Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 11

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Hydroà towers ... tCaattnued (ram Page Oaei tunnfcfctors aad 1he fi-aeuldbe conatruoted in linie ta meet the reotaire- mentu of 10e power ayniem. A rompoison otheran- siroomientai leatares bel- On fhOtrer atterate routes, 1he tiocleti herm îieducî'd ieom fhrîr siodies, 'ci' ,ccc,,acc, lii c,, imipact o mvisi niuril resource featuees and made more joint use of exisling and propoued highcayn, pipelines an'd raitroadu thon do other alternatives. Public sentiment tocards rach of the alternatives fasored loilncing Rouie "Q' chere il buscos 10e Paekcay Oelt, 10e receeafîoo and transportation corridors set ouf hy thOr Provincial Gosern- ment 10 proside green boit helceen commanities cent of Toronto. At sopie meetings, Hocieti poînird oui, ibis chnice cas virtually unanimoos. Heusaid sonne off ibis rnaction mont be ascribed tothe desire of mme lut hee fOr fine acay front their home and community but frit equalîy ofeong cas fhe lact 1he governmeof hadt desigord the Paehcay Oeil intending both controi and fu acqoîre fonds in if foc purrposes c hicO încluded iubtir ufîlîfies and hydro t' nuepurna lirouhi reuponse tu the floclett proposais also favored Oystem "Q' chere fi follocu fOr Porhcay Ort In general there appeared to be fOosess ht fOr Iighcay 4it urea coufd proside the hest crossing ofthe Escarp- menfand thaf crosuings io cieaslo the ofh and south .cre nofas deîrahie Torotynseven munîcîpa- lites in 10e sfudy rais cenponded Io a request for suhmissions. Municipalîfîrs iffectr hy the ico other alteroative systems vre lerrdc a roule folfocîng fOr ."1)" or ifs modification vfîlîoog fthecarka Bell white' monîcîpalifies affecird lic vysîem "Q' geneeafiy prîeered Syslem "T"« Muioceipalifies norfh of Iighc'oy vii1in n lto lirefered ceosscng fOr Escarpmenf in the area of 401, ohich cas also nofed as acceptahle by neeraI other oîuoicipalclcen oulscde the îoîmediafe area. Hoccîr flalfon munipolilies soufh of 001 oppourd fii ceossîne, or any oher southîîfi he high c'ay. tomments [roiv Iecri i'coiincial iinisleiessoaried. orinostance the Micniuiey ni Transportation, vOile igr'eihg 'ifhfthe jint use corridoreconceptfinprincipe. staîrd some cmplemenfaiion prohlems ond reufafed ceosons foreccjecfionofthe t'aehva> route conoidered in 970. TOe htinîsfry of Con- sumer and Commercial Reltos fanored joint use of hYdro fines cîfO pipolines Oui lasvred 10e more vorfheely 5' ' or ' T" routes. 'Thr 'il ioiufy ofi Agriculture andF"ovd feif helies shoulîl Oeereseicfed iv joint use corridrs and prefeeahly bc locali'd oser low grade agri- cultural fonds TOe Minîsfey recommecded 'f". chicO i almosti denfical lv "Q' x cepi b for 0Oe Eseaepmeni cevssivg, 'l'lie Miicsfey oi Nafral lesources a Iso suhmitted a Ocîi chovning "f" or the modîirid "Q' t lv oid a nomlcr vi scgnîlîcanf and snii niomental feactuees paeiiculaely in the t'scaefffenf and Oak idges cîreas, This Niisfey also fr11 fOhe cool,' ould demonsfeate a, iviNt implemeof fOr Torontov ,'re, Rigion concept t o'iîîderundîerground 'lh,. i'ogfhy Ifîccieff report andicnclusonv, suggesfel fOuI compact foclers and onde'rground lunes shoulId be consîdered