praises mail carriers Whoe lined ce 10e rural "I fouod il ietercetieg and rouIes of Hultan and Pool le oondered bons cony coe 1925? peuple 10e carriers for the Mes. B. R. Ooeby of R-R- 3 present rucal roues serve," Cacpbelrille non tell yoo- suid lits. Dunbp. "I hope ce shle recently cao giron a ail eppreciate their dedicu- oocplete reul route direr- tien to 10eir job." torp fer tOn urea thut cao lodeed 10e direclerp pubi- pohiiebed bp u firn in cshers feit 10e curriers re a Brampton in ibul peur, dediruird bocb Codra The .12-poge booblyl 001- fille 'îlots Offi o tho Ruorol taics IOn cunse and reul Mail Courier" the booblel olte designulion cf att saeidu: u mpran a efc osuees, iocluding 10erort cimporint Dec-li 1of i Narva theot ruaDuO-ou !Dr -hs i ovl rneO- ieg1the puet fens peurs boboas vil, Miltn Ho~rnbc, iu.nturgnîp insteucental Os CGpere, Foon unclias transfarcing 10e sooloded Cambelvile, reean ndreul furcer inIe Actcon. encpalitun cilices-a citi- Milton adrerlisers inclucded con tOuat s coversant nsi10 Oon's Dry Dnodc, theuaffairsof the tteuand the Mofieffens Daruge, denlist oorld ul large, wo ccopies Dr. F. E. guhecc, A. S. Wil- e lurger place in 10e deutiop îcctt's fends, Cavell Oultery cf tOn nution. Threugh 10e Service, Milton Floor Millo, cuit carrier tOn lurcer cen- C. R. Torner foreitere and tructsfcrtbe salecof bis stock, faneraI direeter, E. Middle- aum und other produe. ton gronerie undl George E. Pruchr bic On hosteupa Eltiott hurrister, seliciloir and und inenep erders, und nntury pouie. 10rough hic pays monp cf bis Dedleated bitte. The cuit currier, in TOn book once beoged le bringing thenduilp puper te bis Rer. O. F. Kelly, cinieter of donc. hoope hic in teucb oitb Loorille charcb uith1e tice. world ereets." ~5BAVER B FA VFR'S 50 'MODEL" HOMES Caesideringa nac homet Tten sie eacer-chere there are ooer 50 dittermnt modeis to obooce tram. Beacer wiii build on youi lot and toundcation and pou'l certainly be pleased cith the sacings and tinished home. To gel an Ides et the costs and saulnp vlsit vour Beacer store or sali Frank Pintold Berlington 639-2907 86c27 FOR SAL E ý UNITED TRUST TOP 0F GUFLPH LINF Oty $57,1011. Cosy ohito and tinter-brnad tarm house on 6 geod corner acres. Lcaded cith charm, tamîiy ro teaturos large ste tirepiace, Large il'alng room clth oritinal tirepiace. 9000 tarm litchmr. Alto 20 o 40 stable cum tarage. New pressure spstem. Rouent turnaue andcwater heater. SOUTH 0F ACTON 079,900 Custom but spaclous 2ilevei bungaoccwith aciec frmiles. Situated on6acrs 2 tîrepiaces, 4 bedrocomo, 3 bathreums and English Pub Rec room , pilus famll litm Separate ining rmom. Double garage. PARK AVFNUF ACTON $42,900. Brick duplexo ci mcv addition. Loceip 110101 roo as a alec et Fair Loke, Large new kîtchen olti ining area, and nuceflen cabinets. Mature trees o deep lot. Verp goodtfinancing Oarip possession. 3 MILFS FROM MOHAWK 25 geautitui roliing acres tringed and dottnd oit mature treies. 