Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Aug 1973, p. 17

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Nostalgta wll reigo again int Mlton thîn weekend when the lttmbertng gants f yesterday'u farming rture to fown for the l3th annual Steam-Era reunion. The steam engines, gos tractera and antique tools test were the maintay tf farming in the lafe f500 and early 1900s, plus the cars, trucks and oteer implementa that were in vogue over tee pat 50 te 100 years, will highlight tee annual theo-day rounion sponsored by Onario Steam and Antique Proservors Association, in tee fair grounds. Thanka f0 teese annual reunions, Milton bas become keown as the "steam capital of Ontario" and evon tee town's lefferbeada 00w hear teis slogan. The show bas cerfainly hlpod to put Milton on tee map and tee town as the "homne" of the SfeamEra is growing. There are terne, of course, who Reflections on Labor Day will vary acroas Canada. In the Maritimes people will ho concerned about tee railway afriko and wbat if is doing f0 tee economy of a place like Prince Edward Island, or the tact test 00w industries in the Strait of Cacao are being jeopardized by the threat of strikes. In parts of Ontario, such as Hamilton, the strikeo0f civic workero (garbago colloctors) will ho bigh on the agenda of some minds. le the wet the 00W minimum wage law in British Columbia, the high coat of farm labor on the prairies and many oteer factors will consfitute Labor Day refloc- fions. Over againat this is the incesed profit roporfed by some A briref ttme af fh0 anadae National Exhibition recenfly revealed that Milt on and area is well represented. Apple t rees are on dîsplay from Chudletgh Bros. Forma, muabrooma are growieg in a display courtesy of Leaver Musrooma and on the bal diamoed Leon Stickle was on the NHL Referees foam. Undoubfedly teere are many more instances of local part icipattoe, nef the leasf of wbîch are the f wo awards f0 Mrs. Jim Dills for ber petit point enfries in the women's classes. Vs, the rail strike interferes witb the supply of newaprief f0 papers of our size f00. Witb fwo weeks' suppty in our plant and the newsprînt milI shut dowe, we're n0f quife sure wbat tee future bolda in ferma of delivery even affer the actton of parliameet. The idewalk sales wich starfed at weekeed wro cerfainly a ine of acfivify. Part icîpatieg merchants report business was boomieg. This week- end the sidewalk sales rture and maey f the store clerka will ho garbed in old fasbioned clothes as a wlcomieg tribufo to the Sfeam- Era reunion. Dont miss if! Scbools re-opon a day laf r this year, Wednesday Sept. 5. Thaf means more traffie, more pdestrians and tee rture of chool buses f0 tee higbways of Halton. Please drive carefolly. Georgetown Mayor Bill Smith last week joined the race for the mayors seat of the n0w borougb of North Halton, makieg if a four-way race. Ho and Coonillora Bill Huer and Phil Siddall of George- tewe will go affer the boroug's top chair, along wite Esquosieg Rieve Tom Hill. So far no-one from Acton bas aeeounced any intentions et runnieg in the compotition. And bre in Central Halten, thro's not a mayoralty candidate le sigt-te dafe. 0f course Milton Mayor Brise aren't tnterested in taking a nstalge look at farmtng's early days. They are the ones who wll complain ef the labor day woekond traffic, noise and dust. But the 30,000 visitors who enjoy every minute of Steam-Era, year ater year, certainly outweigh