Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 1973, p. 7

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Minor basebal Clement teamn wins ln the A teage divisien et edonil legies 10-9, then cleb- Millon Miner basehatl lest cnnk, heeed a sheethandnd Optimist Ctemeet's Paint aed Watlpape Cleb 21-3, aed Legion seieeaknd T-Bail UAW clubý grabs two close wins le T-bail actiton ast eek =p ratenao Unitedl Aute eensedge by Roetary 25-24, Unitled Steel Woree n op United Aete Weekees 25-24, Ricbaedsee's Cbev Olde eaily hardie Etsiey Phaemacy 3-21 and Unitedl Acte Weebers agaie deteat Rtary 28- le 17 te tient U.A.W.-Rctaey game bittees tee U.A.W.w Rdb Neoeti, Ricct Secatînt aed Rob Otb euth deubles, Rtcci, Seatini and Dace Stm eit tetptes and Roth Neceli bashing eut a boe rot Then te t7e U.S.W-U.A.W gamte tee Ften came ep euth a deuble, tee ltples and a home eue chite Gien McCay hit a doube anda trtple. Foe U.A.W DaveSit htodoublesend Jay Feese abhomerun. ITheehithobens ln t7e Riechaedscn's-Eisley grime, Rtcbaedsen's douhles weebit by Stece Fîtzpatetck, Geeg Gantes, Keste Veesteaete ced Floyd Lee. Triples once bit by Tem Houston, Derrick Neeands(21, and ArnoldPowell. Hormecuns wereesmanbedeaut y Stese Fitnpateick, Derrtck Neelands aed Arnold Poell. Thes eeyeiday t7e 13th ieeby lîitees tur U.A.W once Sten Jtense, Jay Frecs and arry Elîts eit deubles and Jay Feusch and Dace Sim euth ticples. Gemes net ee ciii sec Rîcbaedsee's challenge Rotary ce Wedeesday, U.A.W. againt Elstey un Fetday and U.A.W. agatesi Rtcttaedsns sent Meeday. STANDCINGS TEAM W LT PTS. lltcbaedsue's 6 1ile 12 U.SW. 5 i 0 10I U.A.W 5 3 e lu Rttcary i 70 2 Elsley u 5 u e twice ly McCuaig Insucance il-10. In the Ciement'i-Optimists' game bitters toc Ciementis oece Peie Cannes, Scett Rend, Deug Merten, Dardsn Capuo (2), Jeccy McClean, Jee Gatipeao, Stese Blate (2), ail with singles. Mark tteeeleg aise bashed eut tee tiples iitt-cIli he Loicgttt Vttuttg g.tmec, Lcgoesceceivet into pitchtng [ectm Les Fîlepatetcb, Dace Robinsen, and Jay Sankey, ehite McCeatg eeceived thetes teemn Anthesy Etge and Mike Ceebeti. To doables For egien Chris Verstaete (3), Glenn Ceaimen, Dace Rebinson, Len Fitopatrick 12) ait htt singles. McCuaig's Ron Veenstea htt a sit.giand adouble and Geg Gît7eet aino bit a deule. t.egiee aise endeil the game with a doubleplay as thee short step caaght a lise drice and theee te secend tee 17e tag. Games seot ee etill L.egien challenge Meete's, en Wednesday, Gptimtsts take o McCuaig Feiday and net Menday eutl sec Optimiste taire onLegten. STANINGS Team GP WL T PIs Clement's 7 6 i 0 12 Legtee O 6 2 0 12 ipimttess 6 2 4 0 4 Maeie's 6 2 4 0 4 McCeaig 5 O O 0 Fais. ailarm Chiiden once biamnd tee a talse alaem, tie cati ai Giee Eden Apactmeets, 122 Belete St. en Feiay atteenoee . Fiee chiot A. E. Ciement said there was no e ti e e tund and il sa believed childeen lnad pallnd ae aiaem bes. He pointseoutihece ia peealty et ap te 1e ynacs in prisne, tyn tteeieg ie a taise tire Accept 2nd Iowest bid A taej tendee suhmitted hy Tesaco te the Baltes Ceunty Reade Cemmitine han been eejected hecause the eempany tailed te maielcie ils petees tee a eequieed 30 day peeied. Tesaeeeraised the petesie tes sebmitted tender. A btd by Oelf Dit cas accepted ie 15s place, and passed by Ceenty Ceeeeil on th eeceetmeedatiee efth1e eeads cenumitiee Gult eti le suppiyieg gas te ceeety eeehn equipmn at 43.5 cents peregallon, and diesel fuel ai ut 2 cents pee galloee 30 sign Mtltee Day Camp eti eied ap lis ftest tweceeb sesteon ai the _Scoutcampeeertb et tees thts eeb, and 30have egstered for the eet twe-eebsession. Day caeupees go te the Camtp ot the WeedandTraits by bus eec meeetng and eeteen ai eight. Abeet 28 hase beee attendieg 1he ttesl camp, urtee the dtrectien et Lu-Ans Lyede andl ceensrellees Sasdy MacKay, Nancy Neble and Feaeces Chapman. The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, July 18, 1973 7 Villagers in second Cantpbellville is ctaenlly in Mtssissauga, Canmbridge and second place in the (laIton Counly Waterdown follocc, in that oeder. Senior League standngsa gamne and ahallthehndeagueeadng ,In games last tceekCamtp- Dundas. Ivu-tlie beat liabs lin 7-5 Wed- nesday, lest to Dundas 111-9 Tic [Godas