The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wedeesday, Augunt 15, 19739 a UE CA S EXPERIENCEO ACCOUNTINO ýp_ýth ail noe NEW Rcine a ni eaNca CLERK smissnu 1s ,bnursicsn. O A E 8 A V ECHRDSN Tueesdaynd Farlday's 'sat,-"tig se fcr. isleMe o02accluilng n enOcCVTCTiIPallcl- 2 s lt and n A97TMAR ICHAR 8004Sce le f Ho o cnt cet e qei sp t iOn 13oforrtnsitinsTo a 1971 MiLlA MOEL 180 4 OOR CHEV- OLOS DENNiS JACKSON e0es-s a brigM foîto le 10annuoîî MRTAE Tiscar ln aboseennge nondiceionlnshed Ic Rocsl Bue 07224 egrc-io, osensbl anEserep -rVlO -tOda O RTG o Ohde b lnerorRadeose n'mss fhns one. Lo 3078-34e. 42e10 conssieblou eesonoThcre us bd o er, ne fce rtres .dceea c Wt ntg $ 1,495. 1971 TOYOIA 2 DOUE Fninhed in EggshelIl ylloo ifh bledskItion Eqipped ifh adio, mite oeils. A real uitile honey. Lic. 000 324 $1,395. 1970 JAVELIN 2 DOOR 6 cylinder standard, booket seafs, radia. Piished In Lighf OGreen mlfh mefching inferlo-. Lic. OSP 285. A real shenp automobile $1,095. 1968 CHEVY 4 DOOR SEDAN V5-Actoesefio. sco paint lob, adio. Lic. no a. A9.A dcc dlean automobile. $995. 1968 CHEVY 4 OQOR News paint lob, mhite mal fines, white etetîn, olth cenh-asting biacit interion. Lic. FJK 062. Ais-no cerfificate $195. 1967 CHEVY 2 DOOR Vf, atomnatln, wolfOraaio, fininhed ln egg sheli cOite mth matchlns inte-int. Lic. 000 018 $595. 1967 VALIANT 100-2 DOOR ô cylinden actomnatie, ifh radio, whifeel fines, flnished le acina bîeLic. OSC 850 $895. CLEM ENTS MOJORS 0F MILTON LTD. BRONTE ST. NEAR MILTON HOSPITAL MILTON 878-2328 29b 16 1972 MONTEGO MT 2 DOOR HAROTOP ce aoîomatie oltO poere steering, pener braises, radie and ioyi o. Lic. N. 001- 084. 1971 MONTEGO 4 DOOR 302 VO aclematie. power stecring, penser braises, inyl top atd radie. A carn db a geod ftfoe. DON-T TAKE 000 WORD- Toc IT. Li. N. 000 39. 1969 DOOGE OART 2 OOOR HAROTOP aaocoaetematiemilo inyl rof. Lic. N. 000043. 1968 FORD CONVERTIBLE LoIs et senny days lefI. 0e Rigit and Boy Nom. Lie. No. OTP 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DOOR HARDTOP V, auoMmafic, poner teering, pee braises and radie. Lie. No. 050 319. CALESOFFîCE CLOSED t P.M. SATCRDAV 000100 AUDUST Streetoville 826-1434 Toronto 925-0887 SACRIFICE SALE DELUXE CAMPER 8 FF. AERO FLOW PICK UP CAMPER By: Polyfibre Ltd. Renfrew Ont. " Propane Stove * Refrîgerator (ice> " Stainless Steel 5mbk with Counters * Water System * Deloxe throoghoot Seeps 4-5 Unimouîd Fbergîaso Construction IUST LIKE BRAND NEW ONLY .. . '1095. Trafalgar Motors &:evwDCo. Lt. 409 MAIN ST. 878-2369 20010 finshdînbght rodnsîtObackuîtrir en euionaîs, aspood -o' ing.. Miolc e a '7300 uronnlussionOTT00iuî ec5inn radio OsiY 24,0TTounriiaulel M , ,jCC uT 10, AJTîTsCîCI 1 1 flependable 1972 TOYOTA STATION WAGON 0 yndors, Osis a lowmileage comneoustons oacy leaded wiloh