couagng tem tdo ilin C'anada. M, Ic Lar-Costigan isa oormbo' of tbhe 'opeabers' b c 0hu Fofr ieEplore , oa (oî , o ,d ,o n gros, g. AT HER HOME. Siooehedge Farm. josi wesi of Mi] menti, Mrs. Audrea Lear-Costigan dispiays the Expi aod a wood carviog from Qocher. Night life starts at Sh Y o areoi,iooii'iojoiioiî 'ort,,o'i thc' iopool tciippealito acIo ,Icl Illfooo in. aiooooce o'îirig bu andi'cri fl o, !10o'o,, n,, des'ogno 'cir acd fail by IIboinnooio, ', i'o chidoi dolcopmî' vicesot ioor hé,,0' i'oirir'so 'ocoro plaioig. o C'ouîrses rac' frontcoipo'oiil 11,0000a ficr'. in0 bctinî Oers Il bioi'. h iri tud,, ci'oîooITIIO piochain dicO oocliohop toiiii, ti1pcA, sboothiod, ce management oii 00000 hoi,, 'iiiogi Idio pcooduiî ancdoga to icridOioocoo'o iii ( boocl iui an000 d c'olle busiceso. ,ipplied'i0 , i-o"tac0 pcoigcoi managcmool oladies ici) iraoliiii(ocus lefi Theiict vaier o coi'oe ,i"o.a h iioeek o anoicid br cif'ci'o ili a oii'o iii iri*fîo'oih io oi'ck o,'oion T loion Tirdc',r to,,ijci)', a5iegiO,titon an'd i mpro- ile---looiio IFi, li ., fot rlcdiF thbc omoooui tii'o,'o-iiipro 'ýon'iio itioî'cc oac ccgi gram' 'Iotl io',ti' , ;io or-fi*,re.. do o , oti c0 pale ',al s ic'e licaifon I0 id Valv(an L" ll Jobs for solloci liitîolo ,io l he Qo ni' FoFoilra, 'iisooiga, ici) a1 tFbc 'Souith Peel 'Sec'ocd,, goh A sos1rmI Schooil cn P'ort C i'ct orr,,) tl an a r Faîc Fccc aoddcd Ioiil0r ,, \ai Nc,)iri't 0I'ii ,oldson a lisingh poiand libo'ioo ici l'art ports.iFMAp dertani dîg . 1 lb f,,i iro,î ioii pulio ochoral 0002) u i , tFihcirfoiiooi N0,0 lit ofice, oan) 4000 o trctsl fie hou,, )iio.iPl.i'i c i' iiFi'ccî'goac opre codo hcl ,,, t Il,, .a rliai t.r AcT Fi) 000r fraclcd i'ct O e opp0000g f1oud j oîllccî'î onc lotirc l toi n' , haiîîo1Il o m Scpt'oilc'c ii Ocoiui0i o f 00000 igiot :00 Stirga 2OAcosiagfoî o),,Il îi'.ioiioiî opn a tFop fo, Cr e'ii' h pu,, ipl. ilsailisg, nisiboog i Otoondocio o a o ,, .o Four w in pcigos w IFi'n ,i.' fi , lts oy c'oi therouoros' listicg Th, i h: .otî i c IIFe osual loi in tsgo)i-l.1 oio' n, I,,~ o, il, onc'aotocrda or vesthe traioitiiiot. i,î' 'itiii %>ii frh market A aod parpcoc'io ofooci'o F'cnk or'iorts $5 dor yar sociclpioiio)Oirfiiîo,r Aico ýi'oidcd ti Nlrs. Elî Oi co e lo i ' ()f artooo , o, ),' 'nd liio'l oi' ualitcd 100F i dc media pool.iii and, orj v seakrsî îo'k Ao E LECTR1CIT shl iio', ini t[ciai, I s Our Business Statoio cod K'cisg, il-,fi isebk \duit Biiiio,c l'ro'o ('las,, 000 o ce'k QlO' le, n cusf20 roc Sp,,b, t~ seson' I OFi,rlft o,, Goî an Mnoitoiii pogioii PODLLOCK Elciri0,,ok r AND (-i~o an Copeni fcc CAMPBELL O ddotoocai Ourlet, 000 t *Octoîoor 0,qFls FEATHERSTONI 00, W1111.0 S i ttr ai 6 i, ig t.c Oin caIl oc. îod fbr Fi tbc 'Fer cal ers lit A ,ch ,Tel an, S hy Pfft Ford Canadiaoo travel mr soiles and spendomoremnooey doiog il laoy other nation, on a per' caita bois 11odrea lothgio , ri IL #e pcoosroiî Appt% in persos or cal) h 1Fk% iioholl Cam0pus a 005-9430 32,2W01, 82312110 or 6:02-700) cr tbhe Beampton i amisoo il .064-7410. 