Flrst a knlfe, thon the doigs Good Samaritan attacked - twice in three days by 1BhBaril Forisome fellows. il last doesn'i pay tohe a -God Saariain. 'l'ice in iothee tit i',lon o Kî,iukiho out t i hi, t-i, to h,> o'atrangertîn lrul n me It'>' a>>, hs gond inenios otî rwroteil tr iips 10 the caicegenco otoot ol Mlon Distictl Hlospitl.l Titocidat> Kosiait as driving atoie lironte St. when ite ais ihat he tought îa our youlto ieating Upa girl. When he sopped the yoolhs urned on him and inîthe ensung btall, h was nited andthad his left arm cîippeot open. Thai ws he fisI trip 10 1theiosptal. Etensive ttcingoasrweded for his woond. which varicd from three quarters of aninchto an inch deep in places. Second encoaiine The Wounot hadly hoot a chance to heal Ohen Kosiukonci' ogain ofleicotasisOtnce in a strangri'n dstess.This time it'îs a man who had parkeot h car on Main St. Saiarday, and returned o f0 ind liso large itei'n Shepherd dogs hadt anooord 'Icol roite iar K,,,t,tkta dog lotenitt ot' ot,,t ma'sca.OceKotiik go( accoss te street [room te S&HIISooco station 'her he isorits otth Frrd Scheil and John Ilarrington, te dogs o gaiut0of tic car. When Scitrîl and Kostiu t ohli te nlory lhry îndicaled lhe dogc eemed triendly enogitonil they were ot othetcarand lhro lhey allacked Kostiait ime and limre gain, rîping openhie old sooand trnm ilorsay and opening ses'erat nrisones. Ne esimales the dogso'eighed ovr 100poands 'ach andhbitthim aboutl30imes in te short, ierce haille. Tiedogsoee inallyeresleaioed 'iit the isistance of te car 0100cr, Schiel, 1Ihirringlon and Kosiait Police lUre called and t' dogs oece lahen 10 ilahoille llomtne Society Tite dogs ippareeoly ite out 01or wr releaseil rom te Timiterlea Soitdoision bitl hiVicoria Wood l)evelopiienlo on Siieles Aice iteeteviod one oteilog ha- e 'taitiooned ta,atchidoig, -;gltd lie ittd boore tee o t ofîte allait. catre titao a chld. Titi> er hitllng il my 'cool and as hîgit asoîy sholders and il lhcy hîit aI hîgi on mei, tey mold have bhen aI a thildo itcad. I hase l'co lîlîle chldero, and taibitsl'close to home" Kosiait said ite biterd iimscîl agaiosl te 'clat Ithe Chtarles Holel tu avotd heing hnoched 10 lite groand. IOcete halile isas ovrand the dogs hadit eco iaken qirîly aiiay tante hacit of a policecre, Kosiuk wsionce again a patient ai Miltoo Dtistrict Itospital. l;and difrrent Titi' ipohesman oaid te dogi aceeuseil fo eity loanores, ieaose',ecueiii giiaed' aod otresecuriti de% iî's hatott lîî'în altitt'1poîde te istreit îlli'il laithot iog., iccoeding iii titi spokett" arethit btideerret Th i'lh t tti it.itittt d ii i t ht> ,t 1tti, tttun' id oiiitseeiiioi Il'a ilotoIit'oido ni itlit one leng traioeto hi i'tdo gliiti'joui'oloile litî' tti'tlt'c. inhi'dog', i tîce rdahi'cctt'e îp h uevtknIl>ak l hipi ooili ietalfort lxait ltîltonl'îîî o i lîgl I o t l liesmId li ilgihit' heboepotidro"evto tit'heoise tndthtii' ogo ihop etglinfortoca rie bahuito ilt ath udKsiîoo hi' saut ARNINM A SIGN AT the Timiterlea De velop ment on Sîceles Aoc. marns Etha e au oprotected by sonie alarm as meli as dogs traioed to hold borgiors until police arrive. Toto oflte lhrce goard dogit gol lonse Satorday and inflicled iuss and mounds bo a ma during an encounter on Main St. VOL. 114 NO. 18 Melanson, Powys, Kerr candidates Milton, Ont., Wednenday, August 29, 1973 Toetyiy htiPages-i fteo Centi. Steak house, motel Elcinstili1 a qu'iet battUe proposaiuneie lait'lîî'oî'îo