acres. Lic. No. HCM600 $2,795 1970 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 4 dm,, 2251 oeemical 6Osyliden aclemetie odth radio. Ose ow ,low mileage. Lic Ne. 000 792. Immecelete condition. $ 1,995 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 4clindon tfiiseitsdntbieLie No. 000 374 $ 1,095 MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE Fenmcrly Place TMoters 88 Ontario St.0882962 2teto T7 TTYTAt4 Cno T t c e160t, delu e o Peck ratond ,deuketsrnact c Li enc10 ans, ToyotaPoeiTceeta o1e, G r c e n 8 7 7n i d22 6 1 n '11h nado ,,nc'a Tond arT. Li, onel .ParisTocT,0riecTa unst,7 wsinscîcon t00617 js119 trio Toot 2261 ton6120 CT5TED AITIe dec ana, TSEcu-pieay e uuiset bc, tnnucid dton, ecana 87T Cii eîuk menteancooîan CATOED 30bs co cndnesni dcngaioo 'cinMilon Prose f78 2053. 8toc6Psm ricIIesekees esT dadcsînîs Ilcaccinu, eiu R Ih Penen fersitinon 8a7o28b Teai N ce Ocforoepess-r 017 sl6 1707f SALARY: $3.62 per hoor Applications are ineifed fer parI lime pesitions as Corecodîal Officers os cane ai steff. The satisfacteny appiieants Ouildo nogvnced to reevece insanses et emergencîns, vcations ard othen absences. Undon sopervisios the Conredtiesal Ottper penfonons dolies on an ansignod soiin ith1e cane, supervision and cosnol et lomates. Qosîlti cations Required: CSeondany SeOool Graduatios pnnfenred. 2Saconal oans oftaccetablenmorise>teriOsdt. 3. Abîlity bo pans a medica eoercisaîion. Apply to CUPERiNTENDENT, MILTON JAIL MILTON, ONTARIO. TELEPHONE NO: 87eT233 TCE ONTARIO MINICTOT 0F CORRECTIONAL SERVICES FULL-TIME COOK 2 Tue Teans SCondary cheel Edecatiec Possessien et Jeenicynnan Centilîcoto Ocîtîcîmnt acceptable ocponîosco oath eoume coiing protoeably on Restaurant orIntuio GOOC HEALTH AND PHYSICAL CONDITION SALA RY: S349453.62 p On. and efective Dec 2 1 73 $3,09-$3.80 p On. plies Cstodial Aloasco $7.50. penonnens Appiy to Supocrîntonde, milion Jaîl Miton, Otanea lelephoono 878 2331 PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO MINISTRT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES R EQU IRES CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS for-Minie Cereoctiosal Cecnr mOu-Ochmilbenoeplacod Oc MapiohensI Compelo cated et Milles. Commeociog Saîary S3.B2 per hoer rîsîng te $420 aler coneean f ervce Sint ps-noT n stelfeel and altieOcelenic Iinge benetîts. Reqoîrements C. Suceosfol eempieioen et elesiestery sehel pncterahlc sccoo dany seheef gnadoaltiost 2. Seeal yeaneof acceptablemwonisecerince 3. AbettannssMinistn mediealoand tereMiuntynrev-in APPLYIfN WRICIND TO: SO P R INTEN DE NT, MIMICOCORRECTIONAL CENTRE BOX 75, TORONTO ta, M8M 3Se GARAGE BUSINE? AUTOMOBILE andaIn GENERAL STORI acTe ga voTa celeu bduninos pies Suu-g ea, olunlientihcouac louatI Costect AibertorceJFair V voua y BT 8.W.COULTER Real Estate 8 