Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 12

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12 The Champion. Milton, Ont. Wed. Septemiber 19, 1973 Mayoraîty race pits warden against Ceutral Hallott s Oct. 1 election puIs a paîr of local polîtîcal veteroans jno the main race f rthe * mayor'n chair. Incumbent Miltan Mayor Brion Bent and incombent Nasnogowrya Reeve ond r Halton Worden Mrs. Anar MacArthur bath oeek the top trot in the nom town's counicil storting next an. 1. Best, mayor for six years and a cauncillor and nchool truster for sevra yeors before thot, is a local real estate agent and a professional enginrer. Mro. MacArthur, who just retired in June after a 14. 38-year carrer an a high nchool teacher, had bren reeve of Nansagaweya for five yearo and was a councillor in tht tomnship four yearn before that. She in tht 1973 Warden of Halton Couaty. Bob Bort t of Tht Champion intervitwed bath f candidates thin werk and askrd thees why they feit thty ahould be chooro for tht mayoralty chair. They rxpretned different views on what type of Anne Ma experîrace îs needed to hold tht post, on developent, services and prioritirs. Ward MacArthur Best cites works for business %%people" experience IfletcttdttMayuolof Cntral Tht mayor of Central lIaltun Met t .1 MtacArtthur Ilaiton 0,11 hav.e t0 be hume- tatl] drata on ht'r mutnictpal tane oîlh a hto husiness tuperensu' hoth aI the local btackgtound and asotdnow- aîndtcosits'vlesel, he27 ar, ltdga' tf acht strvitces. ot taprîeoc' as, o easher on ilton Mator tîttat test iltonu andi her ahîlitî>to torh *atas sstthandtfrcp'oplet'h thclld Itntaitcrvitatatth taue fihis tî'c"papte tnan oin loet hcî'aplatnî'd tahy ht a t'r%îîetthbistatek. tittnnglfocnothertctt'tas 'thc ',ad hcc ctpterîî'ottt ith lhtuow'schit[ ltcltid of- Milton Dttricttt tltgh Schoot lt,'t' ttc a', htcta' or o has madltrtitttiu,,ct orli ars'andthat ',î'cdtan t hepohlt' nt tohth rbnounct'tt ad chool ard for ae fCe tral,îltoo anod fourucac't heote lhatt hec t'ernion Natsttaaue 'a ltetodcol'hattlsgooat t'ount'l httth htg, a i'n . tîopatgtîtnt Oasat e ha', hctytt ht'c h,'cotoc pta t t tonîtîitblefo tatîsertanttu hthtcpohltm't lttltoehoîtngdî%itttttlntttfour ofI thetît rura'lt'eIcrs ut it ,tto'fe thcî' atnd Sht'eItot aee occîî vvc acs mahtng tl postsile o Milton t'tatc'nlt tht' Warrenî,tf tht' 'ttî comm itees ;ilthe cou t le fit hts background ta totialtîththe,'ot1l'aîttt' I tatonal tttti'Ott ad ta tatttgional gostroottot ttaoot'taoctal tte b'lrio. to"'tîtrnttstaff trottîttd hînt itth a hack- Sh,tdtatel u ttt'er ilountl "'st'ttottuthe'joh sa'tcs,îand pruttttoof riflther lItI ugget'etd ha nuvies il preent aî linotlî'ti of urhan atraices yeolentho'tauethttitl i nd reîjtartmntt taould he droIt tath ,,t tht tapper fiter at asacet lie ntînid Milton ,antiacompttninernt g ttouldtttedtsonttith staff taîli hc atottohîte tmutotcipal hbtckgruund tnan 'lIes MtacAthur Ital', oeil ticrhot centre antI tuggi'tcd qitaiîttA o itgottt lot un vt, coul hi oti sormd C entral tlaltoo hc'oaate tht " a otk e n hotan inta', etached ,oth havectoi'tcrnne'cuî'cyhint înany oftthe't'unctllot'ttthoa îhatltlii oneonlicadtng to 'tail he tan thetvouttîl the ttttttt t Atelopntcnt t,, .Ail]a of îto fini(tit aI the tatc ditsptsa of th'puple. stt M 'lîto iest tatA lie oa', 'tatA itst e t",tino peetonalit Sh,' itticttad n ateettit ttllîto.iattshat hat gtoteon tahat tht terînt tht qualit t tdate',,ith cegîunat îlot tt of