Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 1

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MILTON, ONT- WCONCSOAY, SEPTEMBER 1iis97 ~Irnmpio 'tTenacious" chairman praised Arena wins 0MB approval plan f0 start buildilng soon A $5000 SMILE is heamed hy local pilot and airstrip uperator Vie Kovachik of Bell School Line, Milton, siho nith partner Tom Li-es of Dondas won first prize in TIhe Great Burlington Centennial Siaplani- Race last wi-ik. The pair flew into the $10000 first prize ahi-n they arrived home from the five-day, 2100-mile trip to Kenora sud Ottawa un Toms lwu eater seaplane. Vic, a seteran of 20 years' flying, has ni-ver entered a race hifore. (Photo by fR. Downssi Howlett's recommendation Hydro tow Sin ipendent suAi- ion Pstisttiiiil Ai-o las i the daced hy Be ohitt for prisîsncedaies i-il ici ex hi- SlatiCommission as sditouslyto ispi-imit ilydes (jets-e;,nsss-A thiseeeend isslsîlaidsnsthetBltî i-nais- tise Si- iikV h:de hi-bcpiet-enA i-ailte s i-nis-te om Stddti-port 1 salliA a nsodilsed toitule Pickering gi-ci-ials i-ans ai-s camne pity teint itie tting htiheirvai- til sggestion ut John Schneider. ai-noshi- i-i-Oe-(if 1liatton. anindusi stri issi rmntht usisng ilton sia psvt fot oi erosssssgs nothSe Niagara sn pervensa ison s on liai-in's tark ilhrs sa,He-ne moninsglilatttitns-dths- s-i-i-Aqaestions about the ote-iloch gi-Aes Iatoai- *I nas a psi-xctn theasgh the i-ton tsi-i-a moitieit. ane t'11 ni-se Ile saisi tSi Pai-hiai i-uie inigeti nasie s Rt1' ltliti-shntest, has a soin rie ofnilSstoas sht liac, as inaeusaions 'ainut-- ouest ast lhmisAts hast tht- oitSierl'vaitents. si-ý nm u titsh toaghi hie - ls ossitit-thi- shcap-sti n i oftss i$ 751) oseauiot aid cns isii to ii Ali iszini- nifsaitSiaia tsi-tiincial ptians frtiiie itilivi-c-i-tidr.es ti aid t cuthi-jcptii- i ean thei icnitieis g-nesmllv a- hei- is'Ihs i lai-sAi ngo si-si-iat rissncsatagennsss , o Miton.î A bingoi lia-sietas indina niinsoasdtitt mans siai-s aid atiigitas asssîmher ofsîtiens' g-ous Ni Croi saids hm hi- tissaitiaitagi-ofaithe- tPahk tiisi-isc.îsgt-i-sk-hi wavfoth' 610sont smsathssof hi-toi-s ainýes i-ci isAihgîe csts liur -impmesî iAappti-ansi- Itise aikilt gaine ci-tlts-t t ri-ataisels ,hsgher Inn plais-is t ilt s binsgo ar in ts i-r a,an tinthoe i tinmlt-ts Ilcsias full, Mitons ai-i-nA ai-ena moved astep nloei- Monday os Miltoni Cou-il. atte rciig OtroMuipa Rabid foxes on rise Thene hane bien ai Inuit tino nains af nobles i-npuil-d in Iis ai-na renisy. RaIson AgricurauhRnpi-sntatise Henry Stainy laId the Ad- ministration, Cuminsîsen il Huithin C7ny Couanil ast uni-k. [le su id tliiiotans ti stocsktLai-ibid huunu. os use occasion ise hiet nuIsves uni-e iledoni une taini.ad a Jerise5 nom sas kilted un asuther lai-s. Shuntey mid hn hud un tkreeetuses rnnnthyuand indcuti-d hithe nunsiihe tbal tbn axes uppearnd tu be at a peuki heIiIppuliuation cyci-hi. lie said il uy benesiusai-y lu pal naoties sntsi-ah papni-s warisnuepeuple outheli-situa- tion aid tbe possible danger. M Spi-it and Associatesitu pi-ipare Rhe iequired plans. Miisti-y of Edunation appi-ovat had also hi-i- eeied ta locale the aiena on a high si-bonI site ai thi- cone olMan St.and Thompson Rd. A jabilant nhai-sianofithi- Arena Board, RBilRossi-s predcted cnnstractionn nnld niai-t hy t)ecerniter 1if ni