Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 1973, p. 18

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1S6 Tise Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., September.26, 1973 Candidates speak to empty seat! at meeting in Stewarttowns.og ienntbmantttstot Wardt 'n Fnquesîttgi , ,ire titauti6ielig t bi t. o hj i up at ste tît chn it o l otlii i Mtt tite t niiidîtes îîgitt Nloîtiav tendîîîg support tii tite popolic is-etittion ltai lte ioctobet i -egiostal guseettuleni electiosi Mayset aonewsluoworpercentage turnut alitepols. A simi lar ue , iitînGeorgeton lasslîeeb asalupuusyallntded ieensi, urganturd ity ugeuup cl ad2 repyers ut- ferd lthe loue mayueully itandidates tin lte neni Nords Hallon araAclun. Georgetown und Cnquesingt aod Ose lisree area ceimncil candidates inWard2aopptuuity Inuprmenldlei- plasius-sn and teo eaiepayees a citance lu question theni. Cuquesing Deluily-eene run Cuue mitu was aciaimed as Ward 2'u represenluline uu lte Hallton Region couel alsu spoke espeessnug lus tanits lu eleclurs lur lte acclamaiun. Firsi of titree candidates lur ocra courioil m0 speit. nienlasameouansuiuuseitheir iîeiHooii aumenditeeoftte ituiners lu gain store influ- present Csquesîng townsip ence ai Queru's Parb. couutcsaid bris mainlycon- lie saîd Esursis g lun cerned mth lte pitssibiti of nitip is in gund shape lînan- tetiesc13man area council ciai n thsie adcenluofreg- berunting remoe iront lte monalgiicernnienlssilh asseo people and lthe citance thte ni lte capital reserse iund lie- area cosneîlowili [secomirs ing ased lu offset an user- of planning. ,pettroads budget. Tn aîoidtiteifirs ptenial Hll isaidhrchopedlthere- peoitiem be suggested lte crnily approverd official plan neocîtunceieaii thbe syieu ui blp inainluin Csquen- ol ailoing deputaiinns no ing«s rural churacler, whule autiend regolor meetings. one ,îIiiîng for soste indunîrtul thalîis preseniu praclicedîin expanston 10 prucîd e jub Esquesînt Thercosnil opportunities flue lTet sbould aolsn continue 10 iaite dents ai te sanie liie. citizuen appuislments toplan- lieproniiseditalatlthe ningtboaed and lte land tfin i- obn ofiayorîith deermîna- son comnidier. be saîd. tion andnsaidhlehas arraoged iiouiiisuidithenew cuncil for oplo four yearsileaveuof sould connîder lte pussîbi- aitsence irunn hus employers liii of hiiing a luit limie plan- fi sers-e fliie. rer lierrnplaîned thatithe Sieeondmaysraipycandi- neo Hallon Regîsn oti baie date, ho the microphone, a plan nfils nsnn and bal lte ii;enrgeioinn Cnuneiiur Bill area plan obîcit ooutd iioniereeaiedhis muninipal eseniually be an incorpnra- golerm mmi esperienre. tion of the Acion. Gleorgetown serîîng 12 years un couunil, ond Enquesîstu offiial pians nîne ni tem aisn on runiy îsould hase to lit itt la(r- citonsil. He was Haluon gee plan, lituni iitrden lu 1968. l5reerusrecord turing ltai limie lie ex- Send candidate ior arei plined bie nul on every counicil. Glenrge Maithi - olso --iissscnonicil consttee an incustieniin squesing aind alsoit partiin eurly preierred to standto ibsre egional goseensteni dis- cord as a cnuneillnr dueing casninns, lte pasi vear. le bold thr lie predîcird il ouI laite ai mteeting he bas airradY allen- nanstia Yror (oa plus lus lte ded 70 meetings tii nîrar and tIiltoî ileginn In be iorsted hasnmaderarrangemtentsiiiith and-,aidble doenniihinh bis empinsers 10 spend lthe tberi-iillblentueitchange in leesr imie inder in- planning in lte area belure creasedoritinad coinditions Iben ai thteareo councîlieoei ilHaner soid iebas always [lie esplitod lie bad id- sîîppnried actine sports pro- ntsed Norvai residrnts tant grasohieh brnrlii perssual nprîng in pelilion Esqiirsîng denelopoieni and prsmised Cnunnîl for a nolution 10 brier lie oil] ite a ful limie stayor. weIl pollution penhieni id- anoîlable in lte people and nice bat mas lînulit accepird