1 he ChampIOn. M~Ilori, Un9., Wednesol AuguSt 8, 1973 / 11) [IES.fR7SL S-k-V-E ý,^mtmDATSUN 1969 VOLKSWAGEN BUG AUTOMATIC SALE 999h9 39 ~t 9189 lOed998970[ BRAND NEW 73'S $799 1968 VOLKSWAGEN BUG ln Robia Egg Bluealttl contrastlng dark Il Iaterl LIc. DSF 013 $599 1971 TOYOTA 2 DOOR Finlshed la Egg 519.11 yellow alO blaclx laterlor. Eqolppad with radlo, whtaOalls. A real Illatoey ILIc. DUU 324 $ 1,395 1970 AUSTIN AMERICA Finist9ad ln Florîda Orange with charcal lata,-ior A e Bea9y. Lic. DSR 010 $899 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA FialshaI an Light B8ue wlth Black lata.iae. Radia and white wali. Lo. DSR 911 Seal tl Teday! $749 1971 MAZDA MODEL 1800 4 DOOR DAISUN 1200 2 DOOR SEDAN DATSUN KLB110 1200 COUPE DATSUN PL620 ' PICK UP TRUCK 1 -) ý[HI(Ài , ÙR M77ple Ludge limil1 Iti] $269,5. (Ws nCdih% I.1, $2985. - 2c 13 TRUCK DRIVER 3085. DATSUN 510 $3105 4 D008 SE DAN Allaodels 9ae qu7pped wih autoat9l trasmission ad will incloda AM PUSH BUTTON RADIO al9 no99xtr Charge. To drive elivery irck 5 Io p1la rmader of yar. Mus be ral7ble an matue PHONE 854-220 1 N orth End Datsun EECrnIE N 610 Martin St. 878-2471 for food 9799909799 pIa991i Just Soufth of 401 Milton 29cl 5 hee a mpo r ti 7 al Gl.,ýt.Apply to Box 258, 87 26,- The C999dian Cham7pion 19977 RAMBLER station7999 waonaau lo tha icteas ina 69Y997 u 99 97896875 9c 14 DICTA TYPIST apacalias 19918 1998 y excel0 n aa991199 97vte re99 199 F099 999799, 90999 benafi9 as 909 7707k for 7079 Ca7f9nd5n,,ertif,9a 7 871 3 52 iYa wwi7 lei 9 99979999n arf . 2 LICENSED 299I15597 duliesa s 9S U 999 7,1e yo927 99png l ad l. o 9197 MECHANICS BRAND NEW I guesin ahs neestinm 0790 9979 Intariar. Radio. DanT' mis 97799 Oae. LIc. DTD 390 TOYOTA'S , $1,495 fr.892,299.00 Los f eIopleconac Wl 19 m799a1s toi choosa ro t7o.rs 9as 'ou 70, n y9797 9999a ,laalte delivery - wil havea arit of799 dateas CLEM EN TS,» PARK TOYOTA $150 EXECUTIVEI MOTORS 0F MILTON LTD. Hy o 7 et BRONTE ST. NEAR MILTON HOSPITAL 877-2261 29!Careeropportunity. Let Y99 MILTON 878-2328 21-b14 ALAFI7999.979is sel97 999 tin office.99 91919oh srw n Peopl ontact99,clleg and799 ATfU RICHARDSON cas trc 69921ppiteens19 esay C EV - OLDS _ __1 fie1 8526 1911 PINTO __ _ __ _ __19I51522 Building 9,nished in 07.309 799 9790 black Intelo7 Booket seats, a speao 2999390 Io bal, 3 09979997 09kvlle, Ont. transmission. 200 ccx engie, radio.OCri 2,000oiginal miles.97 buglo7n9ito9 hoe8797c Oaa oana7. Lic DSJ2l9. 91973 14 EXPERIENCED $1795. ai.ll UKDRIVERS 1971 BELAIR 2 DOOR HAROTOF oil on s,7d compiel7,9 9927999tr Steady eploy- 99977 o9 Iton97 9,97997977 1 men. Top waes 2ill 979,9099 in gold I,9 97990hing 909 7998779. 8 cyl79da7, 7, 979Iton,90, 999 7 72,779 n0779 g7.99 suilab7 fi9 90997 999l i Cs.Lc. BSL622 99978'ý 2b61567 9779799. 77979 779779997797r99 , Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. $2595. 17T conat v ,i R. , ihLm etfBapo (59 435 or~î9î 9,ito 8 78 Mile orth of 67997979Ave 1968 MERCURY COUGAR 79381221 2 DOOR SPORT COUPE 99979899 pesn fr1d BUYER V 8 mngia, p9997 99997799 and brakes, 9999979979 oooIII ýt 9781 Expa7elrinad 0999779997,99 tran97~smisio, bu9999 satas, console. F7979099 in s97799 yellowl4u1544 for999 an79 aulo97olî9e art plant.