lasoi (hoonrocsloi vonnirried oct l'e, '(o esriiolil oiheir loialer n voit ulle 0 hi iii 1h t l tt(,, b c n '(ho'rommileo rcoro rrindatiooo sus o ho dolo %, th lh .00 cicol (da. o b 5'dn orda> o %hiýits.,, ssoors. celortios are,.0(1 ocio lor (ho- lirumpions "ols(titho c.(11"1tomcin., hob ihrni'i]t (10 lios (olores Mllunson a h78-(108 "VOTE BEST FO0R MAYOR" Centrai Hahono Seo page B5 popular local unI il 12 nous, and fhey corne from miles around tb huy fresh Market each produce, see and hear lte entertaitnent and chat with their The popular frîends and neighhors. Milton Chamber of Commerce sponsors ng, 7.30 a.m. the market. (Photo by R. Domosi1 -Milton Cuho yod Scouts hetd a registration night Trooday. hopone sho mîsord s~igo p ltn oght cao cnatSo tarlion rint l'hidrevare. sarne ord (r aa rom 000> animais vctinog rîrangoir Reti red - wi ns steer 'FoBallim otfi hi t1,iardeof ut alion. hulinehnron (ho store ritrd s a prias' ir the Mr. hvttm s artird Caompblolv ile Lionoso Otuh trmort Ilie chose 10 keep (he ,Isoho drmîm hotd ai Moltion ter rathor than f325 in trior Satrdar The lockY>cash. lie ntondo On use (he dris ticket rasdramo hy animal fo(ne loodong por- Mrs. Aone MacArhthur, pos P REVENTS RUNAWAY EXPENDITURES O) PEN AND FORTHRIGHT W ELCOMES YOUR OPINIONS YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART S TRIVES FOR THE GOOD 0F AL CITIZENS VOTE M. A Fe C::::zdo in Ward 2 SAVE OVER $200 ON AFAMILY FEAST 0F KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN THIS SATURDAY OR SUNDAY. WHENYVOU BOY A BUCKET OR BARDEL, WEUGIVEYOU THEFiINS' FREE. Er eyvily Klslo (- itsr ,îkyîrd îlv îîfl splirq 0vrnîy rrvrvvlIl e Kf.ntucky Fji4d Ckickvt chicknikA874112 chickenMain and Commercial (~il~ i Canada Trust s pleased to, announce the appointreentof JACKIE LINES to the Sales Staff ot the Real Estate Division. We are confident that Jackie iii be able to gîve pou the qualîtp of service that o n keepîng with the policy of Canada Trust. Canada-rust 845-7122 a 8497433 83 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAI<tILLE, ONT. To the voters of Word 4 Burlington ON OCTOBER 1 Vote to return a lifetime resident of Ward Four to Burlington Council VOTE ".m FOSTER REGIONAL COUNCILLOR, TOWN 0F BURLINGTON For i nformnation and ADDRESS: R.R.3 CAMPBELLVILLE agistance caif 634299f.

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