Ctub bas 13 wies in Satueday and beat Buelinglon Il- 16 starts for .8:c per cent whte 6 ccnbaeday. Next week Camp- tCaripbelcIliI, ht-, 12 cn in, 17 heliRille c, st Lc.c.,dc Thuesdac I ,.,, t " u , ,1t 1- at ,,30 V FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 878-6380 Youe Sheti Dealer BELL BROS. MIL TON edge 'burgers roeekclle13 and undneirls etxth uith tinte euneieg out travnlled te Hitlsburgh Sunday (thece ceas a time limt en the ntght tor what tuened eut lu 7e a gatmet. Htllsbergh coeeted Isce ceaI thriller, eroes, but Beohu-tîle stepped thenc ctlh LaueeKennedy and The 'bueg led 7-Il tee ttee tee- t'hylii Freeman ceetbinieg le iegsthen intheeeeth eeohctlle cake the thted eet rit second picked up six cees and tttllsheegh btase. lhree. maktng the sceee l0te tee Tateey tendeesce pitchnd tee the beeg. Breeikt'lle ted tl up en ttettubulie, ewhite A. MeAcîher thetfitth andsweet aheadl1310tn astd G. Sheelhtll shaeed meurud the tep hallit ofhe steth dattes tee Htllsheegh. Fieal scoe t.etng rcthte 7east halil oi thc ltetebtlie Il1 illshuegh 12l Arbeiter's three runs Iead Bantam's victory The Baetam Bs hîîeted The-stsscoeed use te the Georgetece Thaesday et-entea ouelh and agaie iethe stethteora esîth a 12-5 u.cteey. Neemte otaltuttîce. Thebeometwnboys Acheite led the uay tstth lbreee-,cueedlbeeetn thetfoeethaedcoe euens, ic the- sith tue a total of 12ý Jteu Cactwrtght and Jack Georgetown came onc steecg ic M -Mllae shareth1e catching ter the itest tecise etith lu- e ues Mr toneutcth MauriceDaciae and hetuee Davtae ealhed lee, thes BeIt Birkee shaeteg the pilchieg. sleuch eet theee ttt a roeu Mlttte. Wite Streenîsclte eas sheet ie catteng te thetterst teecg beeeghl the pttchteg departmet last ins eues tttf thte pttchteg ci ueeh. Mtlten leeth tee easy ileed. The seceedemas seceelets c rtoît-esumtth scoees ol26l andl Mtltee added tee te 1he thied andI 211.Tîte Mltenclcixe cas ae e G.eorgetoec tee. t te tu ss recoed. Brampton's lofe inning rally fies Milfon Beaetpton Juniorsscoe theee cued ftr Mtilttn belwa ren nthe stethtcetcng (etuttctteied te tite steth by Jtthn htts and tec eeeuec, lto lie the Volpt- Togethee. they alieeed 10 Mitttn Jenttes 5-5 te a game bitîs and waihed iree hattees. played last ueek en Mitee taie The tle teh( Mtltoe lied tee thied geeunds. place etith Sleeetsctlle, js Breameptonlook a1-7ie.tdite utead ofBramîpton. lep tf the lhîed but Mtltunce etght hack eith thee eueis that ne roeeteg aed tee otee th1e DOMINION nARDWRNA fteeth, Lauee Rîgîî led eff the Ilîîd etth a ealk andl Rick 227 Main St., MitonI McTeach gel on u 1h att eruer 878-2353 and McCaee eeached firtesi th a ro.scoeteg MeTracb EU AI Conseil thee sace ttced liee- R nt l dersn hmeleaing he cor 3-Par Day 1. he ollwig rtan. Rgo Fertitizer spreader 1.50 agate ualked. McTeach tingled Lwn ratier 2.00 and Heedeestte eeached secendl Rata titer 31/2 h.p. 12.00 oner eee, scueîeg t eees Rata tiller 4 h.p. 13.0 Hiteer. Milîtoe coulde't hettI Fiaar sander thetlead aedlhetehbats lattil lît ctuek tee the eest cf the gamc. and edger 9.00 Bramtpten pitchee Wtlite Deccald Vibra sander 3.00 steack tut etee battees ensecee Fridge cart 2.00 t55ings. Skii saw 4.00 StveHndrsnstrtd(i te Jig saw 3.50 rii'a 3.00 Soccer Ioop 'ri1112' 40 Hedgetrimmer 6.00 Iists scores Sump u 50 Irt 12 setsee gamtes plaedin Boit cutters 3.50 the Mtltee heese leagee deeieg Pasthaie diggar 1.50 the past tee eeeks, Unttedeeon leur gaetes ehite Best Beatty Linaieurm ralier 2.00 claimed eies te three Lavan mower 6.00 Sceees ofth1e gamnes were as Sewer auger 2.00 tellees: Jely 3, Unitted 7, Roes t; Wttlves 2, Credit Uenitt t. Jely Past driver 1.00 5, Beet 3, Roees t; Ueitedl 5, Rug shampoaer 2.00 Wlels 3. July 9, Uited 2, Creit Wtieebarrow 2.50 Unten t, Beet 5, Welces 3.2 kfriesntlse Leagee standings aed tein- ramnttsa dicidua sceiegerecordsewill be Houlanadnoeeklpra ineluded et a later date, aeailabte. el DISPENSING OPTICIANS *Osattst Prescriptions File *Ceentact Le s es HOURS- IOURS- Mco Fc, e a c 5s30 p m Tuesday, Wednesdap Thurs u, u ,9pcm & Thursdap. Ciosed Satnrday 9,30 arn. ta 5.15 p.m. 175 Lakeshare Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 0 KVILLE MILTON Brookville gais

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