- ais TOPLESS-You cac' top tissspaclous 3 bedrm 00et 02 Massesi split lecci hoeee in oset Perk cn Miltoc. Thsis hoe fesatuses a formt ecisacce, iscoadioomnI leýn r.19 -Oe acd dticig teset, licisied faetllp ceset et fit-opiace. 11/2 baths and pleesp of copboacd space In kiscisen Cac e peut-s fot- on1y. 851900. YO'LL LOVE AutRmc in"Nothsood Pot-k-le Braeton.We hsave ost tiSted a84 bedt-esm bungalow le Sisowooe condition etl bsoadloom tisrougiouls A ficisised Rec t-oum etiti fit-epiace; stooe, ft-idge and disiseasse- and et9 osises exrias are iccloded. Close t0 scis0015 and shsopping. Caul for an appoietet to clee $53.500. DUPLEX IN ACTON-Featuses alumîcoet sidlco, 2 stosey, 2 batiss, bt-oadlooeti liilgrooet Iscome appsooietotely $2,000 acoua 1 1Y. $43,500 OY CALLING TIS N0.087e-2365 702 coaid ho 1etoduced te a beauti f Ui4bedroo trt-lievei home 5 yrs. oldon alargelo, 2 full batiss and an excellect 7 pert Rst 8 eottgage. Located ln Actes. 844,900, ]Ô ACRES cea- Caetpheiliie. moSlp etooded $23,000. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE GARY THOWAS, Wgr. 878-231 KEN MARSHALL 878-622 MURIEL DUBIEN 877-621 êethoar 15 ACRES AJI t-ee and privcy guaranteed. The site has bees clesedand the droeetap is in. Ready foc rbuilding imteediately. AskStg $33,500.00. Please cati Les Bunkier-. HANDYMAN'S RETREAT 10 acr-es Ronstlittes peaReflIl sursroudissgs of msatre trees, 2 large pondsand a 4bedroett brick bunsgalowt set weil bock fteot lise coad. Hsome needs coespletiost. Propet has unlietlted possi bIiti es. Cati Fay Smsithlo dissuss ferons & contditios. ESQUESING Over ý/ ceonin ar-es road, isasdp 50 401 higisetop clea- readyIo bRild. Contact DeR Gowlandtovieosisispropery. 50 ACRES COne of tihe 00st beautiful pastels As thse Towneship offet-ing 1 0,0W0,14-peas--ld Scotchs plees, lar-ge matre tees, small open, .ildsasd 1,000l5t.of road fsontage. Thsis property has lust om othe msasrket and s abas-gais as 055,000.00, th feronss etoaîlable. Please cali Les Bunsker for- informtion. BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LTD. REALTOR Milton 878-4121 Toronto 826-3085 00515 FARMS AND ACREAGES 110 a cres o'tis istuse and bas-es. 19W fi. fronlage on 25 Higis. way 1ust 9001. fsoetsesrvices. Tsp $1,51X)per acre. 2)150 acres, 3ssîles sortisof Steeles Ave. Tryp$1,5Wpercacre. 3) 25 acres cotrner propety. Tsp good Rasis ofer. 4) 4 acre lot tits 7W ft. froetage. ASking $40,900. For ursise- inforsmation Rail Ross Cescoc 878-4129, 878-2755 os 826_4317. HAIR DRESSERS ALERT! Business andequipsecstelpss5,~OW or stose lor-ceci in prim0e l0otionc, for oelp $275.W etc etoctis, iseat Iecloded. For toclises informtioncEail Ross Cescoc 878-4129, 878-2755 os 820.4317. 