major obstacles i-i-i-eni- ioint-r-A tI i-s pi-cld the seciond arena ilttsin opeeation by Septemhee i ni-st year. PerîoniatdetiserY Mr- Rown-y peesnnatty Ail isei-ed tettees hito ien Mnisties Fri-day t o es finaltappi-oatstfor-the p-nji-c coutd hi-cti-ai-ed in t imi o li Aeiatt ith ait he Mindai- louicit meeting. tie noted the Ai-ina Biai-A had met Sonday to rcm mind ticouncit the-engaging of the ii-m tuopeepaee plans aid cateniAi-is, ttfai-i-e nut ablhtu pi-ineid itih esenîstage aii the- tîme tinat tendeisentr- tn 1hope waiAt hi-ahle to otain ftnaicesin thi - mînîts 1 ai-iadi-hase a donation il $500, tow-y i-ipi-ted t o coins il l'bc pi-ohet. i-symaii-sai $4,000 mli in sistde - i-cis ertincostruction and tiri-s hisni asii]nwa dsanc-i (o tinal titan pi-epai-atton, Iegionaîtjnh Mtayor Il tesl reminded memesîuatee and seî-ee sni-isce hase nil yet hi-en enli-ided to the ste although they ai-e plans-A toi-ni-st si-ari- tedA.hou-si-n. that ni-nieaisinhawoi-s hicime a reigonat iespnnsitslty thîti-mai ttoiiy nt-A ihi- liai-Ait Educatin moitît c-qsi-e the- ami-sni-ici-s, prohahtp in adsance otf175 sompletton ofthi- ptanned schmt. aid hi- ihiughi ihey nnîtd hi- asailahle. lie ut-A tii Ihat pi-opi-ity oun-is had îteeady signed tonal in peosemen ptttsois loi- th- Pielsmiai-î plans tor the lace 85 t-et hy 190 i titîsh dressing moims on onie side malil mdii a sealîng ai-ia, ttayi-is anA oflîssals o Ilhi- tonal-A onithi-oppni-i-iss di ,hich pri-n di-s toi- noseating n the ai-ca tDiessng i-ons, sto-agi-. oftsce aid s-sîîpment i-oms ai-e-tnsatedaiithe rtifthe- ai-ina ansd ai îng oni-id- tsi-n the serissci- ridoi-ai the teint oftthe huilding s a 45 toit bhi- fnto ismunity a o wth kichini ash i-nm, harandtnoais-nom The ai-ia -an hi- eu-es-A tssa i-ssiiof the-si-ina anA tans ai-sns ciu]( ihs-Isn t, aea adthe it-nornnit A saissi seissttgs;i-s-a. [tiatmse thesmesssrfaves tsigins ltis-lesýt tsikfrothesi i-gi-il theici- Ti-(-- a tsi-o sstisnai-d t,170,Thi-ssi ,eisson ai-ea ssrtucsoss ltai-An i tosf5ths- coniiîieoni Page a It's 121 years young New features for fair 1lmay hi, l2t >eais ld this tsi-i-hi-d, hut Mistion FaitFate ts fi-i-5i-i-haigig andth-i-i tiec tu-otine, lmati-i-sas neIlt as nid on tap ior the s 1, 7 davSali-day tair. tisi-ciies ha-se spent the past si-ai- ai-angsng a tun- sfclte ni-i-hi-id ofni coitosetetasîment aid fun ner taie goesanA ihey asie hopîng toi- a tsietet seehcnd il aeather and a lar-ge i-iomi t imahi- hi- taie another -soi-ci-si Oficias etndi-d a pie- miuay ai-m inn-tation tn ni-n ieisdi-nts ini Mitonsaid ai-ca n s sii the taie aid cimpeti- in the many classes Fait taies, once pesmai-st ssciin tei-Atniarid i-uriat pi-opte, hase changed o-ie tht eai-s aid ihereis as mach to sie aid do tforsi-han pi-opte as hei-sfos toihe tai-mftlb han-es. rides Ni-i tiatai-es oft hei- 11 tair sîstde a hsghtand daninng exhihition hs loc-al 7 l0it nftent oit hi-gi-anA stn.a susicaltridi- ieaiaîsîîgiîneses an idettiis titi ltheMai Cttistai-m ai Peroa ni-i Ang shîsi iompetision flie hideen onl and diesii n nsm i-asse.s and compeiti unsi-sn tietiati i-rsiescctonsofithelfair insipititions asi hi-e dates sat- i hieti mgais. tuait-y, grai, has fruthin.iiti. Aimi-stis mers would surround Milton \1stn artes-t. I suoggîis-(ýd i ma ssssji-i-io 0asytihat hoî tsi-s-t lilsseti- ta a seiis-ot