Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 1973, p. 4

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4 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, Juiy 25, 1973 ~~trnîpion pfet: Pqle Poor hospitality Chiefs are tough Thc leigice lecidîi liccccduc Cicii'lchowcca i dsict ilacis of hiciccalisiccc hn alod-ay ccgbi cc licccdciî lhlcc-c' iecd tle ,isiicig iaiciptýii iileaici18lic iccidicigicul aauitiiceiciccg(loi locng hoicececicc Caccybei re dticutage ii cou ccc ii Dunidas pyîchee Tri-c c Xl.icdeccbol alleibheseconcd icmccingecccecc icee eallc lac Tîcîccli -iarleil oncthi- ccoccndcfoi c ampcclelle icand gacc ciy cune cni 1lie ud rts ibsciebiccg liciscis irtI-o cc the seconid iiing addlccccedifice lacicyeil ciii-ta-ciiN opni tle garnie as ibcogb biey er gccîccg iceciicaisay ccilc the ceilitîcidv Mlitchll as sule orcar ci :ciled ïceeue Iblicii redge iglecdboum tir sec-ond, aid tiiek oliin as bu. ici cad (liei ae, 'Miiiî-iiiire aciiir R ibiciis cciedioadibchei eii Simiili trokced a 1- cii in-.cge The -0.1:eau oc shortelIced ibogbh.ix sngec acd a cii busceerbc c gi leider etPiic bcdreoigais- lina i % iieeeciii- ada ead tey>ceecigaci c-iliqisbed Thel dded lisercimcre etrous tri li îlre ccici iiof lie ' ccicci. fins, fuiteon e-orcsigesandciciclid err andasacerice iclicBdus ie Leer lcd enieec île grnce lie Cciuccbiic cleIi- leie l-d Duidass-ci-ieeiessicithe tird, guceciy aieadcfflbonnceeoun tu blcaced lhem ceinbthelib Xea iuiilcci bcci e. b, is leau: mae cu i iliareilie gay Aquatic club runs second cisc troui:,cci, e ili- iiilcii 1ci.cuaici dClb îcI y.rtcci cca swi iiiieri lil i lmoral:::Peol tri Brcimalea- inci alcieca:. .aly 21 Tlrcciea:c:s:look ya-ri ccribh ccciit Bliiia cl, Sicii55agac and aiiscerg a totalof 161 pioncs, ,Nississaoga- aeci irisi mita267 ponsaid Blmorail eil lbci Sicil ccci ccli12.3 pucul. T ccc: ieiibei.cnî-ded lieeg lilocb fuie Wight.c ciiv ull (;i-raid icîKîcecr, etiie agi, hcicri, u-beth icille i Sic: iul ii. ciel: hc-iiicî SMare iceanilsonSiel iEll.cuil icuciccirhhiiiiii l iii aT.iiai::e Miilon l\quatre (Jlib cci siaeieci inieuci::gdle ee i--s gc Asilibscia-. le ies: nîrci liceaa ofcit ie scc:c:c::eec Iai yiar ici: aled.ibhe .tacbes. Xirii Picckerig nnhu iilcandiiihbei 'iuii cre leaird ci:ib lb yperormac sdib c: hiail c-,er culiii lii:- ii cr ilaiiagi- c ec-ciPlFani: i cide ci iai: i ,uc-cii rit ciue tciiat -ici, ,: cIi-i-,n ccccieiii i:i: cliiii îacieblie tai:n c: a ccc -cc hiccdul hediisd.i accu t-cuaý i1%-ei: cus leont::;bhiii9i1i)i cccii1ycpool andiiiiciiidut thie gaccouoii 1 c-caitl :i ourcmri e s in île1 Iohn î-tibedge bitia ticiu îlt ri nrte cntre iled î-lîcc,îîd Turc icog cciii andcii J:: ieNlsicgld Xcn i-: ceelue ricaded île buses cand ce- ialked i on"iceruacd ai::c:ilci-ed o iiiiclrdiicut ici phi-,ltoy ofithi se enil: iti:ylelli leaddcî l luerl tcci ruidcii:tinBl Le on -secnd iand ilcdv itSchell on cirt-T cec lidge iciuirda doucbe tl i:gbtcentre.iiioriig Lce aid non iicg Miceel lic brd. ll ay F-cii ec: cîcgird bhome Miichieli cordai iuoretbacc icdeayiiircbiise tallies citci toue ofitrie ci::ccibibeiiicicn ni th i-:gbil: dccccld ccd Qigey sîcgledtbec: Xciii cibie cîcld ici icad thebascues. Art ccied r aîd dccii sîsngl-e cced lice the ifour uis T.o bIt-,earb Fie:: licndus plyuseecee1 place iceiecr Maddeci go l ci Ira- lit sin the gaiie PtiQcigleN sigled i l nescand ilJohn ci cii bridge cigled ilire ie n hiiiieeed ici iad île iiiisghi Doiicii Pit'cil ingîrd tocre aidc ioniîered. DoniArndeicll iigleil brece cuns and Lii: 'icencs, Iogdîliiic tbohRtdihiecordland Jiso heNab siglc-d iccee t-c'iie aci bellll 1e. -I ire lcedge doicbled and