684 lti trmntage borderaid on eau side boy looeiy countr estotes. 152,500. WILLIE ESSERY 15191 824-5054 or 14161 854-9963 eenlga pe ri 5 p s r a un C c 0 N 9 9 C w c a u b t s y t FARMS WANTFD 5 io 20acre parceiscwith ce cithoat buildings, greetiy le demnard. Have readp huynrs - Coli toc free esaluation - JIM BERTIN Ouslnesea long7 Rosidoonce 827-4678 BAYLFY - MOcLFAN LTD. Reaitor toast FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE 0EEP AND HOG FARM, 168 acres ccc fable. oery productive land, balance inrvrandOhush. Oeeand oeehait storer thre bedruens toliy modero toce, eu oi l e, teating, garage, inspinceni shed, 2 steel gratearios, large haro. silo le uecy gonO setule be0 ACRE 0010V PAOM, stable oleaner - 44 tien, 13» by 4sieo, nec unspieenm sted. btone bonse le iccarolate cordition dith atiacted garage, cdl turrace, drilled coel, large tup reoOeO steel bore, o sony attractive taro, boidinge painled. c Ceediavil trou Page Oae) fore and cas icpccssed cith fuir atoeg ollO cuep chuc eoedl oth casy cf the pot- t0e ccmpetitioms chicO once cegaoioaîîeos cellig focd. on. held. ot meuis oece sers-na onde, P Poaitry Plegs match th1e grandstand. The speciatc MrKap said the! pooitry Obe cecieded thn aodience foulure presided yhp nKi..- c h00 cas a geed one. The of the International Ploiog men ous cocnon th1e cob. Mit-H rie ccnep au be e bnerna- Match 0000100 op le Luchton tee Opticiet Club ued Air C ed and tbe oeo entries Coontp ibis cocO and ce- Cadets haedlnd tbe faîe ucd a tftectnd 10e lotereet gene- cioded those le alteedane cf parking.0 led hp 10e iecreased prie the International cecieg le, White hall eobibilo one îen. Oubcen Cooelp omit peur. mor in nember, chnre one Comcelicg on the Rotury 00e sauid ber Depelp Reere ctli mucp und lhbell thet b lub'sveftuvîlraicelfondsefor lnsWatsonocnd obvrnens- icivvtfvsiysiuorsfor a longF cîpphed cidcvo tbvough 10v Socs ofi ciocîs couoi bac! limeo iolicious tuabvi giosds pvvaoo of o bevo fival, ocbdboord ts beli siobotho asd yioesciýs rsin pcpleoot tcKap sidthe idnuoasua plooî o1 ocr hall hucgcîvc îbuc ocaionendbhe cusenou en itcconseiofHliccic oheulbhepowecî rn eont vel. On ncted1the Oeptncbercoft174. The orhof on's inst- utgucy Canniage Collection Paie gourd presideol Jim tues, echcots and ledirîdouis îas otb soolef ilell. McRup suid tOn hourd budi inîbhe ceg boobief. hnîlling Ailue Colts coedeclnd a epectnd 0010 MilIce Mupor und seolef divicîieon e hildrnnns poop ride and Briou etuand Hultoe MPP excielln lurns. becs once aguin Ibis peur. Juc Snoco b hon stage, bol Pine dispiape One cidoup and coceion c Onguessed lhhpbudcbicb- lolernutief dîcpiups of îndr cornr diduaruciog needeout. floeruand artloorbssvrn ocies decicg tOe raie cn Foioing IOn fuir Mr. urrucged en one bull ulcef On uftioon. Peuple sceght McKup inurned thece bud oltO iuslp tochicg urvunge- hello, lccc IOn raie and clu- been corne conion autmut o fecfrîueadegeubinc. ted