Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 9

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The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wnd., Snpt 19, 19739 HERE ARE A FEW 0F THE ADVANTAG ES 0F BUYING OR SELLINO THROUOH A LARGE, WELLESTABLISHED FIR Ont on-n Motgogn doparttotnt PLUS a n-nl lttttifid staff r A gnatanton plan to guatanten the Salentf pono onno oto icinno nfi pont toon-tf boynng anotten' o-ai nstatn nnonrent'nos. EB HEAL LoI/W F ght hoo oin donon pont ISLRN T THIS BEAUTIPUL AND SPACIOUS BOCK SPLIT wittful tassoennt as lange sepatate dtniog noon fihted tatotlptnn, lagee oonnateanoa big lotH6n t149) Pttoed 10 sett at $santon SOttOt Poees a ae-l tilI 3 bednoontbrckhbngalow- on a lange In, lange lanea fote ononned patinotith ineplane, dontîn t tnnrsîntoaadewt tngond swotnn-ng ponl.Ftotsteo nontrom, bock garage ana otten etnas no nureos 3,tOO--Anenng Tlu tocs on a lange lt ttisconsyp1'/2stet 5700O-Attatttoe tnt n style side spit, tas 3 bednootos htoetnas 3beons,nnntrao2pototoasnnone.separtoe etIta possieantonntheonaieoel, sooong glass dort-5 dton nron and tineioto sonn onne. Ownnon as bngtt ot lange bnnoloypan, tanilo s'ood tînten and attatota garage. of Inn-n and is anios tn soit. 50,00-OWNEB TRAN$0EBBED MUST SELL lThs 2stnney 4 elnone toone, bautfull O n%9 thogtoot, ttoadinntotn livtng andootnong nono, ango square kiten n-tntgl ass dtnnstn%'T.o, etawoastnn fent nîantohali. GPC PEBSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH TOUR REAL OSTATE B E QdtR EME NTS Cali Stan Thompson 442 Woodward Ave., Milton, Ontario - Phone 878-2455 FOBERI I H. FOBERI REAL ESTAJE [ID. 22 Ontario St. S. Milton (Across from Plaza) Welcome to the Eaui Festival of Fine Homes!! aUMMERTIME PE EL INO asait por n thtos tnovlpolden onînt 2 stnop totoomejst lstlneoanMilton. tîated on neatipOnontrs otpondsnand tesandtsttloseao els0 Park. oteotheto eat oeonno a tie garago, a tarnt nth lot,2 toit taths and thtnpstairs posenlp nnted orton inone Ownnon 'sn'lltng tonhld ttnst atatgagen-itOsobstanhiai down- papotont.Tonnonnon- tono teton tto, so bosure ano att todan, TREASURE tOUtE-Thts arge lntploo on Georgetown Proodts a gnnss nnonetofoon so4,000o nnaoopTht PoPetp s n exceltlent cnditione and hao on exttraarg parcofnlndo n-On-tas potontoal oof rn-q nbdodta ton the Popossofnbiddng a sopiotbaoidottetoipt Antototi soptnnnrent ton n ef inca peonss toonn-o Ptnod t stano - $0,to0 HOME PLUt BUSINESS-Six oonns, 2 soronoo n-th spaniow lvin oo, foa inngtmot, 3edroon-s, an-dotoi kthntoaHals and gatago ail in excolntecondntnon. lO MORE THON THE PRICE 15 RIOHT te this i penn aid z bustnesstindesl2large vieli onstrnttd ontonhonses, coe todeom om in oMitons oen-st donloptoet. Thts henling oqipont, fOw-et stop and stock. Rondp tonr'n-tot notonodat Tudon sted atsod bungalon- etnanes stag ittnpoatinn Mnn,tanonxtras.nen-noatenpossesston boadioonet tnnngtnnt