brier nerds. il eleeted. ohen a deputation approa- More hbusiness ched nuoîicl last oreitîlle Gleorgetonn onciiinr Phi] naîd becnuldîsrlcome a nsri- Sddal. bhird mayoralil lar peliton train Glen Wtt- -peaker eiprrssed lte opin- liumsoiterebeclaîsted.sonie ion local goneennieni nitould wa1er probiem dnes enisi brconie more itunînessiie Malitby înpresned 0-otcern îîitiotîtt becoinn bureu- aboutthe cst othenieegcratic (nuniciinitouid nolie ionai policingnsist. bul îlong teooritoitestaff sa id be bad learnrd trust and wbenithe oritisnlh eing opraitingta1 mont caiepatees donc. lte niait sbnuld porder- itaitrcinn wuld no(tnbîect liia stand bhat nîiob o iuto liîght mîlI rate increse il lte cannnt be toleraird hy lte mnioes oere spent on a îanpayer,ble saîd, reeponssblr road impoce- [lersoidbeouil]proposeito ment pengra i n lthe ton lthe niber munîcpaliles ond sirop, o i4ueen*s Paris ltai laxso lie [lie enpretsed cionfidence lroen fornio tz o abnat bis capabîlîtîrs tu deat as long as ibey restais i oiibaurban pritilerssnoel hibrrhomes. Titis onuid give Former Enqursînt liepuin- ignil o i lte very people nuit cccii- Rusell Muilr. lte orkted 10 gise os lte penn- b ird area couns-il candidate prriipoeenjoi:indayitesug- to speait saîd ite is rnnning gesird. maîniy becannenofli inlerent iîdîall outlîsed bis n lthe communîi and preparalion if lte George- Esqurstngitonshiip. tonnnuncil brieisniticits fie suid be itopes li bi- able- tolloordit iltiren's Parktand tn do -,ometbing about cosii led to titi-( otnin bondary iniicb be dlaims oui risc on of lte non bers areo bieng der erginagoerntent etesded tiilligituay401in- Miller saîd bie leels bis siead l Vioc Sîderuad. He c-nperieneesernîngncoînly claîmed bie bas gaîned lte couscil lbe an aîdiobîstm respect ofiQeensParkithe ifl be is ele-ird 10 lte area mayne nI lte seinre wl cnuilile alsn eereedlo neeîîinifuurerdealings. bis participation in local Ile- soggrstrd nes idean lu sports and citnecb organtea b oîsitnhuoi be ioited min lions. noppnciing is com- ;. ibal more people wiii lie munit intrestclai. al to n thele on bustes ,laoralt cinsoe anti ceporird be bas already Amont lte fonr matoralli, peesenird a report on boc candidates, Eni1iesing Inere ibis cas be dose. Tosi Hl -poite tient, ieling F inal speaker. (Georgetonn lte indience bhey sbnuld loot Mlayor Bill bSmthb aiso a aI tbe ne, omi of goîcrît candiîdate for mayor of lte Now in Oakville Buosinessmen rnqoîîînq teri lotos lor soonid bîsnmss puîposes and wbo are on obte le obtaîn tînunciul assitanc h 1hm pilier sucson esonaitle feroms and co0nditions are innoîlodîn discons lte, needs ai the 1 DB office t"cenfll opoîrd in Cukitoîtt IDB cao te nd op almonst ait types of busines mnnoaototing, aibolunule aed nito irades, ors osrcin agricoltore, ptofrsntonat serviceet jlffloiNousînuL Manager R. V. Canis 34b Loitsbor Rod, Et Gakille, On Tel. 844-0911 or 8d9-7454 new acea suîd ecry effort ,hîotld lie nadee to dtauses ailean to exiotiig leseloun- dct- te nens regional goveen- ment sciup. He ld raiepayers lteir t-ontcru ahut rural di-pn ijustied aodpn( sd if elcted lie miii nul aliuc as'y munici Iny lu oe lte nurds un a dusit ait lao bis bupe a rnspcling prugram ao ndereay un Georgetown' coold be extendedltogit lte nueltern arna. OSmiit said lie itupeo dse prnvincial gusernstent siale- mtent ltas reguonal gos-n- mentis' Haitns s mnrelya renlruciuruog ot lte eus'n synleni is Iran. Be inturmed lte audience Gorsrgetuen bas 4.2 millioun gallns ni ouler pur day of underground caler ehicit il dons nul une, bol cuuld lie pustped. As mupur lie wud eurt-bl moite lte International Ploe- ung mains lu ite iteld un Esquesing in 1974 lte itesi Pose questins Fuloiueng a speech oat- linus'g reguunai goseensteol by Ballus' Regios' citait-mas' Ailan Masson, meetis'g chair- mue Peler Opruca posed questions sutms5ind in ccii- ing by