MDH ccindy strîpers seek new members If ys're ieresied in a hospuîl arer ad wato do a his îs iesigahng, yau mghl olsidragalini iît ahlookat at thn l ti t~ih San gil 1 ma,\rant iaosieaiaoassisilthe oisiulg staf ai MMilonDsrsit Hosptal foi twl or hree hors a wasis Ad rigis sols a ew more heping hasds would be elcslsed. Ms G. Langiga. a mrr oflthe sosesshsspitl ailsiary rrspnsisirbe o andysipers. asn had surse Ms. Darroah wouid liSe la ha abie t1 schedule a few more girls for trainbng classes asd haurs i he hspîlal. Al yoo seeld s as appicaion Isai, avaîlaisie lrom Mas. Langridge or lie hospîtl, and a irdicai aerailîrair. Probationu period A sew randysiepe receii'es her pi-sripeil pros andd hst gors lhrsagh a ihreer monlh irahais prisd. Ai thaend f25 ou rs o s-r w, ii'rei'.ti her i p jt.ýIilt a, dIila t ,h i,,,, hasl goi , h a) n h re raad for 75hors is a pisih th' isrds Tarsaga Hospitl Volusîerec Biars ohîcismay ha added la t hepin arr presesirdltugirilsiis 150 and 200hoisrs ofservice, asd a irwearasard iraspissos hase heeii gises la girls orkisîg 250 Orsîdes the aards gim en o fleurs a$sloohsasarytis gises iy ha aosiîary assoally lu a girl coslisoisg hr sindies in hospitl maris aler she las'es high schiisd The girl choses hy the crsas as the mosi sel pli s peseedmwIlh a $25amard y auslîaey memher Ms Walace is îsemsry o her friendsliees Merry. Durisg the sommer mioslhs casdyslripers are acheduied in the inornings ac a y an k,, l i ,, h, ouses,. thay iay lhe ,aing ii oof (l(- 'ards, in eamrgesky, orthe cnalOppy rolim, Thcy iraks' heds. drlisses eais. dîisihole a il, ll w airjugs. freshensîl oer, and runsarans lulaîde Ilh hpilai the aasdy stipars bnp isusauxiliary fonctioss adias thea aytisaa Ball and ras il hrhpasnd far childrataithe ausilsary's Sep- asshar gardhn party. Ail uner time and efforts, are graeaill ihaîa swards ai lthe Ferary ann al ilsg o he usiiary and the laesopper paria. DingseYaaih Appreciatia Weah, the Mitoniiptirissl(ub in% ites he aasdystipesta heur Neaiay. ai Charshill Ave- s liaiping (aut tissai(ours ii the araS Jui haegining nigh shaai ie( aii Alix is .ahie hasa't Soi shi haaaina a aasdystipaa heaasesaheanaiid hi help sasiahowaIs lieras lai ir iays saes lriaîîd sirilia sin hisiiriahai' Ile ar iejob, iiaogihasbaa saiietlaainiîg istismail iry (i thaessay tas- The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, August 8, 1973 B7 ITPONE J R. Currie - ANSWEIINO OPTOMETRISTà .C N '. E T A URLINGTON :COUREOUSMALL .PERS020L0 TELEPHONE 632 7788 OUT IN THE SUNSHINE on the, o the patienta. hospitals terrace, Alexis chats with one (Photos by P. Ford)i Clot may stop blood Wih a saprtîcîilcul os isousd, normai cioiiîg iii pcoaaisy sop heemisng wmussai mach atention. With sariaus hiaadisg, St. John Amuancerercommends usai you appiy herm pressure diirectiy os the mourd. il sulicissi pressurea s applird herdin ii awayslieaosiroiied. tis iesi 10 appiy pressisre liroogh a lhicia comprissiledrrasîsg hasdagrd 10 lise wiod. Hoeea, il hiredîsg il profuse and no dressing 1 s aîlahie, dosi deiai- -press directiy osnlise msund ils yourluirehand. Ifa foreign bsdY isotuc fasin thewond don't ty torenove il -apply pressure aund lise ond. LET US SHGCK! BRAKE! AND TIRE! tfs Painless and vsuy Inexpensive TIRES lA 5 SCOBIES TIRE SERVICE 53 Steeles Avenue 878-3222 ALL OUR WORi< FUL LY GUARANTEED friend N Shan iner. MLONC Rw 878-2721 878-3251When youtit up (2 gallons Compete ollsion Boy Reair & Rfinshin. -or take advantage onioo 19 RBUCEI PRICES (eruo?£AfDYour Home kUMBER Improvement Cnr Ths s theyear o add' teetheauy o your home wih Asîtors. Wood~ 's: iinr Choose foms eithp ualityi~ productotoadd tSe -555 ALUMINUM SWDING f2~I/MIKSsq.oo ' WHITE PINE SIDING 3e 3 l0 bd. fi 0Beautif ul f2 Enhasce the estrarcs to f2 yoo home o ih the warmth and rchnissS ot Westere Cadar don s cralt mas dess ped and f2nishsd. Stong and lgSI- meipht;avitually fres ommapro ,shrinkinp i/ or0SWsp ligAvailahssina preut variey ot desgns. ~ OPEN MONDAY TOFRIDAaA TsO 6 pM.-SATURDAY 8 AMTOS P.M. 700 Main St. E.Mlton 878-2351 FREE DELIVERY I ZÎ) RR) MD RE FOR G NE VOLKSWAGEN , -SALES & SERVICEE Come To Baz Motors Ltd. V.1k1_ qýý,1 D'ý<11ý, Yo'r Aulhorize' igg Guelph St. 877-5287 - 457-6446ICV GEORGETOW N