siigledtcBicl Lee cîcgird loicnd ccl ii iCestere-lc icglec. l i as n il ihicce gacis nîes îccchng s-crsoislcgo rîghl lice eus Il erenil b(ai[i-cc-e: uida- balrlttebal ,olidi* v can whn hcalbl ccciii thcielcdees ih c! cdyc cllis aidliiig i oni ilieciiherliaciilseeaigondci dcci b:h>uCarribllvilIc la es cciiirigici tciicuida.s iccider-. lic lice 'lie l îcial]ii îles iiiiicld onc rici secnd syoti ictlie egiii DON SOUTH looks on with a watcbful bail League which is becomîng increas- cye os a Yellow Balloon btter knocks ingly popular. the bail oner second base. Dos wos one of (Photo by S. Cassina) the orgobîzers of tbe Optimist Girls Soft- Shorthanded Docomatics lose to Binbrook club %Ih di:ccyiiontic biuui- cst cccl Io ii, I l i )ocîîIIIî tis lcicicd c::scîîg hccci(, iii :îîuy us lie brokcîl dhic:ciiicg Fedi Bic:- lebr ccîec:d lie sciiig cîlil: cîcrnsiIle secndîccccg bu( cccilirveecectlie sce incthe In I-ei cîcrlh i: lcbecccchcaddcci ;cci cccc'ce rcIii:-on A dsbiud-, (al::icecccc bcandune tgeiiscorie filIlle iixth uc i:îcrîcck blei l ios fo ssixbig nis o fur it îcciîccgc grand siainelie -rond Dle.:ia:: cis i fîcbecîcî Leafs thump Villa gers poor offensive show 1,"t ilC- i.î-pshî- i y i c- l s -a hr. ud i tic hel sei a ri il(, llis cii gi1, cciau ic::,iie ingledi lad: ycc1cle(aipe cisc hue ilucicciiii-eisiaeiiiiaic icgii luk(,on.itiXices cgic dccse ptn iiba durin edccci -cCcii bdicgl Miche relgire ilicl- iicie andu:ii:1cccocci ante. cas defiiieic iaikcccg i i al accu Clesier c cîcgli Xciie iciiiiiei ci:git:hi.vasidecstarerieBobin îge ciel: cr% ici-Ccampy- :icice:c-yriciice*cilc llui ci m sI :il ii: ini, ie g. tai bey l eliilli's issal ici-ciroi-c. lo i)- c- scvc.: ci iiiiiiiii ci- scred htmie e racis, 1îedlatlanb iclîe itiiu:iiiLiewi:st-îggicii lhcici-dcc inlishic:thiigaccs in e or arri Southil ld tlic sue l.ccic- andîch fullcc*ii Vi Mitchlîl, flot, li1acide ,ccd aiicccicd tle thlien iccciick \ i: i ii: csiges a-ccdil: licai::-. Iliir lc:cdgc- andi ta: racyi i on ccs occlioueiii- aii, i n, ecra i T . y 1)il i ccii al ige uialboiug iii- lCacre i thl ie riaiiciliilie anid -.ieiggil:e cogb siccacii cii cl:cecbciuingc givi:igciys eciii"' rucs adc elicici ls IlMa c i(>]ced lic id ce: iii P SILVERLINE 0-1 ila o Leciscde rails.ciBOATS 1iiL I ib w iisi n a un ni nccg. but _ hy ot tycrccisity added i) th ie T_____l soeTicsy ciyned tberehail olf look expensîce lice ceci ci ciii eiiseeciiiisinlges E ici lirri dccc b acd Iicice Kccgbi ccain ls.: ii Il el i s loncg doulîcle scecd bull ibese Ici csLeaide added ioiciciher ru n te ecmi uenKeth Mercury f ,,iccc ccî i cc icci ti rd icccic a Xficieliilhi e:: cîiild dcci, :and cibul1 eaude cucllie ixtliiA tffllrange P cin ice- xthitcil in age iile(>4 ta 150 H.P. 21 Commercial St. Wntn, oneDSEVC SNOWMOBILES What ose self lose three AND adta en Mo bra u]t- k s boiîl Te ocaiîcch oc l8l for yoa. O n gos 2 61 0b utdcst ake iot lr ii ca';(o ge n 1-2 ie yd h cigtr alo e idci cccii liii iî-ciîsgci bee ti, a tone iciri ii:isc-cre tl caiers lalii-c8i ici iiiLie iCccicîîîicc lic (e c-s oniithe ound w ccci ciii- i lbGlrd licilicys yîecî:g uoyheliii-cicci bi acîcin cLiii 11 bits 'fig lite Xlii-u micsiciiccdiitheibig liai toi Liccilie. giiglfoutiierifoue il lithe late-iiî-i 1-ib i ric gle-s.cccii leyi-lc irieclder Xii Bick and ticei hsecîcun Jlii irislie, ccci cd ho(i yer i* cc esicc- ai tbe laiseifc chi- D- i i ci, lo s i cccii lii Two wîns help record %titon::: Xi:gcsalmeciyiciib aai cccit ins thi iis ciel aller rei ics i ficsi ylace i ils- IiarnciicccfBig Fourie asibal li-uîs iilli12 ii ici fis-e lsses and:ililei-reeeciiing gmes in is-igus- tlac accÂu le o-il ylay lhi ail lhome