Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 1973, p. 22

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Il Ome Chompian. Milton, Ont., Wodnesdoy, Augunt 15, 1973 Omagh Tie three quilts for bale WA, WMS enjoy picnic lunch HrsB NI, ecil Patie-sen a god hueh halance, sud oe thi h UglistiMeetinig ii eisgil iioiiihly iici riiiiiiiliiigii h'issbyieiae WA. anS W.MS Sleuccra eeti ngs. sous hrtd ai the ehureb bell un Set ulloton Wrede y Auge8 The members Mrs. C. Pattersn, prensdrnst o getheredeait am. andliedibhrer Oie WM.S. cas ie charge et the qusîts for the W.M.S. hale. AI meeting, ceteomisg the ie eo pieole lunch mes eejoyrd membrs and Ice visiters. Gtad hy atil Tsdîsgs prayer cas read by Mes. Mes. RebI. Brocnridge, Fred Amme. erelery Mrs. H. presîdrent ehusred tbe W.A Peacoesbreadthe minuteseand mneetig cith Mms H. Rutherford correspneaece. A seller lrom, reuding aepoem andtleedîeg in the Ecueget Hall eeted the allocatin Seripturetessueeand prayeu. Mrs for 1973 is ff ad $M sppty M. Turner reed the minutes ofthe meeey. The association mes able pres-seus meeting and atse the te meel the sainealoctoneand crurespoeee These cre alitasendaaeerutued altt $10ei lettrs of thueh o flueocers sent 1972. andsoert rom Tom French,cwho 'Me rSem retsgstb baSt euegery un hss frind, Mus. _tmemein l b Aies îeeed u.Ci hetd on a hursday. Sept 6. est.3 Fenceh ue the hieth oflihee p .ehebrbeladb babies. Mes. J Myers cho wus sein ieae iIbuMsAr hespîlul, Mes. T. Onoso ceee Cepe-ii oes The Semwer ruesmîsîre gave p syeilscrtr u h reportlon thesur rad eeai eseseg Mstirese mure sc flts 'cre tabu Brampton Puesbylery. rememberd cslb gond cishes The Ocloer Thaeb Olteuseg and pra yers lue trier speedy meetingcwit bhreblonThursday reeoery Thestreasureeereporsed Out 4ea 13 Sp.m and the gure Hornby Gates - Campbell family reunion O> Mme. Jias Hamilton mhe Gales-Campbrtt reesneo wsosbldnOueday. Aug. 12cith 30 membersostending. Theotdest membr aterdssg cas Durothy Bell anS the yongest cas Saure King. The reunsen cas he t ethIe home of Ibm Jepsue lamsly eit Gegeowce Seserat games wr played and o preutseramble sous briS. Me. and Mes. Doald Gales hase tues retured home lron a srry interestingtrip taSetad, sohere Ibry e isied serat ut Ihesu reltises. Herlbduy grersiege areex eded tu Murray Rayce cten retebrated hie birthday on Aag. 12 Heltîd greesinge le Muuray. HsrshdJay grersinge amersx eded le Miriam tiaea, che milt celebrair hem tearîte birtteday ne) Aug. 16. Heet mîshes lu Miriam. Gueliags Hsrîbday gretinge are x Ieeded te Kesîte LeRiche. cbe sosî cetebrute bis hiushday on Aug. 22. Heel wises t Keilte Congratultions ore estreded te Me. anS Mue. George Sentir, cha ubsered Iheer 53rd crdding aenîcrmuy n Aug. 12. Heltid gureege le a grand couple. Aeeivrrsary grersînge arr retendeS te Me. ond Mus. John Wilson, chu citI eebuate hIbr cedding oeniersary un Wed- enday, Auf. 22, Hirîteda> greessego eue ex- leeded te Mus. William Hobisone che cils cetebuale br bsrîhday on Moeday, Aug. 2. es eecehes tu Mes. Robinson. Howard family celebrates annual family get together The assat Homard runian sous held on Ibm cebmed of Aug. 4 a nS 5 The dueces and picoles are hetd easîh yeau te resete and cees urso membrs et tbe Ses- cendants ut William anS Margarre bocard ni Campbrt- ville. They setled ine bmea se the ltler huIt ot the Itons and roiserd aIamityeofl18îhetdrren The reunien cesmîltter supr- s ced the races anS gomes. The tettncseg people cee pri zes: Diane Peruson, HrianSmithe Jr., Caret Atlas., Mark Hrgbello. He e Hghettn. Paul Hrgbrîln. Lieu Grece. Dasid MueLend., Janine Greuo, Don Pearnon, Karen