Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 24

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C6 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Sept. 19, 1973 Dlsplay at Steam-Era David collects old botties hy Ray tiaunu -Dad was alays tltiaf non 1 sbootd start a collecion oootoobi, he ooyl.oooo hi -.000e giogr brrr bottOns aod antique glass bottîrs. At 11 yeaes oi age and atler jontothree years ofolletng, tDavid ban butît op qaite a collection oi nid bntties and bts collectoon grows steadity. He had bon hesi foncer heer bottins on display uit the re centhSteam -Era rnnun ond bon dosplay peooked a lot of commnients and a lot ni ineoie rom people abo lbord in the era wber toit drinks orne sold on tbese [ls btrano Era dosplay onelotird 32 bottins, mostly ginger beers bul a iew nid ,Ioder! 'I colinot ali konds-. ,Mile,- Dos id itsf (hem op The hobby reaiy stanrd neda ohen tbe KnraIe tailv aasnotfor aosalb n t ho Orne Traot nortb ni Ion. Theo% canon arross the site ni on onid tomber oamp and lonrd a dosposat pot abee o000 e 100 oid botties wr gatbrd up and caltndome. "%r bad O dog ton somne of tbent ý t0 0A bome about bhrrr o.aks and four boxes Falit o:ral Otrio os 1 ynoyaosovoth coolt bonrs There are six taon areeotis on nue riding ni Hiflon ibis. yeae. onoludorg those af Mi0 ln Genorgeton. .5:000 anti Eron, as oeil as the Milfon toam-Ena anti the llshoogh Poloto FesO. The Menabers ofParhoament frm rural Otario arr tbe ens- ni th.se broa the rotons anti other pro osns. Il seras fibaft ouootype ofloallagnteoifsrai ta-tr:-. alansl unique O tonoibero Ontario. Thiese oorrkends provoine an in- farma] and pîrosant at mospher in ahieh to eet anti chat oth trients anti ne:ch bor s Il lis - bat a chance ion politocooos O do a fil pelitickirg This year. aotb regiooat anti municipal eecftors siafeti for Oofobor I, lbro s aovinfuiaoatng ire of bot sondes and bearty bontishakes ion rsery fate- gono people tend O torget naeovng petons anti eapital porsbaet for a abie anti opevd atea-hontopretendorg tbrshknoo ailiabootbonockorg a oooder miks bofoin oit ohel aiOh o aonn out bosebati, Or. i0 yo are ls ernergnfoc. yos cas somrply stan arond tanditournOit sonnofthe boggest anti 00sf or Obses nte anoit No IDB OPENS OAK VILLE OFFICE 'Che Indtieool Deoclopaont Banas.ottooooccthe necroru of .trsooh office os 345 Lk-toocRoati EtscO.Ok- :tilea:ýtbMn. R. V. CeankIn. 1DLB ocotooden Coraneonc. oooaly I te bfor- of term loooIl obtoaoncM nmbooýichare 0::Ilet obsuon hnanol as- 'nom-if osherionr on teonal lon aukt arn o.n rosert c- n n0 business oncuiodn g manuatung totonoat vOsry, constructin akoolcaule and eiceait te ode. agnocotocc.oand mory obro. ,Tho -narco f th. ... office. Mn. Crnak. bon bati sms fiftaenrom-nénservice w1it 1 DB tndt orion t. bon proteot arPointmerO be man martager of the Windnor office cf tbe borb, The ntaff of thbe nom office .180 inicde. J. E. Berigan, C. W. Cbidte. J. A. Martin, ad D.R. Walras ko wnro peri.osly ot tae Toronto, Wione »I OSdburey, andi tHamilton officeif. resp.ectvely. ful", nayu the yoathial ion additions O bis collecton,. coltectar. and on oloday trips ho buos Tbat gotoim startnd. Noos gonger beebootlstoOnOtooo lieo:I.Its ao:ctio sales look:vg hop, 0 outt,1t , GINGER BEER. ANYONE? David Enraie, Il. re- crnly had a display of 32 antique store ginger ber bottins ut the Slram-Era ruion and he bas anoîher 50 or so ginger brrr and glass bottins at borne. He's bren colecing lhem for the pool lwg or lhrrr yrars. (Photo by R. Downsi Onar of o bossîn-ibro îos store rigkt boek. Tan areniots ago. O