V., KILBRIDE und orna reoidento joined in colo- brating Burlinglon's Centenniol on Friday evoning When they stagod north Hurtingtun's first street dance. The Kilbride and District Recroution Association sponoorod the event that aine featured games and foued bootho. John Demuline, Charles Demuline and Mrs. Mlire Davidson enjuyod cors on the cob. On the ove ef his on birthday Altan Harris pîtchod dants ut balloons cn une uf the gaines chule bis friend Henry Sytsma Watched the resuît. Millrs Orchestra had dancers sWinging ut une end uf the closed Codar Springs Road WhilO aI the other end the youngor set rocked te the music of The Ambush. (Staff Photos Kilbride Centennial Week celebrated here with dance, fun by Mrs.t P.1) J. Scoes Kîtbrîde and District itecreatien Assaciatio's cay oftcelebratîng the Cntnnal airent dance, and an Fciday, Sept, 7, parltofCedac Spngs Rond cas closed oil ta trafic chite feues i e'ctncb utit i2 cîdnîght Ica bans ptaynd musictfordancing. Theoteens dacced to "Tbe Ambasb" (rochacd modeen) and the aduits dacced te the nid urne acdtladitional music played by Mitin' Orchestra". A poiat lattraction mus the penrmuce ofthie proessîocat square dance group cho cati tbecseines "The Village Squares" chu domocnstrated jusi chat c0014 bo donc by thetaiented group Tbnrn cern noverai staIts cith gucos oi chance. and foad anîd retire cern anaituhir. Lloyd Contes sony bîndly cloord bis store ut b te got tbe staits ennclnd. and soc that bydro c as ronnecird op, and thunhs go eut ta everyn cho made tbe oeceing the Congratulations go ta tilt and Peter Watson of Kitbride toc Iboîir condertat acbirecocet ai the stoac show . Wbaiu alt ot hard corb Ibee tcn gentlemen put cluo tbir engîn,and astibisislbhe tient lime tbey base ectnred tbey must lent daubly peeud te cie the tropby for the bout nestoccd slnamnengico. taliteesia ounsis Me. and Mns Fred Arnold ot Pacton St., Eiheide, coult saureiy nota inn record lue Inn "turtbestuouteoftnguest- ton tbe-stoem-show'. Put and Fred bad tnîends troc C'alil ormia stay cith Ibees durng the Stoem-Ena show weekend, and Alanand Jan iiacley cnrtaîiy enniyed their utay. Alan mus Put and Frolu, licol can al lbnîr cnddîng, and boiblliercouples arecyclose io achather. Alun's hobby is building scain lercatinrs. anlbc bas a 1' incb scuto lorcaois eIfbati s bis prsdn and joy Es cryanc is sacry tulae Ibat 'dru J. Oobbîn (Maria i ot Glonlrrn Rd., Kîlbcîde, bas nacrambrd Iovirus pnomonia aind bas boe quîtc sîch Hurryaupand get colt sean Macias, cr are ai] thîcbing et yaa. The gecerai meetingofthen recreutiun associaioncwitibo liîed in Ortobor, and il is bnped Ibat nrono cull attend tbe meeting (a necicder wîtl be sent nul seon . If yoa are intercaled us brceming involeci, pIeuse lot acy cocheron nihe cern- mitteb aveyour nainr W. Ford oi Kilbridc St. Kîtbrîde j, nndnas'oring lu determîno the iiulncnst of nnsidrnta un a Sus service la Bortînglon, and cautd wcn cralis roacaiyone in the accu chu trots Ibis cauld be an ussnt Pleaso gise hum a utl a 070-0214 as souri as possible, s hn ras apprîîarb the tncn et eoricgtuîî. our cosopenaties couid ho ap- precîated. ARTHUJR A. J OH NSOC . OPTOMETRISI 218 Maie St. Milton 878-3673 Arien- Wednesdav and Satardat 1pMn cl Puttnemîi. and doughier Donna in thein 'ongrululatIen Iu Guedon beeavemnt. .Raen on bneg aiardd Mis. C Pattonson rsidod The tanna IOadgors Trophy M ach W MI S irogrniaid thercrra stvain shoa I1iiaincaa1 Misiaaîvy psiyvi prosoolodtfor valoablebhepInr a ie b r.I the Association in tho 51 ca isn lu is i year. '. Pnucock. An iv0t to The Septemben moetieg of Nassagawnya W.M.S. tliank Omugh Peesbytnniae 2enî e scaywasnna to Womee's Association and 2. bscoayut Missîoeany Society mas held ten retto au t Oag tble en the churnh huti Sent6 tottendih as Oae da. Mns Robent Bownnîdgn Mfern tohe a ae eeauideýnt ut W.A wetcomed Mrit