the minority of complainers. lt's our pleasure te welcome the Ontario Steam and Antique Preservora members back te Mlton. Over the years we've corne te count many of themn as our friends and we know they al havesa warm spot in their heart for the town which has been se hospitable over the years. If you havent been to Steam-Era before, make this the year you discover a disappoaring part of Canadian lifestyle. The show is well wortb the price of admission. Il you're a regular visitor, go See what's new (in the old) this lahor day weekend. compactes. Ths, tee, is prt of the increaaed cot of living. So is the difficulty the average worker has in aecuring a home and the near impossibility of paying for it aftor he geta if; tee increasing bank rates and intereat is alI part of the total situation, as is tee public pressure for governments fa get more involved and their hesitation about doing 9. It is a confused refloction we s00 in the mirror on Labor Day. But one ting remaina certain: watever our position, our piosophy, we had btter learn te teink there things through with others or we'll al come to muin. Not because of "the demanda of labor" but because we have not fulfilled tee demanda of common sense and common concere, one for tee other. Beat and Nassagawoys Roovo Anne MacArteur may yet squaret off for teis regions tep post. Nether 0n0 15 making any announcemee s . + + + Labor Day weeked is upon us and thaf means the end tf sommer, the coming of SfeamEra reunion, the hack-to-acbool trek and theo resumption of normal communify actîvîfies je Milton. If was a great sommer weafher-wise, for a change, and evryono should have some happy momorios tf sommer lue as 100 head inte tee fail and winter montha. Someone has offered 10 write a Dear Abby-stylo colume for The Champion. Would Our readera eejoy this type of colome, on a tocalized basis? Lts have your commenta. Atfended an informaI officiaI openieg and open house Safurday evening at Sberwood Home Trans- portatton Ltd.'s eew headquarfors on Mate Sf. E. Suppliera, confractors, staff, frienda and lellow members of Ontario Rail Association, Milton Firo Doparf- ment and Ontario Sfoam and Antiqoe Preservers were on band to inspoct the modemn new facilitios and wish Sberwood and Gladys Hume tee besf of luck in their new location. The firm apecializos in equipment transportation and floaf service and doos a lot of work le Otario and tee United States for a couple of faret oquipmenf manu- lactorers, and officials from tere compactes also attended the open bouse. ++ + Antique bof fa bre for this weekend's Sfoam-Era roonion, wbo bave notieg te do on Sunday. migbt ho interesfed le the Halfon Antique Arma Collctors' Centre. Antique and modemn gens, sworda, daggers, oniforma, coins, medala, books and ammunifion will ho on display. SUNLIGHT FILTERING TPROUGH the branches, the creek running tto the Mill Pond ta a quiet spot for contemplation of nommeras last golden ti (Photo! VOLý 114 NO. 17 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEONESOAY, AUGUST 29, 1973 I Sug Weii1 chapu. nI hovntt een iii The Tunueryct noirbaveuenî'enithehtngmng ît theGurd'.. oad nny mifeiii o on k'g ut thenuengsidelthebuuiîhen uenent pont Buckinghoni Palace.IlmIutreAid haie breakfast mu bed un Sunday mni nng andA ,natehed adoudNSmerieancestern un TV. suyumîght snoimere homngoannuîngmng tiin [nt'diin toui Thiîs stîi nl ii hebune oiltSe munies citng cîtmennthe uîîld, deupîte ilu