no ail itt aît gutt Kec antilittiîai'ruootilee îttolîecaoli'tuialttotiltllo. ltitot t'~tiloiiit'iioiciutito titi lui lii tit lit i ui ut>i'ti'lilt'tcakiiiitittiltl>>cl>l't hitit tiiti til lot tIin loial ptliticai cic't . i' it,tn',nIl iîtl 0 tor,^local A tjunoro pacîne ta Kntghl'o ihîn loit a liA iegree' n t a ni ngo oi tîard, packs toîl Mltonil iout i i tlil eii- I dt't hin» 1l1,t'.I l c ncti' ii'ttulvIîtî ttî i i,> 1 i il ,> ttt i'ttt opti,' t l'îctootîorîlocalîin ot iil Itit'ilc M, l otît' 0111 tMeo's itar ieita.soeedowth t'soooit'at WatelooLlteao ctei'tti'iîtoitit(,e, nthe (\tii'lruiicti dal'u'tttttittht'ciuorît 't;n,,iiigltîiittil hitit, . l ttitît';tit>i"titt>,, il tottotili ailbl> i ii' tti i ooite î'gîooal tihu'M tloeparaali'hioollBoar ivelosiiuiiitti lid Lctlaurier iîctc tr ition teigtot i«lt cnii gair i oiil i iti ittî'tîîh1t Miltont o titiîqi'itttti t't- , p stsin ir, i-tii îîî1îîsî'(,of tlliltoo'o and the Ktsmin Clb.lle is well lottt'eittanotepatul1 omil'c' toî'ccp,liootihîtboardl ttoillitttt iiitiîîiitîîutrnng I ho l fi it it lo'itiirgIîn 12 1la, o'lorec i'tirci tîîî"cî'îeî'î'oaîîîîtu tooo'forlusitpariipaionnti'acî itislicnecig.Ilei> tlîstîti ,iiiiotSt tlatol's 1orte'il adi ios,,îîîîîîîîîî'îîî istt'ttîî'î' titoîinti,-tthei' ittit ia,it itlti 't ittît> 1 li> e tor nomintio nsooo i(- lt' rtclsllaiinnîî Io tîtyaodltasehall teaiis. c'urentoî l e pt i n cipal aIt ittircili Iot Il('util enî'îi t'tfiit 't'k, t ii it i ctititr tos A,t "ttgltirt' titittiihttti t liti, t>>>,' s'e% r the itîîo'aîînibents Mri il'lion\%itllti'î(,ding ltO-'olus pet peoteclo iasbeeo l"lieesl tihît'ic hool in lc, Pilons 'il îîiiîttîiIintg iii tii' lnto I 'toni lti littitt9C p,tlt,'-i i'ttoi' etheit i'u' ioo loto itilooett'vii'tliooitatting tiin o at'iraci loo' cînial 'ltosoaogit 'itii l'ut itttt I icl orioglor ii'iitl Poirt lipt' pi'littl )o iiittt I l o tf i,\>, tlanooo. Ilput i Ilt't' i tîtcti taitd iecaion and iuci't'ot'ul t'andidlate' tor ofice Iletiloitucol Oîl o'ortccolo ioîîîoîfond' a(ti'î'itîîîeî'o'î Ot> îlot> ifil(-ît iii Illttit î't'î'lîîî lott uutlutioitloi 'îîîîîîîîî'lîîî'îîîoî'oî'm iîliii"ii it'ooltcoeeolvo lopmnt and he orks'it ooo t>>he',administra~2 tion îa, ltîî'itîtii,îîe't Milton vocational wing nixed Halton board appeals decision Unles repesentti'stlii ii'otllîot lii' tppoved. telonae siacet'stll in p- itil sn- eals lto'uling a deutoio itheliti Iistot uri ltitl:. here ici'w il Ptuiatioo. tet' otllii no 400lot calitoal schooi iiithi' uaoi popîl placei' peil itttttlooal '-oitttitthtlli',and, secod in %tinglhillit i onjtotttitthlie Iirliogiorîi. Whili' lî'oîeuîl Wolfeî' end. ilet'ct',iciil>lit51)popîl placesi î')titlii'tetrllleoihliitol! 'l'ht'toaiîlittidplatiner!tIolttilt intttscliiiglioi>i't'îtlroi'h%%asi tniit oItinltl giocît hitgli choi'ttl lîll bii I tltiolt odatt' t I000 in lioreî'Patrtad il it il,.a i 101situdtîts pupillacettii'it or lteocattootil lTeiort Partlk igh schiool is li ittetit'ci'ciotltcct"tti ilof 1975 Calcusla(ions ikitte board tomite'îiiotot-,.he lieotoine li'ilit'set'iiiiirllteouit ig bssil (at atilon' as titettctalie a-ota ,lictvi bu h % octioal l 0cent. n, t',niile o'tvie loi tu ttdînlo Food store Reonong o a17.8acreparce] ofnd on Steniot Ave. at Thiet Lne tue a maonefonal stoecoutiet ont a communîty mai'cas proposed 10 Mlton Planning1 Boardl Wednsday hy Koaneth Marshall, o'caer nI Uic tond. 