Thomas anS Russell Huoard. Mittie Thomas mua the laSies'f tutaî tbmom. and Phylles meron on the laSies' nhn kick. Nal Dier AaSy Hallt mue the cieser of the onee's shor kiek and Frank Beghetto mas the beel naît Seiver. Peines cure aise acarded te the yougess buby. Peut Heipel, tîne meeke anS tise Saye, uldesî lady, Mes. Leslie Homard, oldesl mari, INelson Howard, anS lungestSdisancerlrasetlrMarg un SJîse Molle and Maeîae Hiîlir of Toronto Winer ofIe eeer gurssse coentc anRussetllHoward. A hall fume flled Ibm races. The dance cas br iS ohthe Brenksstle Hall anS spot Sunres sommewcee hy Hope Begte MatI Homard. Deug unS Deuothy Inglis. Julie MeDougaît unS Timmy Ellin. This yeae's cemmîller includeS BiIl anS Peggy Parehese. Puane anS Ruth Hrghrlîe anS Tom anS Phyttis Learmoit. Mme. Prggy Purcees collecter] informatin un Ibm Howard famîty trer, Theremuin nntyeorcwill b chusgedItnJunemiheeommiIrc membuole Fruek and Ruth Beg- hello. Tam unS Phyttis Leur- muet. and Rusell and Et-,e IT ISalvation Armyl 1 PICK-UP TRUCK en Miltn &. Area Ev ERY TUESDAY R7-522 M-7 r rai oil l Ili. I pa oni tuiiti Jola Nîrs.hloreuiand her luivhed Orsv JoSe Murray soruemissseeursesinethui tend. Acrdial invitatson wsou rxteneddtaladiesand gentlemen tleheer Mes Murray on Ort. al Omegh. Ise eoll ral] sord Lite sous sortil unssored by thue preseel. Thuebsous ennuessedîteMus. J.C. Marshait tee heu greereus donatieolt our crib qusttstforlth fait hale. I sous drcsded ta qat and a bus ot galodhes be sent le cheer e yoeeg tumsty se ii heulth. The rtesseg prayee ws gseh ystherprsdeet.soîthua speeset remembruere en prayer fou att the membues and sthurs so are l and se hospîtlt Hlappy biriSilar' AI the rlose a Selssous lunch wsusees-edhby Mus M. Turer Mus. H. MeCuse and Mes. Pus A hirlhdey cake eus serverd and thehirbduy sangsoessusg tee Ibrer membrs retrhrusîeg speesut deis These soe r Miss Magose Douglas. Mec. H MCCs asa i peesîdeet. Congratultios lu Tuos Chambrs sousuaumpuiue on Tursduy Aug. 7 atshe Oubu ir Lions pooluandsonelslae i the 11-12 yeui- girls' stucs Tant sous teuuth place us Thoesduh the finals ai Ceneesesl Peutv Hîelhduy gresetige li David Rouan, Desise Rutph, Luri Hîtimun. Mes. Jieser Seuo. Mes. toue Oubb, hies John Eses, Lori Sinclair, Jiiene Jursîs, Lurîue Tîrtemus. Wii Msh'uddru Rusrmuey tubeuchi. t.aou McLeun. Mes. Jody Thoîmson, Tedd Shepherd, Mec. cema Mrtuoetl. Haldt Juesîs, Annelle Vuedesutb, Ksmherty Ademso, Sandre Tuylore and Sosue Lauorence. Conguratultios tom îr. and Mes. George Leslie so -'etebrulrd Ihesu 43 soeddîec anueeîsry onAog. il. Plan sieucliru The Augusi mereting îf bue Ontario Sirum and Antiqur Presersers Association sous held uit Hoyne Ceote ou Thursday Aug. 9 soih oser i0d membrs Pepurussiis and planuese tieutied lu te buSieu-Ecru Show tiobuhrld onhug:it. Sept.l tuud: ait Milieu, Muuy îîes truiue huve hue ddrd lu suhe bue esent esce more renoyeble. Tbis sbow drusos maey theesende (romn att parts et CanadandU.S.A. andîcsa souedeetol chance lue steuse butte buthse interesied se the gond ulS dupo. Theeshîng machines upre rurh uftrson soîth cempulslîues, Tuer ciii be souvenie sbup. a countey clore and alier attractis. Anyoe so hbs nevre bren ut a show shud plus su attend tu sec ail bseds uf utS lime seuchînees ai AI the clise il the moeeting lunch e us seesed. Gr el el soishes ti Mes. Mary Cocue en ilubslle Houspital, anS tuMes. C FaeS, Mes hase Finaee Se. and Huey Peusch, patiensl ie Milieu Hoîspital. A speedy rereseey is wsîed iii 'L'dsg Ford ofDerry lluud cho is hospiitl Districtpiae Kilbride Two local girls in Vermont games 0 V E R E 1 G H T y ausspices of the village