Difficult for young couples to buy The Chumpion, M lIon Ont. Wednesday, Augusi 8, 1973 B3 Housing prices skyrocket in Milton Hy Bob nult Sbyrocbeting housiog prices in Milton have aIl but reetrieted the poehaoeof newhometo the ,,,aîth> or lv, 1,10v' fal esvi,' o 1h bo ublao lfo ýIlv, ho 'vil T oronoiv îv'gared as heiog the moslevpensve place tr Noreth Aienea le, boy a borne and Miltonovproooovîy fer that city vo a dominant factorin the apid escalation in hoovvng coule here. In a telephone intevve el Bob Ceros iodicaed the average bongalowe or vîde split home that sold for $12,000 or $13,000 arouno 12 years ago ils going for as high as $36.000 novle. A buyer nath $4000 doven and carryiog a $32.000 mortgage vlould 0e eaening $16.300 a yeae. A geveraleoule ofthomb is hat no iovoe ta 29 perecentof the vvonthly inoe0 et a fanvvly vhould be devoteot 10 housing Bta ed e he ame exaople. the $32.000 monelgage, a boyee oldblietoobvog aipayveents of about $340 pee veonth tocole prncoipal, ioerestandltaxes if axes oere atbout $40 per moooth, ltapid bocrease vten seadyvinereases in the peice i hooovog. v Oi^IoIh, 0e tn v'v.vv'v marbel _ 0(vvv'la l'.,< lo,$011.0 a lll i t(,hv .10 m Il Il fo vi.(li- an il'. l il on tiheocoe subhdivionso ihal leur for $27.000 10 $30.000) a yeae ago is as Il as $40,000 000. The constant evsehbascaoed a lot of eoional orpardechoyvng as boyere loob 10 the fturoe andt feae housnghen gtisenteven îonlhee out of thei e geaop. ah cording ICIselleralocal reaitoes Creosnotetheju esvpar lvally due te a geilainfluxoet people feove Meteopolitae Toeonto and areaseast f ilton veheee lana conts are stl suh- stantiatly highee thao theyar hee When about 400 rieo. homeso veeeIul lastyeaevihe ovh easi quOadranOt l ove,. people feont Mviolo dashevf out tveee ta lobk ai them. Withi a yeae movl ot 0the oeve homes weeee hooght op and Toeontoopeople sivll came, peovidg a ready maetelforthe reeales. Acvodngto the 1 (irfolin(vl. i vol ,vhe l'ovC Yhv tlibr 'a, hto l'y, avl chne.- vdavf tveaCyllSiVievl ' 'otvcc maimil wifev c,,vvIvv vvvsvvro wi a ltr vda vvvv ie re Yvoungifvovviv'v '11i vt,,ve, payvvvevtvand uîi v'vuvlv a oeiyt rn ar lv,, e c,,vd,,vvvvvvvvvvv, own v paCI vvd'v wel. ler Roeal volvîle sa Iedvevlh ctvv,,î, I (ow flin ai, (v t lh plvvov ar .vppouvi pevipte whov hvac, t WATER FLOWED qwickiy once the remnoved and dumped int0 waitiog ttvwn Ontario St. Croek was dredged laot week. troucks ollowing veator to flow freil Huge clumps of grass und eurth that had ben os the creek's bottom were (Photo bv B. Burtt Prefer shrubbery ýaeo oepellcvvl dfiCes 01,1 (0ha rather tna n bermis vlvivpvvv l'ie 1inish malv A 'oreeneg shrer Craflie'commercial avffoeeho v applved, 10n liveron vCllbCCrequirent ln area ohihowillfî Cpartvofîthe IhetfvRceohecg deelvpienf ait devhlopvevvî Asodvfed wabvay fvordeCv OtfaCio