610 The Champion, Mlton, Ont. Wednesday, JuIy 25,1973 ~lrnipion FarmPa caret ~ ' V5u«~."-Miq% '.4>m Ivfl9 SERIOUSLY DAMAGED a self- 10 finally extioguisis the smouldering ed combne t tise farm of Earl lire. MeDeretwiell oornes tise machine avil of Hornby Mooday t jeîntly eitis Les King ef Hornby, said il rtîme. Mr. MeDorneti mas motthCve bers an electrical problem îîng o fied of wesat jui eat outhtisaisarted tise ire an the machine ýgar Rd. whien he noticcd tise toddenty quit and ie eoticcd il burning. nte smoking. He uscd a ire He is pciored watciing at lefi wiile isiser 10 hall tise homes but il took lrel gisers iose ot Use interior efthlie iFîre Deparmets pomper truck combine. (PoobR.Dws Limehouse operator predicts shortcige Atin .îîitîîasc itari îpratîîeîîarned daciegrael pascitouii retiattit"iiitso îîîitîîî the' iîîaîsiîîyvvicî cîie prîîîîsîîîî grleicandiiieabitiitatt'tî iii iiflavisset icile itiprîîîîîîîal tcgutiiii %liaci leu iyeattîr ofi i ilarrtr i te Fiti.Liveiit'r Lineiitisc aivvtlookha pîhe atcsoniecîîîcasars tintee,îtNiagara Esi'acpttictlaningsiA, Cul h:hlieî'cauf stîviti ieietet i ito aseritou cittrtage' of agircgct' rîîiiaes ci lcss tiv ee luth Snd ie tiîtld ed lte pivel: tiis ceae andsttsenve ie gutgttiendvup itti egg titi heu taî ithecshîtage vai veea n iaeriai vas ntti aiclahiler cinis an iii ing.iiv Atiittliig tii acstcd i:erest nii deiisîîofi te Niara î Ecarpettit ti>siniigA Cil iiviaiiic tait tperatuve c panstîso epavî Io fits tîtrtit aluit hait hevvirhctiioutiicrtaiprrituiiofl iars itecsiiit 'sitieitechie%% pro%îseîîs ii the riitcc tupai forthe IE.carpeti 'cilie siii îîsifîl\:îgehti.'Noil lttgittaît) theea-re le, paesîtitere urttt'ieuii ht'tiiisctt cept tite Ecarpvitti"cc Titi' l.î:e'îîcîtiavr: tperattît it titi iit i tin-aurs fti' Eci aeyttiittî ez haitheencti tt:tt'tiiaetttvititee of et: % iyt iitite uititrc tt arhe ttet t tuine tit' et amctar ruis ifrontîthe' ket a tie it t itri tervitsstevi tutr'e'tfitinglicenccesi ttoEscaiihelit suppore tuiril hi' &as gis Io rehciiicte luth cidiiettiprctperti %tistisorîthless 1),lcta a Ric tee l'use teit 'tIr liait ihbat the tsuaeptttcvtpningvîvct i rrdcdtii'iistril intiisirimintte uecof ih imtititat aitturai teturei'uthe h' au ircitisi'e'iiiteeiticiiihcvuivii[levirl thectii'cilfoeitiarre pîîdaesvvoutiihca Iî'g vp- 'lite raor iret t' Hill viii Me hall that i utdeuh ticcit'cforiuriaseitvsapport ave idifrvie finivaitthe'pret' fnitttî eiaiitdNist'thime ii ,i n i ieibers iif the Niagara Escai'iitrit Commeisincîîî ec appointct ti> tit' iitii andti itivitit t iti' t iiikeicittil bcvhe'nith'comiessionviv itriecd, licciggi'stt'i liait r'aîi figures coitvtg th'iii'rrase inbsns isciiarrcliaiii'cprrieneni linait97, titli tg a :il per ceni the in 1971iand a.t:19er cnt iecccteini1972. ie admtte soneapects o in- tEscarprent Ait haii hi'cvgondtuiibt ytitiittd uatthe Ecqaising iareaveasthet1 v ot, ic ithe' ioutiatie ciiahi tr tiateicu hl, ad î'îîîgiî in bc iput tai of buscicescb