tmkl tbe aboie aiy. -nciuting Moe. h fbiorbids antOoin las, aptoîbhe tinst artoual iiolisburgh Pofo FesO Il turned outto be an etreai ambitos first effortfion the toms of teso than 600 peuople inoer ailii00 mast base bren rsoltord in tbe organonatoor osnr the last vean because tbe tato days ni àcto tons onelotird somobole raes. gars, roines ior tbe kis. tho croonirg ofa quers, lashion sboa, dure, re. ne 0u0 the ansI pepolur attraction, as aogbO br ropecord. ovas tbe brrr gantier ouf Obere in rouhi field ut tbe bail] park-fr00. muicad ail ioiivurgb tiesentons o greot inot nIf credfinn forte sosoonss of te fit venture tbe Actos Faon aoill ho oer, but bre osa rundoarnio thoso retouotOng:in lotonvrttovg ibis fail 1MiOoo. Sept. 21-22 tbeorgettor n Sept 18-29 comnotto vooriticism or if \o0 soopOotsoh to g..toe:ttou.b otthoo ot",oscstop t:ýo:r 1. t Is riing 000::: ce0 0032 O.,kesboroiltoatO E to::t i.R. Currie OPTOMETRISI BURLîNGTON j MALL iTeiephone 632 778ta 0 1t , t)odoo hie r fr n o In I'o. $2 o ot iorn oooootatnt:t thI, cetoo to:orbtin, ol qnlehcr aseot tbrol ttge on, butiarnt oataknl po gloos bott us:0o eo oolletoo on ho e tpoden bord oht iner ben type gageo-rr br bots. la bont no Oh oin abou t 50i .oddot:onot, botso homei Ob Krotetooi on tot herndn ord of't goto:r beebb typ oesotlt:o i pool 00ooottier capsin itorrîs otetton oid stinenti alsforo poore i, Cpberooalo tn ae oMlon Obe1 oorld holi i \:olho' o:Oopolicetsot er flssn . inig i bts an caposbt. o-.r* oltlocbton in objeto obouht a70 p odr flashesrand sor:ted colore pa0ah0rali stro- gro:og th wol.ot:grOoh Nib bI t* 0:0gs b 1 he Blinghobý i ,atoc toeot: n gh::rot Iole tht-.eis(oiea a .:::olooo :tpe an 500o.:or clti.ro:oon sctflv ro-.. , olleoo; vt:ooO,0000 ith0 hohu.- fulIIin ile, , h Cham ber May organize Moitby daims Need botter security program weed control Milton Obombr ni Con: .10000 tO'00 lolt 10g', tbooo storeos anol shopo, AtO a rvcmeenting oftOhe raol section ofthe Chbaaer Reofait Cbaorman Emnoorson McCready doseossrd possible prograasaoithbois commottre and tbe feeling ni lbnse on allendance was that Obey ,ould Oas or a progrnm Dtisof the prograir are notinal yeo and no tira decosioosto peoced inany direction bas beoo mnade, bol mnomers doscussed a simoar projeclt ton iplemntehd in Kitchener. Estnsove ose of .,ogns and nîben educaloonai ,ond prootection oroenoîd otro tes ,orkedi thor foi' i in:,0 cpeograi flooic Onotarioo (haoniller (ifC1 mecios cons:doirog. The teogrant knoan asOnai Btallot os a oay on Inboh tho vroschainheos could olfer une unotrd sooce or opionon onattrs O tht provoincial cabinet OnOe motter currenOly undor coo.soderation is regoolaooon, ni realstore hoooos and ae- cording to Mn. McCrady, brr osoa feng onrefi toootonese :0 asooring the deo ,ifOstoreohoos beotog ro-guatîrd onoa po% otcal ratboooboa mnunici opalO tous o Acute shortage at county office Foocet ith an ct oh ortage of spore tor aid ttOonisOatise offioces. Ballon ColnO ('uncot is in- o estogolorg the pessobolofy oI :osoog tho former Childrns Aod beadqsarfnns aO 40 Hughi SiO ir Mitoon tOalvi grooong pressures ut tht- t-tontes Ase. offire building tOne proposai rureentie bot ng coorsodered osnsot ng botb tbo Fa ergorrY ?Ot-astores Otpartan and t ho Snoil anti Pamot Ser lOosenrfmtentMfi toho tgb St toffice ho buoldong nus 00ce .0 hoieadbas bren cons enteot btaccordong lo county of biii.te buoldoing consorts dosntprooode iraI offioce acmodation Social andOFaortoy Services Am nisrtoiHnlieoVoon endisatodtiho movoecolo ,au 0: hoi e lp or his olOpatOOot Os closeliso \%tth the trnosur: tieponOment ,ootfanre eks vîist building C Sek Amin s: eator Oafel rna n 0r, Vosan ond anahrs ofthe corn mitlceae e-pecltitIo isd tho building pror toc0fi [~k.Harware- IOpendaily96p.m. Sours.