'hl and os a triangle aithUe jonction o teltetAoe and tttgit'ay 40 ,, noeUi nf Steelesr Aie, and peseotiy anet for idustriai use Solicitore Haroldl Puniti reperenîg te applicant,t saggotted thn town aiready han uticientlandlfor industriesnandt ta te fture laots nortit nI Higit'1 'ca 40 ont 'cai tly egisec m dstriai denîgnatioa Miltue sought 'ciii oced orccfood oulelu to lev utlurier population> hi satd-Biaititoi has oin toc eey 5,550 peope nom and MitIons tuturerpopulation of 20Wono'ouldereqiîeaI leasi lise otileis The lauyeriditanoiefood storeeoul hlp ktmp nioppers ta Mlton but it ould not compete 'citltedowntown aeea. lie sot4 tl'coald bc ettee to havethe landtfully anirnord titan to trace il vacant w'aiting toc an tabulery. A laege food store 'itt employ as otany as an idunley, e satd. Teioardcil iideal'ilti te application altoilsnsi meeting. art oousellootailloierNteh liliootoit'hools inlheooulhutod sone ai etai mucit ai BuondesIc tieerlay on chool buses. E'Ntjesing trusteei' lLa o ll iti'etboard hi had lîeen oibd t> sttidens. driers tantparents tai muih ofte gond aI ite spcitiohoolitiaiiteiogoondoot' in te long trps o to d root ititool. 1 rois atipeal Titi'board had Icl it e leao toaio iscs olt ho iut oîîosîdecuîhly it>openîng te %i oal îla ng >inSilton. Alie dittcositg te proposai.l ad oîîoîolaoso'ereîregd to go iac tthi' proîtinclonappeai t' liiiion and îlead t case lor te nootitenîtadents Siiperintt'odentitof Businessandt FinanOce'Bruce' indley tidicatet the 00 utttpil placet 00014 cool ttot t$3,000,0(x) andt ti' 4011 popîl placcoîogîîýoult i'g te ticiet ta>0alcool ol tO2,bllti Li iLasnder Pi iiithougit assistat ta te îleeciorE Po t aiendee leedîcîrd chaces l clîaogîog titi iiioitîli's mîot itce emole, l.aioiitoegeî titi' boardt appeal titdi' ioon,"IlftaIt atîs, ihen lioil titi' chool tocr080x)tint plan tiidthetitipecialoutng lter. Wei nittooltel oe'mori,'"hi segiti Astedl il wt o smsie 10 0use stoe'othe'ipace ttttocitfoc ,eoiional schools. Lasi'ndersatid il oould te ic îticuît 10 conseil a ioiittional school tto one foe Mîiisti'c oft LinsentnSec ,ie ItotSnn'cand Justice S'celae>lGcorge'Kerr willniet tih ltolna Iegonoal l'haiemaa AffaMason andtiemtes of wuîctea Anne SluîAelhu's opîcia i commillet' on regional goienmetSî'pt itotînsso titi futur(' oI titi' alIon ('ants AdimntrlatitonBoilding ana Cor fos(,acoedingto ait Weekend festival of antiques Steamers return for l3th show "'lie iluys ithin îlcaot las king" uIlretucn o ttMiilton thts otitini as, te bOntario Steam a nti Antique l'cois'eir Association oates Stilton Faie Groundstortoa hretutu eunion Ahl dit Fiiiat Sutueilut> ant Stunayi ti'erunsuareiiloset Sondtat> vlstitsetng ginî oI praditoran expeitî'ilc,'otdof s nitany as 30,000 % utottrci. aste Itititanouil Oote-aet>eunîno iremtors hae'aeiaoged sme inntalton>i in the pogram. incluttng i qultiott timon- iteatuonnand tsgnofusieutlsls, adtmuny neoly eîtored antique sieam engînra, gai tactors, gas itiblo tusplay. tut te nI ,r, ftiti hois.thietIl ccîite'ill',unuitiandsnutieicaa tiatoiro tnt <hec 20gai lagunes tuat hutte ututetultipreeiu shotti ullull t îlactugan and ptti'itniitOîil frtht iie cods tntgltiîiiataher uî'îu'idn os Clalte of Prs on uiays Oeam PEra s a ituaedltt'iuiuesieiin if 'oo ,v onît,,hecause te tîitotteco hase ut lot ot fuo u'îhîlîulng thieuctollections,"Att iii nuit ns i',a seetend ot turt 'e'at'e nd we'ean top nue atttîndance record," hi' sait Olî'am raiasitoes uouallyar tine t'o tstypes the oidtunîers uiho rtl lte ua>>,sifteam nt