pulcots-s-isssgspineor ohi- titis-'s.. 7ti t is i in lg te run, is- kdsssîs-ssi shis-h iOntaios ti-Ai- r 1itt i--pit frte sinst -iossng osîthi- Plagic word 1 bonanza ngî n th xetino ne ie tii-tti i - xvitîaits îhetsd th ne S-staîtoisoi ni - thess t 1hrtisus ssoaiestsshn atitrsiteuosnlg ile h ,ardtadshoiutss- th-k agi siski-i i-tti- -shi suido 'Ssii-srhi-t hog ti ýi liiisusonet inlephnned s-sensng tsi s-ssgîsst(tilale hie, ttiuthe ig tsi-si- lits i-asi- cd stîsoski- lîsîso t ligue-Aoat rd ihou iio sendthiiii-ini-i Il toi-itisiptîilinitîessîk, Niagaa nScaipient ahi-h wouId oncue mauth ni Raitle- snobe Point aid atmo ai the lsti hghaay ceosstng. li- pi-ilt--i--Aedruh- moulA crssBlltn along 4it hsgh- ýai. toi nonthof 401ni-ai- %ittton. anglsng ici-inn the thoug a qsaey and scat- tsi-i-A a odiands ohi-h Rom- le Itces i-i-rdine the sisiat impact. Not final Althnagh thi-reut- toi- the t oneshan hien the i-isali il esght msnths oi deliheatioîs aid stîdy hi- the BrueilIna l t-smter Ii-rtiemond iSsiant, hiad ot the nom- msinappiil to dete mine t-hi- tsist srote. nap the- fitltecision asil onthi- marieantîl anothe e nies ai puhic-meiings i-Ied to dtihe h-poosaisi-sIeied Thiendas. i am hopetal loi- a dialtogue lai- the pi-et-i-i-i- i-nuis,- hi- sud, ndsating il tsasnopen fordscussonand msgigestions. The- pubhie shoîlsi sas oSaI si-ims ta tii-m ooniait-n -- Iii- Ai- sa id il was is attlo sci-pt ansi-aile pi-midi-A ai-quai- nnnssdeeatson i amven ti nrnetl e-nginee-i-ng, sontal aid Contind oniPage Il THE WIGGLY LINE folloins the Modified "Q ment at w points in te Mdifed QI Q.o route mhich han heen selected by B.H.I. as the pre- atenk Pointan lg40hiwyadte fered out fo th 50 KVHydo tansissonHoatett firm has recommended they go under- corridor ocrons Halton. Two other options are ont ground when Hydro technology makes it feasible. shown. The hydro lines woold cross the escarp- anA tsi-s ies. -s nn' sus-k, tissittti niktissasers an itpants, ii-t5 assitrals an lil ti-hi-tis it ansi tidgistit uAi-i-as> %ait titis Fs dat i-si-iing the- andt haitletxhbts ai-e oit stîspia- mu n7 :1) ts Inspti Thtý Aari-ng stsisîs sai thi- gaaislsid ai 7siW andîthi- Hlssteinsshsss gels gotng ai 7 1,inilthesatAItsing, iÀi -issu k I-alitus-st alravs si ogi ans siai-is ai tIn ti i ats ti 4I -Itit tais, ittgii-g Utlti-h.,- sari a i nsse ssu ad iilghi tsili-ais os, lse lisgin a a-t o iinTis e .1i liai-A siii MacAthuri-aiss ii-ianingofithi-eit-fairen anAdteicssil]tttiiisi-ttal t I)min front itifti- grandi Ihsssgh hi- r essiati i ntinsed on Page il Roll up a sleeve tomorrow n ýu 1r-adgi% lt'tii liii Ci-onS as sîhîstaedd is si-miA isblond tsi-si-ofi1973 linîs Tîrsedat, Sept 1) itthIs-ginhlltn Ch i -t i sa-s ti-s 2 ta i angs-6.3titjdta hîtti kiendsal uredt ai--tten itd beni- itiso titi-s nant aes iIai-i soi-isai-A ts titi111nh, tiaStsitingos-ssts-nssmil]lis pessîsAniftitihsîîeînak-es, 'hosî ai*t gi-i tisiithouat ihtîShildren Aees-is-si sîsnssîs is -est Con flict, school wing, closed meetings dlscussed Crowd hears, questions 19 candidates Clise 1tait piopte att-i-di-A a ment the-aidaI-n ineietigatai-tni Si-bScoit ast ngt sTesdayi. Thi- meeting ias thetisitfoi- Centeal Iailton esîdenls t hicime inqiaiteil asth thosi si-cine ofice in thei appe hng elention tais didaten oeegsnai and onal1 cicn-t iand boa-A ni eAîcationosi-ils