I -MAG NIFICE N T 2 stoi'ooled brick and sodli n ouse onMaincStrftt This propoiiy has 6imlOe rnano on Main Stree, apoirenotOOlcrrlocation;i ,oncdcomerciaad curenly O'ducin0 lconn v rom 2 larg aparivovîs, 070.000. HURRY FOR THIS ONE Smv' i 3 bedr009 brick bungalow ic sh be- ,Ç\s9d raclas,,,. Landscaped lt and gs-ge $39,900. HIDDEN AMONG TREES onalargeolotiS 10x150. This charinî and weItkeptick0l 2 storey llas 3 bdrooms 11 2 btairoae S,,la rgebright klchcv separatiOdieliig, room and ieiOc sOOi'00i Realisticaily plOd at$44,900 I MMACULATE! This spacious 3bedroorn homeovas 1argot1amlly rSm wif hirplac. LargeIliving ooOs and diniq oom ad kOven arc Extra 2pic. wasSîoal Ooautiloty broadlocimdand de- corafecd tvîougouo Listed ai $01.900. WEST COAST STYLE BACK-SPLIT Has largo enii'0117 hall spalous :'int i \_ aiea wirhvcalhedral ceilings. 3large ed- 700915 svaq bi'0adimm1 throuhool5i914 0I., PRICE REDUCED TO $47.900 2 storey 4 ed1'comomoievas large squar'e kîlcvcnexta2piciooliioomvoffieollano hall, l,,l basemvOcland atace garage RAISED BRICK BUNGALOW on 60 f lot. This spacîoarllo or elip <CÇbraIovdîî1adîig0e, gaoid s100 bedrocmlIarge rec.Oi c r en t and allacvd garage. Askiog S49,900. SOLID BRICK 3 bedroom bungalow, O0llcs too iOiieroustolit Illcldes ingrod pool inbackya'd. Pi'îcd to dI ai S30,900ý GE r PEORSONAL AND CONFICIENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE RF 10 10EMEN OS CALL STAN THOMPSON, 442 WOODARD AVE. M ILTON ONTARIO PHONE 878-2455 86c20 REALTOR ACTON SPECIAL Iooroc,,ale 3 504,009, home with 2 bolOs, dn1l - recreatim10m sOOl tualr1d on an exIr large loith t DGo,, mis,1h on le aIt $4.0900 0 COUNTRY CHARMER Cusiom ome bigb ui95llonl , acre lot Oili privacy, n , oe ad hglay frortage Somnoflthe speciaIlnfatures ;hs 3 000,00e, brick bungalow are 3 bathroovls, s0par dilng roo, largelivig roollih huebowwindow a l,îepîace ,04 ccitrdrc rocew ilSh polio doors and anot Iropce doube attactrd garage, and it,00ai yorsfor o ROMANTIC ROCKWOOD Cilers ,oo a c harmisg Socle fronn a 700$l ola, etr 804,009,0, grounvd iloor famiIy 100191, living9 7001 d i l091 arge ounolty kîloho, anld groui oo uti7 lity ri fritwm;r s îcopIeIly decoraled vath broadIoml hrough Enlerilor vas sois aluminiumll siding. and Oad wiliov largo garage acd worksho09 132xl32 il lI tgioostho 75, Penly0 of playgsoosd u9401 tho Ileco M oon yor fami1 HIGHWAY SUPERMARKET Plus Molor voies, Service b00 and Gos bar, wilh p parkingono3 acres oflad 1094.19,11109 on 0 110, m iigec Addedtbonus s t hoommcolalatetoodroom living qoar o.sued a, adn Il105,000.00 plus stock. BUILDING LOTS are $50170, ' o but oohae Iwo plos two 0in 0004 Wi th soîocos coming to the Village, no100 te i boy. Lislnd aî $18,000.00 a rair, For dlilos o Ihese and altierproperflîs, rail Jne Wa 519 853 29180 o ob Coollor 416 878 2569. RepresOclolq F. Pecn OnRel Eslal Lld. 123 Trafalgar 0000, Gakoille, ,I.