C8 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Sept. 19, 1973 Omagh Passers-by stamp ouf danger of f ire tais .e leilPlallr-t Miss Mergaret Doeuglas. ElmertlDouglas andiames Grahame wecshcpprd cf lieshet and faIr (oece garsts octh cs. FrecdTueh. What coisi hase Secs c dceactrces lieccuas niped in the hud cear ccidncghi on Thersday eceeseg wen Icco focal ladies ecefringeon Bectensa Rd, îasi rasi of Boyne 'Centre ee scactird te sec aostratf ire scecng hesiseotefrsiccifheead. ifealiecg cisc ececychsng oas cîider ici andifchif hoe fsre could speadcrapcdf: 'he ladis rseecd cich and managesi ce stampf olf thi hlazc e oafccacasailah1e hat ihes, reecee chees' wes cr I cari ofppin the car Thcy doascd the asheeeand wcc the in checeaghly 'issficsi che [ire .asou butclehb suec.hci s'eerctherhcuncd aeusecsh saIl grase] icees che Cigarcelle hall The fire oas chkefv scaciccl mnatchftheeec frocs a pasreng ca hI ood hacveccoldcecd tee orsne finie hut cas el grting geing lhen chc fasiccs acesscdeonche see Thehlie oas hcadccghccrhfeldofsice tait grass and barns ands hoeee coeo hc Beieaneosl esc isasll soc sv oeoih iceffuc hoccoi one cace' aiccg c affer a ss co acsf (o'Flie l adies let the scec foeeling fhry hiasit heen ce the ccghi place ai che eîghi fii andi ihaf fhcî hast don,' clic (cc souigeesideeiifioi he dac> C'ongraaions f0 Iwo lcai (aches NIe' W5 Fhesoe os hiersueccess esenceg ccci cibhhons en flees, c cgcetehtcs and ehr ceaits. endile Mes. C. NieCase ce hcceng ccuacsies ccaey pecaes ecfhtng ansi ether artcflos(c Nie and NIes tSaph Perd ceci NIes Il Mteianncce huedas ostere o'ith Mes. Niacîha Brous aI Pcrgus. Mes. Broe'e s cnsaleesng ai hiec home feiiesosng a tees a'eh oe s ea i Gesses Neical Iteepial. l'doeesien l5erehsp Chrisciais h:dcatica Socday wofoio uso eh sec d ai O(cagh Pcs htici ocehcsech os iocdcy> Sept 10, The olsi tesaentccccceagecas gu'cc ('Barvcdc. and Did c iCa'f' eaci chesconsi lessnc i(efh Miarshall gavc their v(ers of Thansgie ceg and (iaee cf Itreso cas edsihytAceaie tyes. seecfcy Schoral aitedacce Iccadsieeihcpascycarccco gîen ce dcesccgo'g hs(den The pries wecc ccccscsi eihiccc ci the Bihle ansi refigioes sfory heohs, Thc folloicgac'cc cosiucfcd as ceacohesforcthe neciycae h Nies i Suesn Nies lG !lrnpxonDistrict Pare flilccos. telee Marcshall, lorie Myes sasi sapeintenieits MrandNies (Cic Marshall les B Icews cnsiectcsi the Sacrameet of hapccscc service hen Mr ansiSiru ('icitees Freccnh peesetesi checcc ceftet siaughcer 'Ivonne ticiatesi congratulinse and gcedo'cshesi NieoMr ansi Nies Marel Messes on the secondsiesing ancssceoacî cecesif> Annoecsary servicces ccii he hr(si as (ccagh cees.hccyceiacChucheon Sssosas Sept 23 