in the future afîhough the secrefuey oi thc Solandft Commission Nel Cole, saîd fOre could'he no underground instfallations for 50ii 0V fines hefoee fl8o ",There uppears o bO uitIle douhi fOui if undeegroundîng wereepossible agood deafoof opposition lv hydro fioes would disoppear," fhe report notes. The report eecommends ihaf if fOi' Modîird "Q' is a dopird, fOr crossing oi fOr Encarpmensi 501h of tille- snahe Point andtheee50IiV circuitn areerequîeedc(oneîin 1976, aoothee in 1982, and a third in 155Wc, 10e linsi w circuits shoold becaeried on 0case of the sîsuai sn sif ivfyo(lfthe aeea and tabîng înfo accounf rapid adsances in technofogy, if lureom mended iOn port ion crossing the Escarpmeof befcren Kil- bride and Highcay 25,only a lvcusingle circuiffocer bc erecfed for 1he f976 lise. When 1he 1902 lireis requied, fOr oîerhecd lise should bcnemoved anddhth fines bcplacedouderground using Hydro's IAMIJT sytniem or conestional un- derground cahie, This couid el iminate permanent oser- headtfines on the Escanemeni crossing. Tco double circuit 230 0V circuits ane also requied fon lOis crossing ai an indefinîte date and fhe report necom- meadn tOny aim aouaid 0e installed underground atong- nide the 500 0V crcuits. More fine are reqaired for the 401 cromning; Ico double circuit 5000V fines couid be needed in 1977, another in f90 Tcodouble 230 V fines are ai so nes'de'i ai an in- cleliciecldate A ceccsmg ci ccc,, pocnt ,clsc cicl di'eccld on aiccîher ilydro s'n finsd a coule aeound Gluelph. (A sfudy ns 0eing done soc). The Hocîrîl report recommendu fii very foc, singlecircuit fowers 0ie ued to crosthe Escarpment aian angle cith trees feit Wwfeen fines f or concealment. Ontario Hydro îu currentfy stodying focer colon and if is suggested this crsing uhould hecrme us erui- mnentalfesearch area. If is recommended fOr 2311 0&V fines requied be under- ground and 0e locardl bel- crneen t tîes.I sauonrecom- mended ucalfeed pluntingu oifi tens 0e placed along the noeh side of 401 as if ap- praches the Escurpmenf iv h rp reduce the sîsual elleci olf thenfinrs on motorîsîs. W'estolfthe Escrpment if is eecommended the fines bc locafed some distance tv the nonfh of 401 lv usoid cesideoces, histor home sites and ohe de'elopmens Ihaf clouter on or neur the road. Second oiptin A second option cials gises on thn report chicO cas roermeriy reierred touas sysemt "Q". If could also hase Ico rrossings of the Escarpmenf, one along 4vi and fhr viher helceen fume- bouse and Orlon o Ore quarries hune neunred t0e Iundnrape. Thn fine coutd then continue nonth ta 10e sieinity ut Oallinalad irom chere il could linit 10 10e Bruce tise. A thîrd option, System "R" Oas liesn rerfced by Hydro lcvausiivmold]vvlv rs chl't, Ecccc'ccctcitccv, lcccc, .clcng c0l llcdcc cccn- tendsihc if aclîcasier shvu Id fcu o thfoint corridor, ail pocer fromn bofO stations csoutdhbelosl, itydro peers f0 hase the uines seporufed hy ai f nauf lise miles ta avoid destruction lrom suturai disasteennsuch astonadoe. TOc report notes fOut the location of transformer stations Oas a laerge bearing on fOr otion of flernate roules. tinding sites for suh- stations close iv Toronto and ifamitlton munI 0e governed hy theje peosîmîiy 15 thn 239 