$I LL A PA.TON S31.500ý LOVELI' 3 00000080 OACK SPLIT, lOmhly sizot kîlchon, largo pOce bath wilhoanîify. pan nlled den, cac port. A 0100 surei show. ColOl oor accoîc,o re a.t day. $13,500.O800080 SlrE s F, eloclroc hoal, lVo bOilhroemi, largo lamilr roi wih li menace, do00 he car ait 00he4 garage, beachi loi uaoded seliong on 10 F4 H. FOBEF 22 Ontar ~~Plan gala Inauguration of tle Halton wardenn titilll Regional Connei 1w il he hld e sFtt ee in a Bnrngtnn high scpsaol, pýeare enpec Thurnday, Octoher 18 w t a e Ctairota S TAN HOMPSGN RIAL ESTATE 8IIEÏ recption t lowat Ih a ist4rc e ion Chairin lla Msson wan the onl a iceeb a coomo ate IN M ILTON Mainsi Premci Bill coutd be tound vý ,,1lueaGro v ovind jýs. -Joad -inbr f11wodr FOOTBALL 15 IN THE AIR KICK OFF YOUR HOMR HOME BUYING WITH ONE 0F THESE FINE HOMES 3UMMERT IMc F EELING lasis ail yoar cn ibis looOlp aider oncE Ostobyhome isIlistedcnear Milton. Sllooledmo mearin]3 acres of ponds andtrees and s closeto Kelsa Park. lame ni tho 1001oresare o triple garage; a haro wliN tofi, 2 flîl batis anct ho opstairs presonl reniod tac entra Icre GOcol is aîlling ta hait tirsi marigago ssllh sohsionilt down pa ymerl. Tomarroos may tae0 tolalte, ta ha sure to01 caditdar, MGRE THAN THE PRICE IS RIGHT In tiIs t yoor nid bedraom homo cn Milinonnewsi doonlopmt. This immacolalo Tuor-styled ralsed bangalow teaicre sh00 broadilom lhrouatooi, slidlog glasis domrs oit kitchn o sumdeck ooerlonblng a ftulre park; pertecion In decoratng; largo loi, onU bas a 11/2 cac garage. Flnanciog ls excellent. o yoorsoit a taor, colti iodayt Aukicg $00,9W. YOU'LL LOVE Aolomn in 'Norihod Park" in Brampton. 4e have lost lisiet o 4 hodron bunualo in Showroem condition ulh broodtoom ihroghoul, A finished Rec rnam wlth lîreplace, stoon, iritgeand dishwasher andtmanyralhr earas are iccluted. Close to ochools ont shopping. Colt toc an appaîcfimmi 100,00 0 53,100. DUPLEX IN ACTGN Fealores aluominOm Slioig, 2 soirey, 2 bttihs, braloom in lioîngroom. Inccme apcroolmaiole $2,000 ancoally $413,500 On CALLING THI S NG. 070-2365 y00 could ho inirotoc on a0 beaaolfl 4 bdroom tri-lool home; 5 ycs oldon alar'geot, 2 full bains and an excellentl7percent le morigoge. Locaiedîin 10 ACRES n001 Camptollville, nroslly uooded $23,000, stil1 luadea oith ait tho charm and otouanneof aiy g00e days. oarge, gracinos ronms, high coilnus, a bedrooms and localed ostnoutsideofilton. Enînelthe sceninoviewoft theoscorpmml rnmlthe liingroomn Someaoflhe manylfine tetrsare a fast îlomîng river runins thiough tho proporip, plociaof troui ries, a dec and a 3 horse bacc. a,1 siicated an 3/à acre. CoIl today for prloate showolcu Asking onin $47,500 TOPLESS-You cool btp ibis spanloon 3 Sodrmmn (110012 MseeîSplittOeehome nlor&setPark inMllon. Thishomne mmaresa format nlfflnoohaoadoom inliving roomand dininu rcm, tînishoil iamity rmlm wllh fileplaco. i halhs and pionne of copheard spaco e itchon. Con ho coors tor ULTiMATE IN LIVING lne hountry i c iis 4 bedrom custom bult rancher on a