Joh Murray ofMilton e and fil wllho guest speuken. The Anlas H c pnýr diedesi tnnasunennreponted that about Mm. Ruthoend e admn a 25 sehadc..n sent ton sappiy pee. leoed byan e n a n gecenat tonds, nhs Honer MeCcr is oeyadte aise thut the bale ous te be teoa presuie riun sent Oct. t. Quilts, cnib quilts, oefo ankrye. hitted bandages and sbints Lettons utTbacbs wono meno tu he includnd. Sininen nead tront Miss Ena Cnouien ludien ansconed tbe nott al ton fuons weesitbe was fil, word banneot. Arrangements and trucs Mnis Ctittund isere made for Oct. 4 tbach Frncb ton a baby g101 and ottenîng. flocons. Fiower commîtten Guestspnaner cen toilookhalten lerstfor Mn,. R. Bonidg n-s s icb membens and thoon tnuduced tbe guent speaber cntebnaticg annivensaniOs. Mn,. Alec Moone ut Camp- A beautitut pick baby bettaitte mSs gave anin hnîtted outtît ucd tben un- tonrmative and intenestîcg ti ono bee anded in by Mrs. taib on tbe tîrot chapter on tbe McCann ton the tait bazanr study bonb on India. Mn,. J.C Tbis wîtt Sie betd ai Boye Mansballttbuced Mrs. Mooe Centreon Satunday Nen 24 ut ton ben tino addnnss. 1:30 pcm. A letton et syin If vas decided tbat the patby was tobe setfonmer groupenrden tbe Stndy book. membes MsJamesi.edger Ms. H, Peacoch oltened tn continue tbe study in io'ecsber. A sbont pnugnu H o ld ofreadigs cas given by Mrs Peacecb, Mns. Mar- hball, and tce qaînoos on tbe dcance sOhbl and bymos mono on- joyed Thenmeetingciosedwitb the S benndîctîon and special classe s n- detîs fo u iacb casm as An tueiou luch a Milton Parbes and Reonea- sens'odby Mms M Tunnenaand lion Depanmect wiii botd Mns. Florece Jettcott, gnaded dce niasses in tap, consisting ofteia biscuits and modem., arobatie, jazz, bu- jamn,cakenandicn rreamand tan tciniicg, and ballet cntd a nd bat beserages. <Royal Academy et Duncing Appreciationctno tessns was Meibodu ibis tait uccundicg te gises by Mn,. C.K. Jarvis. A t'negram Supersisor Debbin saIn cas bneld tan tbe suppty Kelly. tand. Miss Kelly said ibere weuid l.nenticgs ho classes ton ginls and boys Oîntbday greetings go te and speciai gupicgs ton tire- Danny Esos, Djavid Eses. scose ballet, ten mndern Cbenyt Wilson, Onenda janz and baton corps. Vîsian, Many Stoati, Miss Classes citi be bield Satur- Annie Stoutt, Paili Heolcan. day aftennoons aithIe corm Nancy Laurne, Mn,. Bnît munitybhalin Rotary Parb Proud,Brign Marsballtand brgiiiiing Oct. 13. Tbe pnn- (boatedu ta Bnuce Pattnnsos. gram tabes cn dance enibus- Congnatulations to tnînnds jasta troc pne-sobeetens te an thoîn cnddîng as toens and is 10 wes long. nîs'onsary, Mn. and Mns Gondon Rayeer, Mn. and Mms. Clarnce McCune, Mr. and Mr' DennilLawrence,Mr. ',li ors Cin Marshllan Congratulaions and ail gond isbnsto Mr. aod Mrs. Clurnce Ford Or. on their SOIS wedding unnivenouny Sept. 19. Congeatulutions te Mr. and Mn,. Kenry Motommeny (non Herthai oin thobirib ota second son s5vdrea tamis, hon ii i ,sVgsis g ilssspdl, oii Asif 19, it eu braulivifoi Scottland llison, a gandsav tor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tnnschlnuand great gnando Ion Mn,. Juck Feebton and Mns. Accu Triochlern Hornby Family barbecue is weII attended by.Mes. Jim Hacilton Ancîsersany gneetîngs are estecded te Mn. and Mn,. Sac Fincin chu cîi colebrate thein 53nd an- nivnrsary on Sept. 17. Bnci sishes toMr. and Mes Fîine Fniendsîintbis district are snnry te bean that Mes. William MuePhenson is quito i] inbte Miltas Distict Hoaspital. Hen cany fricd, wisbbhena speedynncovery. Mr. and Mn,. David William Ougoay <cee Bneah) oft2206 Deryfld. F.,. R. 2 ilteetsilte une pteased to accoune the bintb et thoîn sn, David Onont, sneigbt, seven rounds, il onrces ut the Mîtton Distnict Honspital us Aug. 29, 1973. Mr. and Mes DonSbna of Milton visitnd cilS Mn. and Mn,. Gary Hamilton and tamity et thn nintb t,îne. Hannby. BOibîldas paety A birtbday panrty cas