attends-A tht mneeting inAd ti-lAei-A questions. Quaestionns a-ted i-na queies about boa Mayor tii-ai tiist ai-osi-A a osîhîic il iti-iest 10 aisipoitoni1 the-goseenmints reusalta alliwa va îaonal msng 1tahi- hill on the si-a hieS si-boit plan-A fon Mlon, ointhenconlisct iiti-iest suytaieh i-miyie saithat hi- di-nai-ed any point oflont]snî Asiscission. Il il see ni-cessai-y hi- i-ilthi-i-nm a-hile matIes il pi-isaut iti-i-ist to Sim a-e dismassed. "We oi-h on the- hasts il one man and on-soie anA iotbissg s passed asîboat a mahnit *y, - - lotit a snsisi-iingtsa ustion bou sos-AimetigsMayorste lst stîsî hien n s-i-e tiais titi sînisîgîs ta holding stosi-s mesetings iathns ibm opent liW saisi he i- At ki-thi- idea ni pi-opte aho make sîhaîssions tsi omci t-aring theeresîlts theossgh theîpi-iss eîths-ehast thnoagh officialt ci-iesîmîîdenue om le sdinîted thai i-ipot-trs had t-ta -naimmn-ilsoutiioi s-nttniîsonne pacsin-and stiggenstdoie masniipîtitsN tint ainidisrtheossih Iteesosties aes TSi MayoeanhnoiisdgeA oi-ne. thît il the majoesly oftsini înîished ta ha-n iat sommttee ms-itigs open iis aoalst Se dons-Iles-ii disttlsthe etfissensy iof tki counit moulA ontl hi-as great ,ihoît saine l-oneA meetings. lteplyisg to iai-etionlso GIeorge- Jackson. s Millon tihnary tBorAdoiiee. mayonalsty candidate Ms Situe MacsAthr saisi she t-Il aiheasy as imprtant lai- thi- loin lussushutîs-that t1 tu-s-tfSn s li1 t uti(] o -s-u t 'ius ssst lot ng agi skic buanens Mi-s MaciAi-uri tsensg to the ussaîsohiî tii-si- his tsiut nas u - - sitnket limssu stsissfoiieatique lutin 55555 1 esha- 1cssmsîtbrut is bsuiesateiatýshu "i(u jobsîî of tht- ioasscim1 ituihi-îuostiusuufstlhoss uimtatto iughabusiess, suitoluthniig", Ai- saitd ii- Ans-m amild i-si-suithtSi oiishi*sofficsial issa ti sidtnpi-i-omitinS usdssius s tühc haisttîarits lIo nut support s-oe sîum-ssis 'Ae htant-saske mmiii S5ti-ied to eourage islamste u ttesutopmi-ni Sol uc istutunpeed uy con- srvatuin 'bthi s hi-ils- asussins-ssthnuatssgi-isi- pst t-ut1uselsoti,"s, -oSesn ilads-A Chibimnuai of1te thaubse oi t isusimes ponsoimd i-i--sitiRg i-g mla i-aioti- utai-tS-n Ahats kîleis 15te tais nais-i peesonaitIses peuple an mnlIai- opinian ssiithi-goien-n'is ,ohaidit hi- stbat-da ilthat Anwing --tithe sa si-in(- refusi to attisa 40501pipil meti-g. question, Milttoi-coin-iloi- place- a i-g toi-spînsai lnerepîyîtua iessosn [rm .ism K-ni- salA h liai t oioaitistutdi-tslthit hd Cltsintmits-. waid one ts-ded 69tmetingssintheisi-st bhi-i-i îîitsoîi- bls i uit su coni anidîate 11mb 17v -stixniiths onI7: l saisA e sossttiiitiodit thSe na high saggi-steA $400i-as a alise mis puAid 2.0505plis $12 pi-n sihosîtti Mlots sstitsyiiorllounilhii- ntmeetingopannng hoaed %.ait eii-iîmi-t [les asA people hid Inhi- inAdt$ti pi-n meet-ing fon pai-es lils expla~itni-Ahei-ait reimhseisnsdothturne lst mai-i-i-i-ilion. litîgeed latsssnteslina nd oied aiixork andtlumeiawaýyli-om $000aîsss t esni-ssnetfoi- Sut ilnu ainaetow ihu toiya-m"sif othsi lcaRoi-dl-dosînî-îsei- th-itni tirimioetsi oi-psudi-nltsi- va ltby or Sil Limon ashed tor i- sn(o iincs-sithe minnînii-sof lis the sai-tii-t part oi thi- îieing thei-arinoss ian- Wrong information iae aspknothr Iackgi-ounndd spsatfoi-ms q Stason tiiianlient said sent 1,000 voteîrs Su ees id ito- lai- hritei- smanage mi-nitiMiiltnthîn