fie, ritingthat oa . t m tc to dicttitîî he a tiatîît 1,0 thcrato goomi t'ttetî't'at th ihtlthan portan Ila , htto,ît mad tltt'ltr aa lt cturltt'ottt î h ttt tit peltcîn amti 'onty tiî ,ttootte îaîîeircctsoof ttI trhtrnt and conteolitîl îlcotth andîl tatohe ",tat-pmt'nttttltof iet ieiulpmnt ',hoîld ual to.1,t he ailott tantît thî'ccaar' 'titîct tht totan has, cequîreent tt' tcot,'d lot Iof)l hie tatA Tht 'aed'en ttaggestd Milton tosttil haïf heen trretonsithlt'noallttutn tas -nt ditnîte chatacter- groulit tithout ttctag'ttre itt o The otreit tan ht a si peupce drintagi' coutil ht ttlttietloatttif ltshtndtttt proîtîltîl Shctt'î.alltti tîtit anti laoctely hetîra,' Iloodetl hasemeol', te tht 1toan dot lîtîctel P'ark suhtviîon a', t XAhd tf tht toit tht hiait tht' casiyoint Itusine"ss ttpertttntchat oay S te oitilitr h w ,' ot'h'at t,, eatsh uit predicarrient on ha, îog tls iteeo t later te hr taatlary tandîtt ilste fittîtt huthoi" s antiq1ue Iims otîhobou hon t gatt't onc Se, o a coattous. hootette. ettahitset'l ltoctloieen ahot i ttgttcdtg lite hastogo hand in hantî tth î,,î,ocaIt toi a', -big serviîc', h oteIl tttttt'tt's Il tt"coredito Ceta tHl an bttg husiness' il hacome', caav amalgamtatton tît tomn o torgetl tople prohiteuras m ,inutt( tn teaton. people itrohîtos art si,t,ress',.tl'"t'ae'hotraba locgottt on hig huttnessa Standard tests are voted down lltttotî itBoard of t'dutatioo",tmt atutîr'c trleatei haesuay tîtted agatoti aî ttlh atgrtat deattofttariation î,rîîiîtathyt 'tshtar ik tltllci'frnt mot'htt I;oA intarg'tog tanladtoed tues o grade 1:3 in Ontacio tbontt and httt upprtert, Vi t g cars atoueti the o',mmon et taetlietac ol ,,coa visit Kelso pare. lthe hilit oflain abtuett A pîot 'tudeni shoudaoth bnoircA tmit About 20tmemhee,ofthe thînhînt he ha', talent il he litottal Autuohîl Ie hasn't.ju'thttatsa'aoit Sctetyofli'anadataîllîoue markr gve finna pssig leont Sht'ay t'laza lu Keltu gradehetr fit C'onserv'ation Aeeaand ind Ihtran'tnok top ai thte laiton i'uunîy Assistant Dirtîtî Ent 'MUseun m undat t.aarnder bold tht Bouaed that titb of rttat gr'ai eve tîih standardiott aid tabotec u or rhae geoa p. îraîing. tapertroce has shman tt hu oro trpoi that marks Oouctuated due lu t'ont ihis communîtY taîli ho thtarareity in whichttathrs luinînt tht cavalc.ade of rnarhed papers and a laier niuecr p mEa e no n 150 neerr enta h ied under that - iar ynur hlnd se ailhern nynlont may licr. Thurnday aI the le recalled heing part ut a icgi.n Hall. May îcAr h Il r en $,500,000 project New Iibrary plans o< Tht destgn for Milton's e lihr ar mona approvrd hy Mlton Council Monday an o r mt'rnhrs authortdthe o'rtttahlat f od ngda Arebhtect Phtllîp Brtouk re tatwd aîth coancîllora the saped hbuildtng lu ho locaîrd ontht aile ut tht lure attc St. School, Parhtng ta t0obcpruaided totr t1 artaon tht foette contumnon arr a adBruce St h ettaten Pearl ad Ptntîis toebccloatat Tht atchitect poinîtît ouI tf testreel had horo rîft open a naxmu out a,0 quare tret o oe ageIl i that ould uhae be ponuible. Thia uould have tet1uired a long natroa hutlding oth mr tftnopttatttil Oîpe"i spart kA ,laretopen spact arta ia lu hc et aI tht' hock of tht Cihary hotuera tl and tht Brian Best tata senior citizen houstng îteuîect planard lue tht tante Mayor stua u ct a e rduced to16,4M squar feet Iront the original plan nf îo.uuu aquare tort olîhout rrdoeing tht fatîtities, tht arehîtect rtaintd. He noîrd ihta hadt heo posaîhîr hy I tuttn e