h i ittsetcagcretiilie viii cuic habt Itt'ii'giated'tiiof bu hsinies %tsans iiucitit'acgîîîtîpcî u Doit l- iv'd l it'cvi'ii tou t I i gra,ii andîîieciatititatitisuairltas these îîcl irccî'îtiîuercî'ssîrcs on theth iii' ciiei t i ouldt titer hi' dîtît' sss ilxa itatiectiude ite guiiet fialots tuyaupe titi ctraclen ericipits tIotiti tic hic pan litr tht eci FIFTIETH IN A SERIES A Mark of Progress in Milton One of Milons neesindusries urasoen, s inproduction aiiithiresite on he ow's eorthernhinisu Th firv producersinielerig bocks ofconcrteihicCiar sed for t:: pto idealks. driseways und shppng centres The blocks have aireudy been iniaileii t the Shaiw Festival Theatre. Thle iri theler wavoe icn dustry to iv lon und alurtiter M. mars o progresinthe cometunity. Fora progr'essivee A IU ensuranse Programme ,lcd~~}SR~ C et ompeitie rats centact. 208 Main Street E.,Milton 87829 Steerlng commlttee formed ABOUT 60M PEOPLE attended the officiai opeeing July 1. O-fte newc-., r toco--a-îe researe emnere for regional police WCen regienai guveremeel Wison and Sgt Walter South- coreus itoelsc in eHutes sent ioed, Burlieglue Deputy Chiet Jue t 1arergîveal poiter terce iii Jack tritries and Satf Sgt. Ce rstublished ta culer 1Cr retire MPersits regies cand litr prescrituoiler The latterftuer mencwrer luiti'is atit divapys-ar îîriet hit cer a sacta ithe titi titi ilon sci:îîvafi.,ade-a lîti-i at n t fiet dpThitrctteude six pari ime assistance r Irîvthe celed represeviatit ci Ialtive 01l11' epreseiatits'and pmiter Wardrv Antnei MacArhur, Atuv ciirs. tinell reille litapsice. Ther vlcrrîeg vemmitire is Nastcgamrya lirputy tierce Ji expe-vird te hvtd ils irtetnîg WatsvonMiltoniveMayorer tnu iiAug. 5. By midîletuCer il is liest, iirlîvgtve MayorIGerge etiprced a regîveat police itacrinteutandviEsquesig Serve cvommissiont viii bc aevanddil TomrntHil:cadîCrcemmrh of t îîill kelybc frrnd and alvvrh rtitiivgPlitercomissions- hy Nue i1 Judgr William K, Waredec and Tmîî egîveal rrprnrviatit'e ltrreitv Cce iioite takvitle arreita e avîrd ta the ise- Comrnmission, antd Gren iemher Illaive Polce Cern itictvon 'oth' e Georgetownmi etision. The tther threvie Comistttsion. hers %iil he protvicilcp- okig eetiitrr mpivtititits. ont-ioethmhii iiea ilrvraih the slcerciig cern udger tnitiler, a v'ring vemmuttievof Brer er iitirs niepolicervtîeers itas bhem ('iteitetttinanWnesday'ti cstalvhtîhed ta iiiiae rcern meertieg ciii thc erk htasu itirdatittsctndetirnepv'iih the ties dune iv date anira nicerovn acs antd figures fr lue petittgca egiesal pmiter the terrivg vummtte Thry itrcee. Mites PolicerChif Ry ivlud th four chirlsofrexisig Atîtres saiibCe vas looinghtt l luo frces- Floydi Sehwancto tîreard ta therergîeeal foreras il of Gerigetowni, SuitAndrese etf tîvuld itîas hrtrr acilittes viii MiiltnFred Oliver* viftiaheilre c viaieahi vstîrne iif the anvii teh Sherritt ofi sellr polce declrt ts. Birtîîîiîîî.plus tiPi'SitaffSgt. Exaepîri ' btide n tiicatites