boacliflltî tondscapet acre 1009 ocîsideofa Aciac. lame ai the mono fine inatores are an ingroond c accroie smimming pool (16 x 32); sliding doors la teracod palio, double cor garage; 2 tiroploros; hroatllm ihraagbocil filnshed roc ron and toron har. Cati inday tocr appaîcimoni Councit Monday nighi, Contrat Ballon Council in- courcil:dicatingil ood cont $120,000 ta apdate a street lighi -Agreed ta carry out the pragram in Milton. remaoval ofsilt inthe Siteen Mite Creeb Sauth oi Main St. Agreedlaocarryout a tee This oui be the tient port oi pianting orogram and plant theraoniraci toc phase 100 ot red raenf on Ontario Si. the channetioaiion projeci. 00e alton Centenniai The rosi oi ha eediied la Manor and Ontarino choni for the ton's rosi of phase ono. theDeaf and on Woodward Si. t0 oas notedthis ooe hadt la in ie neos subdivision. Se dose hoaire the 96 inSh beie h ceb1 mrn, ewer that wi11 drain -rit aauiiete holding a. tbDrePeae oih sale toc the estate ofthe lte used. Me. ant Mrs. Bob MoKim ai -Reileratet its position on 401 Pine St. and indicole the nporking an Hugbi St. and 1ton ouotld accep no other sîreels in the oras oi the1 respansihiiity toc tiobilîty tarmers' market and shasit the aaclîan-goers use iugettirainoarial the Bruce Si, ScSmo prapoely s cotine t e rceý for parking. Agreet ta asb the CNR tf Asked fic cierk ta Mi t ul consîr mnoving the negaliate ocitb the Ballon 01di CNB station tram ooheee il Counly Board of Etucatian stnd l nBal oa it ndre ie f ti migbt pop lis on Ilgh 25 otho Hh sa eeofservicîngilandaii ga 01wt o of isfa hicS the n00 regiana S hgh the uildng ppeaed a 'bseho ios hut This ouasi verycosty. fciltalte pions tac a eînh Sicb is plannedlforlhai land as oel. SMALL ACREAGE SCENIC VIEW or oilhout 52 fi. t bedroom mobile homo, 5 m ites norih .ai Millao an Hon. 25 818-661177 2 o Milton Cammunîty Credtt Union an the fine jaS the flema tt n exentngthet dveoay andthSe preoonu ans takon to avoid speedot vehicles an bhelf mr. pey D. GODDARD R LALTOR LIMITED FINI Y 35.qflfl lAKE YOOR PICK: mehave several houses toa ecosiomnboili inte ontynert ,n an excellentiarieiy ofifouse planst 3 ndroom bricknhome acaiedin qiet neighborhood, loselo and samo aradyunder construcioan.Vao o reto ona'.' aillscbals. Co L shapot ivoing anddinical'om, brigh acr li;1 acre; 10.3 ocras andU27 acres. Priceoranges irom kilchn.aplennyafyardftlhcbiltron, Seoicno'!Sricl OS50 la 0770,00. Cati loday toc mare telails. exclusive oil Annelle FREASURE H005E-This large iriplea in Gorgetowno proavdes a grass incmeof oi0er $4,000 annally. Tho praporir os i n excellent,'condition and has on extra lorge parcol of lacd wbich bas paleial of hoing subtîoided torctho purpases of building a sispino haside tho iriplea. An idoal sopiiemneol Ioa o coucoU porsoo's incamoe. Priced at $78 ,000 dl uitbl for areFOR IUOIOiLO EAIL CALL &sel o reO1 aon1 IdoL ue, rolinatfer ONEOFOUR 50 b arrccget dli SAL ES REPRESENTATIVES Stella ParIon 