Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 1973, p. 14

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B4The Champion, Milfon, Ont. Wednnsdayp August 8, 1973 Community groups wiII help Sheridan program e1 o: :0:::, 11 o::: II 0 :1:0: '0ogh il 0:0::C Il : 55 1 oo:ir: l the, o up nuirait,000 Assma:torof hl00000 woio: Bacau.wand others e wi( y '0 ':': guv li o::::rk ' 0:11: : B0::r:o ;t 1:01: 1-sîl flol ot W5o::::'o and the[,au. o l::0llî:nr .:olruo:ty and tlo hlp spvaIon oWoinu':: l'ostPr's'o thîl: dr:'rlop aiuuorrrs' of aol Future:'i ffciees swmn 'l r:ogroî: ba:s hees planned Fre huses oretou r:'0s,:l inlOreoll:, "::::buses Iill per0010un Io'un oî.and Youre, oV:u '0:lurîlay, hringin pers::slfront buni S our 11:l:O Sour und Sour ;îothî'rr Petil and Ball::o com a'no .:d N:on aud Vour o:un:l: oo,0 Shoridan': tiahoîllo C'l:l:l'o: 'lhu'soss::::onutiintes linII Iiti pne discusson entitld A tree superisod oîhlro:'s Y (:u au::lYour: Future. centure' o:l operulo aIl îlay Theo Exlo::i s an:d :l:splays 0:11 ho cafeteria: vil b11 hopoe: fi):' si(u itetrnthl ra t and light lunch. Thooll hov:::: o::ie dics ion o place in admi:ssio c1:'hargor pro hil:o Ihrlctre (heatres. eitain 1 SigI:: W5ooo:o:o Bure. Wooîou F:o more ormtion uni0 1 Ni, ho: hbee;: oelp-ciails :l'l W'o:oieore Wouo': olo'og:o:'l r Io :011: i:::l, ai N,.'..cuitle B1:0llu ol:l: 1:'o::p: ,il 1111:i) or Infoormation hor' i h: Ira : kl'o:î::p::s a 945 Grace Bird wins CorporalI $100 scholarship Mason lh' l: t:'L' 1,l:: : iiî: rd Il 2îr. GurI S to . 5 Sli lit 0::1 lio:'ial i' club ho: 1 Ille' 1ecialo anin and o:::: h l ir Ia t :h:e 'i::: loglo.. s olO :::o:0000 Iioîlt::: toiricr :;i:00g:':: 'un :: Ilbltrcn .9:0:000: anu: s our:i: Caol '0::000 r%.: 5'Churchill Rd, 000:1:; Ia ,iplîoi Groade 131 .10 SI: l::: D'tt i' Illgh Scoh::l 1000:0 :0: Kriougu i: Queuo:: tl:::i * v Kngt0:0 n t0 ilo iO:'::itn'd Col:rse lro 1101:1: Sc:ho::l anuIa ho:r au0: a: Cti:rai:, loollegeof: olr k 0 o:nru juld : :000 gri n o i1:i:i10os Md:aagement Course1' Ladies plan a special meeting 'Il:sbtr, o Ni S and Iad l'o' 001:: osIfs p:00d M5 S .:o:ioo Ni1r, 15 rteo'rhîka :r:1 îoio100O e:1:' tourot: o: Olîlobe ,i'l,0 Mo: lo:oo ur :1:00110, pea0kvi Low bld th ne:011100 o l 1g : 1000 r Ar100 r Hodigs:,( lood ho:rt: nob 0i'OtOi0: * ru o::: IIl lienlooto tendlîu i':hau:ld lu 00110000 -olb ho 11- 0000 hî:le dI:iooaihoo o:aolo ao:::: geOOOOg Op 0i0:l bas")o ::oliOtoIltlighooo o::.is 1 place' 'ilo:'tl' I l:: plate :0:1 t-st 1 IlighuOoON r .: .11 (al I s tis :':ý I th brl: ,:: bll otroti'o:ork c l i'oli'0:o:oo Atoi'h .:::o ,:î liui : a 5fi6i u 'Inc:h "'Il hi' 1::: olo :01: h %r, k o:: ,ýd ne lt :o:'0::hio10:o.:o citer:l o 00:0 , o:i:::' oi:e :0: :t ol Nlor lire.lai t 00:0 0:00il,-' ri orlool i S:':: '5o00.kio 0::::: 25 to ii ar icl(i00 IlaN a e in A li a x -e ra t : St::i Ilu': ::000' 1111"0011 it:::: 0l'e0:u i:: i* Iri bel, 'i000 n1: sir N:orri and aooi :0::0:: 10:oeis dîoo or .4101 a::t l:ogh fiod lit ,Il1 .:od ir0tr d soori on fi, have: o: ::oghi:s t::, lcodor 'okiot oiind 459 Main st., Milon OPEN EVERT WEDNESDAY 8.30-6 MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 8:30- TURSDAY AND FRIDAY 8:30-9 SATURDAY 8:30 - ýýornHardwjare I pnail-p.m. lhurs& Fr.î tî6lltp PLMIL 878-9222 *UNIFORMS *MATERNITY FASHIONS Sisoppers Wnrld 499 Main St. S. bi .,mpton (416) 457-6144 award OlP.P CorporaltRonatdMason os prumotedand psted tu Noý t distorc ou the date bis fater, the tato Corporal Ray Masun was p=thm ]sy awarded the Ere otaituslb trophy for logand commendaleservice. Corporal J, h'rusrh distict repeesenlalosie uftihe Onutario Pruoincil Puone Assuncialio muade 1ho posihtioos presen- 101:05 lu Mos Heten Maison on hehaît uto hee hushaud wo headed the Actun delaobmeul ut the ,P.P.. in a presentation ut district headqoaoiers in Burlioglon. CorpralRay Masonu:erved a total ut 35 yeaes w:tb the Ontuo Provincial Policewth pustiues ai Otahuille. Brautford, Milton and inlyai the Acoo detachient. lie ,as prumoied lu the oanb (il Corprain 1949and assigued as deioohmeut commoander aI Actou where bui: loir aud ded:oatrd adminiustration