for coffen und nus ohite tOn invitutions and either Anolhnc bail vonluiord dis- hep onre iocide. Bmit cor Oo oven uoucn cf plups ut 4- O ork le humne-. idour Onst IOn bourdes decire bo hure muhieg and ugriculture. CommentingonO tOn traie, thens on stuge. Hallue Centenclul Mucor, blcRup ould one did cer hect McRup euid bv bud cude Mîlion Lîbrurp Board, Milton andualcostlofthenpeople iOn cocment in jeel aed Pîrvfeuclarmenl01St Pauate co-uojruled le tOn follmit and hcped no-one bud lun Oins Urctle Wer. uilo Deaiis- our nthe bnct out cf poor snriculpcorhud beerlbp irch lAdyRbbi coditions." bic cucmect. uîco Centre toc tbe Mentllp McKap cecutind bnurp The lule once uguce muei Relarded. Milot Crvdil truinein1962onlbhedupcOf1the agnd lupeosidencsoelhlegfo1r Union, Rell Cunudu ucd Cun- fairuandcetedrerpiner erbodpandOcoerrduauda Trustloere angbhe peettn decoi e c§ngthe oîdevuongeof iclevecle. TOn urgucîuiîueon oîib dispiapu ai- reuo il e dffir luboold ane dgshoouand cidouponencdo Oce bhail oilb commercial makng l iffcut t met hespecil inleresI lu the 5000- bucîhe epeeces and pop iOn price gee sel white conne coi-ce- Onoonsobilee ucd cro cars monnp. pouegfalir goers ecjoped dumncued thn ouldour Wurdnn Anne MucArthur b ouce rces, cutle shocs commernci dieplupu ugaîc olficiutip cpeeed the fuir. Ohe commerclul dioplupe und aIbie peor. oilb snoooobiies eidthe fuirbudneeu ahigh- risil bo son Ihe sboop, goulu oulcuoberieglth'7ars on iighl in tbe ceuetp toc cusp and pis a 3-1rto peure and bud senditp pro- Oonp food hooths St. Jobn Amsbulance orew.- grnsnd. Tbe nsîdoup odbh des oucp lreud pielp ut bee slicgt SOc eecufled goieg to tOn rides, gumes of chunce ued butireportnoeeriuoiunes. fuir us a cOuld und spoho of food boclhs uileucled thu One Spit the njopceol sihhua ulîal cunds. silîos neest ser- Tbrvv bucness borseraces bce .he sidshnisuadrisited rice clubtbe KinseiOiOned ovre ren onctbensuddpltrucb, ihis peur's fuir IOn nighl ho- Lices and Roluriane aI 1he oîib belt one eiîi To o peuple recevrd mncr injouries oe btvhlb cuttlent Ibivo orer. No acinsals Wr îcîuved. ýt VIPolîlîice ovvver as evdvcl as pues. prelp girls and pumnssrcoindlthe groucds Ibis peu. Brudt Cîcovolu. or- o luiord lu a Word Torve lu- CHURCH OF CHRIST calicorcrdesealoinCenral THE Hloo, opevuird anoc ma PRESBYTERIAN No.u5siOercadatd Ath Une tion hfor lu, rvs ocd reg- Tratalgar oual candidate rn Word CHURCH Micister. Tbrev Jîns Wotoon bad o IN CANADA Aroid Rosseit e78-6050 lolO oc tbe grounds. lIber KNOX CHURCH cndîdoaes madev civ op- MILTON Sundus, Sept. 30th, 1973 pvurocrs. bucded utl 000 puign literuiurce doînged Minister îl.0t a..cible Shoel. oothsovs. Oea. loho M. Murray Classes tee ail ages. Danceru Irons 10v Milton Orgonîst. Mvs. L. Viashieom 11.00 a.m.--Murning WerstiP. Cbupiev of 10v lligblocd 0.00 p.m.-Preacbing eOf te Dancing Association pt on a Sunday, Sept. 30th, 1973 Gospel. dîspiup leuturiof loral cOld- ru Pridap erecong ai 10e lion0 uns.