usine iacit ieac alleyeac toe noîuilîgicisoon', ,ttd te o oungepuple vho hotu'eve îî'înosteamu'ngnesttnteaely ean mlnetsnni and utritng. Ttc aider t'omis nrlv i fihete itstney" ut ile titi'youage'copie comi 10 hi' enletaunet antI ucatet, sayo tuesîteot 'aider IlIt'ant i ts ine-mut board ni utretoeo, asistet hy oîre20 îoemiteeo andt aoihee lii ssoitati' mimters, rua te Sleam eut Aoy profilternothtt oeetcad i.,saltet a'ay on the do> titi clubt ian haveitIi 010 tpemanentihome andî'eretinme buildings tor' crue round storage Conatnaed un Page 3 tnooce ource ('iîrnîa n 'Masson ,cotaîteul inoncinuthtpias toc hi bitue iti'ehbuilding, inducateut fiail toti thtiti gional goîcro- mettnt anlthe proiciaiucourts, tultttî'd more spaceoo. i,' sa itie province' utantet to thblithlding.OtMassoanotedil ittîttieeti huit>touiinasacor itîtte tind il oould hi nex t'osiit'proposititontocrenotate ttttiuIýillugriumiuottrthoost'to itîllu atinitotcuseuit 'oi tîîîaeîîpopuationî Nottil u hîr ci' hi'tedetit iuildinog, Matsson sid Milonoa tite centci of thi munt iîeographitcalli " Tit'in îe, bat il isn't netrthentti re'of populaution antdtie ceigool cu il il aetut tecide ,titttihev ihoulil nuîe mr people tittionecissie>cmmt lutitandil tetorniutiether tuty ohouililoItcaetieurctiti'centreiof OOitî'o.- h n acreporter ,suîîîoî'Mastson itouît pcetîc titi tii'uttuacieei luthec inut itt'iaiilhihattnopeecandi it iuotildn'l lui'foc hlm toiliciti' hut cigitunal cooncil, Nort h iton politictans,'chut coul fii h'melteimatung Irel'tuint trisIn10 thiiiglon ior Ilîhîtlle loinmeetings,. %taîei' Milton sitetecause otfte dit aceioliet. Whitlî' Masson tut ont menttîn te Sept O meeting. aiid'coutl nt comment on his persona] choîci' toc a location, hi' ha' ,itced opinos o where ahead- quarteri shoult he. tn dicussions molts hetoree ibc as madecregional chitaman, Massona itrongi> urged an itattille o tturlington location. hi' personne'ladminlistration ad finance' î'tmniit'o il te tîîl"lSieiot'iailadiolltie Milition Dlitt itî lgit Suitoi oh' tîtîcii tîtit IISSTP tand ,ia litoiî'roî i thi i(ý tit lheu hulitot ltetiator' tti'ciy Barri. hoiettil ai dipolo eetitoi iiieralyeaesoo Mliton lîtonctI. atd ite uouldolt ru oroeeegiooal coaocitibut mat î'ooodeiîeitîguîîcaionlth' liison thetICenitralh 'i o Coucil toicle'tii'ttt i t> tict lve rgo a oit inilttog liii titi h( 'uitt- t> N ýa t i loti titte iti ntit i liiii i M I oi iWtiattlit» hi to t Ilvnli0lca uur rtutti ho' hui]scasctibti' ha n Brsng a cnair Free bond concert A f ree Suaday evening bond concert bao heen arranged by the lomo council, il mus anoonced Tuesday> 10 be held io conjoniclion mitlte Lahor Day meekend eveots, lTe Hîndon Koosit Grolto Bond of Hamilton and Dstrict miii preseni a concert belmeen 7.30 and 9 in Maillon Arena, The concert by te 45-iece group under lte directiton nf Elgin Corîcîl miii include classic, popular and marcit music. Couneillors suggested cilizens bring Iheir onc lawo chairs 10 enjoy te concert program in te urena. STEEL IS RISING and masonry work bas started aI and stores oilI occupy te 15,000 square feet of floor Trafalgar Sqare, a hem commercial building area and omner-developer Brion BesI estimales te underway on Main St. al, Fulton St. Toronto-Dominion cost ut close to $300,000. t milI be completed titis fal, Bank, BeUt Realty and Insurance and several offices (Photo by R. Domos) lIIt (t te ort' 'litîs lii 'il, îlIe lite MPPs meet county over headquarters 1j