Rec Tecee Leisccccssee f Wacerde'n sesi Nelson cheechcs edfl Ne gacoi speakheaffthecil scc ansi 7.3c pcc scrces A cordial eccece is eicendcd ce forer cccsohcs and fiesis Spco'alccmusicih ie priic fosccNee (boode, NNichaci hassien Beccc. Warren Vissias Breda Nccciae. Bfarhara iretardi sasi acre Wilccccsi Coengratulations (e Nie and Nies. lieuce Pewtfeco, Nie andi Nies Ken Pctess, ceclceatisgocsdissg a Hornby Club elects new siate of officers Thie North Treaagae fomnt 'cce Cfo(lub hcld ihece sceecI îeccoong ai the hoe Kilbride Children eat 336 hot dogs Os NMe P. 1.J 5,Scc locccal os cc cas helsi C hsfdcer cnd scaches ai 'Mocdas c cIls sneneeeee ce Esîhessie Sciceel eejoscd F Resthel 5s'cccy. degs foc luech Wcclecscfao. Corntteast Sept. 12. t'cpaccogchlOhec hot hie Pcoecssseeal degc, ane the o'oceccrshsp egs ecers fîces Nssecsatson et Mes Shsrley tccs ere ccc glsogefhe ocfh a gond aid NIe s Shsre Rochertscc NIes tashsoocd cor roastee ai the Shirley hWatson. hIes Blanchc cccli hoec of Nie and NIes fealses ansi Nies NIcg Ccl Whitc e on ccrcctn iaR t.ongdo. Mcfhccs are Sac Scpt I7 cand cf cas c cemnceds chai che hct dcgo ees fsc uas toscars che fait etiltteefscestl15ccents ssch rcgarcflhbisssry acive Thc chcfden chcccccic loch gop focceac t ce h t Ne og da>ci. cee bhfcay o cshcs ge andsi ssuce gsscs che mcortiers ouf c NIes ceuaIs Balcon aoccccfrotepoacsegflunch Sfcrlef,'of Passesn Sf. W ires' S<lbcccfc eho ,ocîcres hcre Buch che pasoceg sssaccfelly ccn l'osday. Sept m inehics secpeff Gecrge Pcggc on fes Niaesso Wricgt ce Vcsdas. Sepemher. s97:c pçendisng hec, catcee i stK, Kcthriedelas lcsfa repcctel ancccl s hrty and esteccccsd sicae MrNie n hcccvagce oMcs Vacey Prgg, fogcthe o ch hîs scir Nfslch cho Iras cs foc trecard. oedand op cc'd Engfaed 'horfle th leMifl os fCedac Springs Thss s , ilh tise cf ycac ttead andfas aoc't kseos pr'nssaytFarawelllter figuec Mrc Pcgg oas s secs oeng ses cs thcy leasc foc activecmaneandhonee aclfthe ooýcryocoeleoe.oandeac hissfecîo etheracceoendeg Sest icssfs go ce Suaa creca Ouarsfcpesc scstl fccguoCecae Springs'Rd., gocseautco hsscs sefl i hcerua cic o aic W'cterlo horeofecesi I cci ndc Asdhooy and Ste Pcggccsccd cfl che "tce-c fhecghc so go fcs KitCchceg-Sceepe t"aecealiceorge Ifecas. Toroeto and hocco f4acecdou sand Fhs, Nfco h 'ollege tamcon.e NOTICE CHANGE 0F HOURS Mon., Tons., Thare., Frî., Set., 9 a.m. to 8 e. WZ, Sos., Holidaye 12 non ta g p.m. Lunch Hoor t2 -5 p.m. for esery fll day Ospringe Motors & Groceteria SheIf Scafîce Coer 4 &25Oys. WARD OHM CENTRAL MUNICIPALUTY Meut the Candidates Iight Porcy Morry School Auditorium Wod. Sept. 26, 1913 at S p.. Her tho cîews et the candidates tar Mayor, Regsonef