kV sysfem tu chicO tOry must conneri, Blton station ishich midt Or locaîrd s0010 oi Milton 0110he lover Base lise must bc Ivratrd souih of Oit adjacent 10 fOr eoîstîng 230 0V system in Ballon. sn his concludîng remarhn 10 Thoenday's meeting, Me. Ilovîrîf suggested electnical pîlanning should bccomhised vîlO envirosmeotal in the fuur to voîd tueihen debafes vhich liadt esef the route oeigisally plunned by iOntario Itydro. The original route csuld hune gone through Erin, Enamosa and Nvssuguceyu townnhips vîth a north-south lise lolloving a corridor helceen 1he FourtO and "iffh t,ines ti a station nrM ilton. TOn alterpates in no cay resemble t Ouf original route. Wifhdracal of soiuntary oevcsin't somi'ihuog Obntario Secondai,. cchoul Teachees "edieraf ion yaoks uou usitO pleasure, O'ederaion vice presudesi ,tim Foreesier bold about toi H l'v Cunfy secosdary schomc teacrs aI a meeting lasi ehk Foreestici t fO'eachers bhatil cfiadt ecnmr necrssary ici Toronto fuo' feacOers lot examine bOni' pruvrifues un vivr,70 s 10 ouuocsley and undîsîdual boanduf lid il soess,5r Lot istaOlisO pecoriturs in sprvdung, Ile usducated ruachers have tv look aI their vcork luad and il if cooltcnur, itu ecvme heuier, pririlues ha% e iv br choses. lic argurd fOaf irachers hadt su othen choice Ouf 10 luise ap some ofir or - b isufues il tOny vorked for boaeds vOuch contiue to icserrasithe'ork lvad. ie notr the recrut an- cras svuid m ake i possible for bards t ffelr an average of aboutf vine per loi' sulary iscrea ses and fonds. for mai erials. tlilikes factile fie saud Or dislikrd fOr tceof ccfhdrawal [rom soluvfaes serices bui assured f rochers il vas fOr motif effectivemi' so grffusg the luachîrs' puini W'rhasv say tu parenss "look, fOus us chat yur uchools viii be like,' is lOis cOul pou vani'" 0e nuggesfed. lie ld teacrs fhr supv'rusouain Ornelits fOr,. nom, îualîfy for are hî'usg lovord ut by ti prouisciai euecufse, [le said (cachers Stolen car A 14731 model carue le levm Jack Riîchaedson COn% iildn. Mltloni cas lound Oy Oakvillie Police Suvduy vnal16 Milel'reeavine southeast of tovo. Pice said cf appeared 10e car badl Oes delibrrafrly dru- % endclnthe embankment ai iiievorc Op iDamage cas $1iuivi Jian Wutsoa Deputy-Reeve Caanty Cancit 1973 % re nubleci Iv more nervious heeabdcvws tOus asy vibr profession Orcause 'of fhr Oruvsfeoin. Porerersai id srac compcurcrs arr l'ogr Iv peosude le i Osurasce hon leucOîers 0ieause 10e fuems hnov'îe'achcrsu iti bue a bull li'. nuf s onthaler havd dcsahilify insurance con more uspensuse fvr ieacOeru Ohas ofhr bradtes or bprofessions Os-cause vi the numOreofbreahdons. le bold fOr feacOrs tOry shoidle allowed fonretire e New features ... tCaattnued trom Page One) $t,0() in pniovo ion the top houses in trot or paee races. ttails remaio open att day ontil 5 p.m. Tthe interhneed hest und- dered cowictais, apereania favorite among the cat- lleme, is at 3p.m outh a lisestock parade Ion choc- ions scheduîrd toi' 4 t vi iii'ca.ivgcag.ccci'vligsion parade" cociesi openviogirls and boys op tl14years ofage tu bieheld allia am. Saturdy ini front of the grandistand. Prizes ciii be acanded dogs with thehes grooong, hesi Brich. alosi ohedience, mosl spots and the largent, nfatil