Sft. Milton had ho'eof(COpose,fea ul Co'ueicvl agoeed Mvoday. Stceet naines appCovdifor'the PO L C TOh' developoeof v on the Valleyvveo clardevv deoelop- AND tordiOetcorner'vlOtfarioand tietvare Comeia Sta . vehvh IICCC, Rd. bocvtec(g the iveeo iv agi extensibon of thoe evvstbg CAMNPBELL miîle Ceeb otrevt hy tOuf ramo, 1aaie TOb e Ceevendavo fCeve t0e Ave. V.vtieyovev Ccev. and Mantcuaîmiai 1)eoefvvpveeftcommeveefaved Cardinal andttCileCvoursCfv..M--i fOIl vceeovog avlh flowerinov The extensviooffthe tor' and] megoGvat EMevova vhCoh, v.egeevs and mapfe oaoîfaeyoettere s îeevethî go 1 vlEuuv frevo; af the reaCoffthelotbor- llv'cy f4. o'ao alled for an - Oelaevoe. deCvvvg fOftarCl St. Councilfoe S Commvverci SI FuturCI' ((M 621 0 7580 Chlvvdv vvtedv aov bem oufd oeiy dv'oipvet on010e R0omn 1 A hei evelith thehgho'ayobonce fovbeolle Epvvoopal C'orporation fOc CIa vs aleeady m)1 m000 pevpetyinbtoresavfd hve 6VYg I ot TOc lts, hacking on lio the l(eicv SI. eoute ure 150 teet dojp et allow'for the15feint ceening ahich vs o bc 0 planter[ by the dveloper. CunelCreeeid thevidea rita concrete val onOntriao S oe l> from a north end alveay lvhg popeCIS lîveilo Counovt calleci fra cernent vîdevalk tho lti] iegth of the pCvpeCiy on flelueve 11(1 to tevvit acceve (o th( dv'elvpeg fiem Coutil alvo called on ls 00v eogvoeevl o design the balance of the' oaleeovabo feoir Comerecial St. v 'vtenedj vo Otarieo St. 00,00 veould place a teer finit acosthe fult teegîS af Derey Rd, fr'ont oonfe Rd. (eOnai St, You'v Coeed mevidlo ugo l veen ail you ococeovo lio caution. Wvîvle ((val pvevveeo vvay lvalt the r'0811 Y'vealalvvvil oi'vvvakv'ît a 'Chat deal1 Casier for yvvaog [(litsh lv, hoy hvome. able, the, clvve vo Intelvlect tl v osales or homves'oYiv'eo 00,,i sens pporCfiU,(vv for(( ptopie tev huv v cuvtome hait[ homîe vand z rond own rt-fewandl far 'TI (hC O lCllleelv vostaI(, typo decv'(ivobChîl ' 001 oclratr, citlke Toronto. Oi,, arel They are somodebey hee r v, dola lfr 'hey cavl ecrevvgoved avndlaite il thltv"'" par li lv,,v.iiiiie lî' il'h,.,o 'ait ! h, iK,,l- Iý,,11-n, ,' Ivv, ol 'lv"di lI ý om'lbe.ltohr a n hrosvgge.lev Reoing li (lvv' greatli os tol,1 standv ,relises ni, flic pevee of hovvvvvg L.edth nvled tomeranvdabeu rienvvolical,'d lad cvve, deaev.vlvealiy vioog hvv 1, mo,k a,1l, vîher vvuppliev. a vc,oond il." Thve geveral opiniovv aivoO r'vvltoev avîvl havverses vohal the alto look Iov iricreasov',v prvces alonly b avvovvthvog c,,eleolledi hy avv vvvrease i in oom! orlîvevîvgage rateho i, levdovi fi, cace, Sonnve reaitlevs detc.lcd a sevvvlv, paylîvi dIecrease y,, flive vuovlr of yavvl vîvg s'pvave o avtvereîvveev îlCs hvv(oy ovh vvevaf(livefirsltlvthreeeerivv v bvo y,, (live standvarvd vvlerev vae R1 Iates havie jumpted llvee simili(1 an,41 vd vvve quvarter fier cent Io vvvvvOlmaor cenvt andvt1osvlyto 