Wetch, Oiletiitspeter Harrit deparirns s tcty ittîteers. i e.4- force more personeel and training lucîlttes. Ce suîd. Right nom terses liCe Mltone ced Georgetomn arr tue seteti lut hase tCir oce identficatione slati attd cesel spare rîrs ver ii' In. a iiii1' Georgetownt ChifShcastz scidtinitialeuosteeofuargioeai moiterforcer rnght bCehighrr thn prsren i shs utrevta]y tCe mot iii taper oft. Cee- icalitative et recorde and busînessilfices, 1Cre hurî ng ut lavilîtie ced 1Cr Culk purchasisg t poweer oett1Cr rger flucre meuh tîip redueeustin 1Cr future, ce Clean-up work very rewardlng ltîrvhy Ilarden Partys 201h cîîvuai showm vîtSatunday îighi eus a temeeiiu ucess, Cul lie pile iof gachage li hrhîsid hy pcty-goerrs tes as rm iieus. aeeîrdîeg t parCs suprriintsdcvi Ail Brigiien. tiwvirer Savday îveceîeg, anerr 1Cr leadership et tCr sponsoering Hoecnhy Bull Club prsidetandithe gucdepaciy eha risce. agreup et yeuse cvnd nid e inters cccivedcd lecias il ait up. They e'echd harnd avd the pcrk ashbaeh to îleusuel cpillss appeattuece. "It vas a greai ciii lu 1Cr cuubtidlhvse'heelteend p te Sicp - sîed Mc. Sigde. He treatni the wvrehece(and 1Cr i'hiidre's favtîcite pet iiug 'Newfie"i tui te eam 'OLLOCK AND CAMPBELL MetnnlEviiet veiv GAitLT - Preicot omoeg tise officiais for tise cercmony etere ilef il James W. Soow, Minister of Goverement University of Guelpis, and W. A. Stewart. Minister'e onpufitu 1 aloso vr Agriculture and.Food irigiti. Tise researchs centre. hnyufl p(2gloso vr plaeeed and but tu serve the needs of Oniarous rapidly or take adeanfage of aur expandîeg beef iedustry, isu been dcsigncd to providc producers wiiis occurote information je arcas of REDUCEU PRICES leecing, iouuîng aed breeding. Tihe Elera Beef Cattie1 Researcis Centre will be oeratcd by tise University of 8-12 gallon ilt op, car wasis 511cents au etoe1 pmMos. te 'Th Gepunder contract to the Ontario Mifistry oh 4-8 gallon ilt ep, car wash 01.8 a.m.o pet. Satrdue Agriculture and Food. 25 cents Exfra Friday, Safurday 10 a . eoe5pet Suna Membes prpareand euday Membrsprpare ehl Bros. Ltd. fnmr rinm n~c ei irn 409Martin Sf. Milton, Ont, týýi cîetiaes. 'Jlv I:l. tt th, vuties %%(r( eied t iihe 'itiltt iIl ttei'p cl'bah Idcheire udisil oeit1'itiii t litheltrtv iiitthitttmeetig atire'Couper thnvrsity iof tGuelpitthe tee: n tueiiaîtîia liii Eaeiy inv tetoiîîîg dat Tii'ci it-cueitg îýti etai,eli iieieritiritrrtenis the intereclubh eiitg in lhr .is.siitii'iiai e'eii ofisiteep 10 hrtd thts 'eatea[icin'tteofuMr. n'dae': iiuitthe;ct inigthc eiier-rparatiititoftiriateh ttt'st'tttiiuionitt',i'ittree'itac forcsoitîe:eil]t ihîtîîîcusiiaand g:îîn': Tit 'alîlcîtte ueîvîers aitiexchitge uti ta.s ittaeite tt'iîiiiie'iuiviistniigctii'ie gît hiiiiclubsttgiiruijineet'il 'iitihe'.tniiivscihe'ptircedis, tIl'eîm'etnghtîvdîg.svvitîhamn Albiert Hitittite 1-11îa lader, tîurge aîre seeî nterrr iate'ainttinteestîg taihvon etclieiirvtttieiihi all, Aice hisrcettrltiptt [it-UitedcKing-hatttetertîî'id