est, shortest and longest haie. ears, fait and pas. There's aloa prioe for the hesi dve and cart. Another new fteatone is a ladies' conieni ini the heany horse section. Ofi courne tOe lair iit hase a midway oiferiag rides, games oi chance and pleoty vfitoodaod sachs. Automo- Obie. sovmohîle and tares equipesent fiims wiii have displays of eqoipeno around flic grounds. Ilomeutie, eilidrea's and comenus dispiayfi ciii oecupy the agrîco tral hall and commercial displays ciii be at1the No. 2 hall. The Scout Hall cil) be ooed for junior former and 4-lt exhihits and the pooltry harns will Or ful ofi poolfey and rahhifs tien lac icocieshow, Hlton Agricolfural Society president im McKay from1 turc 'tialfon's agriculture on parade" and Ore and the dire,. fors eutend a cordial invita- lion tuocseryooe to come and ,fin on the iun on Friîday eveoîng or off day Safueday. [ltolun ior Farmeru are sponsoring a dance Salorday night. OSerefaey Meu . E. Head- headcîillhavehlereoffice open ai the firgrounds onoert SI tloday and iomoreoc 10 accepf eaelycoeties. enfries already look heavy, o 1h a large entry in the lîsestock and 'pouftey ivis ions. Home fire, fatality on brigade Iedger Millon fine brigade responded lv six aliaroms fbis vîehk înrludisg lice lires and ai car hafulify. l"iiefigOfe's wsrî'soin mvrdto property elonging lv lirnail L.awsrence shvrfiy liant 2.30 Tuesday alternoos fv attendtu a grats fîîre 'Or Lassenoce resides os fh Oak-v svifle "irst Lione TOi' Milton brigade also affendrd 10e blaze aI RR Milton, chen Jor Itysonser louf his bouse and ifs enfle contents. The aiarm soimndeit ai 2.45 a.m. Wednrsdlay. Memhers oh fOr brigade o ere aise pieeno tu cas dclo spîied guviline ai fO cor-fruck accident ai igi vas 25 and Chishoim Bd vOîcOuclaimedfthe fle of JOh vampoofv Milton, Aid ruda coeing. A vtump tence lie on prvpei'fy Oelonging lvt" M.N WOilson, Il R 3l Georgetown, svusdced fOi' afarm F"riday ncaht ai 7:0ii p.m. A sfrac stock fie sOortlc' pat12 o'clock Mîîsday vcîrîîicsg s ummnioniA firefilghters 1010he premîses oi 1 div Anderson, Deres Rd. in Firefighters alsv rspovded Io a gassnlire duringithe nvon or Mvnday ai the home' of C Ocenufra. The cand i uîcsrd Oy Bvo Meeey The Milton Brigade Oas liesn calid olt iv attend li7 lires fOus year, comparedi ollO 95 10sf year in fth' samu' îieriOdý age 55. "TOry cmn go on to Orcumi' consultants or ubreclvrs ut edusation aller bOul", 0e quupped. lise fî'acer bld Fomrssir Ou' bell the ccthdrvmal vi- uolunfvry services migOt Oea por public, relations gsue [ le'sid the publie might feel frustres Oad segotiaird coniruefs cn gvnd laitfOand bell vlustury srvicesvwere pauet of bhn job. "verester rî'peufed his eurlirca bOut fhr me usure vasolt a happy sirp, but a vecessaey Planning, dumps, offices discussed with A.,Masson Evil, establishment of a regvonal planning depuef- ve as preduirtd liv flugcvsviOC airman Abus Miasson cOrs Oce spoke Iv Milion 'vusicul Moduy, 'l'Or chuirmas suggeuf cd a provincial,'isnouncemcnt vs lOi' frainher of snms prescrit buron unci responsibilities tu tOn region c'vuld necrssftli î'aely' action on estahlishing fOi' rîguon planning ileparteut, Nile Mlasson eplacned bus challenge cas Iv put fugether bhn framecork oi