-Olice Worshîp ST. DAVIU'Sand gruoduiocd. asolbvv nvo fevo --cr0 n - tl bey T tr of 10e 173 laie. 10 OCRE PAOM, 70 acres 0 ecented tiied and ccrkahie, balance Ues ns Soie Ctcc un bosh. Burn 04- c 56' sune 9.5otoni nir huc once poos and pig Peins, Sci tan uirCu driveutrd. Veryneat and oeli 1050ahoci. ir huc ke1o suce citt alansinuns Nusey aclui socns and scroons, tenon usrycltes PrcuideO uery gcoo. PriceO "Let us pcaise God togetter- Contact Albert e, Plaine HIGHWAY GOSPEL Carton, ut Lisiooel Offic, CHURCH tiotcOr ou. A lcol assemblypof Oepcosnng 1Tte Peetecestai Assechiies of Canada B.W. COULTER Wakefield Rd. oeil Hcy. 2 Reai Fstate Broker Pas-or: e lon M ristmnsei 010 291-1or5 Tel. 8782064 86c22 j Tte LurOns Day Sundop, Sept. 3010, 1973 9as anýs -adar Dcoec *ý0 lOfons Mrcing Worstip. h STÈLLA PAR a.N 1ý,pc.-.FacOy Prayer. ÇTLAPATO mîpc Oeling Eu Real Esiate Limited egelistîc Seroice yOroker aWedrecdap O p..Prarer 300 OellIl Si, Milton ard Oible Stodp. SPLIT, eleotioat / o ahntlt.1Jh :2 baltrcccs. uarge tu nalt tJon 2 roo citt tireplace, double car uiiaotedi garage, beauti- MILTON GOSPEL toi cccded setiing on 1 acres. HALL Vacant Possession. 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 h Ctrustians gathered le tte ut $88,ou0. ta ACRES, partiyrnameofthteLord Jesus Christ. h ooded., sult able tor a ce ___ y mreai, loeal forrecrea0mo uunier & sommer. ceiiing tee- Lard's Day ýaie. Seoday, Sept- 30t0, 1913 Cron cao ho arrorged. t0.Oc a. c. -reakIn g o t Stella Partot Br2. pc Snar cto 87-60 8Mcl Wednesdar.Oi p..Prayer WlI Are Weiccnse To These Servcs bons us the accepted lice, ho- beid, now us the day et salua- tien. 2 Cor, a:2 GRACE ANGLICAN CHOJRCH Milton, Obntario. <.1Recor: Oo. 0.9 W.eFster Ortanisi Robere P. Aegal Sundop, Sept. 30th, 1973 TRINITV XV 8etc a.m-n.Haiy Commnion 9:30 ans.-Maties and 100- c:3t a.ns-Junior Churot Sohool ATTRACTIVES3 bedroons brick split lecel hanse cith caik-out te-4s an..Senior Cherch basecent,on beaatitul treedravlne lotlin uletareu. Shool C'ait Cylola Orale, (416) 457 a68250BUS. (519) 856-to tomne. 17 a-ns. LlOaey, Matins and Sermen Thursdap, Sept. 210h. 22 MILL STREET, 10 oc-o Cocconbenn DOANDEVICLE, ONTARIO. Veu ove olcops ceicoce a Druce Charch. 86c22- PRESSYT E RIAN CHU RCH ES Oeo. Doaglas Locry 054 2157 Sundop, Sept. 301h, 1973 Dnsup DiscussoneofPriori tins 10.00 an..Wershîp Seruice andOChurshbStcl CAMPBELLVILLE Il -01 an m-Worsh ip Service and Cborct School ST. PAUL'S CHURCH et THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. or James Si. Miute, Oeo. C.A. Hain r, Organisi and Choir Leader: surs. Harold Magen Seodap, Sept. 301h, 1973 10:40 an...Mcrninx cershtp, Sermon ratie Il Nec Penple." Saccacere et Oatiosm l0:4u a o -Ch aro scool Nucrsery oaiie EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHU RCH Commnercîi Street, Milice Ittons Pasu,, Dr. William (ester, Ontario Buble Collage. Sunday, Sept. 300h, 1972 0.45 a.m.