ralepayers. Vumili said Ose Esquesng oficui plan oi continue in citent tue sorte liste is'ciudis'g a smail perints ut lte tocs' sip ohicit cas lusi lu the Central Huluon area un lte reguonal euignstenl Esen- iualip. lie saisi. lte plans ut Acien. Georgetoen and Esque ingewilite uncue- poTaled itb an arien plan whicmuslnotlcn0ucleith lte reguonai plan. bie addnd. On lte sobjeci t olase dis posai. Millet- said lie euuld tube un nen recycisg and incineralion weeiy es'eegy cnbe pt-nduced. be iro- duced un lte area. He suid lie dons nol believe ther n sut-b a ting us snalry iandfsill. Smith re.estpiasiued its prrcuuus siaiemes' ltai Georgetown s in a positius' tu pamp 7 mtilioun galus's ut mair per day and eeplied negaticely su a quesion abotua lte possible bad etiecis on lte accu outr lubie. Suddait saud lie eud be prparediuo giceuopitsjobine bcome a fult liste stupr, il tit mere necensary. ban mill it a ltille prestlre 10 say obeir or olt il eud be a fli limie job. Be soui be bas rerceied clear-ante feum bus emplopers no attend alter mnuregionai cuinâtmeei mugs Anbed mit oi happes lu cients aud staff ot lte flits munieupolilirs. Hanter sain bieleit sure ail cieritomuli ts used un lte at-ca and lta i i! ni lthe opinion nne willlieu lai( off In sple of lte fant con siructionnofa swmsming pouo and recreationai complet mas appt-ored al a t-et-en sting ni Georgetowin Coun cil. Hll saoid ite desnt ltini lthe people of Georgetown wili counstroct loch tal ttg on lte ae wiltot lcllîîîg Acloît and Esquesîîîg boir a say i «We'ii ail bave lu use il. 1 Say Esqunsing nituuld be Iready tu dosale sunne money for il, liesaid. Anited mit hi$s ruuril atlendance recurd mas, Huo- Ilt repiied lie itas missed oniy loortren runt-il meetings ibis peur itecause of a vaca- lion. He indicated allendanre ni lte tonship couocil an a obole has been guud. Tructroubille Miller said lie leels stney spn tnnudses cuscerniog lersIailir in lte townsip bas heen otasînsi DOur lirni siep iu nnlviiig lte leucs irafiî profilera is imprun e constructlion. maintenance and policint." bie rlimed. "Il cads are construcled and mainaiied oeil. truckts are sol as offen- AetlaisteoiWard 2 Regionai Coussiillur-eleri Les Cone says bhe bas nu idea mit tbe saae lueo reginnal cut eilos wilitbe. -e hearduanymbere leuni 04,006 lu 015,000,- ite saîd. "Peesunaiiy 1 leel huit fig- ursare ridlieulousmwict may iodicale l'onsomewitere in itleen in my opinion.- Siddail espiained legîsia- lion lue establishtment ot lte nwarea speniticailly rails lue sellîng upo u anan net-sire a-eus, Titis steuns spocîiei areasoîllie laned areording in lte sers-ires itey rereice. lie expiaiedý Hi) ld lte meeting Esqaesîng Coanrcil otîl prose- cule oporuiors ut Toronto International Dragooy local- ieged violation of lte racing ity-law. lie said. as stayor. bie mould laite ibis aiieged viola- lion loin consideralion mites uperalors apply for a ies nenl ynar. Wit wiii iterose of te bamel snies and mtailing addresses in lte townshtip' Mîller naîd as lacr as be uudeestaods bot miii restais as itey are no. escepi ltai a porioun nI the townshtip sieat- Milton stay esportenre sm change. OSmiith eiaiotned on lthe Georgetown recycling pro- gram,. inlurmingthe audience il us a pilot pestent un card- huard. -Tiere's no0 qesiion reeycling is needed in ail areas.