Ceucic, and Loae CaucCc. * EVERTONE WELOOME * IIEFIESNMENTS ci Nies Ifascl iafglccsh,"hce pccssdcsi Esina Bacli; (croc vice preesieft leh Nias scecdccice pcidceiEdih Ilaceah: seceace Jane 5'acdus asr recasucer MN Sa uoit osisant Meisce !.esle andlRoscesNaecidce ric'hargeof the grechcng isis cprsntdI joic Ls iecscand Rue pereetciNMay Saturaitsith 'c gifi andi Edca (aIl pecscnicd Sera iiaccsen cccl Nayhcllc NMay c c %h a gcfc lscccng (hie ycce bancdages ,criadce ansi elsi hets ,c'eeollcecd. 'wtccny-ihree doi Iare cee ceffc'ts'cforc lhce ced pcggy hatik h cnetwsceedeciesi Ny Niacge ('ersisgiey and Etii lissesah Conecos %cc ceedeciesi Ny dccc B cliasacoe and Eda Rfafil t C. meetcing 'The, C ('B mci ac the hoe cil Nies John C'se VI RE DESTROVED the frome hame of Mr. and Mcs. Jaseph Rynsr an 10i Ssdernad te Esquesing a focs miles e0sf of Highway 25 oorly lont Wodnesday mucuîssg. Mcs. Rynsor ceas hslidoying in Hallond 0f ftho ismo and tihe famîly doges hurking wakenod Mr. Rynssrr whs eeooped wsfh eely thse clethos he oeld greis. The fise bedrsam, 140-yeac-old home was a complote lss (Staff Photo) dusigîci oni Mndacccs ' ept, Ioi Dongth c- c't gohic ' ae Ne. Ny ccc * cccni Ni, c\ Sîcic fare repi c'do flccc egol thi seihcccsdocclgflhi cil, suif sici cisc' andccl nd l;, ceses cs5 Eden îcccîl(iCcccc'hcsllcc'vhlccon Iet l aciOs cccI i h F(c\ Ni tE icone( ('cecce. (c N Fi Ni. Sic icchicc coccecoshlanedineandca cucsilsl as Fid ai Nie cond Nue Mclhborni (elis, h clclîccos lunch a entrei cd ((siNdas gici'icsgsar coh'dd ioDacdiPlanteho adfct ch'ersh Fisduscihdac on Sepstco 5(190 ,hcn ie ,i]ceera i cscllc hse \ha isc.oisres oe %i ee'dcd to Nie andi Mes lira e ecres e ho ecit cechcas'fthco esih eddseg cenesr>o Sept f0 Nies licca Tvocirall. ],auca cnd lfcscy of ('ln speni do'e echnd a th Nie acd Stîs tes ifollesge ci SIecehsy ((sciNdas grceings r 'sscýned tole cli tici. eho ccIl oclieccite hso ieihdayo Sept c8 c ((sf cs ces ce Bidf 'ir sc' cn Sunfs dcc., Sept Ic;, 1973, aI lictIsc cîscîfd ('hech. ecch lico Iflic.N Sfec 'thse ogans cas Nies (Sic Scwel. The gccsl icofif cf te. i ta cIM les f'iih ifcSit) MýA., heda cc Nedil sang a oo Lowvville Ebenezer Cen tennil part y U.C.W. on 83d bithda meeting on~~~ ~ b3dbrtd y Mes. Roo ea Iý rs . ashw saod Sr. of Locritte had a Me.is e dea t h George and Pronms surprioe riait teom, thei 5 tn nihtemsa, MeCormaek were hosto tor a Je and tamity. They aIse Poises eth te mesIe Colr soiatpar ty nday sotdlerrtcrads Peser actrd as secrrtary Otdleedse, hseat fers and areessowonetlcrsayMoecheech plates hac.sbeen n c" f tcstsc 'sec hack home tlc Agels. fa rsfcrssNcf focs gfcccfc hcono tcor o clfcch c \15cclll accfc Thli guns1u soce thece