sitdng glass doons off kitotto te, Askîng sno010W sondent nnenionking anfturnnopant, pentoction le deconaingt poosoi;ataneonu da0t dnling s50,9on. ONE TEOR BETT ER THON NEW 3 tednoonosta tan-ct tonnatfono. Lange living noonn, hall and statsocanpnted. enai1ntip don-atten tanneoo, den 10Oxl1, gaees nonne12On 30, goenteltanadlatgtnpentaneanat ean Doo't toon att ton tisant 54onn0 DUPLEX IN ACTON Featones aluinootoSnang, 2 stonon, O toits, bOnadointevinng toolenoto npptooimtettpsOOto BT CALLINO THIS NO.> 008 2365 pon onniaOn tntnodooed tona ttaotit4ednoonetieoneoo pn 1ys.old, onanagelot,O2 fnultathsand nnoxcelent 7pernat1st notgogt Loatedinec Anton. $44,900.c ORACIOUS ENTERTAINING is possie taatîs lange 3 tednone toognion-.Thto hon-e tos a unique neo nonne onaturnîg spto'at tgttng, a taneip sut kttthon and, nIcure anate. Thoemottango anies at 7percetet Aokingontp 10 ACRES noan Canpbeltilte, nostip nondedl $23,000, ON TPE 0005E-Heno 's ont ot thoot otdno brik,2onooey sot i oadedOithail the ohnom nnd llnnoftpgoo daps. .lange, gnnnnoos tonnens, OngO Ottîingo, O odtoon nd tooned 0usf ooastde ot Milton Etno the senoonon- thehsnanpnenttfonatheoivingoo- Son- ofthtn-ae0 fin notue ae atst-ong rivern onnng throogthO tnoptnt, pionnty fftnnndanos, adetaon.a3torsebarnn sttnaaed on3/, note. Tait todap ton pn'onte soang.Ostn otip $47,50 TOPLESS TYon tan't top this spoonons 3 bedoonetOt6 Mastenî soht aiohometinforsot PanktinMiton.Thoshbon oetrsafra nteanot bnoadloom ntliving ooneai dtetngnron;fnetetdtntotiononn-n-dhtnopoo To7 bt and pleetyofon nptoad90t0 n in tohon.Conbt o paons ntp. $51190 ULTIMATE IN LIVING te the counttntrOnbs O4Ottoo cusnttoo bilfa ncnenon a ttnntitnll0 tanOnoapto 0000 l nntsnale nI Anton, totonotf temnnetinet toatts aont tegronnd non-rteosn-itoting pool (160 o32); sttding doons anenannd patto,;oble ont ganago; 2 Oneptates;Onondîn- tnnngtont; tinistcd rnon toneandaltango bon. Colltf0000fi apponent. S72,5, T00E TOUR PICK: Ontaveoonenat bouses tata onustom-bun 'ne c nountry tan ttoon. o an clent v00000of hanse plat and sonne alreadpnundetcnstruction. lobe onotteatona1 acelt1anne, 10.3Oacresanod 27acres. Pnioooranges fta $02.500 o $77.900. Cat 10000fon noeonodotants FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL ONEOF OUR SLS REPRESENTATIvES ~ E~i8fl-SALE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Toronto Lite 826-1030 GARY THOMAS, Mgr. 87B-2366 MURIEL OUBIEN 877-6281 s iIitim WARREN CRAWFORD 877-7953 JOAN THOMS 877-6342 PAY SMITH MILTON 878-4121 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE You LES BUNKERF Manager UPON US AT ANYTIM E JO JOHNSTON JIOUr SERVICI M MOFFAT Handsan enslidtbrick 2ston omoano a creaoo,nioosant vilage solftie0, lois ofn nesappnononaett ipO-les nonth of 401 in nNassagaooa Townsip,Larget$tpooatoalnngoom, i. enplace, sunn onne, ntil0ty ooto n-kot ,obuoynp * tdnooanado4poeebah, IOooagoon born on-a oo , HELTENHAM 007otn -gnto]no- 1i'n2acres.Largeooýnotblockonnboiddtg ooidte garagenand n-ontshop on nooo bat-n.