Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 1973, p. 16

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B4 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., September 26, 1973 Speaks at MDHS "Forum" Liberationist campaignis aga isaices lii campuîgn le lie Forum pcogcamn ai Milton Divstic i gil School Thucvduy. she sresned hec fighl vs vol jost agaivol mcvis against Canadien vo ciel y and nature in genaI. Mcv. Wilson kepi lcc audiences ci about 50 oludeols cncraplured for 70 mntsapiece cien site coumecaird the demandolfor sexulrequalily and a beter dccl fcr lhe disiafiers, vo- cluding: inst society, nature Fvîual vvpporlvlevy for lta andl eq> pm il ).Il SBeller ralmeel hy lie nec media cf the comeo's lib natiement. OShurinof v chiid reariof andcvrking resposihiiiieo in cardiage. -A eoirolird hidih cale cviii a limit ofilcvchidcrv periuamiiy. -An end 10 seua discrimination in joh hirivg praclicen. Pot domo a civil righis cocher", Mcv. Wilson bold tie oludevîs. The hianho. l"vhivv, Frenv'lil'ivadiai' .IlIv>vcvgpal(%ivl v'Wflvvv in C'avada are as lvcdly oil a', thc hlaciis vo lhe Uritd States", she said. Ohe evird figures (cvm a gevermeol puhblcativon shocing hvc cvmen in ail cgr ranges are hrivg puid leso for similur jno than men liii the vaine amnotant of educaivo, and vuggesled there iv "semhhv coog chen cocren ge pidheeý quacervs amch asmen foc theosamnecek". Tahiog eveculie (cmn ced their vecrelariev 0Wd schools Committee notes defects A5 progra of ai siîaleons le nallon schonis more thuv 35 cer f cgr has led le an apdaliog progrum liai ciii covi approovmutly $4a8,50o vo avlicvpuled cenvsuivons ovechthe erollcoyro An ad hec commiller of trevires and Hallov Cccnly Sourd of cdcuiov siafiers lourrd ali schmls in lie cee- oly and made recem- mendalcons on chat veedo ho he donc te improe icilies w he hry appeed le be suhelcodard. Inli], 15 vchaiuis vovre esamoed. Commilier chair- mas Fred demilage said sev- eralîinudequacies wvrrfound hut he voted il cuvelta mat- tr of acîlîlîro iuliing apaci or staff hevng hvprlesviy demccalived. Hesaîd masycof thove thhîgs chich lie commîller mrvleoned cere alceady vnciaded vo capitl locecaslsofeibohvrd. i'vnmvn dreein He sord on sonme echonîs onheulcregivlerrrvedifour .1rlivrcmomnsandccased secehecîieg. Mavy oi liec deircis voîrd cee vo lie lîghtîsg. pooir aceosies and lie laci oi elecîricul oullels. ('ampiielleille Rcbert Lit- t le School vs Acio. and Mar- fin St. Sciiol niv Milton cccv amcvg those schmlv slodird. The report suffests sucer- CREEK CHANNELIZATION Work continues on the Sîxteen jui norih of Maie SI. aîd lie cernent huner for lhe bottom and vides of the creek iv lietg pourri Ibis werk. The vieW from lhe Maie St. bridge ubove shows Itîe work le date. (Sorte enterprising cumpuigner bas plante-i an eleci ion sigil ce llvv' end efthle concrele abuimeol, foui. In lihe lomer photo a houkioe clears old cunks ef ceerrele frolm the ceeek Oece Supersmeet Ferds. (Photos by R. Domnsl Polysar launches pro ject ](19vtitv tivvvivIvvv lii lvvvvo.v lg h i'vvIcvcvl t> i ,,I, i ge ,v v >ve 1 i ,, o vvî h ef cvv>Liniv'v h a , g cvvIvn n ivv [ lie va(ro viýo yack vanv Nie t o ,,I i v an iv vv v i >hvv> v'veziiiivvivhv thevviiec v il th . vv,> , i, teriv> ;, hvv >v ne,,v y>p fo Il, se i i %% alie>vvoitvh v greesîso 'Sivence Fî,ach'er A5>1 cghv, "VOTE BEST pi.n ine e povv'vnec' subsanceFOR pi i vpl e: l'h et h iao MAYOR" ec er se>>v) (CI vhe lutcin > i vf an exylin in ,,useul vouig man Bill: >1 y>l sir' o srpa wIl Centrai Halfon kîi ou See page BS 1 ON OCT. 1 VOTE 1KRANTZ 1 X For Local Councîl Ward 2 NOTICE TOWN 0F BURLINGTON SPECIAL MEETING of DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Oct. 4, 1973 ---- 7.30 p.m. Town Hall-----Brant Street AGENDA: 500 K.V. Hydro Transmission Corridor as if affects Norfth Buriingfon "The Communily iv inviied te discuss with Commvltee and Slatf, the Corridor, in order to present a Bnie le the Solandi Commission". Wm. K. Sims, Town CIerk rctie action he laien aI Cusopheilville hut indicules liaI lie ochoni vhculd he elcordl ced shudenis Irans- lerred ie Erceisille cnd Cpeyside echonlo. The sciioni vuflers fromt lie lucii vi storuf e spore voclss trons andhe