I'asoespeoted hy mauy Acou and 0000 resîdents. Coreporal Mason dîed in .uly. 1972, aller 22 y0005 wtth the Acto delaohooent His eldest sou. Ronald, flltisg in bis father's toutsteps. îuoed the OP.P. and Oas promuled and posted lu Nuý 3 district headquarlers for doty ut he Brantford detachment ou the day uftihe preseutatiuu. Alsu preseo t aibte peeseu- 00000 er Coepueul Euh Arhue detachoient commnander o! Acton and Constahle Nîoh P'ae:uu. assistant 0iPPA. represen- t01:00 from the Acon detach- Chcap (adillan A: Dtoia Beach. a s1000 car reachedt129 ph ..in 1906' This w0: a rcord 1h01 stou:: for i5 vur.s ho lOntario Safety toagarIi t: hot souo year. 1906, o 1'ad:llao Mudol M sutd for $950; aFord Model K sod for $2,500. tlealth Mioiste Dr. RichardT. Palier urges Ontario parents t0 ho sure thoîr ohildren are odoquatets immunioed helre boey g:: t: schout in the lait. A Mio:stry study, in 37 ut llî:ario's 43 heatth omis,. reîraîrd 1h01 one in everp tive childroorntriîg shOotli 'rpcrother '1972 had lest; thao odqat or inuization agamoot prý ol oahe dîsýeasos. Of the f 2.,0 ohitdreo in the study, 99,811 oboro hîndergarteu :'hildren, ropresentiog 79 percent of a]] chitdroo ai fihit schout teel ni th province. In' a:unied About 75 pecent :11 thuse slodoo:l hâtit ben imouoiood aguilist dîphîhoola, porlussis (o:pîug coughl, totanus and Vi:1:. Siattpoxvacine fard heeo 01:0:: t: 65.5 percent utf tho ohitdren. tinly 581 percent and ionn 0:0:0: less thuoOl3 prcenut:ofthe pro-sco:::ersthadhooen vau: oluaird ogainst ourasles. tu thon 20 percent of1 the chitdren slodied liad roooooed ruhelta fin1:ths rate :1 immuoizatiuu, ~' About the town Mo. and Mos. Joe Avery trou o'ot::t Engtand are sisitiog bis br::herrGeorge AveryioftBarton S Milton, Vîsîts lu Kingston and Otw ihlhted a :'ooyen '*" ahîr holiday. THE MARRIAGE of Miss Susas Fergoson and Gisbert lJreger took place JUly 5 ait tihe Central United Clsurcis in Unionville. Susan is thse dugiter of Mrs. Joan Heyworth of Markbam aod Gisbert is tise sonof Mr. and o Mos. Herbert Dreger nf R.R.1 Adton. The couple bave made tbeir borne in Toronto. Acts seem senless 0:00:::cntin e rui 'o.h :.10000'0,: l ,: iliiti l liu:: il:fl > u n" I ,:0li:'111 1:: il :' ::1::'n:: andtll:inCl':: 50:0:frot'ir billol ru0:r s:g oirodi iitbýI III-::: i:,:o:::::::::centre:;buildin M ake a M ove!! lio aur i Iit h o'si p o 36" PRINTED POP LINS 8 c Perma Press 9yr 45" POLYESTER CREPES AND SIlLK SURAHS Beaulifo1 pririts for $ I89 better dresses and yr blouses. 45" DAN RIVER POLYESTER and Cotton Flocked Gingham Paids s and Seersuckers. 198 Ideal fo back lu yard rSchool Wear. - 58" HOUNDSTOOTH ?j10ýjj 1 d Ge and Glen C.ckh k suiting. Perfect for $9 9 t npart suits. M yard 0 60" FANCY JACQUARya ' S 6ua T FA POLYESTERCEcyR Double Knit and $ 1 1 e es bLn. nci crimplertes. Vad RD-d QU 0 3 a Do 1 t 45" PLAIN AND PRINTED t: $ TERRY CLOTH )ath t C Terrific for beach $198 cover ups and bat h ya! ygmpt f 1 yard owe 1 S. Speciai Ciering of a large group of waofiable Permis Press Colfaon $1 9 Hawaiien Cottoni Pius Cobe Bl$13s, Frtrei FABRIC 12 MARTIN STREET phone 878-6861 MILTON, ONT. inevitablr," Dr. PotIer soi4. Diptheria. perlussis. eau and polio îmnizîalion--whioh cati hoi gises o:t a single inouotîon--shuuld ho compteted hb the finie a ohdd is six mooths nid, A reiolorcing dose shud folow a year lter. Measles aod ruhettu vaccinations shoutd ho Rivent ut 12 mnths of age or shortty aller, Protection "Eor hîtd shoud hiave protrcton against theso prr:oulahle dîsoases as earty o:i lif as-possohîrý," said Du. P::tter. "Itf appelors front flho (tata we000 colltr]odhal o:uny parrnts iu th subiraias the priniaryourer uto miuiati:on Thisis a cause for ':oncro hooausrl:ton aoy:of olcioldr:: pas: lhrougl: their :re-school years :otoorahle 1:î soteor ail ut the:o' prrooîîtahtr Parents cati: have theroholdrr: ::uoouu:oe: thhortamîty dolor orai their local health unit. Pre-schoolers should receive immunization MULTON'OPTICAL DISPENSINO OPTICIANS Oculiss Prescriptions promptie & accurately filied

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