-Oibe Schcou. 11.00a.m.-Mareing Wershlp 6.50p.n.Slong bervice. 7000p.m.-Eoening Wnrship Wedneslap. 730 p.m.- Ptoper and Bible ttudp. "Lot usoenter loto the House o tho Lard citt thaehsgioint airE loto His Courts ciii BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ES BYT E RIAN CHU RCH ES Rev. W. OR c. Oi, A. O Sundop, Sept. 30th, 197. Donst preaoher- TheOeo. C Sinclair, Guelph. 9.30 o.m.-Worobip horouce and Churot Scoel (Nurse,0 provided) OMADA 11:00 a.m.-Wcrshlp borolo, and Church Shool A cordial Inoitation Is xe dedto aot Stokes win cplliillv's Lloyd Stokes w0 on befruis and a po- of seconds iclbr- cheroucdivision ofitebevi borse coocprliios ai the loir Solurdayp Aiso direr oftheibrbro hocsr coprliliucc. bv noir4 lhcrvicvrr Iciior roiries bus prar ibougb prie moce baid brro iccrasrd. No llsvdrsdales anod iro 0clgtiins cotoprîrd. lievilaiocs the ovioaibv bo th 000 trnu dcduuiibircniîui1îre Seniors enjoy trip A bus triptin îJrurrourst and a hoat couiseo b ori Curingowrc vcîoped bp 431 Mitoniu Senisr Ciluaros Club orobers os Tueudu. Sept. 10. Tbep lroîvlied bp Miton Bus Lices bo (lereourst lor loncrhoai acsercceeon liugboap IL. tben on lu hoard ,bc cruise cOup Lacdp Musbkuk toc u lour-bouc croie oc beautiiol Muskoko Cake. The odern double-deckr hoat andIp uucarewd 10e beoubbufl sunsoerbhomesocoucd Pari Fine Furniture AT FA55500 ru ILTON PLAZA Rualrut drctrFair goos on.. ;ketches :andidates Last oeek The Cbarnç<on ebtished lbonshoaii t bes- on ceii fbte candi- aces for cilice cn the Central lon Oct. 1 electien. To andidaleeowereeclt arailable I tbe lime and Ibeir setches TONY fGREEN A selrceploped rue- caclur, [ccp Girrrc of 5215 icr n RR, i. Mtilton lialli-oging i oiiýii er rois oc the Ccntral loailo Mr.Grenisnsorried and cas to leenaged childeen. Ifn bas serrrdi oc tbe Oak- ville Public tililîes Ccm- ciller 1cr the pool 10 peurs and bas beencbuircancof thr PUC tbe paci six peurs. iGitDON CARtTWRtIGHIT A lcrvmnsu ai tord Mdcvr Cmpany, GordonCartwright soveekingoaseoulocccoucicil foribe econdln i -r t0can ccuuooesclullp serre oc rigbi leurs 000. (lord bos lîsed oh bhis îile in bhis orna and aledvd scool cn Nelson Towrnsbip, loier ssuricg lu Miltoc. Hr lices o llupivood Cres. o lb bis oleoandito sons. A tbîrd suc suvcrivdocndfirvs ic Milon Glord s active sn Milton Nlicur Hiokey Assooiation acd lias mncged tbe Aluns olub lac fourpvears. Hr s 53 veacs uld. itostinend troc Page One rvntcicacvlicain pcoivrlce ilalcon ltvuîuc Cocservaon Aulburîlp bus tuld Winspvp flores and Vicoria Wuud lîvelupovol Corpuraionl ibryrcaciosoli sersîces lov a 5331 loi orvu in tbe sorth vasi q1uadrant, r-c tbv si e csoroioosivayluoi, aoacded. Aoordicg ofthevtenderllsu ollos tbe 1000 so issue bud ing pvcnsits o Victoria Wosod lu, 210 sicgle looîlp booicg luots acd O5 looc hbse acîls. Wînspvp oi hosve opprosi- oîol 332 lois cvloosrd. Second colvert Cbocclîcaioc iscucrrentlp ucdvvoap orlb of tbc Mois