Nets are up on Iwo n0w. MEMBERS belong ta tbe recreation association. Players use a fine stone Kilbride Tennis Club There io provision for surface insbuad ef asphaît. eperated under the tbi'ee coutrits eventually. (Photo by B. Burtti Lowville New grandson highlights family's trip to Norway ti hies. T. E. Ituamebu Blerger unS itauSi liubech Nillsiiu and brier Saugisîr Shelley repoiroa wonderfl ix ueeh liiiliday iii Nîîrsoy Ibis sommser, Tuey had a line lice iisitiugelativesand ireeig ilS acquaiuiances. Handis, soeîîb asîd Son teareuls lise ti Keageeîî fi Sîîslhces Nuesias Their Son teaeus and lus wi peesefiiiltBerger andladio-iii a usav geaussc senutes Seliie liel guI (ii (liei plane li cre The ' atsiilistrl Ileger's seîîier en Oslo liS soeîi'rs cîleSealed hlie lilili lîselbda.îs wile bhei cere ihee' The Thoesda s' veningservices ulireust ial sacsess. Niow ihîl [liei churc i s hacba li SusSuis heo as, cuioell Mt peple are sasa î,îî liîîlidays île gieg sy This Saeduy seervici' eus sii lîî' lb" yiruels eteleal il Kesssirh Jack aeîîî dessuibi'i asoeueed alKesoîsh eteres. grioup discussions. wsoehîp snd su Ibis seauuee %fllis lie%. Siver tecie play'S She uirgan lii lîelp Mahel t)avee out. Mael beîîhe hie fontî Ibis somet.e Foraitlu icines t'llp and Frasîces iîiiliup il Coilumbus, lis aud ilîeîe chîldren Phitîp, Aprîl assi taied e i uelieglue tusi Feiduy anS Saîsurdu> Tbuy spentcume seeîng hi' country eheee bis grandithr Thomîsas Johneson Cîîllîeg erîgîsaird. They %scîed Loite l.iiiied Cburch asîd Collting cesrîeeies liiiig for îleratono Joeph, Juhn, and Feuiheeclîîe' Cîîlliug. Pbstîp ueîîeld alsîî tes inîceres teS isî csîiiucticg anysce elîî bnocs sîîmelhing abuolut ae l> ilyo Elizeh Hlaeeisonc e-bu seeried heuslhurstoe Ciilliug. Thss paiS a href sisillio hItueîse and lieuse lleudhead anîl hari lunch udth llOedge unir Louisse (loeSs ou Saioi-duy île ses' glati lis hear bhal Mes. Mstlisii Hosspitl and auisprîîsîng i We'arealso pleased liert 'sIattr Glies cs hoeîs' agaîn triss hsispiiat. Wr eîsh hies the heti lerb Ibis limeý hre anîi Mes. MarNumues teuse Ricshmond 1H11 are sieyîng [lira reebeudusîh Jutes and Mtary lieaîlîead. Mes. MaeNasearal' Marg's sisee Staeg and tube have bren camping ai Keighîs' Beach un Labs Erie luis suec 1l is e piuid ipiaie to amiîlies as bue ssumninuis giuîiandlheeis tisefo chîlde lu) krup lhem The Town of Central Halton s (Comprising. Ail ot the present Town ot Milton Parts ot the preseet Towns ot Oakviile and Burlington Parts ot the present Townshisps ot Nassagaweya and Esquesing). WANTID ELECTION OFFICIALS to mark at the 1973 Municipal and School Board etections. Elections ta be held on the tollowing dates: Adeance polling ta be held Saturday, September 29th, li a.m.-8 p.m. Regular polling tal be hetd Manday, October ist, il a.m.-8 p.m. Central Halton wiii be composed et 3 Wards and otficials are reqoired trose each Ward as tollows: Ward 1i Trafalgar Deputy Returning Officers-7 comprising North Oakviile and East Polling Clerks-7 Burlington. Constables-3 Ward 2 - MILON coseprisieg Milton, parts of Esqeesieg anS Nassagumepu Townships anS part et the Tome of Qateuille. Ward 3 - Nassagaweya coseprising Nassagasepa anS Northe Burliigton. Oepaty Relarning 01fficers-24 Potling Clerke -24 Constakles -8 Deputy Returning Officers-il Palting Clerbe-it Constables-5 Application torses for the aboue positions are availabie at the Towen et Milton or Township et Nassagawepa Municipal Office, or wiii be maiied tei you il yeu will catit either et the aboya Municipal ottices at Mitton-878-4151 Nassagaweya-854-2206 Applications will be receiued until September