sk, 519-291-1395 Milil CoLssons Pase, Vio, u Outai Phone: 878 4287 ITENT RAIt Ovuld e house. Osd AMorîgeges teomil CALL: JOO REYNOLDS INCOME MORTOAGE SERVICES 539-1043 (Evenîngo) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9ea.m. -Sp.m.) 6S9,Iff in rExcellent fningle Omiefits cml Phone 1270-002217619 $ 1895. beyos as yocmwonifon hs4C7HMMAKRSITW lange meciskoomn cempat. tîuc ER SP t.fee, d ul dcepfnespensibliity mth a FALTON COUNTY I ,,liuÏk, e hcuPuSe TT 1 1971 BELAIR 2 DOOR HAROTOP cancietly of dofles and client HEALTH'UNIT fiihdl odwt aciggl infeninor.8cylilderntatas yoo ofilîle yon TuLHUNT 1 II flnshnd nth pgerd mth mfcig gd aero, htea!flain fon, figunes and ltiOs Cexpenîncend dicta-typists lu clTe tiestnmafdc.icmlp BeStnL22dnasendlmio ll sisiîsnthis întencstlng nqcned ton Milton, Oakiclln ,,.u , .Cuu T V lnsmhn die Li 0L22postion. (T327) esnd cl isgton officens. u esec 01TO I 'tM h8823 $1200000KKEEPER i n clodcia :ReeeedisgIl1,617l rPt yoon eopensiveinooledgo meunîsation and TO lostisg uUPkERtENDsl renid $>2595 o accontlng tagoniandnen ORecond tnssecords fronT uepaneu matu- yoen omn shom as beoiienepen dicta-phone. Keomiedon of rTi blodi nu Tcuple 1968 MERCURY COUGAR fen thîs smeîî office 103041 medcal termnîeloceanasse.or h' ",Tent "Iiiuiciin Acele $100 RECEPTIONIST Shoeld Oece ovsin ansponta 250, lue:.nces dae 2 DOOR SPORT COUPE FRJDAX oî mmet on. o.Salany ango $453le Cutuiu V-e engine' pomen stccning and fraises, actometici Une yeen pleesant pesonality Apply Personnel IHINKINGO0F A tansmission, beeket seats, console. Finînhed le sooty yello and initiatise fon fis oîlh beige ltenion, blach cînyl noof. Complefely ncondeionied. dioosîfled position as a Otticor NE AER Sone thîs beeety. Lic. AOceoe ecepfionînt/ Pnldaosis this CeestyEet Haltes smali fnsndly office. 91CSutenoesae.Ites A CHANGE 0F PACE? $1 9 .421h16 I-lIHER EARNING? $1895 No ncessac. Bai Estatn Scliniîs n oe DEMONSIRATIORS 345 Laksue 16 VOLUNTEERS 2TIswTrO0,STOTr5 193 ORNAO USOMCOPEChemben of Commence NEEDED &eeduceeueseiuvnture! 193OeND USO OP uiiding Cci Tue..s Assisacieen l Leoony ae t'sifsinest .Fisished in eanbenry ned oifh mafehint Oakiee. Telophoeo Cntecl Centre neaulu ceul qeai! intenion-dO, 40 splIt able satlls. This automohile is elly Ci 42e 106 Application fenss eeilehle et FALKc w i C loaded. Ever enpi dooeptiensis the bok. Heno are jest e feo. 10e Oorgotovi y j ett, eT S ABOUT TOC Comfonfnon in conditimning, fil t steenlng oheni, toweOr EAL AE B our1cal ehench or cal e77Mi. clc BMAnSr oenythingmndoos, antenne, trnoiseleese,eauooatlceneuise 20AL AES 325877-4184. contnot, AM -FM nadio, speelal speedemeten Tnly e fine VTSMN ER420e CaI Mus Mrichek BT8 aie' eutomobile. Lic.