91 MAI NSTR EET MEMBERS 0F OA KVi LLE AND MISSISSAUGA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MILTON878-4129 TORONT0826-4317 Oocss MORE THAN THE PRICE IS RIGHT ln tRis 1 peas old 4 bedseet home in Mltosneetest developet. This teteaculaste Tudot-.styled saised bungaloet featot-es ssa br084100m fissougisoot; siIdieg glass dooss off bitcisen Io suedeck ocet-looklcg a future pat-k; perfection le decosatlcg; large lot;and has a 11'o cas garage. Ficaccicg is excellent. Do pourtself a fao, caîl f04071 Aoking 05W,900. ULTIMATE IN LIVING ie tise country le siss 4 bedt-0e custom iu cache- on a beactifuiip iandscaped act-e j oulsîde of Acton. Sone of sise etasp lice feotuses at-e an5 cgt-oued conct-ete setiemîeg pool 1160x 32); slidlcg doors to tescsed patio; doble car garage; 2 ficepiaces; isroadioom Issoogisout. fîiised sec roRet and large bas. Cail todap foc appRintment. $72,500 PORNBY LOCATION-1tR/2 cses Eocellent poteetiai etasket Ace., and hacks on to Higiseay. 89.000. TAKE YOUR PICK. ee hsave seseral isouses 5084b custoet bulilt inte 0onty 5,rton ansexcellentuvacletyofisouse plans and someeaready ssder construction. To be eecied on a l1 acelot; 1 acre, 10.3 act-es and 27 acces. Pt-iceragsfo $32.100 Io $77,900. Coul today fos etore detaîls. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL ONE0F OUR SALES REPRESENTATIVES 878-2365 Toronto Lille 826-1030 s WARREN CRAWFORD 877-7953 DAN WHITE 878-3001 JOAN THOMS 877-6342 w 55 Main Street N. Georgetown, Ontario Canada Trust 877-9500 EXECUTIVE HOME Reauttfsttp iacdssapod, easp sommsîting 50 Toronto, tocated In a quiet aea 0'Miltonletisisaoely bakard wlch faces te pot-k. Eieclt-iscailp ieas ed, 4 bedroom home. lasge liing reset andl adîoîsîsg dieieg rooet, cisrsol kissises. fassiip rese thu g1us$ dloors t0 patio, sisog broadloom lissougisout, fuii basesseet th attasised garage. Asking 858,500. CASH For ose or two tamiîy home in Central or North pari of Milton. Eocludisg eew sub- divisios. Write Box 260 Casadias Champion. 86us19 THE HALLIDAY HO MES vviriter workçs program means pou Nove on your dream bouse or cottage. But see BURLINGION OISPLAY COURT 551 Mapie Auense, Ossîteglos. Oct. 637-5261 8Rcî9 LOT WANTED OR SMALL ACREAGE Wiib or Wittsooi Buildinegs Wust be reasosable Phone: 632-9562 or sorie to Boo 259 Canoadios Champion Wilton, Ont. 86C 19 Ga- Lacep 077-2022 Not-e Sinclair 877-6050 lia Souîtzer 077 1924 Heat wave holds up arena ice ]lît huttî îI ethet-i ha, ilagutîl Sttt- IOt-rio lo- more- sa ta ol et-k nou is ht-sg alstd sîish a dt-luy in t tc- ttin prîîsdus at Milton St-îlo l9tployee ISes Dîance saitdtttourigil planssalled fothe pr Ieur t gsi undet-uuî Tues- day lîîî ,îl isp Sh ol huetîd utîtaîsî flic plant1 01iacinetrl ,ouldsnotlianîdie il isîtIIr . c igucsd the urahe- îtttuilhave-ltr rplto ,tlieast 5 dîîgt-eîs dttring the t-57,1150 Iîc-elet- s--oulîl Se made. lIîpîidi og ont the- uet-Ier uatd tt-oîd rid tosI e- it-uhtets erop uit. icet t-tt Se t-tady ultiî a tîsîS tof tise stating t me loIS Mitont Stîsut- IlocSî Association, and Itittîsuio tlsîs Ilkey Club u tiltî-flaiutctgIttgel os theîîsî asti,,,1Rýil tstItuisluIIle -Pusstîlty of a hus service Scîssees Kîlht-,de oand downîown Buotlington is heteg studied isy Iluclîegtons traiSc esgieerinsg depusIet -The loti fait- s jost Isco and a hall ueeks uway, Sept. 22 and 22. Tise Cisaetpion, Milos, Ont. Wednesdlap Septemetie 5, 19731 T N HOIVI O REAL ESIAJE Fr8oxEni IN MILTON FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LID. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Across from Plaza), KIDS IN SCHOOL? LET'S HOUS.E HUNT! OWNER TRANSFERRED-MUST SELL Attractive 3-bedt-oSc t-aised bungaowo lt-ge bt-toIt living rSms 0,14 4t9î9g asea. ouitis ireplacR. 8114199 duors tu patio, unllsnised family oosisas lage widos overt-king fececl bask yat-d. Pcîce t-edtsed to $49,00. IMMACULATE-2 STOREY HOME Wide estirasse hsall, lsessîoss hroaoms and tustetul deso- tistougisout, isuge kissises. eotsa 2 piece etasht-oom. AttasiscO garage etc. $55,900. RAISED BRICK BUNGALOW 1526005 lot.' Thisspacîousoand sel kt-pt home offet-s road ImOell1 itOlg and dsinnt-oomt, 3 oRd sie edROltl5, lot-ge t-es roma esi baseet and a ttosised garage. Asksg 849 ,900 FAMILY SIZE 2 STORY HOME 4 hcdrooms, lWaster 12 o 18, ealkin Cioseil. Famîlp room has Siirepl1ace and slidîcg doors to potio, coltra wasbroom off hall, asd large 2 car garage. $58,500. HURRY FOR THIS ONE Smat 3 bedrRss brick bunlgow oîth beotautipl finîishdc . 10000. LOlldscaped loi 0nd q0105e 839.900. PRICE REDUCEO TO $47.900 2 5y1t-paedRR00ShomeSoasIlare sqa-e kitcisenexstra2 pee wsrwm100 oft clt-at-se Sali. ul S sii etet and astasisea gut-aRe GET PERSONAL AND CONFI1DENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE REQUIREWENTS GE T PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE WI TH YOUR REAL ESTATE R EQUIE11 T Cail Stan Thompson 442 Woodward Ave., Milton, Ontario - Phone 878-2455 Record attendance at II5lttitl DI I-tlIt Ilo Sniltl IrnPulcsooiig t-sp tcI tro-d atteitdtîî.t- los simin figur-es lo- Mîltoîî Iomiuiî lesonitttpî 1771 5'lt9tiatel' 25o1 5wI5tOtlg pRol itn this ,et)nttlî hildrent titI h il t-tpotI dur Ihîsoîtheoti. Th- 1,11fi1111 OO lttOtt luit lodis wamt-sommrt-tantd espeiatls avraîgî-t 10 tu , la,tSidttt lier thet-ecent heat aî-haie- aoi (i. Irihsled lu o111 t--2.71ro tricorne til-hc StIslt15SIîIi 1 pool this year nul*tl-((,.,tiln trn, ti t ujl,,cb( ontolë edxtyear. Ms. su ildd g .ttfie ,Snll -pec711 llie pool Ilosed ltlî-guît-- t lunch brea-k ohsiclt i- thît hlîtl not1 lîîd in pre-illus Yer Iî Sîsiial-p lelthe luiiît end1 ýauc u lak f Iitîtîe youut-lt-ends to Mlton 01rîlîtîî locaîl afltrlîîslîî-s Vi..StpL21 and22. LOOK! Large baCk-spîit wih full basement, double garage, large separate dining t-ORe, ficisbed famiîy room, large rec. room area, and a big loi, AS o t49, Priced bo selI ai $49,900. HOME 0F THE WEEK YOUR SPECIAL PLACE IN A COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED SE1TING 1 Beatitcl raspherry 5t-oadloo, in 991trare Sali n 4 . AIiRllcdali doutble btick garage comlPements the lisrogiot Lsiapdliving dffi 90teOgivicg an cs ERtsetting. enchiasticg faciyandoaft-elplus carpoted recreation 2. CoRROcîet U siaped ktcSe w0koea locesRos 5 ExtrioIr la,dstapng featlessmatulrtrees, complee for ea10ting area 5enin nd abeau0l settilIs 3. Master sedtRom taturtt95lRRpRR Rensuite9battRRssS 6 An extra ROom itpOOcsentbin oRmpleed andetey eosily e utîilied as a deot-Ra ltht hedt-00et PHONE 318-4129 or 818-4319 AND ARRANGE TO SEE THIS EXCITINS PROPERTT TO-DAY Calius o IRo v o9RR homRe seaturted in this space; Rt Main St. Milton Otise Offices rn Cukoîlie Mississatlga- Torosto 1 IIIIIIMIMIIIIIIII 1 8b REAL 1 86 REAL ESTATE 86 1 86. REAI E IIIIIIMýIIIIIII1 IIIIIIIZý1IIIIIII