Si .bcidgevtultheCtoftcovrvt. Tb presci coulserti ibvvc c lu 0v b duplocalvd lu per- out incovosvdiflow oupaoityp A major stovo .svvc irons the ocb coul quaudracnt of0ch uscubvo lbpcs c piboi ovliooio and siltcvnsosal Thc su It rosai proîci colis for 1hv evcicg of the bed of tbe sîreans, oObh dvcpvsuogîin sonsv arvast pros dv o ucîloco lait ilio porecis bod bigb 0udpessuvr. pour cbacces oscf iippe'fiacshius to Iler Foocdalîuti sops. Poultry winners Scu ecol oeobrrs ai the lourlhs. Roc tii-ns wor reorgrtown and Btallon tOrre iîrslsito sîcos , uso Poullcp Associution piared tiuds. sis lourths osd 10,r Wel0' roopeuluos aI the lullO plucc atoords. Couaduas Natisol Esbuibiiuc F. Brryc and sucswo seven ~ fiss orscns VOTE BEST Ioo ibirdo n one fifh iib WaIdie 1000 10 Ocdet, rigbi seconds, bu tirds, one FOR looclO ond one 0110h Claplun lidfild 000 u pruz or ue tu & AJr D bes ilrdsrlovd Wpacdclel in iYO the show ocd tOc Sans Luo in Tropbp Don. G, Wilsos 000 lb Central Holten licoss OS seronds, and cure lOurd plarce pruoc. fisc Biree on rime lrsts, siu See page Bs seconds. 0cre tOurds and 1155 Stolen cor recoveredi A Stulios oor s caroas rrcusrd oi linOd Ruver, nerSaul Ster Maorie lOis ut rck alitcr il o os stolvo irons anOcntcariou Si. aprlocr building parkiog lob ou thc T'o Qorber teenagers habuieluv cbored us on orcluoc i(hlth lb, eil TOrp arc olso oburgcd oulO o brea k-o ai NorthO End foison onbth saoc cecunng, ohee o cigorett macine ocd Olnf cobioet orc loriird opes police raid Ore lors a nd &omage ou tOc svrs icc stoluoso ,ooid totl about 9130O The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., September 26, 1973 i CENTRAL HALTION ELETION SCOREBOARD Phone Thc Champion 878-2341 or 870-2343 for public service electcon resuits altter 9 p.m. Mendoy Oct. 1. Eligible Votera: Wurd Orle: 8 polis (Tratuigar) 11,380 Ward Tais 25 poils (Milton) Ward Throee il poils lNassagawveyal Polo Reportîog lot 4401 1 Moyor Il toi0e electedi Question (Itto be soiectedi Milton Mohawik Regionol Seat Ward Two il to 0e electedi McCuaig Regional Seat Mords One and Three ilite be electedl McMiiian Area Ceencil Ward Twe (4 te tue electedi Cartwright Kolanse Porter Area Council Word One 12 tei be elected) Dayj I I Geodo Dree Board et Educotion Word Twe ( lte be electedl Armstrvont LaWsu r Hoeof The Week POSSIILY OIE 0F TUE BESI SMALL INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN MILTON * LARGE DUPLEX CENTRALLY LOCATED * 9 ROOMS - 3 BATIIROOMS, NEW AOOED DOUBLE GARAGE * 38'x20' SIIOP WITH CARPORT * LARGE LOT 100'x132' * MAINTENANCE FREE ALUMINUM SIDING * LOCATED lN COMMERCIALLY ZONED AREA * PLUS MANY EXTRA FEATURES Phone and arrange to sue 1 I Cali us naw and hate your praperty this exciting pmoperty today r eatured in this space 818-4129 818-4319 n. 1. long. REALTOR tt MAIN ST. MILTON One ef Milten's Leoding Reoiters - Other Oftices in Ooknlle-Mîssissagos-Terente ait- 86 REAL ESTATE El (7 11ý1 1 ý r1ýJ E y