~ with beige Iteback v7989 roof 09. Completaly reoadltiorid RELIA BLE 979977,79 lady for Sa79799999 Medal9,hospital See 0,9s bauty. 9ic ADU404. col777 ho97777 0977 7ra, an9 Ille 799999a 99.. 99979 $1895.7979 5301 99 978 ACton Free Press lû79lPIl 9919 C7 E 99999 IICQT99 1) nS Wl T 92l 56 2b5 297ir, hardtop, light 9reen780997707 97,0 997k green7 ,99e770 N RS 7797097999, poerstera7 an 9997999999.7,9rio,9whit.. INIIUSTRIALNU S 90997 di,999. 9790,929 o9978997 999,7907labe. This9 car has been 99captioally7 wall 9999. Yao must9 se99i999999.99799e its9 value. 5,000 mile e.99car arranty 999,7907e. 9,9. BVR8233 RockwelIIInterntional9 of Canada Lim,9a9 requires a mature, basi9sbet9aaa thaOouo7 la.m and749.9. 09o8999 70Fr, .4I,2895. day S EE US TO DAYexeln satn aayadbef porm 99easeas Étrit complet e restante only te: JACK RICHARDSON MANAGER 0F PERSONNEL CHEV - OLDS LTD. ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL OF CANADA 6791 Highway 25 Milton 878-2393 29079 LIMITED, WANTED ~ MILTON, ONTARIO 2l WANTD N pp 9099FOOD SERVICE G O O D e CLEAEi A plctosr : ivie fro~0 m ulifid eron afillf:: USED CARS di99iia on9 79399 o097977 responsib~ilty for staff of 90799. I plnnn and99 779,779 io of9160079999797 9997 son9 e WE PAY PREMIUM PRICES BRING VOUR CAR IN TOOAY MMOTORE0P 0 CO.TD. 878-2369 29-b-1a 409 MAIN ST. MILTON Auto Res 9779999 C9o h v 0799 878-2393 MlILTON HELPI Manted URGENT idential Real Estate 99,977709 OFF ICE, 999999ce a Resinal9 Sales Repre- 9979977977 797979979797 Reply Real1 919 Le, 5 09,77 SL . 99197 (Phone 853 )821). Female or Maie For packaging9 of food procloc7s 4 t 5 days a ek, 854-2201 S T E A O 7 779 797 777 7 07 7 777 Box977 25, Th 7C,7 07.777 907-77 pion 7297 79 987777177797 770 77212772 Gýll,,ot 97,, 98r,0, 1 ?it i0R VARIETY CAMPINGI TRAILERS 538799909 R. 827-1865 Aller759997 and eekans -6 8979 TRUCK7 99 opr te, la.ter 5797999 s.ýý 17,7779.7799-999s9to 77,77u7 54 2385 68CI5 93 j 96 779TO her réo 771ep 9899 tre, ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERAJOR Requi.7ed For Medium7 Sie Office. Exprinc p eered but aise 0911779 to train7 ay solable appl,997 Musi have grade 12 e99997,ion Gcod bena9,l p,-ogr. Fie-977 9 - e 6p9 MAJOR ANTIQUE AUCTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN 0F PORT CREOIT ON SATUROAY, AUGUST 18, 1973 AT 12 NOON AT CLARKE HALL - AUDITORIUM 161 LAKESHORE WEST PREVIEW FRIOAY, AUGUSI 17, 2 - 1 OP.M. AND ON SATURDAY UNTIL SALE lIME INFORMATION CALL 416-627-7672 JAMES E. WHITEHALL: AUCTIONEER NO RESERVE BIDS N EW Everything must be sold! LOWRATS 0E990LOTS TOBE SOLD, FEATURING:Pv9999997797 7 Ist and 2nd ma9de in nurisherin 9797977777771 650 taperecl and doy797799 MORTIGAGES re an pn rse n ic gen olae akgrounod;E9gb99 Service 29,70 Integrity Regency99977799tabl, i:ave 97r99l779 9999979 9999997a999oi 0.M.B.A. 09979 ber op; 9oui XIII 9799779977,7whit,,790799999997999,79 a' 9799hs, figuresand 997779999, 9arve9, q77 999779 En 999999g 9% aronha,7, 9Pair ofLoi XVI 779779979979,979797977790 h99,799 UP TO9O99VALUATION p9799999ý Pair of 99'97i999 Empire style archir 977C79297 -Cobin 077 and7 0,179 77,10 9179799979, Sel of 799 F7re79h 9799797 779797 9907979; 99, 89,79d 9009e. 7,eu99n sh59999 Hand 99777999 plates by Lim7oges, 9999799, Add aIl * 09Roya Vlierr, etc. Double pedastal 9997,90 Regency 299 0907999ae fronn 11 979099999979999979 S,79er pIoad 9797790 Regency999979997 Set of six77,97eglasse9, sind Ryal 87,9779; 977osh Regency CALL: comme7de,.9799999997777097m70u9979n579 F99990 Empire7 JOE REYNOLDS malhogarty commode wIth mable top and ormolu mourris IffiaaidFrenchc0omm9ode, satinwoo99l7h79orm9o997 809f;Rok INCOME MORTGAGE 1 luke999979779kingorder; Louis XV7style ebon,9a99,99799 SERVICES and77~7 br a97 ss777 inlay 999977099y ep rdok;Pie 539-1043 (EvenîngS)orflaneboeceto rwrsinn hldyengt 0ata e, karves9 table, etc.; Primitive ironstoe 7ban low907e 527-4557 Hamiton Alerican Empire mah97797t7ogany sofa; ouis XV roswood carve (9 ar.- 5 p.n.I sofa;,Art Nouveau9 9999 set, pic9979 frame .999dies77c ki. a M 9ec. O ' 1,7 ssorted mahogany dmng ndo99o 9977907ble els 7of SCOTCH7799977pop9989797979, c97,9hairs in oak, wainut and noahogan; Oak cil tables; 999977 of97977999 swidos;Pie tae white oach 77,7 997997997979 ,9999299 ;79 oar k 27 May fine oitp,77ti,99,997ol, pastel,7 99979977799ng 930970979 7907 and primis as 77977 as a 9999 99790709n of 9797999 frann9 and p, 7 77 47 French, 99Canadin,97,9glhand7Oriental9chin, rso me, etc. ' 709791990997797,79999ors Wall7 sconces, Street979 laps 7a e 878 01 8Vase, 999997979, 0799099799, desks, 929777 figures, 977979. 7997159fale 99p, 997790977item ,and 999 y more9 979779 qual97,7 MILLGROVE AITPI SWAPMEET ,AU'CmT7IO SALE DEALERS WILMO FARMS 9977 9977 $2.900799ble 777997999 for f,799 75. ooeI ehl a79te729re Folle soa79 ofl0 Milton777 on979 09799No 25 H9h 409979l9 1977999779970ter 977777009929997199) o On9 Hamilton-Gue7ph Hwy., SATURDAY AUGUSTIil sf 12 NOON 72 Mi~ Sý of 41 1690512 1593864 CA777E. 0agist97a9 Holstein9 7-77 (no papa77r979 bre 79.77 73 l 9999ch29 1 1 , g M HENSý 30 yearling White9 Rock Hens FRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS BLAKELOCK CARTAGE IT 7799790i999 traclor 77770 I,. 999799997oader, C99,779 for F9797977 H, Ba7e & grain9979 e 992977w. 99777999iag 20 loci for Home09Office997799799t 1 HC won w. Few basket9779ckF9977wagon& rack.G709779t 09oves grain box& wagon.7 1.HC 277777999 laner717.C 979579 197 .97,der9& 799L79drll99716 99799777797 IH C 39999977079,79709ow JD 09990799,99 forLigt Idutril ýlIH -, doule99999 79HCsel o d99992 seisof harro, double or Commercial,9Deli,097,99 lt 997799ker Peerl7o99grain 97777a7ontraitr79 9029909s a797777,99choppr 3 p.lH.Cý No .730 mandre spreade999Grader for7P7ano090977799nd 97la9e Ferguson 2 furrow Plow 3 p.hWeed prayer w099om 079979577,99 9,792799 sa77 29979759 p797 J. D. Currie for Curte,9sýe79999an Plumbîng & Repars CalI 878-5222 854-2381 159977 6..BSIES COOK Il Have Your Own Janitor Dutias include 97999799709 of 979979 077997 97re90,09 of 999 eric cook, maiatainlng 97eana779999 of food serice0799 iie 79977999797g junior cooie and 09997 9799997 personnel;. 90797 For 299197 and 97979t,79 we0 Cook93 , 79797 9799efrb gae 70 9999991097 s3.9 per 9097. 