10andvta v tv1h,'. happeov potentlat lv'lvorgvovvgotvva ivveforveive vears ai a hbh vvecvCrate. TIevvccvcally the dent,, faits off whven the costol 1,1 n ,l,vv p. ecala o f~(lic ess (. e le lanV ltoiinta IA.T. MOORE INSURANCE L854-2271 îlv'vlgvvandv gvogv'lvv gr,al to vii v i, n il ' (Ile "I i vvîv K,,alvlv liere lv, bolitvI', andlil liflyvve 1 r 4(i , e'vvld b h dl, ho e,vv'ionv', filet (1,e o e Il , o v e .v t,i'th'vvarc lv, t'. vid and lli', ,'vicv,"0' a ()i,,, lv,,ý 14r rocovtI I'ol fn $9~,.80o 'CI (Ilo0 l,ol hovI il ivIr parcol ontlli ladVn ubu o 1,0000 v1 lv itaîvig acr tri1 ((0' v cte parco0 (lvv",'. '.. ge, vevl t vi l i. l1111' l'0v(( .141 Caovihoo troki notreî a,,, iY .,, v i, t o 0 t e il b ia I o 000(0 'on Tho volvO I ho î,î,' 1lv (ile'î. a hllîîîgî' rIiîl',v ju Dlil i vlv'il (vl (lvvsv(iolvobvki a Mvll,,e hve ee.,il,, s builvvvvovhvdinvglta lii (lh ( itr * lis citer o f' the (lues l.o 1Th I., ai",I l 1 fol v i Y I ((vle Y.o.gavO 11,0 (.vkî~~~~~ ~~~~ ni, v ,,1( 1(0((1. î lcarailvCr 01,e I.v'vtvh AchvvCvint, ivL.hvlOvl, ,,e,llhe I vvîoil. 'Yl. ,vo v,iCllv','i, gv fle,,v li vllvhid v lie( lv,' voîvhi',vvl vlle v,,lîimgI (K cr al acv dii itgi vvlv' Ion( acift oa r îvilt,el sp l v(î' loul ,',, y and,, ,al, mon; lvvv lrv, andv'vlvvv l)1, dvigll vty Il, tivvl'oo, 1,'1 il i l ,,' su h vl ioece vhol nev fi, M i lo iven shif 'vvvv far land 'v A c r i g i e Iv, tl I li Ine viLvcal vvvv' or 111.15 allie ,îv,0, Io onifil e u o Conltece of0 the '93 CLEMENTS MOTORS OF MILTON AmericanBronie Si. Jovi North ot Hospitl MotorsMILTON - 878-2328 THE SAD TRUTH 's WE ORYHAVESWD 11973's IN STOCK 1973 Hornet Hatchback 23 G B L egin wih auom fihd inGre mutilc it cotrstnqgreo th ooe pu othe etr NOW ORLY $3366 5 1973 Hornet 2 Door Sedan Red exlervor vit black freo tone Oi0hvtervor. 258 C 1 O BBL e lgn 1,h autonatic. NOW ORLY $30773-5 1973 Gremlin Coppe boe extro ihhi neir 5 c. o IBBL engin, auornaic, oe brailles, gold rally vîripe, Ilvl NOW ORLY $29903-5 1973 Hornet 4 Door Attrctie cppe brwo ovlerior .vifh to0h on lonh tari intrio. 58 .I.. BBL engine, automnatic.Polar Bear ANOW ORLY $336900 1973 Gremlin X V 8, 304 C. O .2BBL Engine, thron peeo floor shift, white etror w h ooaig geen hi itrOr Spor w l cd whicte ctr on vde ties spor stee wheNOW ONLY $2874-1- DOMINION HARDWVARE3 .7 ..e1UNiE INO SUMMER lotel~ bye &eeieneed t-te Make Ml o Doino Hadwr Cao, Pool poolqa 'ic VA@h ouse siding ..r Il i h KASRcarefree beautyt of lt. Entvonvces anyhomne, aoi orne.e stcowoocoi fame orbrcvk. 0Neve,' teld paitling a Choioeof oolours advnnihes I LOW FACTORY PRICES ON i I OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS e Aluminum Doors BUGE e Comnhation Windows eAluminum Awnings i FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA I Foot of Forsythe S$., DabeilleI I B845-0318 IOUT-OF-TOWN CUTomERS PHONE COLLECT'