generalpur- poserrmm isudersivedcand havilowciligo. The sciioni wilh ace pucîly cf 105 siudevho bas un erl ment of69and is decreaing. Thal snhoni cas ove of three vo lie vvrhh Hules accu sche- dulrd o bhrelosed. Bruce Sl Schmolcunsclosed erdier lbis er. Nercal Schml cliii population oi Iress thon 5vsi opocules hut ce ce a, le George Keveede ' v , in Georgetown. Great hues and crics of peu- lin the Bruce Si. SchovE com- mulity, in Noceal avd in CIampheileille chece lhe piano le close the schol eiror sd. Cemmenîv- on lie sione anxaI Robrt Little Scheol in Aclon. lie ccmmvllre ecîrd lie lodusîrîi arts rmom vs slightly cedersizrd hut rcemmevdednocrectcise action. The schmil bus a populationvoe60d oa rata- clIp of 740. Dealînt vsvhh Mcclin St. Senor Public Shbol vii Mvil ton, lie cemmilîre voîrd gym elorage aed changing r;m vere undervied, tire cas oolarge grocp isrcivcl areandlhecdmiistratie ceu of lie sehlln iv poorly laid out, Il cas iod icaird thal lie corridors in somte paris of lie vnhoni have limitrd cidh The commîlîre recom- mrvdrd correctiveractionhbr delcyrd cvii a decinuve vs made about senior sciioni uceemodalion in Miltov. The erclmevl alMartin5 Stospro- icîrd loccontivue leinre and provsinoili havelchcb madefr ore senior schfli slodens ('orrentl. lie sehool vs 'vers ing a Il lie grades vis. see cnd eîghlv io Milles Scperinlrodenl cf huinevoss and finance fcr lie Sourd. Bruce ivdlrv 'aid more accommodation ciii be verd- edi for Ihose grades in lie necrfutre. A commilleecof he hourd v, carceotl vlcdyvvg lie middlc schol concepîas comparrd le comple cieegralico a( lhe c'lemetîl.'r, school ecil The recommeodaios and lîvîdings of ii cemmvîler ciii has e soame hearvof os the lenta souin Ite pro- filent oi accommodalîse- grade six. secen and rîgi students. VOTE TO RE-ELECT HAZEL PORTER WARD 2 (MILTON) COUNCILLOR OCTOBER 1 Time available to serve effectively. Interesf to serve conscientuously Advance poil voiing at the town hall Salarday SepI. 29. October 1 polîsopen lla.m.tofp.m. For transportation ta the polis cail 878-2928 MILTON ELECTORS Haý ng e rýd oe 1 11ea n te bad casof Jan. 7a) and prncvvasl 31 pearsevn te Advisory Vvrational Cormive ofite Haiîev Caavly Boardu of dacatiu. v i aprîrsîcîn pour support in ere electing me as Miltonv's mucher on tie Ha>Ion oardi of Eduatîon. If e-veletd ill contivueîe mciv ecnrp yefort to ceci in coar heol intcres and dm1l an quckeii an possibvn cvith ai prolems and suggesons. IVAN ARMSTRONG VOTE MONDAY, OCT. 1 AND ARMSTRONG IVAN X Polis open 11 a.m tof8p.m Fo -uthinformation phne t70-9769 HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION 1oen)fr iestance, Mcv. ph>'vvvc witvevv'vl v sreaesgel aoeil $v,000 a leur while their maie hosses cairn av mach us $60,000. Vel il vs lie seccelariro chv keep lie evmpaniev gving th le absence of uner evoployers, she ouid. She compliied livre are cniy fiee comen in lhe iedri goeernimevl out of 2t,, MPs. "They dvnt v'l evote fvr themoeroe", they'ce coten ol 1le lie haheco and phonero, pivii tea uunr nd eneelope vîcilers in an rieclivo cumpaign instrudvofserio. g as candidates. one ditterene "CWomn cao hue hahies men ranIt, and thalos lie unily difierence", Mcv. Wilson clcimed. Avked il womrev hocldhbeîinheifont uine office in carîme vhe said ye, asoar ivoea lot of vlrclegy and comen cao do liai ccli. Asied il livre ccv a irmale football player vvcih $100,000 a yeur. sersuîdvsheivocn v ixofont thee ichi girl cho crighv 250ovundsuandcvoud liein play football "but voiady cill Jet hec". "Wr huve r ained comen le think cough contactispvrts crevIt fer them", sitees pluîned, The pol docv oi comneo sîcris lie day c chuid vs bor, and oihev lhe mter iv javi as mci aI fouit as cnone risc, Mrs. Wilon vuîd. Girls arlaaghltoe dinlycand ladylir chite boyv are traied le he recgh and ccgged. sie suid. tvstecd of givg agirlcadoitlandcahby a football ai Chrivtmas lime. I. the child shcchd ir givre one îý,"vv"hn avil " hi,o "e vvi mic,c sine teill Ried iierrivg Asked abouI hra-u ocov incidents. Mcv. Wilson env. pon'd il an a ced hecring. "Only lie or six of them did il, and Ihal cas a long lime ugo. Womev don't go around hucning their bras iv achive equaiy. ohe oaid. She hiamed lie