Equipment missing EMO department reports shortage SONGS, BIBLE STORIES ond o the Chid Evongelism Feiiuwshîp in continuiug mise nnary story mode up the 'Toronto, tells o tory tu the eorly progrotue for the grden Bib le riubn hedid esrong group. (PototubyP. Ford) etc Milton homes tot week. Jolie Sale j of Garden Bible Clubs Clements1 held in local homes 5Oth wedc glil Nfiltot, rd., --on, hý-ld ai loffl hom- lat ,ý-,,k a, part oi ýlrl tTitt't«llýillotizil progrillil bý thv ( Iffld Klang, In tfip on'. fioul hffil, a"d 'l", lea(hui, da, 1hu t-, ý0 ýý group hýlmcd b, ille c'. t't.r t t,,, tt,,'tthe ,rpert tmo'nt,, Sth>r Pla,, ci-(,.,cub t c ATNCUT , , , , , , , , ,'i e: t Ili e ttr n l I ,,trtt,,1, I 1 eal'l ,, s, it I iIn1 I ; t, te[Ir t" e ( ,),1 x ,Il ,tetIt-tIl- tti eti I I, g ,, 1t 1 I It II t, l , r1I, rlt,, lI edft ,ont,,t,,,III"te,,tt tee e.11 iligilt, h olt I ttg o t tttt, t,.t al eil , t et,,, ic, t, t ' e *I)-,l thl d a (i ." Il tirt, t tel , t s Oul, r Bll usInessan pe (tidrf Iho Deet v Tet"(IiII ho t,,-kce e , ..rt' e, itl - e IIIttuat Outufor * cutaur trotnl \1AtHIlRSltONE 'v i IlEIleCTRI 0701,',C6ui310 ' feat, t Lou~,reett a, ,c i, zp c pp St'd j ,,tam.t, ,her ýx ot Ll"I' ha t t,, tv te cto,tr,her Ste cnd Me,, AttanCc t.'trm, t w te Mitton, cttrndrd the gotden erddtcg aet,,r,,a,, et Ste, acd Mes.Re.Reyntttds ee .hugu'.t 25 at Landon. The hridéeoft50 err,, cas Muerielt etements, etdrnt dcughter et thte tlcMe.candMec Miltoac CtermectsAtt the ceddee ct- Thc' hrdesced cas MS, tGerdecnBoath etft.,m,'hecse tefrmierte Surv ttureto Mtiltac,. the btnet cec lat t'mte,c.hetheret th,' hride' ancdthe ttaeer gire'aees tc StarteretfItarre ,,eho 'tasthe hrde' s s-e, rr ed cstee Ruth The hatppycaaptl ehaet' chtdrrc Mr4. Dec terttJes et tttawa ted Reg. Reycntlts Jt at Lendec, Thrp huve' eght rantchetdre. ,,,,'etofchoant ctreadv marredcandtheeeac threegreut-grencidret MSteReynotds ccc rspe,',attt happy thet att hec tametly oeti heathers acd thrrr ,,ctrserc presrct taerrtretth th'm on thishappy occaio. tIl tha erc cereirght te crs ,,,ce ail1 mrmhrroftthertcte Me.acd Mes Mitonec termecte' ltcmts had hen tagether Reg Reynods eeced teegeame t ram hts tee heethers acd theer tcmitles. wtttReeynclds ,,hatvs ,i emtrunswck andt t'errcvReynoldscho e si t 'oarmcttEcgtccd. Ae24 inhrcnsoetrttel rtr T V setl mcsprcc'ctredt t,,tht' happey,'oupte tram th,',r tccety and ather relttves Therewee 40tmembers,,t the ,mmrn dcte tcmtcanc lortse rrltitve, ehc,'ctt,, tta snoomaecnhcebanqttctatap m. ct 'The Bacc' restauratinLo tee, Thists f tetted S, t rereptoecandtleucttettoee St. 1'qý'n'rrilv' 1 a agc 'l I., - 1'th $ U324 '3 'n'i'y t lie hr)lýt I:is rrionthly i«qýrt to rire l'ation (il [L'Itoi nIý Courivil. 'I'luw Iý)ý,k -er dire job ri ý liv pnng idivi- Il,, rr'ii lir'att> and haýI boll, lett dir, ix,,t Beatl 1 1 t) 1 oý% vd NIO Wvgor and lie -neil about ont- >'týar' in lhzit apa( it, II, flic n\ shoi rage "I' houghl n,-tIýN ri) 191ili and in lýI(i:i Ileil), illissitig a nýoh1] , i-adio ,.i*tll $72ý,. a 0, rivrzýtor« -wth $li7lý, (lo vtttisioli ý%i)rtli $202 and a ; [l t , 111 tttet1 lk t he lot, olrrýI t,,, e ""t lt t,,,li ttandt,,,,t',,tt','e family together Jîng anniverSary ,t.cmc eecs,,te , Car roUis Burlingtofl mon kiIIed A, ttcrt gtett maritattei t.agg, ofct'arvtck 1Dr. cc k led Sa ttea ih ýe a ni,%hle h tee,,, a passelgr