hante uglines.1 ter enpecteA lu Se dicap- pninted, t eennberel uor-tîme London: huhuofthe empie.tteet alite oiS ynung ment'. the unituemu mît50 i dttreît fmcci, pubs jammemi. nightn elecriting uilh pronmniseleupîte llehîut oadraiiods; geai theatre deupîte She htming. Itnut thesnof curselut itnn till trt'nentuunimoaltnr. ot easn the cdon- toncnre t Onnu here arreIlînusanAn ut Oces of bleahncnn mand uglinessoand tien squalne uutside thut, but the tAoct et ofthSe itvSt ill thumpîttg unay. as strong ut Despite all her pemotitiotti.oftdîutte. 1t hink Frntu gto haettuel use îlynumîite tu gel ,tî u e uotu tet uttttandtt o atnuedoentntntttheuîrpurt tuetene,-r neetn uett a dity ptuce!- And il in peetty 1,-ah ,in ttenubuet,î, eus ndnîrnnut gettny. gtey hSuuttg, îttterter.,ed by grubî tîtt, shupu uttd ptzza juints. t ouutdn tMre lSer, Nu oa i slttie ubout unythttg atler 4,900mites ut ttuntl uand aut 26 Sue utttuutnlt'ep. t î,unt enueltteelintgtîkeTatrznttltîet But uhe'sutmnît tutten in love n 1h Londun. bhewnutdn't munItttie here Nubudy in his eght n,înd noutd. BuIt 1enutd PEEKING INTO MILTONS PASI.. . Haîfon Coontv Cauncil membors le 1913 bad their portraits taken and mountod by local photographer Serman. E. F. Earl, tfeeve of Milton, waa warden teaf year. If la inferesting te note thaf Nelson, Trafalgar and Esquesieg Townships cotrolled haIfthte votes (two each) on the spend a iinnhnoutuoft ancielt ile gî teorue un todo fiiasi iennnniting iiebip. 16,'s ubi' Neue, mil kidt, ieenninlie h ubine 00,11k .itntg tbe beun (en dtterent tIn resauueantand theuonIý tenm 16 te nuîtee, and stundîtubtunmullt1e tbîeî speuking dent lndîun F If yuukick is bistn Pages of Ithe Past I oni Champ- F n 20 years ago A noel nd renfocd Sgrt b' i en ui n Woodaurd Ae. y the Atrtosare unAeayuattientinn' Lt 1awre cFuit Market oadt MilIon pe=nu ture tSi'. nuehk ontnuetoattend the stock car rae tteFai Goeunds anducer eper cey nt nuS wen aocno teunu Milo ctrd Sy USactie Alen mon Ocîndgre Diees hune nupesLiuns adojc ogecen car o c nuiebAd lu doahridpin jobuand aeeî%edhuckoit th rc ihplenty utfi lunu sptoubed TeRotr ltubs futtatauond Miton un oopraenet M o luendoa\Miltn nihsholu Ant tn uisithe captlti wa eie t a egutue tRotueyumeetini, SerenThelocatlutcluîtt ipuy leouspntotiun eupenses andthe iOttawao club ul tinance tht' Miltton tudent i te b o he e Sthiere Fîne nuore cases nf puinnuselittu Oece eepoted lu tht' Halttn Count eltL'n lit ducîne tht' uneS endîng Augul125, île Jamnes Mathee enputed. Te'. i-oes Soie been ceputed nu the tteuith I'it ic Augunt 1t The gutAîne nhte lne uuu paînted do'un the centreeut Highuay 25 thîn oeS 50 years ago Tainen tennuthe isue of The anadian The ulnnunuemnent onTuendav, Sl nitS appeucai t Oltawa, the BonS ut Cuomneece Sud taken une the ounein and iahîlttîcuoutthe Bao uHatmilton, uSeS ounud pauunoutufeexstenceeallerea ceee ut it yeueu, os asurprietut Sol I cused nu unaiesTha theunerger is a ute une i daya. peuned by the tact tOt sonce ilu on nluoncenuent the Ban'k ut Hamilton stock by P. Ford) han emen ten pont. Beonnehas ueganîed a buadniof de. nitS the ftultung ofticiers J S hIoue Second Secton teit, preeîAent; T J1 Joyce, necelue, andl R, E Smith, tle.asuner- The libeace utl bciunoed tue twoctmre oreha msnin e lu cunpiete the cenu en Seing intaited; and aiithue whnhae nul cacb leur n thisn oieeudueetucnneooksnuarennouedîIodo Adnece treuofît, nuut î'.ce. Vutnteeeusistance, furtte woukhbeing dune h the Lîbermoin. Se