$00.700 BRAM PION 4 tednon, 2 Ionop tomnRidngeoHinl Manon none of Onanepoon O m0st atonaotivo estdenetal a00000 Attahea ganage, fton basomnti n-do tooeahion taon-, O4otp cand fn-o pot Ow hroon- 1$500 ~ÔO STEPHEN P.SAXE LIMIED GEPORGETOWN s MULTIPLE LIlT1IU hAItE REAL OSTATE 000000 e,877-1500 or 453-1111 O Genna Dongia' Ropnesentaaono Ono otît1295 ). Don MoMitan Oonnosentatîno Ono 854On b XI 86o 20 e RETREAT PROPERIT nt 00arsnienod nst, ponds,ean oebuoiding stes38ar ot sopatattan nonilablo, Ponon $80000 pot nono Thoo is a 0000 !n neeofCao Gortge StodAte a :1 10 ACRES g 6OMlestfoaneMohaok Raotn-ap Ideal spot totn4id that long 00 on-aotod dt-oanehan-oGonodtond, Cati BOnOp Btadtog 878 0100 ore 93 ACRES- CAMPRELLVILLE ths Onnta oannhoeon tpafthnhtoandnstbank andnaoythe ne, agnidoont n'en-ia thnen-ild, wn-dn-ildtones oknog ,9an s8no0o0.00 Coui Onno878 4191 nos 000 6716. an HALTON REAL ESIAJE Lîmîted- Ronker 181 Main Stroet East- Milton 2nd Floor REAUTIFUL StOlEHOM OFOS "'nottoto-'ntn ROCKWOOO htntoOooott t1. <t n nOtIl- 2 poan nid bongalon- '38000, lu hnnoo 12o-n3n10 il.t-.notnntnn'dn 0 tIt double lnt (landscapod) Il-nnos Inr-fots Colt1 ' 5tt]t OtO 28t0tron519t8fo n-ail tn nil ohag in , OnoGnno 051908t4 28000 on 182 do-os Ild Ctto 519082401tantBonn-d o , k, - Cnt-top hallo, largo iving noom lt-tOOtinol GoniphOt-t1000 (9tî ropiano) and lent86C2100099 SMALL ACREAGE dîieg ara Large oat- n ktchen, 3 bodrooo SCENIC VIEW $32990 o '&t'Zt-ts inor on 1055 Phone 1-51-856-4853obtt omen-t 5nisooth of Phnoo'o'g 2lg3 otion on On-p 6,10 86b21 878-6677 0t0 HERE Il IS T'htnn Ondnoom ,- nttyom ocatontton aottonn toit acre on fl tond, Ttnn tomen 'o onnafno 'n a sondndnd. pctnn-tognnoa Coll t 100 tnforonoponotonont. Askng $4,00000 "INVESIMENT" lTi onn000ptopnnty io a corntrlocatton in the City ot Guelph tith officenonthnMMain loonoandoanapotmtnnnonthensecond tiono Stnnisnoned'C2 - Mhoampetntotparng.0Astn0 "RENTAL INCOME" Langenoldt typo hon-n on conlottotin n Mltotn-ith onnt 16000oq feton naoh tiont Tons ton-n hoo tnno ooneitn o uor -DOC- OOWLANO opartnn-nnnoAonil0$37,900000 TORO NTO 826-3085 JOANNE VARLEY Rootoptionist US LTO REALTOR - [ARPASVANT O domn-onoHano oeodp bnoos Cliort freeoneOnoiatton JIM BER11N oo.detot 0221.0078 RATIET MacLEAN [TO I Oeaito 4 PEX $6,000 bon-il nOonh, Full00 non$41,t. Stn n ck ontogo 519-856-4223 2 CHRISTIE & 'NOUS - "ROI, En COU NTRY 000,10 type 3 Ondroot'hone onyw-e 1otO 'c00e ýo'ionI ie hterchange ,t' nntg r oonhon, Stono ttnooiaoo, r oto n- oth toeptana$, sondoon&Sg00000. Aol0ng son non0O O CRES, ftt nop dnnto'ot bu tolnO otoclptonoodhonot b Asknan$0000. g- Tno nitothtit dote toto. Cnt tonil Ot Kottp 8tt 200000r t7f OtnO ion NEAR ACTON 62 acros, gondontoo, lolnot[n nooO3 bodoo- bnoao is tdotIlo$85, 00 00 Onah, pot oent ot botane.CoI ltttSt Kott87 019500ort10003,048 ACREAGES. 