feeo (Sec syespathy gees est te Nis MKsh esuts Strttrd, Tercets, Listee the faiellit Gerg eg te ce gtepseessc e Me aed the seresedng distiet. sehepassed-waysr peidayý Teesae aer aat seri s Mes. Marie Bssh enteetained Plans are heieg fisatized penusden % day k rhron eserysse e'itc ttseiegteo's ftbe heC IW loneheen te he Peolsesuio, andi osee-pep ceotenniat film. hesnSpt, 26, ueith Hec' R. claties. She ceteced te test Me. ansi Mec. Pe Itard- C. Plant as geest speaker. yeac'c Stocholm coolereece. Mec. Waed, Mes. Ilesee ansi Mes. tocs alsc gave eeadsegs Kili aid plans Thse sympathy et the cemmsoity is ecteoded te the Ait plans et suhdivision in etteet tee their net meeting. Iloey tamsty, se the eetimety Nassagaseya Towechip Ceecest agreesi the action sacssgoft tics. John Sherene. eegisteeed more than eigh s oacessaey te hall eans a tatherassesesulce, lis coite yearc ageo itthle declared that may hase been saLydialHenry andthey nuitlandseid, Nasagaweya eegitred many yeacc agasseesthpcecessofmsseg Township Ceencitdecsded andenotloger meet planing [rome Mitchell te Windsor reetly. Cesocit eedeeed a eeguattses thot are s'errestty cohes Me. Share diesi sers hy-ccc he deafted ce chat sn lasce sn the towship. sssddcty. ELECT FOR LOCAL AREA c COUNCILLOR RICHARD T. HOWITT Ward Two (Esquasingi W'TRYURWBUDGET-EASN BUYS Ohstie E.D Smith-2 i.t batilOa50 LIE oWmtaTE Gardon Cocktail 37-, DATE D bon - o ns. snpkt. BREAD (990 OPI Kg TURNOVERS Oodi Got0 C.antan reg.ot3t 4_ _ _ _ _ 3chs SOC a..-lk.o 2 S a vsoOmI t*a GARBAGE .09 ____ UL1 DiiG9 AGS si __coq _3_89c PAPER Baby Scott - Bahou ,,y FACIaL DPERS BAIROON t rTISU PL_ __ E : nogelars 'TISSUE 900 ise np so79 ~1 .29 1. Stîî99c 0 Wl SELS *NLV RED OR SLUE GRAND MIE, Feston totoa T-BGNE or PORTERNOUSE STEAK i .391b ROUND Peslasoo RIB trtnoastytatan tylet STEAK b. STEAK $1.1 9,. PGRK PGRK trze otan eat PO froats bonss tean SAUSAGE RGAST 1 m01 l ROAST 95!b 99 Il frtr sea sas PRIMEfeoto leas mote troton Atytas SIRLOIN TIP$1,65.1 RIB CHUCKENS RUMP ROASTS RGASTS$.5. 65?l PLIMNTY OfM irrc SEUCTIQN *1*4 PjS g No. t Canada SN 1 Cana"t Goldas ripa MELBA MACINTOSH CHIQUITA BANANAS 10?lb APPLES APPLES Casoda N. APLE APPLESo PEPPER SQUASH 2-29c bkh 5 lb. fl No. t Onat.a O 3 lb bail 39c 3 baN 59~COIOOIN1J. i *i TA ' 3-Day Special Thurs., Fni, Sat., Sept. 20-21-22 McI qie as lutacie Chesterfield & Matching Chair UPHOLSTERED 1N IMPORTED VELVET Rog. 599.0$olf SPECIAL SALE $ 9 0 PLUSs MAN V OTHERS AT COMPARABLE SA VINGS eFREE DELIVERY IN ACTON & MILTON 4ORETOWN MARKET CENTRE FURNITURE -INTERIORS 8187 *PREE DELIVERY *LOTS OF FREE PARKING *PREE DECORATINO SERVICE *PREE LAYAWAY SIMMEDIATE OELIVERY ON ALL STOCK ITEMS ---------------------