« No. 05 975. LLKSMIWER1LsBne $89e. S-A-V-E$1400 LABRAIEPTOE NO1$40 .Reqeines full ime salon TRUCK DRIVERS B, ie e aou persan. Wi train fr Reqeîred fer sîght oîekep BtfBelte 1973 CUTLASS "S"2 DOOR HAROTOP maragement. Eepenioeo elice leeetry.ea0100e oplcy i5 effices ars oIeI V8, actemeatie, pomer toorng, poerenass, hydnomatic E Lbot-M Oct mtneocessany. ment. Tep mates. Wllieri42 1 tansmission, white uell linos, oheel dises, eîmtnic elinieen staff benofits. Apply le censîdon tnaining seitae 'a" deognchomemwheel cocens,eeneettlencegnocp,nradioep en.e aae appicag o nce.rtr, . Fisîshed in golden ehesteef, eleel top and onfasting beige OaoersMri Batnegr111-1dnîeî,qege S-A-V-E i . o.DS 36.Maple Lodge Farms Ltd» $AJOS. $519. 42c 6th ________ 00Lise Wes t o reeptois uld2i2 i,li Ti Ti. Banks et Noce Seotia notires lWinsloChurhl ld dt 7 111,618 NOW $4250 ASSISTANT LENOER 1OCA-ST e C luî 1973 CAPRICE CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE Ln'm nendî ostinhuruu U'lvn it'Ol ui.î i Vil ' auomatio, power steorîng, poeronbraises, pomer mindos,entaîls inti ewns, credif eakuPi, Conala -487J2, lu M'. finishod le metellec mideigh tibîde mth eostnestisg mite elsyl invesigatioes, uolectios and; 2I SB , 7 inlerlon. Radio,' pies meny etnas. A moal prestige actomobile.sonne typing. Pteoioesocxpen- SITN ,p,,6,611 Takiefo a spin. Lie. No. CCP 166 Ilanceeneeesseny. Apply in per- ici uuu _,,n.. $W«-1. S-A-V-E $800. 00roeponom7 e te AM -t J. CHAPIN AureuaCt,B- 7Mitl NOW $4914 878-2347 42A0Cuer3e 1973 CHEVELLE LAGUNA HAROTOP 2 deor coupe, flninhed le Cnanhenny ed mith black is ciroof, THE ONTARIO '0 biacis soîvel ucket seats, cosole, ail standard power 1M INISTRY OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES IIIDlIl -ý>1 I eqipmenl auontemtrtansmsinenradio. Plesnmasc matc' dIl nores. Lic No. 00N 774 eqiles e fTu ur 1u lre, $46M. S-A-V-E$695. PART-TIME CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS Î'211I N W 43 0. 2510 FOR THE MILTON JAIL, MILTON 00T1065 E"", y S uu e a bt o 1 0 fflcý Il ý i Op For Complote Aiiction Service Chrîs A. Schouîeo A UCT ION EE R Sales ofoaitypes ales Cendoeîed ancohere. Tel. 878-2516 O O 23, Milles, Ont. Tan tt Word Brocoorîdge Lieensed Aeclioneen Fenet Lionstocis F ernîtueeSales Phone 878-6730 Appraias n AlT epes 78.f TOWN HOUSE Priva te patio. alceny, triage, sîeve, abia T.V. Coildren's pay area .Noar Orlisgfoe Mail and O" tene-mal. 634-5947 lcf Evey Snda 7 o 5 1 AIlr,1 TT ITrTT eui lare , DEALERS ' l', ut _ No.uenle 5OTT ýTables , Ntou Tenlt $7.Aunes 5 eneeîded for test 7, ns.eso iT'iu- Mucu ste scia c On Hemln-s utipti Cmv.eîsBuTM OAA dathee 12ATi1)T.-9.1.