- lie suîd. lits lisely biat provncial asd fedlerati Il itcî tînt-s coaldieeend i Sîddaii eeplied in lte at- firmatise. "Tise 1000 engineer front Georgetown oi itecome availaiie 10 lte obole area. Il lie delermines ltai ltere is a nerd ltere Georgetown han lte maier." be said. No takers Hunier said bie didult ibinis any candidate cuuld ansoer a question put 10 bur on lte comparative cosis ni ad- sttnisieisg theneo area and lthe ltree presert ni ýi palilies. He otiered t0 pon the question hi anyone. bai rnreived notaters. Smth said tht- IF? oi litely ite pbased oui os lte official iao eniorcest body inithe nnribsery qicslyoand repled by trgiusal police. Thte regionai police force oi 1usd1y bacc deparitmenin lu ilabsilie. Burlingios. Central Vallon and Norlth lialion. bie said. Sîddall coniessrd ignorance ni lte situation învoliîg Consolîdaird Sd and Gra- sel's proposai 10 operale o Significant savings? Riation County*s Scial and Famîl l ervices Deparitmeni mav irable to realizersiguif îcani sasîngs on dental oci tbey base dose lot- wrtiare cecîpîrnis. Admninisit-aolo Ril Vin tan bold tbi commiliri ite itad costacîrd lthe dental associatin and oas made aoarr ofiaprogcastobhreby lthe associatlion polices lthe chorges lesird by indîn idual denlîis 10 ite saiet- iey oct- in lise oith oal tbe lsocaion ions uders laie laceot- set-nice t-endetcd. lif', average Mr. Vicias bold tbe coni milice lthe average cont lot- patients sent 10 dentis by lte Ilaiton deîîacitcnt Oas abut $0 pt-c pet-sos. vbile lthe anît-age toc patients imoder lthe assocition pt-ngrast and gudncroas abtout $III Milt Vuian sadit osid b- tnnrstugalusg lte possibilt*ty lotlier and îcold lec report itaci 10lthe committe- Oct. 1 - 1973 Vote Hill for Mayor * Resident of the area for 53 years * 7 years Municipal Government * Reeve of Esquesing - 3 years For Sound and Fair Government in the North Vote Hill for Mayor For transportation - 877-2692 oea - mu~ ~u EMPTY CHAIRS filied the Stewart town school auditorium Mooday night, as leus than 100 Ward 2 (Esqucsing I ratepayers showed up for a Met the Candidates night. A similar meeting in George- town was alsu pooriy attended. ID. Gibbons photo) quarrv neit Speyside. but tateness of meetings?" protnoidas otayot iunvesti- Rited Iliii. Wtt-es sbould gat il i on ce reaite thot ibis is tier bus- [,'mal question added, a bit baonds oek. They'lt (ast gel lr umrt the etttisg. htote ai ishotes-er fiste the Stgned"A candidates ,ife". metîetngettd! mould y00 dot to cintrtt the drestitoMr Maliby. M .ARHU OUR B~UDGET-AI BUYS~ chistnîs 4100 faos50 oztis Aposor oice Boiri tlIe LAURA TOMATOES 3:i,ý- 890 SLICED WHITE________________ BREAD PUCDDNSTM O JUICE -tn-39c- l405 c C Pig of Oc hs 1 -8 59 o COFFEE pli89 Seaulf "holen 19u0 tis T Ustue Plose Peelod 1. 9 Peeled POTATOES 5'n990 TOMATOES 4 fi99s Rogular Fenneo Napkins MWite Swan-Twin Pak is SU Roll 1 Mste-Kncen Calchso Pkg of 1 KOTEX 2p-,g99e 1 Bathroom Tisuo/991GLAI BAGS35C WE SELL ONLY RED OR OLUI BRAND MEATS Suifts Preomiu Vac Pan Male Leaf Slied Sde lb ps Canada Paukerss OonnSiuod Side WIENERS P,7901 BACON Vas 1J 9 BAC ON Ivpg1.09 MapoeLeaf Quarto FroionLenoMeatn Fazen Lean Meaty Muni. Leaf Sliun Booeless I L IRO N BOLOGNA DINNER SRLN RO D HAMS STEAK STEAK Froze Lean Meaty FrozeoLeanoMeat FrefsLean Moaty lb 5 4.75 RIB STEAK($11.09 1W RibOAST97, RON CUK 9 Frosen Lean Meay Frouon Lean MeatY CROSS RIB ROAST$1 .01 bBONELESS POT ROAST951 Fes Iaion Stylo 100 porcent pus. Fes Lean, Meat PORK SAUSAGE 99! POR PR RiBs 681b PLENTY 0F SWLECTION kNAM S PMODUCE Nio1 Canada..4 oqtba.skt No 1Canada 3 111batg 5l nisaq MELBA APPLES 59c MacIWTOSH APPLES 590 nr 99e Juicy Saset No 1ont Candias No 1 No O1 otHothouse 0reen o Purpe WATERMELON GRAPES LETTUCE TOMATOES ta7 90 bnsk 99e 2 hnad390 2 lit 490 No i Ont Romaine LETTUCE No i Ont CELERY Il Moab, NOTICE As required by Section 40, Subsecf ion 5, of t he Assessment Acf R.S.O. 1970. a Thse last day for appeaiing pour assessment is October 31sf 1973. b) The Assessmenf Rail may be euamined a) pour local Municipal Office and fhe Roll can be discussed wifth te Assessmenf Commissioner or an Assessor a) fthe Regional Assessmenf Office. SAssessment Region No. 15 Counfies of Haifon and Peel 55 City Centre Drive, On5Dî Misoîssauga, Ontario. VOTE MON. OCT. 1 ARMSTRONGX Noa1Caneada CARROTS 12 ~ ~ M gor a9 '~'50~ Z 10 COOKING NINS

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