878-2365 878-6705 .0020 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Toronto Lite 826-1030 EXCLUSIVE NEW HOMES IN GARY THOMAS, Mgr. 878-2366 KEN MARSHALL 878-6228 MURIEL DUBIEN 877-6281 Sel Firs 1$ 70, ic iomso qualiîy nlV 50,11 brick homos. Popuîar buingalow, Spacious bock $plîlr, Groci us sîdo sls. ldeoiiy localed on s010170d lois Yo. coni llford la rass ,gcRasonaiily prînod 110e, MOFFAT cing $32,500 lu $37,500 arpesn Lo don paymeni Handsome sold brck 2 sorey homin 30,1, Osn iin.inesrnîate unly10per cent I villagoeselin,iolsoilrees,approoimaly6miiosnorihil ah l Co 519 043 1365 in Nassagacioya Township. Largo separole dloling room, the eins 100323 lîcec, soc îoom, olîlity monm osokoul ta bnioony, 3 betraoors and 4 nîco bath, Garogoor bore. . 53W000t 'y m A.J.YOUNGBLOOD CETNA REALTOR Sfalo01 homeon Oche cdgeof tlhevllage. Great %,ie large irooms, d bdrooms. 11 2bahs, toglsselin sgne I:r0he0, an 0000 FERGUS, ONT, V',acros. Largo comoci block oiîiboiidiog coold ho garage and 10105 00c20 worikshop or pony barn. $590500 ___________ BRAM PTON 4botroom, 2 sloret, homo in Ridge Hill Mono,, one fl amrr rampton's asmoi a oi resoaidenO a rom a iO n 0 Rok FARMS WANTE LU ra 0 0, full asimn wllitîo resldoio rorn4 ieas. e o o 20laO cre porcols, with or picshrooms sSOOn0 groalinb O STEPHEN P.atSAXE drmond. Haoe reody bonors TPE P.SX mer1 Caîl toc free evaîooîion - L JLIMITED JIM BRTINGEORGETVOWN Businesa84V-i78 VLTIPLI IITIOS SERVICE REAL ESTATE BROKER I ResiderIc 27-4678 811-1500 0r1453-1111 BAYLEY - MaCLEAN LbD. Glenna Douglas RepreseolatlOO Rot 871.1205 .bO Realior 000 Do McMibian Ropresenlallon Rot 854-24350 6c2 s WARREN CRAWFORD 077-7953 DAN WHITE 87803001 JOAN THOMS 877-6342 PRIVATE- MILTON EXECUTIVE HOME Siaiey 2siory brick home iramedrlofit Irosîinqueexl sienoighorhSd, close o Schos and shopping. On tuill iaidscapod dooble lot, 4 largo tadrooms ollO luti bath, large livingrmonmtafrmat dliig room, largo modern kilobor, wash ronand den. Fiolshenanams rosmnandlargeiamin room in baisement, EnlIas incîcde broodlioom ont draperies lhrooth otui. Ebecirlo hoalin, garage. Laow oocheat, early possession PHONE 878-2594 10 ACRES Orl1y minutes lrom lonI A heacii cacel carln clearot, paoîlyiretîiLovely clean3 beroambomeoîith icîshed toomemcl pleny dof air 0cmoOher lot la 00100 tho tockyar pool Fricetifor qicksleal$4,00. Don'tit cial loda. 8018 2051. For loliher information please 'GIVE ANNETTE A CALL" MILTONO882051 TORONT0742-3038 FARMS FOR SALE 180 ACRE OEEF AND 400 FA080, 1068 acres 001ry producive 1 and, balace an river andhosh. One and oni- Sali siorey 3 bedroom fuAry modemn homo. Oi1 hot cater heaîicg, garag, impiOmeni shed, large barn, 2 steelgran orion and silo I5' by 50'. A 100 ACRE FARM, 2 slorey brick home flily modern suc roned by TMapie Treos., Lar'ge barn. Oory prodcivie lanU. River. Priced 011,00 lively. f2 ACRE DAIRV SETUP,, large bok barn vlh 35 san chions, balance in pans, milk hoose, pipeline