tSies had i-ei-nn Voter information carda incorrectly listing Nussagamiya le nilstS-th polling places for north Burlington residents in nuitlrate har tîmped teîm Central Halton have been mailed it mas discovered aiF, su4 n î lMtin anA hein this week. au1ligua 708,91 su sassagaieya inomto for i- ussai-peeid o ie Due to problems in the computer infrain adpîond out uSe tas fromt which carda oere printedl, polling places aomeans sus Milon midi- op a were incorrectly listed for u of01000 North monh malte perentagi- su Burlington votera, Milton offi'ciaIs revealed thet otat taxes uas mas the Tuesday. taseinNassagameya. Correct voting locations twill he advertised tRirat ruad% stodi next week, for those residents in north Borlington mrsdo i-ms n uineigera affected. ai--a as melt as a program ihataiittti-i-httacc i-uitimen anid pns s i- i m prod sini-et lightitngiun tSi- i-aal arei and uoeh tssards amoectivei puettiarn un tht-i-tiiai ans-a It he tii-a n ai-iahi- said hi- moulA moi-h limai-Asi-omn sutin fthetSi-lheîy ua tîseifurhen r i-iopmsni il terks anda second senier sitti-nrsapaetmi-nt cmpi-n as mslt as Seller t-an spoi-iason un ai-naut l oin [kiisdhs-moldncontinue ta moi-h iaads heiseinmin- AMi-i mu liaid Mlo a ucl tShi-enappont leoin tii-b bai- anAdlion tGaidon hîi hei-nrespinsi- leoi- Miltonni-mnaiing as an in- stdisat mininupaitus lad t nal hi-en forn Sun, iluton ,ouidhavi- bei-ipart il Soi-hliltin. hi- sud. I osuru-ionsholdings snMai-Aithon di-lendeA hi-i-nicoi-A She nted tbi mli i-ils-bhil goi-ap uts ber township Sot sugesA 15te aima bAd2,i00anrssoi ionsievation tond and in- diated that wmson ue fanton i-ontibtiung tmoiS imlI rami- ihe said the townshipbAd nu Aebnuiîsi AihiIl Su- ioasshi nlghtomtInehing il paiA tonri.Shi-musattedl su stlain ni a soin mncto s ottsi fnn the- nouAs dticnentu-tauns tusionIothtei-oas iluding, reoain otahe uuanshup Soit nît mpi-os suni nolits- i-cei-atonlieogi-tmt(hat haut- MirsMai-Ai-iSue stuul oS huit iemsr beriparm-hial tut had mmai- s toaght tor ht-n tonnkp and noulu ghi issu ali oiC-ntraltailiotn ut s-tu-ited hesaidshe Stuilpromu-suhie ahmft Io usas- tan dollares aid i--naIed cniminine the- prouitiai eosei-nmi-nu lu gis- talion Ileguon ami i- lu-nion il ime n hich tSi-s i-otA spend tSi- nonsolidaii-a fua fitodestabshsed hy the nIvnetoctrsant ip i-Osto n i neani-guon AbcsnasA othen i-igis hast a asti-A the- monsi-s 0mi-et i uliadline un speriding. Ahi-snouA shi- anA utheesbAd Ai-mati-A ais epensusu- prsopsailta estabisnh police headquînîies un Mlton loe hi- engon Ahi- simd that n hie nuiilutshe iii chair- mariansd guud u sîîîutilu usas soîulththm adi- dh. ismsîsui ts ta ;ill triiisent!ii so tuSes akssstlis- titi(tuded hi-su-Dinn Iliulin aniti tdtîs flis sviiut issus) issu sls-tsatg andt toi-ut s-mu Di, on asrulnuisd titi- (Isutoit tui- asidsuthe suscluaaisons muid Cituints and Puiss Po7adisk ad aed taonteîuustnluts oi- tîssies, Joitliser. ord Khi-mb Ai-t Oit-ansnndtisA ati-tPote A sinuS icaniate-Guord Cartwight id nut ati-i-Athi- siestii-g lisai-Aofil uaatuon cs- didatesnflie arsu-AtooIsoi SiinsIrnue anA Bil Lwso spibe as diA Llnag Woid ahi oas actumi-A ho Suai-A ut Edssaîunminsandione- Assounts ut tSimespeei-be asIibe publisbi-d nist ai-ik, VOL. 114 NO. 21 -' J W A - 1- or ý 00of 4 à t

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