betd sn bocor ot Kendna Haciltn's nigbtb birtbday cbicb cas bnid on Sunday. Those attonding cern Ruth Rao , Dnbbîn Sammit, Susan Royco, .toannn MeMitian. Kim aIse attnndod thn party. .arny Sammtcwas a gest of Kent and njoyed an atecuen of playîng. Att biadt bei dogs and bintbday cube tan suppen. Tbe sistb annuel taîily cbîchrn Barbecue cas boid an .Sucday, Sept. 9 lrom tour te seen p.m. at tbn Hoecby 'Comasity Park. The even os spciuuired by MPP Jies .Snnc and tbe tialts Cas- seesatises. There wr gamestfon theyoungtfolkasd Ibeno ceno modn] ainptaco domnoncinations wccb r venyîsntonnstîng. Therches cas delicious. Gond miches Oîntbday greetîngs r noiocded te Jim Snoc cbn cull celebrate bis birtbday os Tbunsduy, Sept 13. Bnot wisbes to Jm. Birtbday gneoticgsar extended ta Paut May cba culi cntnbnato bis hîrtbday us Sept. 19. Ostcisbes tn Pui Fnieds ut Hogb O'Cnnor ciii ho pteased to ea ou at bn is teoling mach bettnr and giad te be home againe The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed, Sept. 12, 19732B (hamtpîOn Distri ct Page FIFTY-SEVENTH IN A SERIES AMark of Progress in Milton: A eoindaanbo is aring cacplnlianattIliaItn'Cnc'nia1.iMa r Thrban sandlypn o otdoor plarcaill be the acone of fatare<icoctsanid ersliamiiicnt lac lbe rîsidenla. Tbeopraject s bciag fiancedfracibthe Bsidns iîinliiutrFondawhicb i made apalohqanaiaand doatioslaio eM.ia Lavdsc,îpingamulccptelotelrlbrpnal Tbenattraclivedoaign culi enhanco thi' graands ind v. cerUînui a stabîr i dditi ai oft Manr c/fjC( rog- ri' @ISURR C 1108 Main Street E. Milton 878-2894 MILTON FRIDAY - SATURDAY 21 &22 j Exhibits of e Livestock e Farm Products e 4-H Club Work e Womnen's Work e School Work Plus other dispiats . . 0j FUNV FOR THE WHOLE FA MIL Y ffýùflES FRIDAY NUGHT 7 p.m. Halton Holstein Caille Show 7.30 Highland Dancing at Grandstand sai. SPT. 227.30-10 Halls and Midway open $100n riesSATURDAY AFTERNOON TROT0No mmontier $300. 1 p.m. Officiai Opening-Vince Mountford Master of Cere s s PCE on innrs 300. Harness Races for 01,000 mn Prîtes $1,000 lifetime Musical Ride trained by Allait Colts, Palermo s TROT or PACE '400. Judging in Caille and Herse classes Classified 4 p.m. Livesiocb Parade SA TURDA Y MORNING * DO0GS ON PA RA DE 11 A. M. Georgetown Girls Midway and 81DES JI H PIPE BAND by FAMILY FUN on PradeHapplandADMISSIONS s on PradeHapplandFriday evenîng $1.0$ Saturday-Adfits $1.0$0 See Haiton's Agriculture on Parade. -Students50 -Chidren under 12 The best in animais, producre, crafts FREE _________________________________________ -Automobiles 50c The Secretary's Office on the Agricuttural Grounds wil I be Grandstand FREE open f rom Wednesday September 19. Omagh Congratulate G. Rayner on his achievements Public Meeting 0f lnterest Especially te Residents of Burnhamthorpe, 4th Lino and 9th Lino AreasAN Palormo, Highway No. 5 West THE OAKVILLE PLANNING BOARD wiii consider adding the foffomîng proposais te the officiaf Plan, at a meeting ai the OAKVILLE MUNICIPAL OPFCES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1973 AT 8:00 P.M. li The reasons underlying these proposais are: 1) The substantial reductîoos in future endustrial areas, due te establishment of the Provincial Park, the Provincial Parkway BeIt, and due te the reduction of Oakville area je the new Halton Region 2) The desirability ot providing adequate tuture employmeet apportanities je reasonable proximity ot tuture resideotial areas 3) The desirability ot retaining a compact groupieg ot Central Olak- ville commueities, unsoparated by industrial uses, and providieg employmont beyond tbe trînges of such commonities 41-A requesi by the Minister of Natural Resources, that Oakville coosider sites tor torist accommodation je sympathy with the Bronte Creek Provincial Park. YOUR VI EWS WILL BE WELCOMED O. W. VICKERY, SECRETARY-TREASURER The Oakville Planning Board t