20OacreoOntttogtnohAottog 84 aonos, Noonn0on-00o, AS F ng $00 000 CALE 8/8 2095 "EXECUTIVE HOME- lTs tn ton-n's oattd costoodowntoon on tond ltt and haon-manoteatnoooontch astfont booon-o Ontognoon- dtn, Oteptant, 3 bathnroon-S, honcoion-oto. Potod otu.1 t $09,00000 penio oton tnnlm-datt ponotession 47 ACRES hs 41tacrettooetistloootodotlose oKotso Prtttooteoooand partttphnsh Askn0s2,000 pettoore OpntIo ottot "OFFICE" hn-nl gtoodhotoottoffc oted oonos ton- the Medicat Cntot. ptitot notooe, oodtoo-dnapesn-ooshnoon- pantitg ton-odoate possessoo "SUR LEV" Abou't tOtO oq font rttoltstone, toootod on Moto Stonet tull baistemetontoorknto. "LARGE HOME"' 0 bndnoon-o tntnioing on-tml oo nn oon'O 00002 oothnoons,-o t.tgottohen n-tfh Hanonet on thoorsnd botdtcoon- hno.ghot,Itototiochn tonod bothrooon-o tastntnttp OncootttO Aotto0 $5,00000 -HELP. HELP- Wohontopoongoto n eltottAgentsn-hooann-tttogtIo r'Iow ortntptttoool itntoie F00 PROMPT ANOCOAOTEtJSLOFVtCO CAL L 878 2888 ob CrsW/ 82 D ih 2 8ý -M Si 7 13 hM-,.,d88% ýt't'ACTtAE O tedoon- bntctnptntt enet hon-o noth nootk ont oon-tot,on beatntlttondtrano ottoin qitotoo ottI Cytno Ototo 0056 2003,Rootonood. o D. GODDARD REALTOR LIM IVED COUNTRY GEM FOR HORSES Xvner s anxius ta n émnele, tht,, pont 'og File' ngatltw onth Ocamptet c'iniso'htd bO.0o tt2 compltt 'h, 2 ton 000000 aod ab.ontOnounOpont Ait oooflod ono 00eo 000 looe ottng poontootth428 ttootootoogondtood chontnnusotithe door t' O aothotototooo drenon tnutets EXCELLENT STARTER HOME otnd 'n tonnclose ta aoH sohoo o thoont nont ýhon-enhasoan ltOttnnCLOt-ottdttn.trg.a0d00t0,ogoo- Ootghttn nd '00v gondsd b 0 Odnoon-ottntd 700an ot rOl'deep tui o onto"'1Soo ltet tnooandn-ot noottpoStooO0l For t't, ,tn ta'. "'GîTE ANNETTE A CALL' MI LTONH878 2051 TORONTOO742 3038 H78 6057 82L FM-BEAVER 'NA NI ET B EAV ER'S T 50 MODEL"HOIMES C-ostooongoaon- hon-On DEtOPt Sf051AND Thon no Ot Banot nh-totet50MACI',L LAND 0000ar oe 50 dtttnonot INCIA'tOIAîl LtN n-d totn on toon- eooI5005TMESI4 n-Ii btnîd 7ont lot nod' PROPE ri ES londati'00 000d ton Iywon ereon t,ttCeotra enlyonottnpioosOdn-îth te Ototo -olt0lno 47o8518t ooonnootdttinnshtd hometTo OOtttO -oinn ti g'Je on 'Ona onItho notsand sonnngoonl otIn'nBpooer stoon Ftank Ponifoîd Bot liogtona 639-29n7 86c2/ Onn20 c ' 4. IN MILTON BEOUCEO TO SELLt Ownens ae laing the area ana tanttonghttln ttein neto loation. Thstiatottpsiannhomefiastoasnen tednnornt (t2nx1 tit walk in nîset, amnlp nonot titt tînepînon ana ttdting tonrtopatin. Bttawtast oooIt tati and argeo tan garage soMo0 47,0-SMABT 3 BEDBOOM BRICK BUNGALOW On lange tenota lot, ltire plate in liing tonne, sliaing glass taons to patio. 68 MAIN S3T, "Broker" 86 REAL ESTATEMI 1 86 REAL ESTA 86ý REAL ESTATE mmýýý 1 86. REAL ESTAT 1 86. REAL ESTAT M 1 86. REAL ESTATE -1 86c2l s to , MM: for uill ars 1

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