thaîîitd Jaiv -DALE- WSEN - ROSS - OR MEiIAlkVMARKET~ -MARCEL itr' V Proa e uc r i *ur$02qualftv paint costs tCco7b about s$7. LAB TESTS SHO0W 0UR $6.98fNT£-RIOR LATEX IS EQUAL OR SETTER QUALITY TRAN. TOP LIME PAINTS WITH ADVERTISED LLST PRICES O0F $10-9 O S 51 5 Our 27 years of decorafmng experience is af pour service. Ask about pour problems or plans. We'll be glad to offer advice le cholce of cotors or application of paint and wailpaper. No charge of course af Mlto's largest decoratueg centre. WE SELL FOR LESS ... TRY US ... FREPARIIREMINTEUIl -FRE ELIVII FIRE' propeil, McDov uupper combîr Trafali maciî extiogi Mfilos PUBLIC NOTICE The office of the Court et Canadian Ctlzensttlp mili be opened jn the Town Hait, 2nd Floor, Milton for the month of JuIy and August on the following dates oniy. Friday, July 20 and Friday, August 17, 1973. A Citizeeship Officer will be je atteedance f0 lake applications for Canad tan Cfizenship tram f: 30 a.m. to 3: 45 p. M. ---- ------- -------------------- Ashgrove Happy Hoors try flow.r arranging The Ashgreve Happy Heers vegetebies ie the meet plan aed hedi their teerth meetin o Juiy methods of ceeklsg mere aise 19 ut the heme otfBeeriey revlewed. Wieglietd. Soeeoe the members Oruce Bird whe je ernpteyed at rnjoyed a refreshiog swirn prier a loral flris's Cuve a dernen- in thr eginetef et tCr meeting. sîruîiee et Clererurrengiof. A mend dîernîîîîeuîîon contesi ivin pointernandrexpunutions iicditt'rsseiipit ve'iiy and as shi'tvrvialvtte Folliliiethis ýI iil ber, i -j ,".iq tii tht'. teert'. ete gien i "pI tp(,t aittitaI of li e leadies iriait totest theteitiîttsloee 'iiwii ieteeds tore labellnd arruogtog ubilities, using lowers foir identification. Thr meeting thut somrnet the nernCers hiai then movrd inside shere the roll rogtrm hihmefwr cuti "Ose irnprosemeniiCuhve outlrmtereneier made or plan te mukenmy gerdens. hem e surrouediegs" mas as- TCe meeting cloord mth a smered Cy eecC et tCe nernCers. luncC pres'ided Cy Cindy Cor- Marilyn McNaCC distriCuted dingiey and Mrdlys MeNaCA. the convers and drtes instait et the memrners. TCe trot meeting iti Ce tel t cîlCer uitheCrhorne ot Mes. Bird or r p c u Mrs. Wicsoe Teteadersmit Cbe 1Cre uncitee.Cm talks costs Joycr Wilson gui-e e moderne on tCr progressofethie TCe tourtC meeting ni 1Cr Achîeeenit uy committer Hulesn 4-H Crop CluCusCheid on ishicC te tooing aller tCr shît tue July lit ai BoC Merrys place on tht ay. TChrernCers were tCen 1Cr FourtC Liner cesn th ot1riues rotes und the comte iii meet agate us A toureof î'eryoe's plot wilibcr .luly 24. hrtd Aug 14. MrnCers tooked et Memres were quizzed un t1Cr myCeens, cors and ariey micC Food Guide forHealttCand tCe Mr. Mecry mes grumittg. rote toc segeteCir ratiog je Atermards iCey Ced e discussion partîcutar. TCe eusons for on cets for pcudurteg grain, raiing vrgrtaCtesmwrrCrougCt tottomed Cy e drink and olt hy a dialogue eiees Mes. dougCeuis sers-rd hy Mr. and Wichson and Kare The uneetfMes. Merry.