Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 22

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C4 The Champion, Milton, Ontl Weit, Sept 19, 1973 Province nomes board for Ont. Agricultural Museum The Province of Ontarie i movng ahea ith is t plans ter an Agrieulteral Museum ser Milton. William A. Stuc- art, Ministr et Agriculture and Foodthas annunriedthe appoîntmeel ot an eight- membr O3ntario Agreltorai Museum Aitiserj oarit Th ce or iii art in un advisnry capacity te the Ministr et Agriculture unit Fouit on maîtrs rriating tu tbe estahlishmrnt and eration ofthe Octarie Agri- calterai Musrum. Appeintrit hy Ordrin-Council te srer in theuBoaritare: Dasid PalleIt, Mississeoga, cIsc ciii art as Chairman. Mes Nrliî Charlton, Paris, Mes. tene fleondrs, Horn hy, Gordoen Smith, MPP (Simcor.Eont), Orîllia. William Ohillingiae, Mont Albert, William J. Ames. Parkhiill at'One eîth tee cenihees et the Poblie Service. C L' Hamilton, Mînîstry et Agriculture and Food; ond R 'I iCooeir' 'cîinii'î\ of Indesiry and Teivise. Site aI Kelsn Iannooncîng the appoint- mentioftherAdisoryoart anit the Goeeneentu iterision ie procret eîth the Monre, the Ministr et Agriculture anit Fouit sialet, "oece yeaes ugo the Pro- vneto Octarie cas tur- toaete obtuin us escellent site for an arcl a msu erMilton, ait lacent te tbe Keiso Consersa- tion Ares, uieegsiitr Hîgh- o'ev 401, aI the tout et the Niagara Escarpment, and serv cloerte Bruce Trait. ' In 1967 the Onetario Legîs- ltie ipproorit thr Ontario Agrîvoliorul Msteum Art. Whiie thr phynîcul iteseice. nient et the 'sitr han hem itriayed brcaosr et eue ai- te teo vi her prierîtîrs i thr Mioistry. we hase pro- vrrded with ourplaonin othr ways. ile'hasecucqoireita sohsianiiai collectin oftgri- cultural artifacts which are in the proecssiifirestocaiioe.ind ee to eei we cas procreet te drrlnp Iis anique tacîtîty. lriage un dispiuy "Octarie agriculture bas a greal heritage. It sfn peratie thal ce etaîn, restoreandtplacr onnpblic sire &h machines ani toulu that holilt this îedustry in ordr that Ibis andt soc- reritinggrnrratinns mayhbe remindi et the progess Ihal han bren mode tbrnughoat the vears. "le veeoperatien eith the Ministr et Gesernment Services, James Once, ce arr mesîng ahead to evrnlop the site anin dur couese ce plan toesrtahlînb an Agri- voleurai Museum et chich evrry renîdent in Octario cen be preoit Therneeiy a point- rit Advssry soarithas aireaity held its tient meeting andwe in theGosrrnment of Ontario share tbriren thusiasm in procrriting eîth the penet. PEEKING INTO MILTON'S ....... The Victoria Bunebuli Club pea for a picture in 1901. Members of tise club in front înciuded W. Winn and C. Earl; second row, Alono Wharton, Murray Cuampbell and W. Patter- son,- back row Roy Field, W. Atkinnon, Cherlus Burber and C. Turner. Regional government Get interested, Masson tells Milton students O nie six of he 1,03 otoitenis escoein le ton DistrictIlttgh Schoul nov lit iv attenit e speech unit question aond unwer pritd ville IalIeni Regionel Cheermes AI Masnon us thr gorsi lest week Mre Massoncasvone of neyerai guts troc gos ern cent. sports anit ioitostry cisiiing thr sehool and speeleisg te stoitrnts en a pregrem ceunit Forem Mleasson otlied tle hîstors Enrolment in couflty As et Sept. 7 thereer 50v*714 stuitents on ltitvv i'ounty seleol', aout vi6i short eftihe prvîvsied figuri' toc thr eoonty andt aout 1,i0l cocu thon ai thu vaie dote lent yuur. In the nerth euoationen there vre 8556 elmeotery schoul stuents erelird andt 3,384 ',eeositrcse le stoitetts Figures indicate M ilton District Sige lehoul %ves 