regionai goseno meot Oeloee the inaugural ibcl 10. Enptainiog fOu' desperate nred bye stff, On suggcslcd Or hoped tu plcace hebore theevoul, yef lu On elecfed, recvm- ivendaf ions vs key positions vilh ofhcr positions lv br tîlir Oy deparimeni Oeads. lie suggrsfrd the prescrnt leny adiitrto bcuilding usas requied for justice'vaîi fOernegion cvufd lie ru'quursd ta Ouitd a nec buailding, lie voted justici' lre'dy occupiesi80percent ufthfO presit building and rgoal gvserienrtcould nerd mon' Ihun the 2t pier cetnov uccupird Oy IOn cvonpy ivuoiciltor Hb Barris deu Iv fi' chaurmun's attention illtons îueohiem in garbagc icsposai whinc ould ecome n egoal rcspoOsibility on Iaury1 TOc chairmas ikeknomledgi'd Or usas avare of (li' almosi "punin" siftuobiIfilon ondisposai cul Oc decluord tv undicate luoc inucO of 10e pevhiem coutil 0e aulomaîucaiip cnsumi'doiusuaryi1 Muayor fi, llrsfrevirccd the fous, boid vhfunerb permission tv biti a brick yard put ut Milton BicknbOuf had bers unsuccesutf us inhtaioîng Esqiicsuog's change rn the officical plan. Ifie noted Nassagaweya alst Oad a luirtd bile un uts preserit dumbi Euchre Ail capiains yod people interested inplaying euce should a ttend a meeting ut 9 pm. bCie OcolcluOnuoomai the lovai luvaduan Irgion Oirganizer lue Mci'ann cndicafed fhr meeting vvuld liefield tu vegusuve ihn ruchre seasonforthe coming year, TOc cluO pîvys fhir games ai fOu' rgîvon Hall each iserh Barbara's Beauty Salon us pleased to aneounce tOut RUTH SHAW mho Oas severai yeurs experience Wiii commence morkîng Septemb.r 21st 1973 ut 198 Milt Street 1/2 Blao Wast of Martia st. donne parking al monr of remusos For Your Appoinimeni cati 878-3094 MY CONCERNS ston rra vie os Oeguoeob Councîl tucrecn er fonural destiep l.ofir apportionment f irural"-urhunn s MY BACKGROUND ... 3 eae n ual Hallon O reuin os Muonicipal Couscln i paon o Counle Counnîl 3 mears on Local Planning Board ..degree un Gmeorphe unsiadbot planng ourses . .1 eors achisg le North Ovilia, Nssomaeru and ..live on frm on Steles Avnue MY WISH Sal ý ote ATSON X or e ginal Coucil Ont. i and gbve me 0an opportnluilpia cntîinue tOn monk in mOich boa Onen nvolvedlo tOe policeanleceiln commlnae ad Cantral Halcon nteeang esmmtttee. Beware of exper ts The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Sept 19, 1973 il meetngs.landiisite in heloc'ship "My impressoncias thol and saidtieîust wanted t, Johnson warns o epepriiainwsgii n Distredya repor ina toopayens' ieoney isould he lheooghoailthe coooly 1don'! e% Hlioiltll said cooncilcwas Tornto doîly ochîch ondirale heller spent on somethine 10 eeally think Or uas heing geclefilInli oroled a oOoîo 0Ie asIe gel nid of garhage lhaon derimenlal," l'ose sad. dlonc îcY i;CAID and disposai peohlemi shoold be lotehrremeetings to gel fic Johnson ,'laicei I ould pl'oncsed they wouldheh ep lef tu the experts and publie feelings of the publie lie cosl h 's grou p close t 10oib iotormed of proceediogo aod hearings dispeooed wilh, 'oplaon'd [hat McLarn and log iltroagh thi' ciocrsof allvecd lv voire their GiJ'Atfiî1 chaimn il1 Co, uii,,tî',fliiotcchî' tcc $:i MX (0 lghing thi' of,,opinioni' s cccht , ,Sc'c ri, Vjc q, _____ lvviiy tu apper e or couiiif anyiiecideelp Grant is