milkor, nom em yard, silo 13' by 50' oilh roofland uoiooder. Fouîrbed hoo rick hooso llir mot erno e slnd drloosbed.8 ocres bardoont Sosh, Soi- ance oflandoorprdutiveo lylriIed and wellionced.A 5OACRES, 0200,0$s oorkobe, balancein mîaod bush. Poliy modern home wiih corpori, drioosbed, oerr Ooad bank bacc, comoni yard. Oniy Canaci Albertior Eloîno Cor- higboay 00, oos. Repesenion B. W. COULTER 291-1395 sil0 BEAVER'S 50 AMODEL"HOMES C.onsidoring o no home? Thon son Roooor-whero lhero are ooer 50 dîioroni modeis t0 choose tram. Beavrr will buiid on pour lot and loondcalion andl ou'11 cemlair Se pioosed wilb the soiogs andtficishodbhome. Tc gos an odes oi the conlo and sOoîngsusityO, Baaer store or call Frank Pinfold Burlingîan 639-2907 86c27 WANI'ED FOR SALE A R E AG E REFREATS GEOELOPMENT LAND COMMERCIAL LAND INDUSTRIAL LAND NO ESTM8E NT PRO0FE R IES Aoywtore in SolSh Central Omaloni. Colt Toronto 447.8518 anylîmecollei. Our 2204 pear - - - - - - - - - ----. . ý inauguration for regionetUeon amon -iesad ho l plene it te nhowed rn earlY cat monet- nelection hoard, that hoard ton in thtocentre fter *nhnred wo'Ubo r reeding. ine oan reinlgveoet an made recommendotiono bot we have aino can=ee ted ta attend. I real y don't have ony It oas te north tat gave ta the reginl cananti and thot the bal fth e puat o n onplaimed power," hellonplained. lotm os leadernhip and ws te coanicit han approved tâtent, iote region 1500 nIgo High- nt won being trIng ta put togeter te cotatyst that hrnaqht te heprmsied. oay 5. on hecaono ti shot etan aI regionot gnvern- neven municîpatition t0 HernaI hoonver iit ho Deputy-reeve Lon Cane ce inoUte rael ment. Thonît wilt ha op ta te geter. 1 wan very proodi ot enpocted coancil oad look Irecommended coonicit rodter ge enough tn elocted ppleon t the moat tbem," ho naid. atoall applications it ti lonhed Iate ita su pport toc Mr. Mas- ail goonto on lhait nhe eton, ' Setertion ot peron ta tilt at one. Theso positions olI mon and do everything in itn i P.-aises norlh iegional jobsnoillcomne OnY not brtîtted unti ailler Jana- power ta mako regionat toreboratoons Masso saithe hoped for afttrallpositions have een iry 1I197, he said goveroimeni uces tor the reg îlloryr llrllilllîdvtised, the pplicaoî îyoîîrr-îlva îîîvdocîso remncng in Miltan?" asbrd added tierce Tom Hill. Counocibtor tich Itonitt. ta respanne ta a quention --Masnon modo no lîrot tramf Coonrdlaor George Mat- repty, but said a nteoring thvý Mamaon naid Enýqaeaing icommittr han tonhed at sites vit!i continue flt b pnticod hy T o Oahsitte, Burtînglon and the OPP, hut added ho ofcer- Mitton. stands the OPP la deniroun ot . Wr have connidere tce getting out of municipal gographicaltpositionoftMil os ork. 3 B R T 14 The Champion, Mitton, Ont., Wed., Sept. 12, 1913 UT REAL ESTATE LTD. io St. S., Milton (Across from Plaza) Milton Council briefs $72,500 rimv_ Ir, àr 1 hee rees. ice m aie ,voode i rea 1, ýi nie, -am. rerms