lth, 1973 and the respective individuals wiît be notltied lmmediately thereatter. J. McGeachie, Returning Officer, Tomn af Central Halton. Frank anS Alice Coussn juel retured (ruse a ieehs hutsduys al Choulumue collages un CIer tube reur Puury Sond. Chalumrîsaeun te> Henry and Jean Ilasshuso Churtaseur is a r> peputor spot souhthe peuple aeound Lowssîte unS MilIeu errea Jack and Audrey Coter and lir hune beec ap Iheee Ibis sommuer. alcîî Jean unS Russell Cuutsun andlfaely. Abut :liS neighhues and triende ofi Herte and Muegare Hlaeris surpriseS them suite a heuse uuemîsg parI> lire ulhee nsght. The> pesunleS filum euth us senei lau fie bue ueot> roaIeS hoîme ole Walkeees A businessman con Olysng te o runtereece ie anether city soben onoîher rereculie sait besîde bim and tred tostart oenersation. "Hlomany people workin your place?' asteS the rereutîse. 'Abut 33 peu. cent of tinera! repîed tbe business mon. tlessseonYourhin yours? by Mus. P. D. J. Seaaaeu Aeoeg the 500 yeuegsiers cueupesieg se the Huelînglue Gsies inVeermontlrecenilsssi'e iiiiiyung luis lri Killiriiis eamely Seody Sereels aind Kelly Shaw chu play baerbat for the Buriegtoe Kinemee Jusesile Girls' leem. Kelly is Oie deugbler of the ell kow eramii Ruth Shaw chu lises on Eighl Sideroad. The girle telst by coach for Vermolteat8am. andearrised et 7 p.m. chere the teinme cere met by their "bnonI ftalty and luken la the serines homes eltlel lhem. Kelly nleyed in a Jar- mbhouse and the hospitltivmes greel, white Oendy seyeel eta home and a traiter, se Ibel bush girls were able la mers and cakle, lots et trieeds oflthe Vermeelers. The girls sorre letrd ut a barbecue perty eithe Gullermen FirtS Heese, oenl OeIl quie an enperienee the eîgbl et their dieeeruand danceeasesoeuds the end ofthe dance e power toiture Sue ila a sierm eurteited the es-enil. Hoceer adinner and dance orgasizel for thr adulte marigad te contine, and bush the girls neid bac es-erpone made tbemn sa eloe Kelly and Saedy ceae detîghted uit the outeeme ofthbe eseets itb Hulieglen reeeiving ee ecerd and lrephy, and tels il had teen worth il. One theseuy hume the bus Kelyand Sandvisere riaveslling inlat fli ires, oi pauriue, cii lie girls wee i er laie areisiug hume. Leasing D)istrict Hall aed Ane Farrow aili bu leaving for B.C. seano, and allheegh ils eue lune and B.C.'s guecmshihcala brigbl ec (usui.re soîth lots o ut cers. Mr. and Mes. P. Seesees cere gis-en a delîghllol surprise crddieguaneearey dineerbhy De. aed Mr. D. Slamer et Ohe Poule uf Coul, Turonto, and lbeehed eseeereeeenerei. Tesnt' Teai' Bill and Peler Watsen huve bue dess-ieg bhere am eegie aeeued Kîtbridr, and cai bu eneig ibis se bhe bleam-Eue at Milton. Whel e lut il heure hue geeee iit Ibis worb, and the semant regie lobks heaulîlul, ail sbiny and brîghl. i gels a lot et at- tention trss chîldren and adulte aubke A bus n iiser sebne hs eacly soben yiore lte and ]aIr sobe yuee eary. DSNSGOPICIANS *Ocuisi Prescripins Filc *Ceuîusî Leuse, IIOURS- Tuesday, Wednesday ar Thursday 9:30a.m. to 5: 15 p. 70 Main St. E. Milton 818-5151 MEL S CA NA DIAN ~~ HAN DCRA FTS Antiques Restored Stripping and â5ffl Rat inishing 26 GUELPH ST., GEORGETOWN (lid Cai. Tire Bldg. Bus. 877.2411 - Home 877-4488 i Oen7 eays a week Opendaily9-6p.m. thurs.&PFn liiliF9p"m MI LTON PLAZA 878-9222 MILTON MILTON DOMINION HARDWARE liaelof poo chernOcaJ aie osalîlîrd te heip yea ed Iii u pool pfob lemcs POOL CHEMICALS AND EQUIPMENT Ask us about abolie and beow grund pools intolttd by o. vertoced staff Mak* Milton Dominion Hardwarore Voue Pool Noodqastous

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