cotted ,ctoa cditrt, etAppteh., t.',r and pincethie t'h'Crt as drsre etttavid Aittrelt turi,cce2. et Enerctd Sie,tecrtcgten,aeettvas heudttgI eeeth eon ,tpptrt,' t.,ae ,hren tI '.kddrd ente ther'ltteh andt rettret ott atc r,,,,, ect ,trth at Derre ted. Mt,ttur,,,,,,,e',eed rio Ste Wagg, ,eg, eatte te,,,, ,edeettee,, had ,,ceted at Buetegtac ecae deiere", trethe, >,cars ancd cas tt erridti SatuevTheacc'i'dentc,, ARiHUR A JOHNSON ou OPTOMETRISI Miltton 878 3673 MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB MEMBER C.F.S.A. Sponsored by Milton Rotary Club Figure Skating Classes f TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS Juniors 4:30 to 6:15 Tu Be Vurfied Seniors 6:15 to 8:00 At Aruna STARTING TUES., OCTOBER 21ld PROF ESSIONAL STAFF: STANLEE DULONG JANET FELL SANDRA WILSON MEMBERSHIP FEES- $30.00 Each addttioflaî Iamily member $25.00 EX ECUT IV E ere.Me,, auccu Ped sece MtAsJan ervaisu reas. Mc,, Ltttuc Racetl Fees payable in fu on registration BEFORE September 15th P 1 To ,Milton Ftgure PLEASE T Skating Cub MAIL Bout91 Miton - - - ------ - -- -- --- APPLICATION Mlintg tddmunn Ae PvtetuLssuns______ _______ Last Bdge Nuo. -_________ P'o Pruerred Pt'taetuLssuns Avattabtu throucgh prus. u 1) tle.der, liiS,-,dtc itr Dvt,',%h h t,, hV,'geetel -a'aedreoa MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSINO OPTICIANS Oculits' Prescriptionsi promptly & accurately fblîrd HOURS 1'uesday 9: 300005:30 Wednesday 9.30 ta 5:30 Thursday 1:00 Ou 0,00 New Summer Hours in ettect June tst. 69 Main St. Milton 878-4961 ' ti,,a t, tonth !l tri t, t', t t, OUR READERS ,-.WRITE: --Il donc.Smnerrty. M,, tae thdgson. Y, ', -td th,'to, m i d th,' iietrcs t tttcPol',fortthettndtt'ttl lththet ha%,'e40catt , ,,somet. As'. tructare,' they have Ieem patient an uderstadnttthh fitttl onsfad lie gvec elet et'a,'hing Iota ll ofus. %Ste tuer thoroughty entAnt tht' tcmity c rai cah t cg tnd thtt he jited lt (ti;iraettttatpouftectaclog res;atnsihtttty et,,i ctr' tilttacsuch ',Wt ttth th e arc ateit.,.,t'eapttoftengers and cet%%(ýarcniu, fotun te tohav', tcc lIltr Po. vr&.tict ltuntr VictrtiacSI.,Miton. PUBLIC NOTICE The office of the Court ot Caniadian Ctzenshtp wtt tee opened in the Town Hall, 2nd Fluor, Mlton for the manth of September on the tottowtng dotes: Frtday, September 7, t973 and Friday, Septencher 2t, t973. A Ctizenshtp Olicer mutl be te attendance ou take apptications for Canadien Ctttzenshtp lrum .30 c.m. te 3.45 p.m. HOME 0F THE WEEK LYOUR HILLTOP HACIENDA WITH A LOVELY VIEW SURROUNDED BY 12 ACRES " Gracesus weniding starcase e Beautefol fluor to cetlîog freplace in livîogroomn from d spuctous foyer plus another one on homey famnily roomn " Servants quartets on lower level 0 Rebut bats 60'xs 40' plus rssm fut togtsusd pool PHONE 878-4129 or 818-4319 AND ARRANGE TO SUE TRIS EXCITIRO PROPERTI TO-DAY Cal lusncwI emunr home tnatue n thisspusr. e, Main St.Miltton Other OftcsuinrOakutle-t Mnnncueuu Tronto "DOES TRIS HELP"? ["CONFUSION STILL REIGNS" 1WARDl. ISOUESING 3 WA R DJ I R"-denetes Regeuflal Councillor 'A" -denotes Area Counciltor EACH WARD E LECTS: t couneetllor to serve on Regionat Goveermeflt and the Area Council. 2 cocecittors ta serve on the Area Councit representiflo each word in North Haton. A Maytor -etected by the voers ot Northt Haton. CQmplimenfu W. F. (Bll HUNTER. Týlephone No. -