media fvr ridiculiof comevos lihecalivo, jcol tv gel rid oi i. Watch the pess treal- ment of the Ovliy Jean King- Sehhy Riggs tennis match, and ver lhe cîdiculous things the media says cod prînlo us anexample. Carniage ohe vaid. ns paclvecviip and hvhh hlovhaod und vile are respoovuhîr for puylvg lie iullsand cearivg the chuhdeen. "There isno ea ciiy comen shvuld he condemned le raiovol lie kido". Womrnhvheralcayoiiree reoponvuie site saîd. Primitie eccieliro lored commn le rac the childeen as lhey cvried in lhe fields or inthe homes anda lunk of hiclh conîratl iethods cesuiled in large familles and the niebsame "baby machines" toc the womeo. Tod% maybe the ceman shold f00out and cor chite the man niapo home and mons aller thn chîidren, ohte suggmled. TmOiuo a taodiy MI.. Wilson advocated hîrlh conîrol aller a couple "er odoces lhemses" and7 gises hidih 101ev childen. l'elv',v,,svvl lvl Ivîvl hil>,>l t>r,,' chi>,>vv' duevvg the da, iv vg the vuclhec a chance le go out and ceci, and daycar centres are the aovcer she ciaimnd. Chidcen ciii gel more lose fromt their moîher vhcn she inhome,lthan if ite vo ciii the chidcen 24 hocco a day, she added. A man tletter in the audience bld her c boha trouhle coneinciofwoe leachees lhey shouid demand more money for iheir cvnk, hecause mool of lhem ere salislied cliti aoy oalary. Il wao juol "pin money"ltolhem andcwasn' orrded le mrep a home eunning.hecexplained. Mcv. Wilson udmilied comen's attitudes arr crvog, Ion. "Womren should be equal but they muni ulso he ready le accepi lie reOpon sîhîlitien", shc coocludrd Forum co-ordivalor Chris Icath said her visiveasoner of the ighlîghls oi the Foerum pcvgram and he hopev le have Mcv. Wilson iack ceaie se more cao heur her. THE TOWN 0F CENTRAL HALTON 1973 MUNICIPAL and SCNOOL BOARD ELECTIONS POLLING NOTICE The Rega ar Pollng Day For 1973 Municipal And School Board Election Shai Be: MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1973 Between The Hours 0f il arn. and 8p.m. A Notice has Been Mailed ta Each Dwelling Unit le the Municipality Advising the Location of the Poli ng Place and the Advance Poli ng Place For the Electors in the Respectise DmeIllng Un ts. ADVANCE POLL For the Purpose of Receiving Votes of Eleciors Who Expecl te be Unable to Vote on October 1, 1973, There ili Be an Advance Poil SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1973 Between fthe Hoors of 11. a.m. and 8p.m. At Bach oftIhe Pollowing Locations for Electors 0f the Respective Wards. Percy Merry Public Schoot WARD 1, TRAFALGAR 263 Briltania Road, Easf, Oakville WARD 2p MILTON Taown af Milton Municipal Offices 251 Main Street Easf, Milton WARD 39 NASSAGAWEYA MunicipaOice Guelph Lin, at Breoivile R. R. 1 , Campbellville Eaery Persan Ottering Hienseit Asa Voter allihe Advance Poil Shah be Required, Se-fore Seing AIlomed ta Vote, To Maiea Deciaration Setore the De-pubsi Refurv ing Otticer, Tiaf Tiey Eopectto be Uvable te Vote-en October 1, 1973 NAMES MOT ON POLLINO LIST Amy persov mie mas qaiied ta have is vame entece-dos lie pellveg livt darvng fie pe-riod of e-nome-rtiov Ijone 18, >91J te Jaly 1d, 19731 and tinis that his namre iv net estervi lienv or mie hue sat filIed fie ne-cessary terms to have is vame entered durime the period for corrections ta suci live lcvdvvg Auguet 2f, 73), can attend at my oftice te seccre a ce-cticule mici dili aiiom is vamne te be ente-red ai the palliog station. In addition tor tuis, qaiied electors may be e-vtitled to have their name added to, tic lieu ai tic pollivg station ov peliing day. QUALIFIED ELECTOR MEANS: a person miodoning tic pe-riod of Juve 180 73 bo Joiy 14d 73 mas over lie age et eighteen, a Canadian citizen or otier British soi ject, c ne-vident ot Central Halton or a nov resident omner or tenant or a spoase thereof PROIT VOTINO Formes are availaile aI rit office for the appointmevt et a voting procy. A certif cale to vote iy provy must be certf ied iy TH E CL ER K. This cano ny be-dore belmeen Sept. Il and 5 a'clock on the attervoon ot Tuesday, Se-pie-mier 25, 1973. J. McGeachie CIe-rk and Returving Office Town of Central Haltoni MacARTHUR YOUR VOICE, VOUR CHOICE 7RE-ELECIT]

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