-Tî l 68ee9 10 a51 u 1 549 en FA3864 sep o os I on Mu 3Si Mite 210 0ne 53 ELECetC nrEt aIn taclesPARKeIGspceitlt eeentfoc non1 eneenff l et Tone8 tucîlanon B0105 Sre t,0 ,oC M6716 score1one ceas . e ld78O9 1000 THF CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F CENTRAL HALTON iCenrieîcîc9 TI 1of tho peeont Ton etMiltes Parts of t hepreosatTeecssoOakvensd0eurisgîes S Perisoof hepresen Townsipseofdassagaaeeaand P sq.esc,îng i Iwth NOTICE TO ELECTORS E 1973 MAUNICIPAL & 1' 'SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS uniî1y Section 23 Menicipal Eleetien Ad 1972 fice, Corrections to the preliminary ist of ellectors .01. Th C lnniuinaec LstfEioctensnc loding aitpensons encooid '. vOToive ena73Municipal asd cheel Beard Elnctens, miii coipCostd inihdeOficeoolthOedIetering andoeisisg Officenal .50 Tous et MlonMec.cpal Officos, en1 Main SIreet Cent, rn Mio0,0Octareion on Tel7tO'd a y et degesî, 1973. Thc final date forlfiii g uonrpiaint rngaedîcg thoeCLtsOait On Acqenl 2010, Aucaillé ftheList OasSoennposted wiOco acO PollingSub- diuvonudutwhhif isapepared, Eieuîorn arenequeosted Itextamine tdo List taenoscre tbat beir amadraelieant informnation are Tonrodtlc shon theen CmnTlainssn in enatuefr lnquests ton additions eor oe iiesorcaleincsronrtheoLst may beadeobe nnolocten 7 cnpioCnoacaand ng aIcnreloainable atheOfOiceof the cT R CoinicqaTndReisisg Otticor. ATT evesisiudeouoo hyhe Reernng & evîsisg 0f. ilIlca tune OMuicipal Office,. aSeooostioed, cooooneitgo T Fniday, Augesi 111, 1973 tlonegO le Tuosday. Aegesl 281h, 1973 ,.iTrenT9v00AMicta 0PMol inSaendas ad Scdacs. o i - i.JMcGeaehie, R ECCORNISON OF FICE R AND RccI 5INO OFFPCEo, TCFE TOCN 0F CENTRAL CALTON. PUBLIC NOTICE THE CORPORATION 0F k -P'THE TOWMN 0F MI LTON TII- CLOSINGOCF PART 0F BRUCE STREET NoSe lueOrody g51cm liaith1e CeenTîl oeth1e Corporatiosnet tOc Tounct 1M illes prcposes et ils meetincgtlobe Oldaet tOc Munici- liai Oficos, 2n1 Main Crent East, Milles, ai tOchecr et 7 oulocukpni iea limeonosthe101hda ofSptember 1973,ta ERS pasiiyla vstopuiland cloeotoat part oftBnueStreet ly- inosorgobluoen Pearlntretad Pino Street assonnMatthias jioniool ,sriuvenoftpart of thownemofMilten snTreii cars TOiO$OThtKe ppenny aBeianpanessoeictlhe lands anfcd mec b nai theoffitceofet OcClerisofeth1e Ton etMilton, aI fhc VARIETY CAMPING sa , -d ,eaics iR ILRS te, LTeuîdt O ii;nrpenses, or by his orh Chon eill, Olp T3I BroeRd.ou attoiedccirio 0c i a.sandnsho applîen toeheand. 827-1865 -DterdolMlton, Ontaithiis 1th daeof degost 1973. Atirn5upun. and uociseds J. McGeachie, Clisk. - --- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - m 1 MR ý AU 1 1 l , V( Hl t'Il t S t OR 1 ',"1 VFH[C[iý FOR SAif 1 1 12 Hý iP MNTE 1 42 HELP WA 1 42 HELP WANT 1 69. FINANCE BLAKELOCK CARTAGE for Home- Office- Apentment fer Lightl.ldestrial orConmmercial Oellcenles tor Piano Meelng and Oistnanfling tor Coertecen ServicTe and Lue, Rate Coli 878-5222 tes If Mý'ALML MARL)f( ýq:ltf.lffl ýqey.jffl 771li CiPA u -d rîîu, T -,,T4T i 7 i 680i ? IT T, IH I liTTTI a CulT 1îe 1C6TuT 1738l