63 stuitentn sheet ,of projettions Sept 7 aetnd tihnson in Nvrtle Ovrlisgtvn ns 107 short et ohet vo', itroîrclet EFo nint TMe two ectinalicols Grteral Wolle esnd ieero Brock eedownt3 and l respestisely, Il was ieiticeted et the Sourit et Educalcen curling Thornitey thal thi' hîgh as thu', cer projuctrd and grvvtlofite regoneand lem vs vnt> gvccît ent dcc rinyrd vcr tlecyereen pointngoutilthe need ivr a Trace ihenges Mstson traed tlic cleanges ofl interne o eindarie"s, and thle ivîrssanetiens and e ergees (leat look effclt durîng the leiers vi tle il sticrlleie' u i n',ilitiu', that veolitbc .50,714 ichools oar leai plnedt leh ,îgiv',c the tnstrycs i scatienal vn mons the e schleeplnen otelDvrset Pavrk cee in Mcilton Assi'stant Orcort Fe ci vsder'.tcggested tle figucres uce cpi lu jep lit the ',i'i'vdec' letel ley the endici the' cccii Dietee tic Singletoin soed tlet in 'oute vcc,îc oi lhe etit> tlee srcer of cleiltrni i'srvlling in kin ilergiieteit ppeaed lerb abosut ilerý cc' lie suggeted tht' factor vecn' tiv he lectglel ce yas 'taililîeiisn In the iiil cate, lest ivIber tle iicetastic'rate ai vlevlelhoes ere leueg levuit.H Oug grsted thîtîil bisling vs eoiw on cieveetî de- cset' vn kndergar ten tenvilent ('ouil ler espectrd drot it ttheocalcounci lee ai nd the regionai levul icdec regiesei gosersmen. tic setit rrgcenei gesero mentshouevnslly caue a rrdoctîoec n taxsnheeaon iceoild be a more efficient spurcîtton Massoe echnec- ledgrd the cent et the speralcen ceeid grec as the population grecs but noed tleciecreu',cscouitn't he un gcectoeiter rrgional gosern- mein stheeveviou nithe tvvnty ceocil systecn, in the Maesson sete thlle regiotiel system ofgoverrncunt wouit me recomnicationscih the prorvia goeencent casier. The speaker initîd tlerimpactlofthuehange to rî'gîenoiism here eolt hu fri ess ilen in ether rentres ,itere greeler changes ci re vide te leoundaries. "Wr hae'e or ofe regienel gecerrieni hure noe," he lie cas etiei abonut lecit pelice chiets unit people en respoînîir penctions cey teel ces ihry leecoer a corporaleon aregienalppolice foclie neegusîrd there cas 've dissension aong thel lise ce elleer places, lest noîrd titre c,,ed ler ns poy tolts as a cenoit of tle se, syslec ot ils encent. Wlieîl Malssen cleeui thIe ne, nv stuc n lte i ea ofcthlecprocince, h soitlee ns it as, a nerensily le huit culeon nprecl ond reterc loalgeserneni 'iyrohtng tethe scail grese ot niodents. Mtasson PEEKING INTO MILTONS PAST... This view of the miii pond was teiken frees Use back yard of thse P. Le. Uobertson home on Elizabeth St. ut the îîorth sîdu of the pond, likely around 1910 or 192f. Buildings recog- eizahle ie the distance include Knox and St. Paut's Churchen, and the Farmers' Building. Photo loaned by Mrs. Mabel Hadley. noggented ileal te about lve yeacc thcy'd ler alele te note and te leold pulelie effice, te they erc se înriined. sn the nlragtleroradno consense canner ofthIe cleireos .e uctit] hîs seali audtience "oit lirds Miller tle oes ruiiniogclthlec tewen fe e rs ceaci lertr llev* ee'cII gel cstercntcd. andlbeerrady for itl weyesr ~T Salvation Armyl PICK-UP TRUCK iMiltn &Ae EVERY TUESDAYI teen leunited unit -Milton OFF innunligaed rîgleren drivers cee o total of 17 cellisionsin ssecosed 10 eppeer sn volving 29 vhicles last eek. Poielia Court sn MilIce toe Figbl pursons ere injuruit li trafic sioltions anit on sesun ofthnu coisionseand addctieeai 59 drisers receîsrit propuely itacage loppuit urig rmMilo OP$1540 DRUGS or JESUS Which Has The Future? BRETHREN 0F MESSIAH Box 132, i ACTON, ONTARIO .. . .. . .. . .. ..