hune 9lforenecnne ouad uhucanupgare thneurne nili Se greclli rynneand his nite uppirecatedThe dreetue hupe bN heur hr.Feunn emer meanu lu Suce the lihruey in :cettent .ulceel and liol unpetfortheereading puhli'cver> shuts igues G littuo a howntg t the Peînceun thmn mcehenil En'giih vuuIiheae utihebcThe FnaourHsenemnuofthbe Spu Aco n' ne- cutypetfrunthe nuceilofVineentn' Blasco ie Sr, ecoue hen thuannn.t'nutedby the grcotestcas(tin ,glish. hîtuey..eumpeîuî'.g nuoue thon 12,.hK)n eiuding thenpricnipal eharcteen. mn il )ritseîght hee, renet' uhispeeing nid taleu unîtutd nonnes. Fltonptun Cnurt, uhere ttenry Vtt peeurued Ste Thntnus Muren tuhelp tnm get advorce esonthul tteney cnutd huek up, legutty, nilS Anne Boleyn. The Tunuen. iîbereethe saie Sie Thomas bod hitînheu4 lupped onttftne eclusnneInhelp, Anda bundeed thee'. Supposing ynu lîke vi'lullng geuneyueds andiîl'ucl, Theeeucenine greculmuneunnu Tereeaee thie hnnnes nt penpte 1,6e Churles ticekens.tad uamuel .tnhnsnnAnd thees the greaet il utl, Westminste Ahtîy, nbereeiîu cunlteeultnnthe tullitîoftiute ofegreete't riesintBriish .histney ond I eatr 1culnutni e bnhere, nsett lin leneen mnn tufis inn ing Stiibivuuaree, i bîduitcber ellî, t en e iet] nn bohiter e.nugeaele tiedintching sanctuaren îi the uudthun tundonnTh,îi aeetbiieds hte, uofeeeuce. conînueand ceeed (Cntiised ons Page BSt f2 mac couecilwile'NssaaweaMilton, Georgetown, Bur!lingfon, Oakville'and"Aten bad one escb. Today ail sevon present mueicipalifies bave two members af Couety Couecil and ofcourseTrafalgar and Nelson bave siece amalgamated witb OakviIle and Burlington. 100 yeors ago Ttken rteisue nof nThe Cunudiu,, ( .hannpion. Sneul28,187:t A tposttluaed intercettnge etueen the United States und Neutnundtund hS been negttted uoues c one teerrasiuast iith theomninoftCanada. tiuiug thc e eec hundeestuem ubieb passedncePuleemn last Feldul nîght, tue tîghlnnensteuek the Tempeeanue tual tlly dcnitiing the ttimney andithee wse datnueing tSe Sutding. The eleeteic 1ttî laid idtu 11co, Iîlo ntn-î p~e i bicS etendulu thenopposite enci nt ne lt,nttud euptuded in.the ulule The innuten ut îleA Snnthsu dietting. a tenu leet In the une ide ufth 1eHall, anA Mer. KCStenut, un tSe tSc, .enu consîAeabtyalaetned bSutSe ratting oftframents of heehueainst their Souoen t)uing theusae nigSîoaiatuobte horse Setunine n Me, Franeis Witkinsnn hîttiled Sy igtning A hSueset Shnne pieule nonScIA din Mrl Muctnys geule. neue Ion ,e. ot Tuesday, atwI nubnb Iere nun o targe gathering, Tunnueno apieiw unAee the auspicesuut Haenuuny Temple. 10 lIT, niti bS e Sein en sgeune, KlSide. tn the eiening a grandAconetlitbSugînenin the Terri peemnce'Hatt. Theuoccasionuproes tin lu S îmeahteune, andeltrust the peuninlein nill ne geetedwitbaa hunîpeeeeuîîd PtIiLO5tOIITS .-.-.Ou Edith thepe The ceai lappînesna lume lînetgeIN epettsu. ayingthauk youu lu eh nîber ChîtAcen taugSî tisînaun oungteesil ecunu up lu Se gatetul odulîn sSol apeople wntttmututfatttis esettnd gettude. a sign oftespet, that is by ittuches the thumaneat suAenptn ýWe sbnutdull Ienr lu thaniklSuse n huen,îdtuýeliveoand begin with ourdear and ucearunes THE CANAOtAN CHAMPION 11u/kt' P-... -et, et SI hI N C'e, IltIl C.h... A.- t- l .ýteýl. Ile Il.t. 'le -eh, .1 . ."., -, -1.- .1 le ýp- .-1. b, 'le -I.. Itl' .1 Il. -thl- ch Il. It ýýt.Wmffll -I b, P- 9R et the IPP1.11ble eh, Ilt, p-e. -y b. .1 eh, lilhe, ti v

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