& Fr0 i Pp MILTON MILTON IPLAZA 8892 ooru' moee:ting toota: b recoion r: ndotono as os 0:00 i On ho loat oOh o: tho courtvs coorict voe-tiong Tlho other, aoltrnatoto- oul"Id lorto have Ritoonol chotorn Allat oMassor .ond his'l sait lo :0e atho' logb 10 oftice Coonplaonts front rate- paesabout 'onoxiois" : t- -.:qoesnog towns-hip peompîrd Conrcioi Georgen gaOtbyt On swus nno gongit' d aI ast merlin' mn ot eto . p"t't e ite p y r ev o Hou l o ep ie th . l a ye es ty cat 'lt '0unfyanedon pecge "inspet theland and Oe;heil be to cal tbe aeeds if tbny oteed Ol and if tbey donnt bn'l]isend soanebody in tneut obem andebhargeit up tothe onrs.' tbe reese ns- plained. C-nmiplaiaî aannnieary iil salid a enapiaint dons rot neonssaoily bas-n O km Oodged hy an observer tn bas-e the werd irspectoo perfora hos datims, boanener l)eputy-rees Ler Cotte .sprssedthenopinion many raeaesarr fonder tbe impression the eoonty aeei in-.petoo bas jaeisdootior oo'er oonOy aneatoIl 'There's notboog t like O sec hettor Obar arnds cul or a grocolOoral lard." added Cooooeior Wilfrid Lesin. "bot ba ill yoa do tl on rough land wolbcnres and rocks"' . 'We can celainy minimoae toe pnnhtem.' Malty intenîeeted Coon saod bn roolti se- Lelespoint. "Arr an goong 10 say if ynusregot gnod land yna bas-e Inolmt eeis and ifit's rougit you don't?" be asbed. Wider rut Coanciltor Leslie tbought the township shnnld lead the way in weed cotoa by arranging for the township cuiter t a lle mûre tItan mne swath of roaduside weedo when it travelo thc roails. Counfcillor Maitby claimed monst offenders are owners of non-productive tand. "Cottie in open oal mninent the prohn. for adacn awnrn' "be said. af it elt doncpadcr have ta npend money eia rid ut eda they're not nespomoie tern" -Mei yor revds at Milton Frat I Friday anti Saturday. -New donors are asked toi attend the blond chie Thursday ut the Legion. 1%0 MaLEMEtT, Milton RM LIN X7 22 12,000R REREEIIES ND THE ANEWI COUWRNCILN AUTUR OAL *ls Cso pla C mefion0enoCtzesanngwican houso....ro.e..s. *R Cosruto 0f ew rnt ad rar *VDOEnf ak n mrndRcefoa Prgame and fciifTe * sAbis eRTBsmst otana rma * ai oniml o a l tenttion f f cmleie Regoa Candf *ifh my conutieeine durtgoing ihe Is oyas *f CMleton i of mSeir a s porc anda for Ward 2. houMon. Oct. lst. MConsuion1 CNwarniandLi878-313 DeelpmntofPaksan fpore tratnp a tio fiSHERIDAN COLLEGE ifu OF APPLIED ARTS Amo TECHNOLGGY In Co-operation with Ontario Sohool for the Deaf MILTON Offers thic foiiowing Generai Interest (Non-credif i courses ta be held at The Schaoi for the Oral, beginning October il. " Auto Body Repair e Mechanical Drafting * Basic Ceramics e Offset Printing " Crafts e Personal Grooming " English for New Canadians and Hair Dressing " Gym & Swim (Men and Women) * Sewing " Language for the Deat e Total Communications (Deaf students only) e Typing " Letterpress e Welding " Machine Shop a Woodworking Classes wiIl be conducfed fromn 7.15 - 9.15 p.m. Durafion: 20 nighfs Enrolment is lomitet. with deat students giors torst preterence in ail courses. Registration wolt be on a tirst coar, tirst serveti basos, and wili be held on Oct. 4 tram 7:15-9:15 p.m. at the School for the Deat. Registration Foe: Deaf Students '5: Others 120 For further information contact: THE ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Milton 878-2851 -----------

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