guise ol tle reguclu e icscîciaguil îlte Grcimsy Ireli Kicgs t-iday Letter ta the editor Direction of energies may curb delinquency Dear Sir ' As the first part of the Halls. and Peel Soccer Leagues draws toa close altos. me In bring yos up to date on the success of Milton Pee Wees. This year there oas a poor registration for the older boys' teamssand it was ntyat telast inte suttînîst numbers were uiltaiord 15o ter ibis ieam. Consequently the tram oas slow to start oiil] ib ,eaisoin bui itlone gaine liii yolay bruuiethe suimer cia, , thccy liîave o2, liedic2, lista5 eceord. iliher ieainsieniied i lise leauo are fois Anton. Oaknille and Cbinguacnouy. The grea testga meas far as Mitton is cosceenest mont be their last ga me aga inst Dabotte. The teaos oas doon by a 3- deficit at hatl time mark and appeared lo be headed for another deleat. To the surprise of the Oabnstteleans, bowener, the Mitton boys came 0out0inbte second boit octb gris deterosaaion asd lied tse game on goals by Oscar Trayoor, Ricby Isoor and Alten Best. This sas by bar Ibeir best shown- ing and if Ibis determinabion continues bibt te second part of Use ses- son, tben tbey olt bea bard learn tobeat. t amsuretLo, tbat ifmore parent support was present tese bs osld tryreo hbaider. Tbere bas been a tanliof assistance wilb tbe tearn and il would be appreciated if seneral parents could barsnot for Use out-ot-tows gamos as transpoctaion is a probteos. infact sonne ofthe boys were asked tbeir parens' reactionto the rnnentty pubtisbed teltter by Mr. and Mes. Roy Young requesting par- ent participation in att sports. and the boys said Useir parents jant lasgbed. Ittwoutd appear tbat most parents are jst not ineresed and peebaps Usis accounts for Use rise in jonenite dnlioquency tbrosgboesl tbe country as restens yosîb are attowed 10 do as tbey please, instead of tbc parrnt direntsgbis energy intofields beneicia toim. Yosrs in sports RobertW. Innes. Tourney winners 1 Wînn s ai a lass owoling nîgbt încersîis tbe ladies ;tunmninMilton Xatsrday divisin ore PFrancsîClemeots. ioere icbDavis of PortiCedit, Elizabeth Nybolitand Broca iM. E.Felows if Borlingion. for liirradrti Edcards nificakvitlc and Earl diberisnoft hreriscille in bat Wiîiners intbe meo's divisîion irder.cirre AilenClemecis, gosseti In eegsiar eiimpeiiin Mîoday Cleinsiand Bill Woods. JUNIOR QUEEN cand HER MAIDS Jr Wrid Champion Softbaif eas Ocirsates 1115 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1 HORNBY PARK 8 P.M. SPECIAL PRE-GAME EXHIBITION JR. QUEEN AND HER MAIDS vs HALTON LADIES 1ALL STARS" Tickets in advance availabte tram Gafieers Wetons. Barlet Shses. Funk & Fiaseagan Adufs $1.25 Chidren 1215175. Tckes at hegaie $1.50 and 5$1.00 Spensored by Milon Juiorlr Hckey Cub ' World's fasfest jr. girl pitcher' *Featured ln ewospapers as a Believe If or Not. *Almost like Globe Trotters. DIRECT F ROM CALI FORNIAANGELSSTADIUM, tOciSTON'S FAMEDASTRODOME lt I guard first ALES -SERVICE 181 Miii St. Milton 818-4212 Drop in and test drive a great new TAMAHA. We carry a large stock of parts & accessories Guaranteed service toalal makes & models When the Sun came up this morning, Knight's Mens Wear prices went clown as much as 50% B EA Yes to-day is the beginning of aur Annuel Summer Sale. The Sale thats become traditional 20TO 5()0% F F e Suits e Sport Coats a Co-ordinates e Slacks e Sport Shirts e Neckwear eShort and Long Sleeve Dress Shirts " Sport Knits e Shorts e Swimwear " Plus ... and get this 20% OFF on Mode to Measure Suits SHOP EARLV FOR BEST SELICTION fl ~ Thur. Fri. Till 9 p.m. 22 Main St. MILTON 878-4472

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