NOTICE Aiccordingto Jvohnson, 1 - E Gergetvown iles'e iîs Moeeoc cous reporîrd 10 Oave. Oeen infas'or oflea'ing fOr garbage proOlrm lv theex caris, a position ivOich 5505 suipporterf by fiuelington firpufyrres'e fiavsid Co's Or saîd, tir carned fOot il fOr ad vice oi the expertsoîr' cîccepîrd. Ksquescng cvuld hecoce fOr "garOage dump olfO eBllon tiegîvon Sixof vili macsîr isposal sites ooflinrd in a report are ini Essiîcg. Oc sacd '"fOMis rsrsfvally could causeriftOt'ivî'e orh and lti' soufh" Johnson aarnrd. "BigOt brvow fOi' report i in' Pve ppr oic anovfOr renporc abut c îlvîp polluting cselis, Jiohnson sacd lOctin cîlI hcs i'vl ars anadai, in lOi' ti. an min thr British Islrs lie Oas ses ne seen a sas tare iavdflîl site. inlanyd ad- jvining tOi' Don Vairev Park way chicO vas Ovili vs top of ci vaste disposai sie them' arenovters ad skcng is impossible on 1h,' hili hecause vi piprs vhich arr deaining mrthane'gasliront helvo thn surface. ccvding 1010he GiAtîI) i'haîi'mao île clacmned fOr î'seroy crsscvuld Oc re'lces'd if garbagriseere prvccssî'daod vsrd for fO'hrvbeecit of 10e people. Accordcog lo a scii'vciic report:3,0 tSons of0 gaihagr is 'quaIlv ctu îo tons ot cool or 14 illion gallons of fuel vi ttleîîndsiîoons flipufy-reese Len l'ose. vho also scîs on out courcil deirocîrd tlcoligion drpufy ren' ivoons, fccvling outsýon', irotiahi, vî'ao soicela Nassagavec a Townoship officia]ls vr pe to er cvsncil's applicaiovn tor a genrc scupport grasi Iroi, the icroine Oad hîro eut tront Ore 10,00c requisirilt Ore i:. ciicaliy granted hy the provicîe' Ci cillcîrs scgge'ste'd fOot iot r llltio msoicpalitirs v ere 1ecr,, 1,0 gravi, larinv ici of 0tte tcoship Oad re'c-iecc lie- e Ss A .1 SiviAr cOur saic she us Id lie 'civisier ofcci srv P.consc ces anivil gve mieniai Aflacrs, andi ,oîsd bicng lOi' mcicl,', op ai ta mceingý ESQUESING PUBLIC LIBRARY Officiait Oping AT COMMUNITY HALL STEWARTTOWN SEPTEMBER 2lst - 7-9 P.M. BE FR ESHME NTS ALL WELCOME - VOTE TO RE-ELECT HAZEL 17 PORTER WARD 2 (MILTON) COUNCILLOR Time avaOC E able to serve effectivelp. Interest ta serve conscientiousip Advance poil voting ai the toms hal Saturday Sept. 29. October 1 polilsopen li a.m to 8 p.m GAND OPENINC THURS., SEPT. 2Oth 9'AOM. HOUSE 0F TEXTILES the. House Of Tevies a comcplote lnge o! iaheccs con ecceey need, icludcng deayery, upholscery mten aIs, and noions. yart dyed iavcy CRIMPLENE 60 -O A Bn os hed ARNEL/NYLON cc,a icccvc ie 101 e, A, frc b.s are of the. laiest stylce iv cu, e icsuc' aniid desigcc Foe a cc'cŽ,secdv,.s seectccc a lice lo,,esi pcssOi.ý prie,',c5siusvvc'r FABRICS for now sewing ACRYLIC PLAIDS Ideal Ion s la c ks' vcers, hedspeds ec. At" idi, ~1059 COTTON PRINTS fo yds. for $ UPHOLSTERY MATERIAL wde selection 51- $1098 wde EU U yd up Cotton polyester KNITS hc io1týf- 6 Polyester Conelil CURTAIN MATERIAL $4.50Od HOUSE 0F TEXTILES ccea ,, 999 Queon St. West J 1 mile WEST of MAIN ST. BRAMPTON across trom the GULF station nM 457-8291- Nours q Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Sat. - 9-6 Thurs.-Fri. - 9 - 9 ~ ,c 4 Withdrawal of service is not a happy step Message ta Voters of Trafalgar and Nassagaweya IWARD) 1 (WARD 3)

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