026-030 'A display by Broole iCreekProvinocial Pàrkdrew a lot of lolerol aI tbr receol Fîroot Era ccarto blaflero cspliood tbeos'ral planhof the 2.2M acre park. Wolosbyo. Bclaled bîclbda toEd. Tayloc, wo bîs 051k bîclbday Mc. Tayloe traites witb bis sîster. Mcc 'to speako conentions, osso areas, or oht May bl omeetings or local deocribe oowetyoomillion po aloualiere lhey cao people liviog on aodo big, odo'h.f vhcocaodo in so diverseo uch a poodox, oioooIdsabaic lfi liedeeaonofalirs pri voae om e an go c e romen prm Illol deal ihtetalin ehabhc :The KepCnd aloo branceo fth IC The 'poe Cnd Cooooclhbscetd.sre of ExploeCnd a- vertising maeil vlbe 10 aOy gru ineetdi EXPLORE osioglthe thmePotrs- theoTav on gaos, decasadadovua mtrashv endsgned gan ofMiltn by MacleanH e Ldan the Onro D bavecaîred bee sdi meeig inT ooerccbaodsig cmpaigns comoparues ha Kodk C'anada Dy hl i n local Irave agence nezer The geopas fesfu assards frnwppero magoon lo rils o Pic Canadian e oo sto exopboce, seilCnda MorocLea-otgncm cepreseoltieo teTae B Mrs nol Iodu slry A ssocialîoo of Ioleoded foe la Caoada's, boa rd of dîrecloro. The coogregallo Shc bas josceceolly celird picolecuoderîtb, [romher positioo aolra'el mapeltree ooth dîeeclor foe SbelI Ci], bol she lasso Aller caceo oî,ll cootineltoopeak and tests. maoy ejoy tour foe tbe Explore Canada the pool Carmel]Iseîr The marclage She bas a oside bakr cn rguono yoosges te brw n acbngroood Sale Jessîe aod alotail parts of Caoada degsn h fil H0 el, 'a nlbhe'Fol States. Partlof lagherofMro I bec oA aI ShelI mncladed the Tale larr SB Iton on0 the escarp- mappiog aod' plaooiog cor solemnized in oreCaadapoter tors hrub Caoada, the Cuh.Leoo Dol ore. Caoad poster, aac d filleg a s best man aod F bcreaexetadvîsor o as onotebcsb (Photohyv P. Ford) waiII tpe the brîde's alîcol cartrps c eo1dcia lh thîegroomo's sser, tordthc NoclIlmestandnI ueo o Klodike are as 'oloce lbcy arc bis oîcc. l'ollee eridan beomîog popoiar amoog Gouelph. The copo touritsý og in Hlamilton. Hec Tlc husbasd Jîm trîrods ssîsh lb bochureooll,îîoloîooght i'oslogao osas clerk of the years ofbappioes co oorssi being ft o f Milton forscseceal AecideolaldI occo'd 011 bhome0lîls in I o co eas bch lîs es oo tbe bympalby ose 1'Peel Courdloc cscapmet jsloeslt ofSleveand PatlW bc'cooaoo iollcgc is 000' Milton tbe accideotal de nfic under maple tree sîsseeb I Il ojoyed a cauti lol0 od e Kîlcbîog sand con- edi a dîp in of Jack ,sonoltbe ILiodsey enBel fle, leatîle aod eat1ie, was