taaton o lut ut coanstruction have heen edutetoan oanilt ntinintunt, Me. Brook ld Couroctl. tlie hatd tl ,soud ho huîlt andtfurnahtd within tht tratard hudget allhnugh the ene i.eps'n and nId lourdatn Iront hruce t. achool would prohahly have ta h entuato Stav ou lmm Uoder qarntiontng tht archîttct asaartdtcouicîlthe total project int'ludiog fue- nishings, shtlaîng andqîp- ntent cuuld not ecetedîthe $tlttl.00 hatnt. tluestoned un uhether a toctangalar hutldtng tcould ot te cheapr than a shaptd huilding, tht architct mata- tainr! il vould ct ntore t0 tptan tht lacilitte in a purrly tectangulat hutldtng. Tht shapi' of the hutldtng proposed ta "mor ecnmclon a usahte squaretoaothbanin", Me. Brooh caplatord. The liheaey indeignedtfor a popalation uf 15,000 and an etension (-otl prou de tur a sevchy a haohntuhtlr, thte ,otchitetl suggcslcd tht unt coutlb he arard IronntIhe stocksaarea and acceah coud he proaîded for. Tnt, tracta Thtc destgn ut the lthrary, ahouan lu counicil, than ot a tao tarIl plan a'ith hook ra tanntng nul Iront a central enîcance and chargingars A stpatatenteeing oontih alto prohtded on tht plant The Inoter tatI prottides for a tanrkng arieaahtre hooks icould ht catalngued and atacha lue hoka sedont ctr- calattd. Maor Il Betlurgtd the' architect lu auhotît the lettr required, oalliotng hia assuatnh'telthuling ould t uit u',tktn tht tanda avatlaile. su counictl could sech Otario Municipal Bouartd apptoaal. "Wt'rt Corn, burgs ayed vs. disease moin valuable lime", ho l'ystic Fiheosin Foundation, noteo Miton Kiosmen ai their lait Mr. Brook indicated he osas food coso otha t not au'ae thet]cler otaa sekend's Mton F"air. cequired. 'lhe' lti ht' .tgttat t", lthe lettr t0 cootplete the drinkka at the vere.ktn faitu' application 10lte theOntario laottch the lund. Municipal Btoard. ttcpuly lette M. Pownys saut she would tolloa up on the requtrentent Accidents Rain, frost in rai samne day toto -thettîratrdrttanîin taoutarventatehas deacendrd on ilieu and ditriect Monday to tati tht' proloaged drought. A littt t'ont 005 t'tpurltd lu sonn 'e tar Motnday ntorntng. 'lhis Frtday Se'pt. Il a oltîcîtîlty tht' fit day oI autun ttuntay's rato contrihaîrd lu Ihreetacidents Milton l'olîic eortcalled t10 n hetgaît'. tant hrforeenup Tu outre mnors u'tth Iras han $200 total dantage. In tht third accident aI tht cornet of Mlainand Commetrcial Sis, t thttltt drîatn hyv Thirra Florence Mtatltay of ORW t, Nerv ai antI t"tderick Smnt h tI taîttuetSt Miton collidrîl. ttttstng $75t total dantage TABAR BUILDING SUPPLIES y 25 Steolos Ave. Milton 818-3263 TOUR 71 TAlAI TEAN Ted Mist Terry Lachaprîlo id pinet leu SELIEPANELANO SPECIALS STLIESERlES SILVER MINT LILAC PINK DemandMANDALAY PECAN 40 X8' PANELS Reg. 8.2 .49 40 X 8' PANELS 4 sq. pd - Reg. SoId at 6.79 AZTEC WALNUT 40 X 7' PANELS 4.79 ASPENUTE a/" X 4' X 8' THE PANEL 0F 1001 USES 3,49Paie 25 Sheets or more 3.17 Paone PRE-SEASON sPCA HOCKEY STICKS'A Rubber Backed - Cut and Fit &R1.g. . 2e4 -le %enlC <eai DRAM HOCKEY *o.mct Gf A VE 7STICK & SCREEN ..oa. Cristmas 1 CAReci VED 4 E ALL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSE 0F BUSINESS, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER25 NYLON 48,1~ tc Hnty.: 401 ran F Open daily 7:30:a.m. tili 6 13.mT. s--- tTbr B 'hrs &_____iht tili 9 p.m. CARPET A_________ DLIER Reg. advertised by a iedng Canadman Retailer at 16.99 Yd. R aud sal da ti 6 .m

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