97777799707 299 97997 sla fo Apply in wri97ng by 909099 15, 90. and i:soeý High incorme. THE SUPERINTE94DENTR ONTARIO 099009 FOR THE 099, 9979y 80 Box 632, MILTON9. 42 1 Action Free Press 64b For Compîete Auction Service Chris A. SChoufen AUCTIONEER S9799 9791779999 Tel. 878-2576 Ward Rrowirdge F97979279 Sales Phone 878-6730 779979,9979 - A7 Types MISCELLANEOUS: 0797799977 919799 vie moel9777799le 2 steel 779797 troughs 2 portable 29979790779 999 9999979s '79 999ha 797997 Mrs c 0979917999979999t300909999797997 099999999ot ýs e 'Bodatr 79995 9797799 99970 97999779 797799 & 37o779s; FURNITURE & ANTIQUESý 2 culters-ame is a0GooseN999k 3 bats, 3 piece 2997999 0997977 suite; 2 child's cri09-959 979 99999 dressin9999977977 099.A VictorB&W T.V.21,99999e Air King humidifier; 99799971 air conditioner; Kelv,9aor d 99h new7 G.E Frg. Frost F799 white99799997-+9large79.99 picnic table, 9797979 7999799 Oak 0ook2799 w. 179999 FEEO l0O09799eso Haýy 777979777799997979 Terms cash No-- RESERVE-Farm soId Owner moving to Ranch in Saskatchewan Not responsible for accidents MAX STOREY, ROCKMOOD, AUCTIONEER MOLLIE MacGREGOR The Tonaof akville SCHOOL 0F DANCING Tenders ttodern Jazz Children & Adoîlt Classas Equipment Rentai Ballet Tap-Highland Cab & Chassis Rentai lno. 878-9788 Truck Rentais tor STUDIO, MILTON LEGICJN Sanding complete with Thurs. Atlernoons & Evenings prtr 67, f'î Mî, raI orn Piano, V,97,9, Gui7ar Ontao on or before four & A99799,99 o'clok p.m., l1 firme Phone: 878-4287 Monday. August 2, 1973. 67979f 9pe9l,9 ' on ae availab79 zmzzzz m 9'tned Thn l999est 97an FOR RENT , ende mot eesarly ac -TENTTRAILERS eptec. APACHE HAROTOFS Jh"sn H ARee t, 997s: s}aîîer tralers toi suit Town of7gCavile TOWN HOUSE b99797978, 7', 097979997 Pr799,e patio, 0979999, bridge. .799 9ae N997 Burli77gon Mail and"GO" terminal. 63489 4 sc15 89998 St p,1, M22lton 97l9, 8 71999 383 9,79 0779799779 1599775 85.L APERTIVNTNEN 1 LE AN2 EDENO ACOATMENTS avi ab va ia the e fn 9,l,7,99a9a9 recepion999 9a9999ed arking77y ACT8N 53055 ACTO 853200 IAND2BED7ROO77 M7 FARMS WANTED 1 o Il a 9977999,,9097 o wi, 1 ut 199 buildings 79alyi 99919779 Have 779999 097797 Ca77 for Il9 9997999,077 BERTIN001 ",,,ne,, 99, 7778 R99799779927 46/8 BAYLEY -MaCLEAN LTO. 8997997 8097tf nimaLliýý 76, TENDERS TENDERS Aucîlon Sale FOR PAINTING TOWNSHIPOF Mrs. Donelda McKinnon ESQUESING C90ehldthered,9A97999 OFFICE BUILDING Friday evening, Aug. t0 SeaIed teer 97 wa, be at 6.30p. m. until 12 moulin o Wednao99y APPL IANC ES Beatty A,,g-1, 913, te painting F,1q a,9.7 Specil,99î,99, F99779 9999 b EIa9,7,9 197 919299 mowr, e 99,979999 aeTwsp 9977997 99,ilmp & coha79 1 78, AUCTION SAL ýýJ 1 76.TENDERS 099,99, R. R, 1, Gegetow, i Caek Te9ae 977shpo 9pEsqaig W99 l GorgetownOnt ýýImIIIII ýýý FURNITURE Dreea,; ches 999799 & ma7ttress li,99ew I 9ee, a7ker9ocke, 9099 patio fable & dombre9ll9 MISCELLANEOUS Sa1a79 9799 799997 ,997999 & 19777 Terms cash No reserv9 Hou se soîd Not responsîble tor accidents MAX STOREY, RoCkwood, Auctioneer. 4 p 1-1 8. AUCTION SALES c REL IABLE babystter urqoiatly reg 1 5 day% a week for 3 ,1,011th oint boy P(l.aSC pholla 878 6592 62,15 1525 i i