hîo brook field acled riss Wison m. Amoog bolts oece Mes Macr kmood, aod loBard 'of eare resid- Ebeoeoec colmaoy s ilgelhec. Cath xlended 10 îiosbyo, in alb of bis sin. Lloiyd y grecloogs celebcaled on0 Aog. 31 i is bomc Toiton. in Gluelph. Mcc. Wîîo Eaclo", osler Mary passd awoay. allecca loogccîog iiiocss. Mcc. DoEaclv'osîooloog progess inîaripbî;coccal Ilospola1l -las oîcck Mlono 0OPP laidlcaesfvioloations oflh ibc los ('octroi Act jMILTON TELEPHONEC ANSWERING jSERVICE j *CONFIDENTIAL ePEROSOOOAL OZE 878-2020 8 The Champion, Milon, Ont. Wed Sept. 12, 1973 She encourages Canadians to travel their own country 1~ mi 5 Yr. Goarantee Ik-./ ufL on Workmanship Phono faday I;~: Haoe yoor furniture beaufifully re-upholstered nowi . the f inesf of crafismen, combined with giving yoo hundreds of fine fabrics from which fo choose. ~11 Phone for a f ree estîmafe. No obligation J 'TRY OURý'ýBUDGET-EASING BUYSW'fl Sp pqo oodTapo Lady Patricia Prolein-RBea or Dry Bik AS.ef0 Moaed PANTI - HOSE SHAMPOG PICKLES Sp h U YUM uS One s.e-Suer Stetch Lady Palricia-Sol or Fros 150 lO can 2eair 990 HAIR SPRAY $15 1' 39 Frn o rcon 1 ozp Ti Wite Swoan SPAGHETTIG'S REAL-LEMON Bathroom Tissus 5,m 99c JUICE býoî,e 550 Pa n Roin99 Wl SWLL ONLY RED 'OR BLUE BRAND MEATS Fresh, Lean, MeaO FreSh, No. Maple bof PORK SPARE Ries 68*. WIENERS 83c,, f' 'b FresLanFeh, Lean Fresh Lean Fresh, Leane FolROUND Yro pp ILI -BORE OR Cui ~ RIS STEAK ILI POTRUS STEAK sjSTEAK StReak!sE Fresh A Fres'pFrh Chicken CHICKENS 61b LEGS OR BREASTS 71. PLINTY 0F SELECTION INFARMI FRESH PEODUCE No> OrI Sapls uic, we., Califena Red or Greeny No. lUSA Jucy Sweet PEACHES ORANGES GuiPES CANTALOUPES Bsk 11399 . 15 9 Dt 3 Ib. 990 JSoho 2 590 No. Ont No, Ont Co o N oOn. FreSh No 1 rade GARROTS ONIONS POTATOES Plums, Phaches 3 e25 0 or 59C 10 lbt bo959 3h. 99 t i l 4y Profeso 000y poepa ed foweroaddthe perect touh ho anyedding. Consi us for brida boquets, foral piec . a for hlat speci day. ý FREE It 1A brdestaelosage oi 1oach omplete weddng order. ~ > zBarr yBurn Proprietor. nvooenuffily loaled in dopootosho Million' CANADA" is the theme of a speakers' boreau organized hy dustry Association of Canada and Mrs. Aodrea Lear-Cooti- right, is one of the speakers. She's pictored with officiais of lestai Nurses Assor., after speaking to their recent annoal rooto on the theme "Canada, a tond to explore." (Photo hyR. C. Ragsdaie> Get more than you bargaîned foir BY ROYAL DOULTON A fin chin coci hl 0. 001a dinner sewic ad oenatoo ivnsoop o 30%v Ov wo o ayO o hv abl ad- Save 30-, 015 o c e c s eltqs over-1, e,- r d le, e,-1a ., Save 20-, unait ther cococo 00"', h, ,, t,, ohI -od bero L,ded fini ciy Scpccbet oOOcber15 fiOId h o,13Ioc os ioA sInnq1973, f0 br Oo,t in a00 il- e .1- '. - 1 A ý 1