-. . .. . .. .. Formn town 4-H club Girls living lu Use tuwn ut Miltou nec bave a 4-H llumemaking Club nf their unen. A new club lu belug ur=ini bye Mm. Gluria .suisd woculd like lu0 beau from uny girls unit yug wumen frumn ugue l2te 26 chu are intereuted iu joining. the map bu reachet ut 878-3561. Thie e-il projecl for ihis fuit iuleopluauad mubeuasetlot ce urdinalet hedrnum ac- nueunries. Memberu mev cliocue tron items uuch us cuebieus, bulletin huards unit meule busketn. Meetings wiii bu belit ceebty toir up proximutelv tee nionîbe Carnival meeting A ceccîttur hring ouganîcit ley Milton Parles unit Becrueaion to cube plans hou the Milton cintr crminaI wii mtee fobte tient lice blet t The mîeeting cull bu leld et the Rotary Park tomocis Centre, CHUDLEIGH'S PICKI TOUR - OWN APPLES SEPTIMBER 21 ta OCTOBER 21 a FREE PARKING *FREE CONTAINERS OMCINTOSH *cOURTLANORED I3ELICIOUO N. ePs' *RUSSETT *GOLDEN DELICIOUO DWARF TREES NO LAODERS TO CLIMB OTHER PRODUCE AVAILABLE besde Apple ad Tmutesa CORN RGAST Vu pick, me bar-bqun, bolier and salit - vOU EAT! 878-2125 BRIN A PICNIC 1- p lic unoossaniukiog N. 24 ii.v i q7t CIOlOLEICtO uneIs. 0W.. ~ ~ NENIS WEàAR 1TD. 4 1 0 iMAIN S. MILTON 1'? v v<8l8t4472 THE TOWN 0F CENTRAL HALTON 1913 MUNICIPAL and SCNOOL BOARD ELECTIONS POLLING NOTICE The Regular Polling Day For 1973 Municipal And School Board E lecO ion Shal Be: MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1973 Belmeen The Heurs 0f il arn. and ape.n A Notice has Been Mailed to Each Dwelling Unit In the Mueicipality Advising the Location ot the Polling Place and the Advance Polling Place For the Electors 'n the Respective Dwellng Untfs. ADVANCE POLL For the Purpose ot Receiving Votes et Elesters Who Expect to be Unable bo Vote on October 1, 13, There Will Be an Advance Pol SATURDAYD SEPTEMBER 29, 1973 Bel ceen the Heurs of 11. arn. and 8 p. At Bach ot the Follewing Locations tor Electors 0f the Respective Wards. Percp Merry Public Scheoo WARD 19 TRAFALGAR 263 Brittania Road, East, Clakville WARD 2, MILTON Toewn et Milten Municipal Offices 251 Maie Street East, Milten WARD 3, NASSAGAWEYA MufncplpOfficesagmy Guelph Lîne at Breukeille R.R. 1, Campbellville Every PersonOffering Himnseif Ana Voter atthe Advance poil Shail bu Required, Before Being Aliowel to Vote, To Make a Declarat ion Betore the Depety Returning Officer, That They Expect to be Unabie to Vote on Octoher 1, 1973 RAMES MOT ON POLLINQ LIST Any person who wan qualitied to have his came entered on the poiling lint during the period ot enumeratien- Jure if, 19/3 bo Juiy 14, 19731 and finds that his came is flot entered thereon or who han not filed the necensary torms to hase bis namne entered durmeq the period for corrections to noch lent iending Augunt 2f 731, san attend aI my office te necere a certiticate which miii aiiew hin came te be entered aft the pollinq station, le addition te Ohms, qualified electorn may be entitied te have their came added te the lent ait the poiling station on poiiing day. QUALIFIBO ELECTOR MEANS: a pernen mheduring the period et June 18f 73 te July 14 173 was oer the age et eighteen, a Canadian citizen or other British soleject, a renideet of Central Halton or a non-renident owcer or tenant or a epoune thereot. PROXY VOTING Forms are available at esy office for the appointesent et a voting proxy. A cerfificate toi vote by proxy ment be oertified by THE CLERK. This can only be donc beteen Sept. il and 5 o'clock on the alternoon et Tueday, September 25, 1973. J, McGeachie Clerk and Returning Office Towin et Centrai Hailon

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